The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 117 The power of the two bald men

Judging from his appearance, we can vaguely see the heroic appearance of Erbalde when he was young. His eyes are dark and there is a strong aura, and his movements and movements burst out with great power, even more so than the Great Peacock of the past.


The old man transformed by Er Baldy stretched out his hand towards Jin Luantian, and smashed the giant golden hand with a slap.

The void shook violently, and blazing golden light scattered, like a golden meteor shower.

All the venerable-level creatures present were moved. They all knew that Jin Luantian's strength was one of the best among the venerables of the Ancient Sacred Mountain. However, now, he was easily repelled by Er Baldy.

At this moment, streaks of rays of light and streaks of auspicious color flowed and swirled around the Erbald Man, making him sacred and inviolable. With this appearance, it would be no exaggeration to say that he was an ancient god.

Yun Jinhai and Jin Luantian looked like they had seen a ghost. What was going on? This bald bird originally had no magic power in its body and was no different from trash.

However, when it talked nonsense to the sky and worshiped it, it actually gained terrifying power.

They feel that their brains are a bit exhausted. Is there really a supreme willow god or a supreme boss? By chanting their true names, they can gain vast divine power?

Erbaldy knocked back Jin Luantian with one blow. He felt high-spirited and under control. The anger that had just emerged suddenly dissipated a lot. He was suddenly not in a hurry and was ready to put on a show. This is what he likes to do most. In the past, I was disliked by others for being pushy.

Now, with the power to turn things upside down, the old habits have returned.

I saw him standing there proudly, with a stern look in his eyes, his hands behind his back, and an arrogant look on his face. Coupled with his good appearance, he looked like a peerless master.

Yun Canghai knew the virtues of this peacock and sent a message: "Senior has given me strength, so if we don't solve it quickly, what are we doing?"

The Erbald Man ignored him and just turned his head and glanced at Yun Canghai lightly: "Can I understand that you are jealous of me? I had doubts about this back then, and now it has been confirmed.

My demeanor is really too eye-catching, that’s why you can’t tolerate me. "

Yun Canghai's face was full of black lines, and he almost took action. This guy was not only hateful, but also a narcissist.

On the opposite side, Yun Jinhai saw how powerful Er Baldy was. He opened his mouth and spit out a small green flag. He stretched it in the wind, quickly enlarged it, and held it in his hand. It made a hunting sound blown by the wind and continued to overflow with green glow.

I don’t know what kind of material this green flag is made of. The flag is fluttering and engraved with all the stars. It is extremely simple and simple. It exudes amazing energy and can definitely kill the masters of the venerable level.

"God's magic weapon?"

Er Baldy glanced at it casually and didn't take it to heart at all, because the power Chi Cang gave it was at the divine fire level. At this time, it had no problem fighting a real god. So what if it was just a magical weapon?

"Kong Qiuji, you were considered a figure back then, and you should know how to advance and retreat. If you quit now, my fellow Taoists from the Tianshen Mountain and the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan will not hold you accountable." Yun Jinhai felt that the two bald men were a bit strange, which made people uncomfortable. It makes me feel uncomfortable, so it’s best to let him back out of trouble.

"You half-breed monster, stop talking that nonsense, you should have been killed back then for this scourge."

"For whatever reason, I will slap you down today." Yun Jinhai said coldly. He held the lapis lazuli flagpole in both hands and violently rotated it. In just a moment, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the sun and the moon lost their light.

The banner is boundless, like a dazzling Milky Way, hanging down, boundless, with a majestic and boundless atmosphere, suppressing the sky in all directions.

Kong Qiuji wanted to wear more clothes and wear more clothes. He stood there motionless, isolated from all attacks, and had an invincible demeanor.

"Hmm! I am the reincarnation of the Peacock King Ming. I am invulnerable to all attacks and cannot be harmed by human weapons. If you don't retreat, you are just talking nonsense." The two bald men began to pretend.

"I do not believe."

Yun Jinhai did not believe in evil and waved the big flag in his hand, emitting thousands of rays of light and carrying countless blue lightnings, like a thunder god descending into the world, blasting forward.

However, it was useless, in front of the Erbaldi who had the power of divine fire, it was all useless.

