The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 111 The real deal

"What? This is your village's spirit sacrifice?" Hearing this, the bald man's eyes almost popped out of his head, and his heart was filled with panic.

What kind of village is this naughty kid’s hometown? There is such a terrifying and powerful person guarding and becoming the sacrificial spirit here. It is a bit scary no matter how you look at it.

It looked at the willow tree again and again, feeling more and more mysterious and boundless. Even in its heyday, it was not as good as a hair on the other side.

Thinking of the real dragon he had just seen, and then looking at the sacred willow tree, the Erbaldy man sighed and said to himself: "That's right, only in such an extraordinary place can ferocious naughty children like you come out, and descendants of pure-blooded creatures can be chased. Run through the secret realm.”

Shi Hao heard its sigh and rolled his eyes: "What nonsense are you talking about? I am so cruel."

At this time, in the big stone house outside the village, several ancient relics sensed Shi Hao's aura and rushed out, letting out excited roars.

I saw a huge crimson demon cow stepping on flames and a dark demon ape squeezing each other. They both wanted to be the first to rush over, and no one gave way to the other.

They stared at each other fiercely and almost started fighting.

"Red Bull and Xiao Hei still like to fight so much." Qingfeng stroked his forehead, a little speechless. During the two years he lived in Shicun, the Fire Bull Demon and the Demon Ape had to go out to duel every three to five, and every time. Demon Ape wins.

The Lihuo Bull Demon was the first of all the ancient relics to become a mount of Blazing Cang. He thought that he was the boss among the relics, so he was naturally unconvinced. He repeatedly found fights with the Demon Ape, and was defeated and defeated again and again.

Shi Hao and Qingfeng couldn't laugh or cry about this.

"What a powerful relic. Their bloodline is about to turn into pure blood. Your Majesty is watching. Soon they will be powerful beasts." The scalps of the two bald men and the big red bird were numb. The cow and the monkey could completely defeat those princes. .

Afterwards, the ancient relics walked out one after another, and a huge lion with a single horn came step by step. It was so big and scary, and its long golden hair moved with the wind as they stepped forward. It was very fluffy and filled with fragrance. The golden divine radiance gives people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

Next to it, a golden Suan Ni stood impressively. Its whole body was wrapped with electric arcs, all golden, and it looked extremely sacred.

The two golden behemoths, like two moving golden suns, released a terrifying aura. They were about to enter the sage. In a sacred place like Shicun, it was impossible not to evolve.

Behind them, a dragon stood in the sky, its body was strong and powerful, covered with dense scales, shining with a cold metallic luster.

Due to the existence of a true dragon nearby, this dragon grew extremely fast and had the charm of a true dragon. It almost became the strongest existence among the six ancient relics, not much different from the golden old Suan Ni.

In the sky, a demonic bird that covered the sky spread its wings and crossed the horizon. Its wings were wrapped with dazzling thunder and lightning. Wherever it passed, the air was scorched black. It was the Thunderbird.

Shi Hao and Qingfeng greeted him excitedly.

The Lihuo Bull Demon bent down and let the two children get on its broad bull's back. The golden-haired lion turned its head and rubbed Shi Hao's palm affectionately with its huge lion head...

Looking at this scene, Er Baldy and Big Red Bird were completely numb. They felt that their lives had been in vain and they had never seen the world at all.

"This naughty kid is not honest at all. The village's background is so terrifying and he never reveals it."

"Oh my god, there are six peak beast kings who are about to become beast kings. With these big treasures here, the Rain Clan is nothing. They will fall apart in a minute."

They thought of the resentful Rain Clan. If these six ancient relics came out of the mountain and protected the naughty child, the Rain Clan and the four major families would be crushed by him, and there would be no accidents at all.

Suddenly, Golden Old Suan Ni brought an earthen pot, which was steaming with freshly brewed beast milk, and handed it directly to Shi Hao and Qingfeng.

This move made the atmosphere here instantly awkward.

The Erbaldy Man and the Big Red Bird twitched their noses and sniffed again and again, and finally became convinced that the jar contained animal milk.

"Beast milk? I like to eat beast milk?" The big red bird said to himself, thinking of the honorific title of the naughty child in the virtual god world.

"Pfft!" It laughed out loud. Now, the fact that naughty children love to eat animal milk was exposed, and the scene was full of collisions.

The bald man is also very funny. The ferocious naughty child also has another side, and he is not yet weaned.

"Dajin...I stopped drinking animal milk a long time ago." Shi Hao was embarrassed. He looked at the earthen pot and swallowed his saliva.

Qingfeng next to him also blushed. He knew that with the big red bird's mouth, it would definitely spread to everyone.

At this time, there was a long roar that cracked the rocks and penetrated the air, purple thunder flashed, and a three-foot-long raptor flew over at high speed and landed in front of everyone.

It is the child of the Green Scaled Eagle, the little Thunder Scaled Eagle hatched from the Green Scaled Eagle egg that was enlightened by Liu Shen and Chi Cang at the same time.

"Little brother, you are back." This purple exotic bird transmitted the message, its whole body covered with purple scales, extremely brilliant, flashing with gorgeous detonator light, like clouds and smoke steaming, it was very magical, this is the third child Ziyun .

Soon, the eldest and second eldest brother came too, all with lightning on their bodies.

"Ah, Ziyun, Dapeng, Xiaoqing, how come your bloodline has become so strong in just two years?" Shi Hao was very surprised, because the three young birds were much stronger than when he and Qingfeng left. He was able to transmit sounds at just a few years old.

"My mother told us that sleeping on the roots of the Willow God and worshiping the Willow God day and night can evolve the bloodline. In addition, the village has the True Dragon Essence, which can purify the bloodline. After two years, it has reached this level. .”

"Aunt Green Scale Eagle is really smart. In other words, the village now contains the essence of the real dragon?" After Shi Hao admired it, he was surprised. The essence of the real dragon is an unimaginable sacred thing. Shi Cun actually possesses it. This kind of thing.

If you think about it carefully, there are two real dragons living around Shicun. It is not surprising that Shicun has real dragon essence.

"What? In addition to that great god, is there any real dragon spirit in the village? I will also go and pay homage and inhale it." When the big red bird came and heard the good stuff, it suddenly became energetic and went to the direction with great poise. Run towards the village.

The two bald man was so frightened by these words that his legs and feet were weak. Can he evolve his bloodline by worshiping him? What kind of terrifying ability is this? Far beyond its comprehension.

At this moment, people from the village also came out. The ancient relics were making so much noise that it was difficult not to notice them.

"It's not a dream, Xiaohao and Qingfeng are back."

Many people ran out. Childhood friends, Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and other adults, as well as clan leader Shi Yunfeng and a group of clan elders, all walked out of the village to greet Shi Hao and Qingfeng.

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