The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 127 Ancient Sacrifice

"Sacred fire..."

Chi Cang walked between heaven and earth, with the endless wilderness beneath his feet. He was like an otherworldly immortal, and the ferocious beasts around him turned a blind eye to him, as if he did not exist in the world.

He climbed to the top of the mountain, stepped across the river, and walked through the dense forest covered with thorns. He looked at the mountains, rivers, land, and all living things. He realized the traces of the great road flowing through it, and thought about all the things about the divine fire realm.

Divine fire, for monks, is the realm that builds the foundation of the gods. Its far-reaching influence transcends all realms and is related to future achievements and how far they can go in the future.

For endless years, monks who practice the Dharma of this world have worked hard in the Divine Fire Realm, opened up the world, blazed an unprecedented path, and achieved many amazing achievements.

In the Immortal Realm, the birthplace of this world's laws, the breakthrough of this world's laws is even more terrifying. After so many years, a more powerful new path has already emerged.

Therefore, if you want to have achievements that surpass those of the ancients in the future, you need to make breakthroughs and developments on this road.

So, where is Chi Cang’s path?

He was thinking about connecting his Leichi Immortal Seed with this road.

In the distant ancient immortal years, Chi Cang relied on the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed to cultivate three immortal energies without any accident. Will he have to follow the same path in this life?

At this moment, the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed is in his chest. If he decides to use the Thunder Pond to ignite the divine fire, he will succeed soon, and a road to the sky will run unimpeded.

However, Chi Cang instinctively felt that something was wrong.

The former Thunder Emperor was known as the youngest of the Ten Fierce Men. His talent was unparalleled in ancient and modern times. Once he became king and became an ancestor, he would definitely be the best among them.

Chi Cang believes that although he was amazing enough in the Immortal Ancient Period, he still has many shortcomings compared to now. Following the old path may not be the strongest path.

There is no other reason. The birthplace of the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed is the primitive ancient world, and it represents the taboo and natural punishment of this world.

It has the common shortcomings of other immortal species, all within the framework of the great world, but it also has advantages that other immortal species do not have. Even if the great heaven and earth are broken, the power of heavenly punishment will not be reduced, and there are infinite possibilities.

Because of this, Foreign Realm was unable to study the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed and was very afraid of it. They tried every means to sneak attack and besiege the Thunder Emperor to kill this big threat in advance.

However, in Chi Cang's view, the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed still has various shortcomings. It only represents the primitive ancient world, and this world is so big that it is beyond imagination. There are all kinds of great worlds, such as fairyland, foreign land, etc. , what are the punishments from heaven in these great realms? How is it different from the primitive ancient world?

This is what Chi Cang has considered.

Relying solely on the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed to lay the foundation was too restrictive. Since the Divine Fire was to plant the Tao, it would plant an unprecedented Tao, allowing it to take root and sprout and grow into a towering tree in the years to come.

But now, Chi Cang's recovery is limited, how can he go to other great worlds to experience the Thunder Law of other worlds?

He frowned slightly, feeling in a dilemma.

On the one hand, time flies and the catastrophe is approaching. It is necessary to possess the Tao Fruit of the supreme level as soon as possible. Just having a passively activated body of the Ten Evils is not the answer. On the other hand, this crucial step cannot be taken hastily.

Now, he is thinking and making decisions.

"Eh? Kong Qiuji?"

At this time, Chi Cang let out a light cry. He looked through the void and saw the Erbald Man who had come from afar. The last time he and the Big Red Bird followed him back to Stone Village, they stayed for a few months and then left. The magic circle is still waiting for it to be repaired.

The same is true for the big red bird. It got enough benefits and left Stone Village with satisfaction to go to the Fire Country to become a disciple.

Although Er Baldy has not recovered his magic power, he has a power given by Chi Cang, which is enough to support the transformed state.

Therefore, the Erbaldy Man at this moment looks like an old man. He knows that Shicun is isolated from the world and is unwilling to destroy the peace here. Therefore, he comes alone. The followers of Tianshen Mountain are arranged to wait in Xiaogushan Town not far away. it.

Er Baldy has been having a very happy life recently, because he has great prestige among the Celestials for repairing the ancient magic circle and attacking the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

Moreover, its confidante Yun Menglan learned that it had returned to Tianshen Mountain, so she broke out and reunited with it. Not only did it have a successful career, but it also returned with a beautiful woman. Except for the fact that its magic power had not been restored, almost nothing else had happened. They are all at the peak of their lives.

Therefore, if a bald man walks very gracefully, he is full of ambition.

However, when it approached Shicun, a golden-haired lion with a single horn suddenly appeared in front of him, making no sound, which scared Er Baldy.

