The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 113 Remarks on the launch

"The Rise of the Perfect Ten Evils" was released on August 29th and will be on the shelves today on October 29th. It has been updated for two full months and 230,000 words are free.

Let’s not talk about the poor sales. An initial subscription is only about 50 cents (10,000 words). The author is living on water. I believe that 50 cents for writing four or five hours a day for two months is not too much. , I hope readers who are reading can support the first subscription.

Today's update should be about 10,000 words. Ten chapters or something cannot be released, and the manuscript has not been saved. Regarding the subsequent updates of this book, everything will depend on the results.

If you give a reward, it’s ten thousand coins plus one update (four thousand). I owe a lot from the last book, so I’ll try to pay it back.

The specific rules for additional updates will be released next month. The last three days of this month will be used to see how the results are. Rewards for additional updates will also start next month.

Below is the list of rewards for the new book issue. Thank you to book friends for their support.


"0There are green mountains everywhere in life0" 100000

"Book Friends 20170527094057897" 100000

"Heart is Wings" 6000

"Is the Southern Immortal Emperor Wen there?" 5000

"Quantum Immortality" 5000

"Erha and Thirteen Incense" 5000

"Liu Liu Ben Ben" 5000

"God Zhou Rising Sun" 5000

"Book Friends 20210125080029495" 5000

"Mo Zhu Mo" 5000

"Fairy Tale" 5000

"Son of Tonglin" 5000

"陎祌濿" 5000

"The frost is lightly drunk and the breeze is pleasant" 2000

"Li Murong sns" 2000

"yy Yang Xiansen" 2000

"Cool" 2000

"Gongzi Yunuo" 1500

"The road to hell is too far" 1500

"I should be a fan of the East" 1100

"Nian~wu~return" 800

"Teddy Bear of Miracle Island" 500

"You are quite capable of making trouble" 500

"Book Friends 20200715155521384" 500

"Book Friends 20210726000234794" 200

"Dragon and Phoenix Emperor" 100

"Perfect Life" 100

"Ruolong Han" 100

"Train to become a boss" 100

"Mysterious Black Pencil" 100

"Moonlight on Hanshan Temple" 100

"Falling Flower Season 617" 100

"Book Friends 20200502014809854" 100

"Uchiha Lotus" 100

"Me clouds travel the world Me" 100

(Unit, starting currency/book currency)

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