The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 165 Peerless Treasure Mobile Library

Sure enough, not long after the two young supremes fought, the situation became clear. Shi Yi tried his best and used many terrifying magic skills to fight Shi Hao head-on. At first, he could compete with him, but after only a few rounds , he fell into a disadvantage.

Shi Yi was unwilling to give in. He was several years older than Shi Hao, and because he took away Shi Hao's Supreme Bone, Shi Hao started practicing Taoism later than him. Even so, he was still suppressed by Shi Hao. This was In the heart of the arrogant Shi Yi, this was something that he couldn't accept.

"Brother, your strength is really surprising, but that's all. After this battle, you will be wiped out and everything will be forgotten."

Shi Yi said coldly, taking heavy steps under his feet, and powerful and mysterious symbols rose up around him one after another, representing his understanding of the Dao, and the unity of body and Dao.


The hearts of everyone watching the battle were frightened. Every step the big stone fell did not feel like it was stepping on the void, but on the divine drum. The waves and loud noises it made shocked people's souls, made them dizzy, and their hearts couldn't help but throbbing. .

"What kind of terrifying footwork is this? What kind of magical power is it?" Someone said with palpitations and confusion.

Chi Cang watched all this calmly in the distance. He saw the shadow of Qilin in this footwork, as if there was an extremely majestic Qilin forcing the enemy to take steps that split the sky.

"Ten Cruel Techniques: Qilin Steps?"

Chi Cang said to himself, not worried about Shi Hao at all, because he, Liu Shen, and True Dragon had always had high expectations for Shi Hao. In addition to Liu Shen's method, almost all powerful secret techniques were taught to Shi Hao.

Liu Shen's way of withering glory is different from the ten evil treasures. You need to have enough Tao practice before you can try to practice it. Otherwise, you will be refining yourself to death.

It will be withered first and then prosperous, and then withered and then prospered. Without profound Taoism, you will not be able to pass the first level.

Shi Hao has learned all the ten evil treasure techniques in Chi Cang's hands, including the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique, and he has also obtained the essence of it. You must know that what he awakens after the rebirth of his Supreme Bone is the unparalleled secret technique related to reincarnation. For The way of reincarnation naturally has great achievements.

However, with the current peak level of inscription pattern, it is difficult to exert the true power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, but it is also quite terrifying, enough to overwhelm invincible opponents of the same level.


Shi Hao was speechless as his body burned with terrifying bright red flames. The temperature was so high that it distorted the void above the arena.

Obviously, this kind of power has surpassed the limit of the inscription realm defined by the Virtual God Realm and reached another level.

The blazing flames were like huge waves in the sky, one layer covering the other. Accompanied by the loud bird calls, it seemed like a real phoenix spreading its wings across the sky and the earth was beating the sky.

The vast heat wave even passed through the barrier and spread to the outside. The onlookers only felt the heat blowing on their faces, with an indescribable heat.

"This is……"

An avian lord opened his eyes wide in horror, staring at Shi Hao who was wrapped in flames on the ring. The shock in his heart was beyond words.

He is the venerable member of the Chiluan clan. He possesses the power of fire and is unparalleled. He has roamed the wilderness for many years and is very famous.

But now, it was shocked and speechless.

"I seem to have seen a real phoenix soaring in the sky." Someone said in a dreamy voice. This was his most real feeling.

"My God, is this the perfect True Phoenix Treasure Technique? If it wasn't the complete Ten Evil Legacy Techniques, it wouldn't have such terrifying power."

The onlookers were talking a lot, and they were all shocked beyond measure. You must know that the emergence of Kunpeng's Nest in Beihai a few years ago shocked the entire wilderness. Even the major forces in other regions sent creatures to compete for the divine treasure, all in order to shock the world. The Ten Evil Legacy Techniques from ancient times to the present clearly show how precious and powerful the Ten Evil Treasure Techniques are.

Now, under the spotlight of the public, the small stone among the two stones suddenly performed a seemingly complete method of the ten evils, which naturally triggered a tsunami-like result.

Previously, when Shi Hao was fighting in all directions, he easily refused to use this most powerful magic. He knew very well that no one is innocent and only guilty of carrying a treasure. All enemies who had seen his magic were sent to hell, so no one could use it. I know that he has practiced various kinds of ten evil treasures.

Now, the reason why I no longer have any scruples is because of the instructions from Liu Shen and Chi Cang.

Chi Cang is about to take action in the Virtual God Realm and will appear in front of the public. At that time, he can give enough shock and let the world know how powerful the power standing behind Shi Hao is.

Although Chi Cang can erase everyone's memory after taking action and pretend that he never appeared, there is no need to do so.

If he is as powerful as him, why do his disciples keep hiding and dare not even use the magic they have cultivated in front of everyone in the world?