A terrifying Qi belonging to the Beast Lord surged in overwhelmingly, making the hair on the bald man's hair stand on end. If it hadn't been bald, it would have been feathers standing on end.

This is a pure-blooded beast. In the era when gods did not emerge, it was the most terrifying existence in the lower world. The unicorn seemed to have the power to open up the world. It just flickered slightly and made the two bald man feel like his whole body was cracking. feel.

It was so frightened that it quickly sent a message to explain.

"One of my own, one of my own. I just came to Stone Village with the naughty kid not long ago and stayed in Stone Village for a few months."

The golden lion naturally recognized this guy. Although he had not communicated with him much, he had the impression that he had indeed stayed in Shicun for a while.

However, although this guy was an acquaintance, the golden-haired lion was a little displeased with Er Baldy calling Shi Hao a naughty kid, and looked at Er Baldy with a somewhat fierce look.

"Brother Jin, I'm looking for some seniors. We have something important." The bald man is a bird spirit. When he saw the look in the Golden Retriever Lion's eyes, he realized that he had just said the wrong thing. He quickly informed the Golden Retriever Lion of his purpose of coming here, otherwise , this Lion Lord might give it a little color.

With its huge mouth and sharp fangs, the two bald men suspected that the golden-haired lion could swallow more than a dozen mountains in one go.

It sighed in its heart that the last time it came, the lion had not yet reached the Supreme Being. Only half a year later, the lion had evolved into a pure-blooded creature. Shicun was really a fairy land.

The golden-haired lion heard this, although he was a little unhappy, but he still got out of the way. Matters involving Liu Shen, Chi Cang, and True Dragon must be important matters, so naturally they cannot be delayed.

It stood aside, like a hill, staring at the bald man without blinking.

"This lion is so powerful, that horn can sink the land and tear the sky apart.

The other five ancient relics are probably similar. Shicun is really terrible. Even if the three most powerful ones are removed, it still has the foundation of an ancient sacred mountain. "The bald man was stared at by a pair of eyes as big as doors and windows, which sent chills down his spine, and he was filled with emotions.

He thought of the wanted notices issued by the four major families and miscellaneous forces in the outside world for the naughty child. Now it seems inexplicably ridiculous. If the big one bullies the small ones, these beast masters in Shicun will swarm you, no matter what kind of bullshit family you are. , can give you a smooth ride.

After passing through the territory patrolled by the golden retriever lion, Erbaldie came to Shicun. As soon as he got close, the children of Shicun gathered around him. But this time, they were all little babies who were still suckling. They were of the same generation as Shi Hao. He is a big, strong and powerful child. His parents have grown up and are naturally no longer as naughty as they used to be.

The two bald guys held one in each hand and played with lifting them up, making these little babies laugh.

When the villagers saw Er Baldy coming, they all came out, including the aunties who had left a deep impression on Er Baldy.

"Uncle Kong is here."

"Second Grandpa."

A milk baby cried out in a milky voice. He heard that his uncle Shi Hao always called Kong Qiuji "Er Baldy" when he called him, so he called Kong Qiuji "Second Grandpa".

The second bald man didn't care, and greeted the villagers familiarly. When he came to those tall and thick aunties, the second bald man was still frightened, and his words were a lot weaker.

After saying hello, Er Baldy walked straight to Liu Shen who was rooted in the village.

The charred tree stumps stood tall, and hundreds of willow branches swayed in the wind in the void, casting a gleaming light, creating a sacred atmosphere.

Erbaldy took a deep breath involuntarily. Even though it was not the first time he saw Liu Shen, he was still shocked by Liu Shen's unfathomableness. Sometimes he thought he was hallucinating. How could there be such a sacred ancient tree in the world?

Suddenly, there were fluctuations in the void, and Chi Cang came and slowly walked out of the passage.


Kong Qiuji saluted Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

Chi Cang nodded and asked.

"You came to us? Is it about the magic circle?"

"Senior has a keen eye. It is indeed about the magic circle. After more than a year of collection, Tianshen Mountain gathered all the materials to repair the magic circle and completed the repair of the ancient magic circle a few days ago." It looked happy. said.


"Has the repair of the ancient magic circle been completed? Very good, let's take a trip and use that magic circle once before the world is cleared."

The voice of the Willow God came from the charred willow tree. It was hard to distinguish between male and female, but it was very magnetic. The next moment, a figure dressed in white and snow walked out of the tree, with rounds of flames burning behind his head. Each cluster of flames There is a god sitting cross-legged in Zhongdu, worshiping the figure in white.

Chi Cang nodded, not surprised by this.

