The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 162 Trial and Return

This is purgatory-like torture, unbearable suffering, Chi Cang roared, realizing this pain.

He could feel that the Immortal-folding Curse had completely eroded his Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit. Even if he was already at the peak of the human realm, even if there was only a trace of the Immortal-folding Curse, it was ruthlessly depriving him of his magic power.

The True First Realm of Dao Fruit in this world has also been affected. The only thing that has not suffered is the part of the Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit that has not yet been unlocked. It is unknown what level of sealing power it is, so that the Immortal Breaking Curse cannot break through it.

At this moment, Chi Cang felt extremely weak, as if his overwhelming magic power was about to be drained away. This feeling is the most terrifying thing for a monk, because Taoism is what monks rely on for survival, and the magic power is drained away. , just like ordinary people.

Chi Cang knew that he needed to do something. If he allowed the Immortal Breaking Curse to continue like this without resisting, then the Taoism he had cultivated so hard would be in vain.

"Return!" Chi Cang roared.

The inside of the body is turbulent, the energy and blood are surging, and the mana is running wildly. The energy and blood belonging to the peak of the human realm dye the entire abyss red.

Soon, he used great strength to forcibly take back the lost Tao Xing from the Immortal Breaking Curse, and the Tao Xing changed from weak to strong again.

However, the Immortal Breaking Curse is not a vegetarian, it is very ferocious, like a greedy demon, constantly asking for and plundering.

Chi Cang fought with all his strength. Every time he lost a ray of Taoism, he would frantically circulate his energy and blood to seize and replace it.

This is a tug-of-war, and every inch of land must be fought for. At this time, the profound importance of Daoxing is reflected. You must know that the Daoxing that was devoured by the Immortal Breaking Curse is not without losses after it is recaptured. Some frivolous parts are inevitable. It's lost and hard to get back.

It is equivalent to a washout, washing away those unstable Taoist practices, leaving only the solid and immortal ones, which have been sharpened and compressed over and over again.

At the same time, there is also a loss of vitality, which is why the creatures who have been cursed by the Immortal Breaking Curse eventually turn into skinny bones and die in their old age.

Chi Cang's figure lost weight in this endless tug of war, his face became bloodless and extremely pale, and his hair became rough. In less than a day, Chi Cang's hair was disheveled and his cheeks were sunken, like a ghost.

Some ferocious beasts that smelled the fragrance of blood and tried to get closer to the abyss heard the roar of the ghost before they really got close, as if coming from the real abyss of hell, which made people tremble and frightened them. Run away and never dare to come here again.

For three whole days, there was no silence here, echoing with blazing roars.

Finally, everything calmed down.

The roar subsided, leaving only Chi Cang's breathing. Then, the sound of thunder and lightning exploded, and a simple thunder pool emerged, suspended above Chi Cang's head, and poured down the super thunder tribulation liquid.

Endless vitality fills the air, repairs the blazing body, and replenishes the lost vitality.

Gradually, the depression on his face disappeared, and the vicissitudes of hair returned to its previous state, becoming black and smooth.

Chi Cang himself felt very comfortable, with surging magic power, billowing Qi and blood, and lightness all over his body, as if he had returned to the world from hell, with his soul condensed and his whole body feeling comfortable.

The Dao Fruit at the pinnacle of the Immortal Ancient Human Dao realm and the Dao Fruit at the True First Realm in this world have all been tempered. The Immortal-breaking Curse has not dissipated and is still in Chi Cang's body. However, it can no longer plunder Chi Cang's Dao practice and cannot be killed. .

Of course, this is also because the Immortal Breaking Curse is not complete, only a trace.

If Chi Cang introduces all the ghostly light into his body and lets it explode completely, the result will be unimaginable.

Chi Cang looked at every corner of himself. He thought that he had become extremely powerful, and that the Tao Fruit had been solidified to the extreme, because every step he took was the strongest path.

However, after experiencing the cutting of the Immortal-breaking Curse, he discovered that his Taoism was not really solid to the extreme, and there was still some emptiness.

After three days of inhuman torture, some of Chi Cang's Dao Xing was cut off, and the rest was compressed, leaving a lot of space.

Next, all he has to do is practice and fill in the empty spaces.

The practice at this time was different from the past, because there was a trace of light transformed by the Immortal Breaking Curse entrenched in his body. Every time he cultivated a trace of Taoism, he had to go through a tug-of-war, be cut, and compressed. It was more difficult than before. many.

However, Chi Cang has plenty of time. He has reached the pinnacle of the human realm and has a true Immortal King-level combat power in Shicun. There is no need to worry about the so-called catastrophe.

To them, the so-called giants of the upper world are nothing more than a group of ants.

Soon, Chi Cang fell into deep cultivation, filling up the gaps in Taoism little by little through plunder and exploitation.

