"Idiot, can't you still see through this little girl's identity? She is a member of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan. Isn't the Lord of Life and Death the ancestor of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan? After she escaped into reincarnation, she gave her life treasure Isn’t it normal to stay within the clan?”

"Hey, you're the only one who's smart? This little girl's aura is a bit weird, do you blame me? She looks like someone from the Immortal Holy Whale clan, but if you look closely, there's something slightly wrong."

The pair of old guys, Yan and Da Desolate Monument, once again quarreled inside Lin Dong's body.

"Brother, I don't know why, but I always feel some inexplicable intimacy when I see you, even more intimate than the three grandfathers. Are you also a member of my tribe?"

The girl in green bit her lip and asked in confusion.

Among the eight supreme ancestral talismans, the Devouring Ancestral Talisman was born earlier, and the Life and Death Ancestral Talisman was born the latest and the weakest. Therefore, the Devouring Ancestral Talisman took the initiative to swallow the Lord of Life and Death into its body, providing energy for its growth until it is fully mature. .

So for the Ancestral Talisman of Life and Death, the Devouring Ancestral Talisman that helps him escape from the weak stage is a bit like his father and a bit like his brother. Anyway, the relationship is very complicated.

Affected by the two ancestral symbols, in ancient times, the relationship between the Lord of Life and Death and the Lord of Devouring was also quite complicated. Well, only the two parties involved knew how complicated it was.

But it is said that the Devouring Lord is more romantic...

Mu Lingshan was transformed into the Ancestral Talisman of Life and Death, and Lin Dong controlled the Devouring Ancestral Talisman. Mu Lingshan naturally sensed the aura of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman in her body, so she couldn't help but feel close to her, and even had unconditional trust in her.

Of course, you can't tell Mu Lingshan this yet, because Mu Lingshan doesn't know her identity yet.

"Maybe we are more destined."

Thinking of this, Lin Dong changed the topic lightly and said with a smile: "I know from the memories of those Blood Demon Sharks that you are Mu Lingshan, the little princess of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan, and they are being ordered to hunt and capture you."

"Why did the Blood Demon Shark Clan suddenly go crazy and attack you? Aren't they afraid of attracting the wrath of your strong men?"

"I don't know either. Lingshan just got tired of being in the clan, so she sneaked out to play alone. Who knew she was bumped into by an old immortal from the Blood Demon Shark clan, and he started chasing me desperately, trying to kill me. I'll take him back alive."

"If it weren't for the help of the sacred objects in the clan, I would have been captured by them long ago. When I return to the clan, I must let the eldest, second and third grandfathers avenge me and demolish the home of those smelly sharks !”

At this point, Mu Lingshan, who had tears in her eyes, couldn't help but wave her slender forearm fiercely.

"It seems that a strong man from the Blood Demon Shark clan planted a seal in your body?"

The black light in Lin Dong's eyes flickered, and he could faintly see a black and white mini whale emerging from Mu Lingshan's body, with a trace of blood tightly wrapped around it.

"Yes, it was the old immortal of the Blood Demon Shark Clan who planted the seal on me, which caused my strength to drop from a perfect level in the Life Profound Realm to a minor achievement in the Life Profound Realm. If not, how could these smelly sharks dare to chase me. "

"I originally planned to find a spiritual object called the Sea King's Spirit Grass to break the seal, but I was chased by these stinky sharks and had no time to look for it."

Mu Lingshan's voice was young and crisp.

"Sea King Spirit Grass? Maybe you don't need that thing, I can help you break the seal." Lin Dong smiled, no matter how powerful the seal is, it is still a ball of energy, and he is best at swallowing energy and other ancestral talismans. .

"Really? Big brother, can you help me lift the seal?"

Mu Lingshan's dark eyes suddenly widened.

"We will find out later if it is true, but we have to clean up our hands and feet here before leaving. Otherwise, if we are chased by a strong person from the Death Mysterious Realm of the Blood Demon Shark Clan following his aura, we will be in trouble."

Lin Dong looked down at the many floating corpses and wreckage floating on the sea, pointed his finger in the air, and whispered: "Exile to space!"


The space suddenly rippled and twisted rapidly, and a huge silver space vortex emerged out of thin air on the sea surface, swallowing up many floating corpses, wreckage and even blood stains, and sent them into the void turbulence to be wiped clean, and the sea surface became blue and clear again.

"Is this the power of the Space Ancestral Talisman?"

Relying on the wonderful connection between the ancestral symbols, Mu Lingshan blurted out subconsciously.

"Well, it's the Space Ancestral Talisman. Let's go. We'll find a place to help you unlock the seal first."

Lin Dong nodded gently, hugged the petite Qianying and disappeared from the place.


On the empty and deserted island, two figures sat opposite each other.

"Brother, can you really help Lingshan unlock the seal? This is a seal planted for me by a stinky shark who has mastered the Death Mysterious Realm."

Mu Lingshan said weakly, still somewhat uncertain.

"Achievement in the Death Mysterious Realm? It's not like a strong person from the Wheel-turning Realm is taking action. What are you afraid of? Hurry up and seal it and summon it."

Lin Dong patted Mu Lingshan's little head angrily.


Mu Lingshan nodded heavily like a little adult. After quickly pinching several seals, a trace of blood with a harsh bloody smell suddenly burst out of her body and formed a bloody shadow of a giant shark on her chest. It also roared lowly from time to time.

"It's this ghost thing that keeps interfering with the movement of Yuanli in my body, causing me to have to devote all my energy to suppress it every time and unable to use my full strength."

Mu Lingshan looked at Lin Dong quite aggrievedly.

"Chain of Devouring!"

Lin Dong stretched out a long, slender, white hand, and then closed it suddenly.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Black chains compressed by the power of devouring suddenly sprang out of the void, and as fast as lightning, they aimed at the phantom of the bloody giant shark and wrapped around it, tying it tightly in an instant.

"Ho! Roar!"

The giant bloody shark seemed to have sensed the danger, and was eager to rush into Mu Lingshan's body. However, those black chains were getting tighter and tighter, and they were faintly drawing out its power to strengthen itself. Under the influence of one and the other, the blood shark immediately transformed. Got to be quite weak.

"Run? Where are you going? Turn it into material for my practice!"

A flash of greed flashed in Lin Dong's eyes, and the seal in his hand changed again.

This is a seal that is fully activated by a powerful person in the Death Mysterious Realm. It is an extremely huge energy body, and it is the best training qualification.


With a scream, the dense black chains suddenly tightened, quickly pulling the almost transparent giant shark into the squirming swirling black hole on Lin Dong's chest.

"With such refined Yuan Power, I feel like I'm one step closer to completing the Shengxuan Realm. It won't be long before I can prepare to attack the next realm."

Feeling the majestic energy flowing through his limbs, Lin Dong's lips curved into a smile of joy.


Elsewhere, as the giant bloody shark completely left the body, a powerful aura that far surpassed Lin Dong's quickly surged out of Mu Lingshan's body.

The Shengxuan realm is complete!

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