Jin Luantian and the sages of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan also took action to besiege Er Baldy, but they all failed in the end.

But this guy likes to pretend, and his look like he doesn't deserve a beating makes people grit their teeth with hatred.

The two bald man put his hands behind his back and walked leisurely amidst the downpour of attacks. His temperament was extraordinary, like an unborn master, and every move he made was at ease.

"Oh~ how lonely it is to be invincible." Er Baldy shook his head and looked at Yun Jinhai and Jin Luantian, as if to say to work harder, they were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

Yun Canghai couldn't stand it any longer and wanted to speak out, but after thinking about Er Baldy's words just now, he rationally gave up the idea.

The big red bird is as proud as you.

"My second brother is so awesome, he has the essence of pretending."

Shi Hao was already in a state of fugue at this moment. Only he could see Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and could also hear the conversation between them.

I saw two hazy figures standing in the sky, their eyes high and far away, overlooking the vast earth, as if they were standing on the nine heavens, not in the mundane world.

At their level, the battle between the ancient sacred mountains is completely childish and not worth mentioning.

Looking at the bald man who was addicted to sesame, Chi Cang was speechless for a while. If he took back his power, this guy would be beaten back to his original shape immediately and torn into pieces by those attacks.

He sent a message to Er Baldy, not wanting to wait too long.

"I'll give you a cup of tea. If it's over, I'll take it back. At that time, you won't be able to maintain your body and will return to your original appearance."

The bald man, who was immersed in his own world, suddenly became excited when he heard this, knowing that he had gone too far.

If the power is taken back and turned into a hairless bald bird again, how can one meet Meng Lan with that appearance?

No, Tianshen Mountain must be cleaned up within the time of a cup of tea.


Er Baldy broke out, changed his previous appearance, waved his big hand, and flapped repeatedly, knocking back the divine magic weapon. The Yun Jinhai holding the lapis lazuli rod burst into pieces, and blood spattered everywhere.

He was horrified, convinced that the two bald men had surpassed the category of sages.

"Are you already a god?" Yun Jinhai asked.

"Absolutely, just so-so." Er Baldy took action again and slapped Jin Luantian.

This pure-blooded golden-winged roc fought hard, its body glowing with golden light, like a volcano erupting, its divine flames soaring and burning down the sky.

The whole person turned into a ray of fire and traveled through the void at high speed, avoiding the big hand of the two bald man.

However, how can the Swami fight against the gods? Even if the golden-winged roc is known as a heaven-level race, it is not enough.

The leader of the golden-winged Dapeng tribe was knocked to the ground by the big hands of the two bald men. Blood splattered everywhere. Even the top speed of the Peng tribe could not overcome the absolute gap in strength.


Jin Luantian was suppressed, his whole body made a banging sound, countless bones were broken, and blood splattered, which was very miserable.

Yun Jinhai also coughed up blood. He could no longer hold the big green flag and was slapped to the ground, almost turning into pulp.

Before anyone could react, Erbalzi struck the killer with a painful blow, his palms glowing, and he beat Yun Jinhai to death.


Before Yun Canghai could say anything, it was already too late. Yun Jinhai was already dead.

"You still want to plead for him? It's a pity that I won't give you this chance at all. This guy deserves to die." Er Baldy knew Yun Canghai and knew that he might be soft-hearted, so he stopped thinking about Yun Canghai in advance.

"Sigh... He is the one who brought this outcome today. No one can blame him." Yun Canghai sighed, remembering the past with Yun Jinhai and Yun Menglan.

He didn't understand why this brother became like this.

"Wait a minute, Fellow Daoist Kong, listen to my explanation. What I said just now are all angry words. Menglan is in retreat and has not come out at all. She is still thinking about you. How can I become a Taoist partner." Seeing Yun Jinhai In such a tragic situation, Jin Luantian's souls were all gone and he quickly explained.

"Do you even need to say this? You don't even look in the mirror, you're such a bear, and you want to get your hands on Menglan?" Er Baldy said fiercely.

"Fellow Daoist Yun, this is all a misunderstanding. Our Golden Winged Dapeng clan has never had the idea of ​​annexing the Celestial Race.