Ten days have passed, and Chi Cang has completed his training. Under the test of the Immortal Breaking Curse, his Taoism has become solid and powerful. Although his realm has not improved, there has been visible progress in all aspects such as combat power.

"Very good, this Immortal Breaking Curse is really a good thing." Chi Cang couldn't help but sigh.

If he could resist all the Immortal-breaking Curses without losing his moral integrity, how terrifying would he be then?

"I wonder if these things can be superimposed. If it is possible, it would be comfortable to grab the remaining immortals from the Bronze Immortal Palace and give them to me ten or eight times." Chi Cang said to himself, he was not joking. , I really have this idea.

"Continue to increase the dosage of the Immortal Breaking Curse."

Chi Cang used his old technique again, and cut off a strand of the Immortal Breaking Curse, introduced it into his body, and merged it with the previous strand.

The two have the same origin, and after entering the same body, they immediately merged together. In just a moment, the terrifying power reappeared, and Chi Cang's "solidified" Taoism was robbed again, and a huge pain swept through his body.

He growled and started another round of confrontation.

In the upper realm, Three Thousand Daozhou, in an ancient fairy palace, the fairy spiritual energy curled up and condensed into clouds and mist, floating in the void. Being there, it seemed as if you had arrived in the legendary fairyland.

This is real immortal spiritual energy, which is of great use to immortal monks and possesses incredible miraculous powers.

At this moment, a hazy figure sat cross-legged on top of the spring flowing with immortal spiritual energy. His whole body was filled with terrifying immortal symbols, and the occasional trace of energy and blood that overflowed made the whole world tremble.

There is no doubt that this is a true immortal creature, overlooking the human realm, invincible in the world, and there is no restricted area, who can compete with it.

However, at this moment, the immortal symbols around the figure flickered, flickering on and off.

Then, a pair of cold and deep eyes slowly opened, containing terrifying scenes such as the beginning of chaos and the birth and death of the universe.

He opened his mouth and spit out ancient and mysterious syllables, as if transmitting sounds.

Soon, an old man appeared outside the temple, waiting there respectfully, listening to the words of the immortal creatures.

“The lower realm is barren, the heaven and earth are deficient, and the creatures are weak, but it is actually an extraordinary place that hides countless secrets.

Regarding the lower realm, I have an ominous premonition that the enemy may be resurrected. This time, you will go there in person to confirm whether that person is alive or dead. "The true immortal's eyes of the Bronze Immortal Palace are bright. When he mentions his enemies, there is an endless cold look. In the deepest part of his eyes, there is deep fear.

When the old man outside the hall heard this, his expression became solemn and he quickly said yes.

"In addition, notify Sword Valley and other places of this news to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

"Yes." The old man responded, and then retreated respectfully.

In Nuo Da's Immortal Palace, only the immortal creatures were left sitting cross-legged alone. The immortal mist was hazy and the light was flowing. A whisper echoed in the hall, carrying an indescribable indifference.

"I don't believe you can survive the immortal curse."

In Stone Village, tall willow trees stand tall, with fifty green branches flying, each one hanging down, emitting crystal light.

Not only Chi Cang is making progress in cultivation, but Liu Shen is also doing the same. He got some super thunder calamity liquid from Chi Cang and spent a lot of time studying its secrets.

This kind of Thunder Tribulation Liquid is worthy of being of great use to the Immortal King. Even Liu Shen has difficulty in getting the essence of it in a short time.

Moreover, the original symbols in the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed cannot be copied. They hide the great secrets of the heavens and seem to be the source of all order. The deeper you understand them, the more terrifying you can understand them.

Although Liu Shen could not fully realize it, he also gained a lot. Soon, he ushered in another major transformation.

This time, green clouds surged into the sky, shrouding the Willow God, and vast vitality surged in from all directions, not only the essence of heaven and earth, but also the power of the universe.

At the same time, Liu Shen also took some Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid, which not only helped him revive, but also allowed him to understand the mysteries of the Thunder Tribulation on a deeper level.

He was originally bathing in the sea of ​​thunder, and was split into charred wooden piles by countless punishments from heaven. He was considered a wood struck by lightning, and had a certain resistance and understanding of the punishment from heaven. Now, after swallowing the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, a massive amount of lightning covered his body. , infinite vitality of creation permeates every corner.

Those lightning-struck parts soon began to fall off, and the scorched black areas completely disappeared, and bark like dragon scales appeared to replace them.

At the end, there was no burnt black spot on Liu Shen's body, and the number of willow branches suddenly increased to more than a hundred. The vitality was like the vast sea, and the scene was sacred and extraordinary. Both the real dragon and the real phoenix were alarmed, watching Liu Shen recover. , stepping into the supreme realm, they nodded, inexplicably thinking of the content in the original true solution to transcendence.