Liu Shen had long said that the magic circle was left by an old friend. He was once a member of the most powerful group. After encountering the ancient catastrophe, he disappeared. Everyone thought he was completely dead, but from the traces on Tianshen Mountain, Look, he is most likely still alive and in the lower realm.

They can rely on that magic circle to find the whereabouts of this creature.

At this moment, there is still some time before the great catastrophe breaks out and the heaven and earth are connected. The ancient magic circle that is now activated in the Tianshen Mountain will not cause damage to it. If the heaven and earth are connected at the same time, the ancient magic circle will self-destruct.

"Let's go."

Chi Cang took action and opened a void passage leading directly to Tianshen Mountain, preparing to reach the destination. Kong Qiuji saw this and said quickly.

"Senior, there are a few people who came with me. They are at Xiaogushan Formation. Can you take them with you?"

Hearing this, Chi Cang said nothing, and stretched out a big hand that covered the sky in the direction of Xiaogushan Town, and grabbed several Celestials in an instant.

"Venerable Kong?"

Their faces were confused because they were suddenly captured by a big hand reaching up to the sky. They thought they had suffered some kind of disaster. They didn't feel relieved until they saw the two bald men.

Afterwards, Chi Cang no longer stayed, grabbed a few celestial beings, and then grabbed Kong Qiuji, took one step forward, crossed the boundless void, and arrived at the Celestial Mountain.

" this the Tianshen Mountain?" Several Celestial Race monks were frightened. They were millions of miles away, and yet they landed directly on the main mountain of the Tianshen Mountain, which was millions of miles away. What level of magical power was this?

Er Baldy is already used to it, and he is deeply impressed by the strength of Liu Shen and Chi Cang. Even in the upper world, they may be able to respect each other.

Sensing Er Baldy's energy, Yun Canghai led a group of clan elders from the Celestial Race to greet the two powerful men.

However, they could not see Liu Shen, only Chi Cang.

Chi Cang waved his hand and explained his intention. He and Liu Shen were just borrowing the ancient magic circle and would not cause any damage to the magic circle.

"Senior, just use it."

Yun Canghai saluted, and then took out the pair of divine magic weapon arm guards. This was the key to opening the ancient magic circle. Without them, it would not be possible.

Chi Cang waved, and the pair of arm guards covered with mysterious symbols flew over and landed on his hands.

At this time, Liu Shen had arrived at the place where the magic circle was located. There were mountains and rocks, gurgling water, and the scenery was very beautiful.

In the forest, a majestic ancient magic circle stood on the ground, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

This place is classified as a forbidden area by the Tianshen Clan. Except for important figures such as Yun Canghai and Erbaluzi, no one else can enter at all. Therefore, this place is very empty, with only Liu Shen, Chi Cang and Yun Canghai.

The magic power in Chi Cang's hand was surging, and the pair of divine arm guards were successfully activated. Symbols emerged one after another and were arranged on the arm guards, emitting bright light.

Liu Shen looked at the formation with serious eyes. The three thousand kingdoms of gods behind him burned more intensely, and the Taoist charm on his body became thicker, as if he was making some kind of preparation.

Chi Cang and He looked at each other, and then filled the empty space with these pair of divine arm guards without hesitation.

The next moment, the mysterious symbols on the arm guards were like countless ants, crawling out of the arm guards and entering the ancient magic circle.

In just an instant, this ancient magic circle was activated, and every place was glowing, filled with terrifying power that made even the gods frightened.


Ancient words floated up from the formation and hung in mid-air. They were very bright, as if they were made of divine gold, and they made metallic trembling sounds from time to time.

Yun Canghai and Er Baldzi were very confused because they didn't know this kind of writing at all. It was too ancient and came from countless years ago and did not belong to this era.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen stared at this ancient writing and confirmed many things.

"An ancient sacrificial text, very extraordinary."

"That's right, it's the magic circle he left behind. This memorial text is used to call him." Liu Shen said with certainty.

Soon, this ancient sacrificial text emitted a majestic sound under the urging of the magic circle, and an indescribable vast fluctuation spread out, directly affecting the rules of heaven and earth here.

Immediately afterwards, a murmuring sacrificial sound sounded, as if coming from a distant era, mysterious and ancient.

Yun Canghai and Erbaluzi didn't dare to express their anger and just stared at everything.

The sound of the avenue, the sound of sacrifice, resounded throughout the world, spreading throughout the eight realms of the lower realm, calling for a forbidden existence.

Finally, there was a reaction above the ancient magic circle. The void was distorted, and an inexplicable powerful force came. It seemed that a forbidden powerhouse had awakened from his sleep.

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