It's all because you have been away for a long time and are afraid of chaos in Tianshen Mountain, so you have traveled thousands of miles to help maintain order. "Jin Luantian said hurriedly.

At this moment, he was really afraid, afraid of dying here. Yun Jinhai was a bloody example.

The bald man rolled his eyes: "You might as well not explain."

After saying that, he directly pressed down his big hand and killed this powerful pure-blooded golden-winged roc on the spot.

"Oh, don't blame me for being ruthless. The big boss gave the order. It can be solved in a cup of tea. There is nothing we can do about it." Er Baldy said, and then took action coldly, killing the golden-winged roc blocking the mountain gate. net.

When he walked towards a middle-aged man, he suddenly knelt down and begged Yun Canghai in the distance for mercy.

"Father, I was confused for a moment and was bewitched by my second uncle to act like this. Please spare me this time."

Yun Canghai's face was complicated, and he couldn't bear it. After all, he was his heir, so he felt that the crime would not lead to death.

As a result, before he could open his mouth, a streak of blood splashed high into the air. The bald man didn't bother to be verbose and got straight to the point.

"He is such an old man, but he still talks like a child. I will send him to be reincarnated directly and he will be reborn in his next life."

Yun Canghai's face trembled and he didn't say anything. He looked at the cold body and sighed repeatedly.

Next, Er Baldy transformed into a killing Shura, walking around the Tianshen Mountain, killing all the golden-winged rocs, and the corpses could be strung together.

Even though Er Baldy is usually very unreliable and loves to show off, when he really kills, he won't even blink in the face of mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

In addition to the golden-winged roc, there were also some heavenly beings who were interested in foreign races, and they were all dealt with, especially the people from Yun Jinhai's lineage, not a single one was left.

According to Er Baldy's words, if you want to kill, then kill thoroughly.

Yun Canghai asked himself whether he should take action, but after experiencing the God Incident, he knew those people should be killed, so he acquiesced in Er Baldy's actions. To a certain extent, he had to thank Er Bald Zi.

Finally, the Tianshen Mountain was purified. The people dispersed the bloody smell floating in the pure land of the God Mountain, and found many tribesmen in the prison who would rather die than obey, and they were all released.

After learning that Yun Canghai was not dead, many Celestials cried with joy.

"Father, Yun Jinhai was so ambitious that he attracted foreign tribes and suppressed our lineage wantonly, killing many innocent people. If he hadn't been afraid of causing public outrage among the entire tribe, we wouldn't have been able to persist until now."

This is another descendant of Yun Canghai. At the moment, he looks disheveled and miserable.

Yun Canghai sighed and comforted his tribe: "Everything is over."

At this time, a released Celestial Clan member asked: "Where is Yun Xi? Hasn't she come back?"

"Yun Xi? What happened to her? Isn't she here?" Yun Canghai's expression darkened.

"A month ago, Jin Yunteng, the young prodigy of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, who was also the Taoist companion appointed by Yun Jinhai to Yun Xi, took Yun Xi away, saying that they wanted to practice together and enhance their relationship."

"What?" Yun Canghai was furious. His granddaughter was arranged like this when he was not around?

The bald man put his hand against Shi Hao and said, "This is the daughter-in-law I planned to tell you. She was taken away by others. Can you bear it?"

Shi Hao was surprised. He had only fallen a few times with the female ferocious beast, so he couldn't even talk about marrying her as his wife.

"That's right, didn't you tell the aunt of Shicun that you would carry the ferocious beast and the big fat man back to the village?" The big red bird fanned the flames, not taking it too seriously.

Only then did Shi Hao react: "Yes, this ferocious beast is my target. I want to carry it back to Shicun. How can it be taken away by others?"

Not far away, Yun Canghai heard this, and black lines appeared on his forehead. What is this? ? ? Is my naturally beautiful granddaughter being called a beast by this guy?

The two bald men screamed, if they want to conquer the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, they must kill them all. It just so happens that repairing that magic circle requires a lot of precious materials, and even the countless years of accumulation of the Celestials may not be enough.

Shi Hao also responded, saying that he wanted to snatch the beast back and carry it back to Shicun to guard the village.

However, before that, we must first take a look at the magic circle that can lead to the upper realm.

Brothers, I'm impotent.

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