Both Chi Cang and Liu Shen are undergoing Nirvana and rebuilding. They have the opportunity to find such a Dharma-ending world, impact immortality in the world of mortals, and try to transcend.

The great path recorded on the bones of the suspected quasi-immortal emperor is naturally astonishing. Maybe the two of them can really transcend and stand high.

Liu Shen experienced such a great nirvana, and his strength initially reached the supreme level. However, it is not as good as Chi Cang for the time being, and has not yet reached the peak of the human realm.

In the realm of the Supreme, there is a huge gap between them. There is no comparison between an ordinary Supreme and a Supreme who has reached the pinnacle of the human realm. They may be suppressed by raising their hands. Therefore, if Liu Shen wants to reach the top, he still needs to A great nirvana will do.

The Stone Tribe people in the village have become accustomed to the changes of the Willow God. Just from the appearance, it can be seen that the Willow God is getting stronger. At one time, there was only a burnt black wooden stake, and then there was a single willow stick, and then there were five, eighteen, Roots... fifty, and now there are a full 108. Moreover, the blackened wooden piles have regained their vitality, and bark like dragon scales has grown. It is obvious that Liu Shen is gradually regaining its former glory.

The beast kings looked at this extraordinary sacred tree in awe, the children ran and played under the willow branches, the eight rare chickens worshiped the Willow God every day, and the tribesmen also did not forget to sacrifice to the Willow God. Over the years, they have always maintained a consistent A pious heart.

However, the patriarch Shi Yunfeng knew that Liu Shen would eventually leave one day, and that day would come soon.

A month later, in the wilderness outside Shicun, a loud cry broke the peace of the wilderness, causing the rocks to rumble.

"Someone ran away naked!"

This is a parrot, standing on an ancient tree. Its whole body is covered with nine-color feathers. It is very strong and is a powerful bird of prey.

At this moment, it opened its big eyes, stared at a white body, and screamed.

It was a young man running naked. He was very delicate, with a strong and gray body. He was moving at a high speed, so fast that the precious clothes on his body rubbed against the air and burned into ashes.

This is Shi Hao who has returned from the Fire Country. He is about to settle the relationship with his cousin Shi Yi, the man with double eyes. If he wants to be free from outside interference in the Virtual God Realm, returning to Shi Village is the best choice.

After all, after entering the False God Realm, the body must be placed in an absolutely safe place.

With Liu Shen, Chi Cang and True Dragon present in Stone Village, it is naturally the safest place in the lower world.

Shi Hao, who made a breakthrough in the Fire Nation, harvested a pure-blooded gray dragon and a bunch of ferocious birds and beasts with noble blood in the process of returning to Stone Village. He was in a good mood and eager to go home, so he posted a picture from Shi Hao. The Shuchichi Talisman of the National Auction House reached a terrifying level, and only then did it burn down a whole set of treasure clothes.

Hearing the cry of the nine-color parrot, Shi Hao's face turned red and he cursed secretly, "Damn parrot", and then ran towards Shicun at a high speed.

It wasn't until he saw a tall willow tree in the distance that Shi Hao stopped and put on some clothes.

"Shi Cun, I'm finally back. I'm preparing for the battle here. With Liu Shen and Uncle Chi Cang protecting my body, I can safely fight in the Void God Realm." Shi Hao said to himself, clenching his fists.

When Shi Hao returned, the village was filled with joy. The tribesmen were smiling from ear to ear. The children were jumping and very happy, because after Shi Hao brought back a lot of seafood from the North Sea last time, he brought back a pure-blooded gray dragon this time. and many ferocious beasts, they can feast again.

The beast masters in the village also came after hearing the news. They had a deep relationship with Shi Hao, and they were naturally happy after meeting him.

After some pleasantries, Shi Hao walked towards Liu Shen. At this time, three eight-precious chickens were standing proudly on the road, motionless and leisurely, blocking the road. Even if Shi Hao came, they would not be birds at all, and they would not look like faces at all. So panicked towards Chi Cang.

They are very clever and know who is strong and who is weak, and who cannot be provoked.

However, they obviously made a wrong calculation. Shi Hao was a big devil-like figure in the outside world and would not tolerate them at all.

"Three local chickens dare to show off in front of me."

Shi Hao kicked out three times like lightning, and for a moment, the whole village was in a panic.

"Be careful, I will eat you directly. I heard that in the ancient times, you were the most famous dish, even gods and demons liked it." Shi Hao said with a smile, showing two rows of snow-white teeth.

This scene frightened the Bazhen Chicken and he ran away quickly. This little devil was no slouch when it came to eating game. He stewed it in various iron pots, grilled it, etc. It was scary to think about it.

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