If the previous indifference was to teach Shi Hao how to be patient, then after all these years, Shi Hao has learned and understood, and there is no need to continue.

To practice Taoism is to be open-minded and speak one's mind directly. As a disciple of the ancestor of the ancient immortal sacrifice spirit and one of the ten evils of the ancient immortals, Thunder Emperor, it would be unreasonable to hide it like this all the time.

"True Phoenix Treasure Technique!" Shi Yi was shocked. How big a chance does this younger brother have? It was a great blessing that he could harvest the incomplete Qilin method. Who would have thought that this younger brother would be even more defiant and surprising.

"Very good, I like this kind of magic, it was born for me." Shi Yi whispered, without stopping, he reached the seventh step in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the power of Qilin Bu has been completely released, which can destroy the world and destroy all opponents.

However, Shi Hao was not affected at all. He displayed the complete True Phoenix Treasure Technique, and its power could be described as earth-shattering. This is the most powerful treasure technique left behind by the Ten Fierce Men of the generation. It is both offensive and defensive, unparalleled in the world, and difficult for anyone to resist.

Once a move is made, unless the opponent has a powerful magic of the same level, he will be at a disadvantage and unable to resist.

"Haha, you want everything that belongs to others. The Supreme Bone is not yours. You took it away. The True Phoenix Art does not belong to you. If you want to take it by force, should I give you the whole world?

Don’t even look at yourself, are you worthy? "Shi Hao was so angry that he laughed, fully displaying the power of the True Phoenix Art, interpreting the supreme meaning, shaking the heaven and the earth.


A dazzling, dazzling and magnificent true phoenix appeared, surrounded by blazing flames, as if it was going to burn down the eternal sky and burn away the past, present and future.

Even though the power is far from reaching this level, the unstoppable trend makes people's hearts throb, helpless, and tremble.


Shi Yi used the great magical power of law, heaven and earth, and transformed into a sky-reaching purple unicorn. He was powerful and majestic, like a god resurrected, slaying forward and looking down at all enemies.

"You, who have practiced more than me for several years, are nothing more than this." Shi Hao shook his head, and the transformed true phoenix stretched its majestic body in the void, as if it had endless power, with divine symbols lingering and flames surging, which was extremely terrifying. .


There was a big collision between the two. The real phoenix and the unicorn used all their strength without any reservation. This was a life-and-death duel. It was not a joke. Every charge could lead to a winner and a decisive battle. life and death.

Under the gaze of everyone, the golden arena made a terrifying cracking sound. It could not withstand the impact. In the center of the arena, where the two stones collided, there seemed to be a huge scorching sun rising. It was really The roars of the phoenix and the unicorn are intertwined, and the fluctuations are vast and terrifying.

This stalemate did not last long. A figure flew out from the scorching sun, carrying a large amount of bright red blood, which was very sad and beautiful.

It was the big stone among the two stones. His uniform was burnt black, his body was bloody and bloody, and his whole body was convulsing slightly. Obviously, he suffered a big loss in front of Shi Hao's complete True Phoenix Treasure Technique, and he died in a short time. Defeated.

"More than ten years have passed. You have grown up. Brother Wei is really happy for you."

Shi Yi's face was expressionless, and a brilliant fairy light flowed from his left eye, nourishing the injured body, and soon he recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the power of creation in the double pupil. The left eye is alive and the right eye is destroyed. Even if the person with the double pupil is seriously injured and dying, the left eye can be relied on to recover quickly, which is extremely unparalleled.

"Do you still need to tell me? Although you are born with double eyes and claim to be invincible, in fact you have no invincible heart at all. You will not even spare the bones of your brother who is connected by blood. Is this because you have a guilty conscience?" Shi Hao strode forward. , Dragon Walks and Tiger Steps, although he is less than fourteen years old, he has a glorious tendency to dominate the world, and has an invincible attitude that is proud of the past and present.

Shi Yi's eyes were shining and ruthless, staring at this terrifying younger brother.

"Can you question and discuss the invincibility of double pupils?"

"Hahahaha, then use all your abilities and let me see how strong the double pupil is. I have long wanted to learn from you." Shi Hao laughed.

"Yes, once the double pupil comes out, who can compete with me? Without using the double pupil, I am equivalent to fighting you with my eyes closed. Next, let you feel what despair is." Shi Yi said indifferently, his eyes It blooms with dazzling brilliance, and in a trance, it seems that there is a terrifying scene of the sun, moon and stars rotating, which makes people unable to look directly.

"This is exactly what I want to say, let you experience what despair is." Shi Hao also became cold, and he recalled the cold secret room, the cold bed, and the cold-blooded aunt and others.

How desperate he was at that time. He could only call for the cold-blooded aunt in a haze, and he could only call for his father and mother helplessly.

