The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 102 The Disaster of Butian Pavilion

When Shi Hao returned to Butian Pavilion, many senior brothers and sisters greeted him warmly and came up to ask him about his experience in Baiduan Mountain.

His ferocious deeds have spread, and people know that he killed everyone in Baiduan Mountain, and the descendants of various ferocious beasts were boiled in the pot and devoured.

Now, all forces are putting pressure on Butian Pavilion to hand over the naughty child. In addition, the outside world is now spreading rumors that the sacrifices of Butian Pavilion are coming to an end and will soon pass away.

Therefore, many strong men stared at Butian Pavilion with eager eyes, wanting to swarm up and carve up this pure land that had been preserved from ancient times.

However, we still need to wait. When Butian Pavilion can no longer bear the sacrifice, it will be the time when Butian Pavilion is destroyed. At that time, the naughty child will have no backstage and can naturally knead it at will.

In Butian Pavilion, Shi Hao was overwhelmed by these enthusiastic senior brothers and sisters. There were too many people and he was surrounded.

It wasn't until the elders of Butian Pavilion arrived and chased everyone away that he became pure.

After sorting out the clothes that had been messed up by the enthusiastic senior sister, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he could speak, the elder came over with a smile on his face.

He asked Shi Hao if he had obtained the legendary spring of youth. After getting the answer in the affirmative, he left with satisfaction.

At this time, a silver-robed young man walked towards Shi Hao with a complex expression. His name was Xiao Tian. He had shined in the trial to enter Butian Pavilion and had a big head on his head. He was called a majestic head.

Qingfeng, who was next to Shi Hao, recognized him at a glance and blurted out: "Isn't this the towering Xiao Tian? He can be called the number one prodigy. He once stayed in the genius camp. He is very powerful and has amazing potential."

The corner of Xiao Tian's mouth twitched slightly as he walked towards him, and Shi Hao also grinned. Qingfeng really didn't open any pot. He had already guessed that Xiao Tian might know that the person who knocked on his forehead was him. Now he came to the door. It is certain that “no one comes with good intentions”.

Sure enough, Xiao Tian was very direct and asked Shi Hao if he was a naughty kid. After confirming, he was so angry that he vomited blood and shouted that he wanted to fight Shi Hao.

He had a big bump on his head and was said to have a sharp head. He had been depressed for a long time and had long wanted to settle the score with the naughty kid who slapped the sap from behind.

Seeing that something was wrong, Shi Hao took a stone from his hair and threw it directly. Although the flight path was skewed, it finally hit the target and hit Xiao Tian's forehead.

" hurts so much, it hurts like hell!" The stone rolled all over the ground and he screamed.

Everyone present was confused, including Xiao Tian, ​​who was holding his forehead in pain. He couldn't figure out who was in pain for a while.

After a long time, he came back to his senses, pointed at Shi Hao, his fingers trembling, and rushed over again to fight with Shi Hao.

As a result, the God-Smashing Stone was thrown again, and once again hit the place where it was hit. Xiao Tian screamed, and the bump on his head was even bigger. This time, it was really impressive.

He didn't dare to rush over because the stone was too weird and he would hit it wherever he pointed.

After Xiao Tian calmed down, Shi Hao reasoned with him and successfully settled the grudges with Xiao Tian. Of course, Xiao Tian refused to accept it and wanted to have a fair duel with Shi Hao without relying on the stone.

Needless to say, the result was that he was severely beaten by Shi Hao and beaten into a pig's head. This time Xiao Tian was completely convinced and turned enemies into friends with Shi Hao and others, eating meat and drinking wine.

Time passes day by day, Butian Pavilion is as peaceful as ever, but the outside world is full of storms, and various forces are waiting for problems to occur in the Butian Pavilion's spirit sacrifice, and then rush forward to get a share of the pie.

Those beings in the Venerable Realm fixed their eyes on the sacred seed of the soul, eager to take it into their hands.

On this day, earth-shaking power suddenly erupted in Butian Pavilion, as if an ancient god had awakened, and various visions and sacred radiance emerged, alarming the entire wilderness.

Many powerful venerable beings looked here and lamented that this old vine has lived for too long. It has lived from ancient times to the present and has never died. Some people think that the old vine must be holding on, and in fact it cannot survive. How long.

There are creatures from the Taikoo Sacred Mountain coming out, coming all the way along the Golden Light Avenue, approaching Butian Pavilion, and want to see clearly.

Although the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi have fallen and turned into ashes, there are still many people who are plotting the divine seed, and there will never be a shortage of people.

They were wrapped in light and symbols, standing on the giant mountain in the distance, looking at Butian Pavilion in the distance, with cold light flashing in their eyes.

These strong men did not attack immediately, because Lao Teng had trapped and killed a Venerable Realm creature hundreds of years ago. It was difficult to say whether the result would be the same this time.

So, they are still waiting and watching.

What everyone didn't know was that on the towering sky, a figure with lightning flashing all over his body was sitting cross-legged, looking down expressionlessly.

He is Thunder Emperor Chicang, who came from Shicun specifically to observe the birth and destruction of Butian Pavilion.

According to the development in memory, the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi are not dead yet. They will fight against the Divine Vine together with the two sacred mountain creatures, which will eventually lead to the behemoth Butian Pavilion being wiped out and submerged in the dust of history.

But now, Chi Cang casually revived the dying old vine and made it even better than before.

There is no doubt that the ending will be completely different. This ancient pure land will not be destroyed as before, but will continue to exist under the leadership of the more powerful Shen Teng.

Those creatures from the sacred mountain who couldn't resist the temptation would die if they took action. There was no need to doubt Lao Teng's ability to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, because he had successfully deceived the venerable creature and killed him on the spot, shocking the enemies from all directions.

Chi Cang watched all this silently. At this moment, he felt like he was playing chess. The endless world was the chessboard, and many powerful forces were the pieces. A single missing piece could change the entire chess game.

If Butian Pavilion survives, the future pattern will be completely different.

This is the feeling of a high-ranking chess player, turning his hand into clouds, turning his hand into rain, and all kinds of patterns can be achieved in one thought.

At the same time, Chi Cang is also alert. At this time, he can overlook these forces and control their outcome at will. At the same moment, there may be a transcendent chess player overlooking him.

At least, it is very suspicious that he came to Shicun with memories related to Shi Hao, and it is obviously not a coincidence.

Only through detachment can we understand the truth of everything and calm down the source of weirdness and darkness.

He closed his eyes, thinking quietly in his heart, and waited for the big scene to happen.

It didn't take long for some venerables to lose their patience and go to the forbidden garden of Butian Pavilion and attack the old vine brazenly.

As a result, this powerful creature was suppressed on the spot by the divine vines. The vines penetrated its body and hung in the air. The five-colored divine blood flowed and its body trembled slightly, still struggling.

This result shocked many venerables who were ready to take action. However, Shen Teng also showed signs of decline inadvertently. Although it was only for a moment, it was captured by the venerables.

Many strong people believe that the old vine has truly reached its end. It is just a moment of glory before its decline, and will soon enter the dusk.

Chi Cang stared at all this and admired the skills of the old Teng Yin people, because the Butian Pavilion was so realistic. Not only was there a decaying sound inside, but the secret stronghold outside was also built in a decent way, and it was also destroyed in a timely manner. A few were "discovered", which made people think that Butian Pavilion was really in trouble and was looking for a way out. It was difficult for those venerables not to be fooled.

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