The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 323 Taking the Silver Tower

"Young Master, you must be patient. When that kid leaves Tianshang City, won't he be controlled by us? The Silver Tower will also fall into our hands. After all, this time we..."

Xie Feng Cave Heaven's team was accompanied by two powerful men who had reached the Perfect Life Profound Realm and were responsible for protecting the safety of Xie Yan, the young cave master. It was one of them who was holding Xie Yan up at the moment.

"Okay, I, young master, just have to endure it for a few more days. After a few days, I will make this little beast kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!!"

Xie Yan, with a distorted expression, clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

"Seventy million once, seventy million twice, seventy million three times. I declare that the final auction item of this auction belongs to Lin Dong."

Seeing that Xie Yan had given up, Tang Dongling, who didn't want to cause trouble, directly knocked down the wooden hammer in his hand, and everything settled.

When exiting, I don't know how many forces cast their malicious eyes on Lin Dong, as bloody and cruel as if they were looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Private fights are prohibited in Tianshang City, so they can wait until Lin Dong leaves the city. They don't believe that Lin Dong, who has obtained the clue to the cave of a strong man in the reincarnation realm, will resist not showing up and go to the cave.

"Hmph, these people are really annoying."

Mu Lingshan wrinkled her nose as she was being stared at impatiently, and was about to raise her delicate pink fist to hit someone, but was stopped by Lin Dong.

"Don't worry, let's go to the backstage to hand over the items first. After we get the items, we can have fun with them. It's not yet clear who is the hunter and who is the prey."

Lin Dong put his arm around Mu Lingshan's shoulders and walked slowly towards the backstage of the auction house.

Backstage, in a spacious secret room.

"Guest, these are the two items you took photos of in this pavilion."

A Tianshang Pavilion deacon took the Qiankun bag containing 85 million Xuanyuan Pills with both hands, and then respectfully handed over the crystal coffin and silver pagoda to Lin Dong.

"Thank you."

Lin Dong collected the items and turned to leave.

"I wonder if our guest can help Dong Ling solve a mystery?"

A charming voice sounded, and a beautiful figure in red appeared at the door of the room. Upon seeing this, the deacon in the room immediately tiptoed out quickly.

"It turns out to be Miss Tang Dongling, may I ask?"

Lin Dong looked at the visitor and nodded without changing his expression.

"I see that after the mysterious puppet appeared, the customer bought it desperately. Do you know the origin of the puppet or how to drive it? Can you help me solve this mystery?"

Tang Dongling walked into the room with a pair of crystal jade hands intertwined in front of her.

"Desperate? I'm afraid Miss Dong Ling is overthinking. I just have a lot of money and I don't like the feeling of others competing with me for things."

Lin Dong raised his eyebrows and started talking nonsense seriously.

"...Are all the people in Dongxuan Territory as funny as you, Lin Dong?"

Tang Dongling glanced at Lin Dong with a charming look, and then smiled and said: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's talk about business. After taking the Silver Tower, you immediately became a piece of fat in the eyes of all the forces. I don't know how much. People are waiting for you to leave the city."

"Lin Dong, do you want to hire some strong people to protect your own safety? Tianshang Pavilion can provide you with these services. The price is just a little more expensive, but you are not short of money anyway."

"Well, how much does it cost to invite a powerful person from the Death Mysterious Realm to accompany you?"

Lin Dong did not refuse in a hurry, but instead asked about the specific price.

"No more, no less, just 70 million Xuanyuan Dan."

Tang Dongling's clear black and white eyes flashed slightly, and she softly spit out a quite explosive amount. If the big dog doesn't kill it now, when will it wait?

"Excuse me, farewell!"

Lin Dong nodded slightly, turned around and walked out with Mu Lingshan.

"Hey, didn't you say you're not short of money?!!"

Tang Dongling, who looked stunned, shouted at the backs of the two of them.

"You must have heard wrong. I have no money. I just ran out of money."

Lin Dong raised his hand and waved without looking back, and in an instant he and Mu Lingshan disappeared from the beauty's sight.

"Hey, we can actually continue to negotiate that price, otherwise it's only 60 million. If that doesn't work, we can make do with 50 million~"

After shouting for a long time and getting no response, Tang Dongling stamped her foot, pinched her waist angrily and scolded: "Huh, what a stingy man!"

Operation to kill big dogs... failed!


On the way back to my residence.

"Brother, are you really not going to ask the experts from Tianshang Pavilion to accompany you for protection? If there are strong people from the Death Mysterious Realm among those people, it will be really difficult for the two of us to escape."

Mu Lingshan pulled the corner of Lin Dong's clothes and whispered.

"I asked a strong person from the Death Mysterious Realm to take action once and actually asked me for 70 million Xuanyuan Pills and seven hammers. How can I really think that this young master has never killed a strong person from the Death Mysterious Realm?"

"Besides, I didn't plan to ask Tianshang Pavilion for help in the first place. Have you forgotten? We have space ancestral symbols that can directly cross the void and leave the city. Those idiots can find nothing. They guard the four city gates even if they die. to us.”

Lin Dong curled his lips in disdain.

"Yeah, we can just get rid of those idiots and sneak out of the city without anyone noticing. They won't be able to find us anyway, so when do we take action?"

Mu Lingshan's eyes lit up when she heard this and she said with a smile.

"There's no rush. I plan to sneak them away for a month before we talk. Come on, let's go back to our residence first." Lin Dong said with a smile.


Deep inside an inn under Tianshang Pavilion, in a quiet courtyard.


The moment Lin Dong drove the Devouring Seal into the Devouring Heavenly Corpse's forehead, the Devouring Heavenly Corpse suddenly opened its eyes, with a bright look flashing through them.

At the same time, the black lines engraved on its deep surface automatically light up and evolve into whirlpool black holes that are constantly rotating and creeping. They can swallow energy when advancing, and swallow attacks when retreating. It is the fluctuation of devouring power.

"The aura is comparable to that of a minor in the Death Mysterious Realm, and the defense is comparable to that of a complete Death Mysterious Realm. Yes, although most of this Devouring Heavenly Corpse has been scrapped, there is no problem in defeating a strong person in the Death Mysterious Realm. With that powerful defensive ability, it is Even a powerful person in the Death Mysterious Realm can drag him along."

"Remember, always use the Devouring Ancestral Talisman to activate the devouring power to warm and nourish this Devouring Heavenly Corpse. One day, it will be able to restore its strength to its peak."

The rock and the Great Desolation Monument were said to each other one by one.


Lin Dong responded on the surface, but in his heart he knew that the Wheel Reincarnation Realm was not the limit for Devouring Sky Corpses. He remembered that there was a Sky Devouring Corpse in the Devouring Temple in the Demon Realm, which had a powerful combat power comparable to those who had just entered the Reincarnation Realm.

"Lingshan, I need to retreat to reach the perfection of Shengxuan Realm. It will take about a month. Please remember not to run around during this period, and just stay in the room to protect me."

Lin Dong collected the Devouring Sky Corpse into the Devouring Ancestral Talisman and gave instructions to Mu Lingshan.

"A month? Lingshan knows."

The petite figure who was leaning on the lid of the coffin of life and death took a breath out of boredom and immediately fell asleep again.

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