Now, facing the cousin who took away the bones, it is natural for him to feel the emotion of despair, and use the other person's method to give back to the other person.

"Can you do it?"

Shi Yi shouted coldly, and a jet of black light shot out from his right eye, making the entire battlefield in the sky tremble. The heaven and earth exploded, and this black light seemed to be the netherworld fire from hell, blazing with destruction. The qi machine caused the void to twist and almost collapse.

It was too sudden. No one expected that Shi Yi would suddenly launch such an attack. As soon as his eyes opened, the sky collapsed. There was nothing more terrifying than this.

Shi Hao was not far away from Shi Yi, but very close. The black light came in an instant, and a terrifying aura filled the air, as if it was about to destroy the world.

However, Shi Hao did not panic. Instead, his face was calm and his heart was calm.

He just stretched out a palm, and in the palm of his hand, there was a grass with nine leaves, surrounded by chaotic energy. Each leaf was shaped like a fairy sword, overflowing with terrifying sword energy, and even Chaos energy continued to roll along with it.

This is Shi Hao's unparalleled ten-dangerous treasure technique learned from Chicang - Caozi Sword Technique. It is one of the three supreme sword techniques. It possesses earth-shaking terrifying power. A single blade of grass can cut down the stars, sun and moon.

At this moment, Shi Hao activated this unparalleled sword skill, and saw the grass in his palm swaying in the air. The nine pieces of sword grass rolled out endless sword energy, slicing through the chaos and void, and occasionally shot out, blasting the so-called sky. The battlefields and arenas are all cut with bottomless black thin lines.

Countless monstrous sword energies bloomed with unparalleled shocking murderous intent, as if they were about to cut the sky and the universe into two.

The light of destruction released by Shi Yi's right eye was the first to bear the brunt. It was cut into countless slices in an instant. The core was chopped open and disappeared invisibly.

It wasn't over yet. The momentum of those infinite swords was unstoppable, cutting open the void, cutting out black slits, and headed towards Shi Yi's eyes.

When the onlookers saw this scene, they were stunned, as if they had become fossils, motionless. Many people's scalps were numb and they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

This supreme swordsmanship is too similar to the Ten Evil Treasures of the Grass-Character Sword Art. A grass takes root in the chaos and has nine leaves. Its leaves are like swords. When it is turned, the sky and the earth overturn, and the sun, moon and stars fall.

"Oh my god, is this the legendary sword art with grass characters?" someone exclaimed.

It has been recorded in ancient books that in the ancient times, there were ten great evils. They roamed the world, were invincible, and looked down upon the world. They were called the Ten Great Evils in the ancient times. Each of them had an unparalleled treasure that made them invincible.

Such a supreme treasure, even if it is only incomplete, can cause huge waves in future generations. If it is complete, it will definitely make the earth flow into rivers of blood, and all forces are eager for it.

Now, Xiaoshi used two supreme treasures in succession, shocking everyone's attention. He was simply a mobile arsenal of peerless treasures.

Shi Yi, opposite Shi Hao, was slightly stunned and couldn't believe it. How could this be possible? It is rare to find any clues about the Ten Evil Legacy Techniques all over the world. The last time Kunpeng Nest was found, he was extremely lucky, but it was a pity that he entered the legendary Holy Courtyard of Butian Pavilion and missed it.

Apart from this, is there any news about the Ten Evil Legacy Techniques? He was able to obtain the Qilin Step only after going through a lot of hardships and nearly dying before taking it out of the ancient ruins. This was still an incomplete version of the Ten Evil Techniques.

Shi Hao has two perfect ten evil methods, why should he?

"As long as I suppress him, everything will be mine."

Shi Yi muttered to himself, his ambition growing uncontrollably.

At this moment when he was in a daze, the sword energy from the sky descended, heading straight towards his double pupils, intending to destroy his proud pupils.

Shi Yi woke up with a cold sweat. Facing the grass-shaped sword technique, his soul was about to fall into the ice cellar.

He was shocked and angry, his eyes widened, and he shouted loudly to resist the overwhelming and terrifying sword energy.

"Double pupils open the sky!"

A pair of indescribable divine eyes exploded, instantly opening up a pure land. Within a radius of one foot, there was silence, and nothing could come near. It was incomparable peace and tranquility. Only Shi Yi's eyes were extremely blazing and glowed in it.

If it were a general attack, they might be blocked from the pure land and unable to advance even an inch.

However, this is the unparalleled sword technique left by the Ten Fierce Nine-leaf Sword Grass. It is as famous as the other two supreme sword techniques. It has shocked the ages and overwhelmed the world.

One after another, the sword energy was extremely sharp, cutting through the so-called pure land, and went straight to Shi Yi inside.


There were unimaginable fluctuations in the pure land. It was Shi Yi using his great magical power, and there was also his roar, which made people tremble.

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