After the two-cornered reincarnation disk falls, it releases the fluctuations of reincarnation. In an instant, time changes and years change. In just this moment, all living beings feel that billions of years have passed.

All the creatures were shaken, their eyes became blurred, their consciousness became blurred, and they were confused, as if they had fallen into reincarnation.

The three magic weapons, each with its own merits, trembled together, causing ripples to tangle together, sweeping across the entire wilderness and imprisoning everything.

Ordinary monks couldn't see anything, but Shi Hao knew that the three major magic weapons were exploring the sacredness of the wilderness.

The small tower in his hair remained motionless and hidden. Although he knew that Chi Cang and Kun Peng would take action, it was best not to cause trouble before they actually took action.

"Small tower..." Shi Hao called softly. At this moment, he was drifting with the flow, not wanting to be detected as abnormal. He behaved like many creatures, frightened by the three magic weapons, looking confused.

"Why are you anxious? They are exploring the wilderness now, and they will be in trouble soon. Let's wait and see the good show." Xiaota's voice rang in Shi Hao's heart.


The big bell is long, and the ripples are spreading, as if a sacrificial poem is recited, cleansing the world.

The snow-white and crystal-clear two-story tower releases chaotic light, exudes divine power, and covers the wilderness.

Needless to say, the reincarnation disk makes all worlds disillusioned and endlessly changed in reincarnation.

The three major chaos instruments are separated, each taking its own side and confronting each other. Although there is no confrontation, they are clearly distinct and seem to represent the ancient traditions of the three parties.


The sky and the earth rumbled, and the three astonishing magic weapons blurred. Then, in the daytime, under the bright sky, stars were reflected in the sky, and huge stars emerged one after another, as if they were very close at hand. .

The air seemed to be frozen, and there was a heavy atmosphere lingering in the hearts of the monks. People knew that something big was about to happen, perhaps the end of the world.

"The catastrophe begins!"

A cold voice sounded, seeming to come from the three major magical instruments, and also seemed to come from the inverted crater, high above, overlooking the world.

When Shi Hao heard this, he felt a chill in his soul, as if he was falling into an ice cellar. The owner of this voice was really too cold, treating all living beings like ants and grass.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred. Above the three chaos instruments, at the inverted crater, a figure appeared. It was majestic and majestic, standing high in the sky like a king. There is a great majesty that makes people tremble and make them want to worship.

Many people were shocked, thinking that the true form of the master of the three magic weapons had gone down to the lower world, and no one noticed when the figure appeared.

The creatures in the upper world were even more surprised.

The three powerful men, in charge of the Chaos Magical Artifact, broke through the boundary wall and wanted to search the wilderness for great creation. In their view, the wilderness was barren and it was impossible to give birth to a powerful man of the leader's level. In the previous years, , there were basically no surprises when harvesting treasures in the lower world, so this time they had no scruples.

Who would have thought that an unfathomable entity would suddenly descend on the entrance of the passage and block the road.

The three of them used their powerful spiritual power to explore the strength of this figure, but the result was that they were like a mud cow drowning in the sea, and could not tell the depth at all. This showed that this creature was far beyond them.

"No, this person is here for the magic weapon." The holder of the big bell thought of the key point, and his expression changed drastically.

This bell is not his exclusive treasure, but belongs to his ancestors. His ancestors got it from the battlefield after the ancient battle of the Immortal Era. Although it is broken and has no bell soul, it is still so powerful that it can be called If this precious treasure, which is rare in the world, is lost, he will not be able to escape the blame.

The other two people also realized this, and the Taoist, who was surrounded by Yin and Yang energy, hurriedly urged the Yingbai pagoda to take it back and end this journey to the lower world.

The same is true for the owner of the two-cornered reincarnation disk. His eyes are terrifying, as if he can see through the past, present and future.

In fact, he came from a restricted area above the Nine Heavens. The reason why he explored the wilderness in the lower realm was precisely because he got the news that the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk appeared in the lower realm. Harvesting the sacred was just a trivial reason and he followed the trend.

Who would have thought that before the great tribulation really started and the whereabouts of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk were explored, someone would take advantage of him and snatch the two corners of the Reincarnation Disk from his hand.

This made him wonder whether someone was deliberately setting up a trap.

"Don't even think about it. This is a restricted area. How can you snatch it away? Anyone who touches this great cause and effect will die."

The indifferent voice came from the upper world and resounded through the crater. Chi Cang naturally heard it. He sneered and said, "How dare you talk about cause and effect? ​​Go back and ask your ancestors what cause and effect is."


A crystal chain suddenly appeared on top of the big bell covered with runes. The fairy light shone and filled with terrifying energy. This was the holder of the big bell using a secret method to forcefully drag the big clock back.

Chi Cang stood at the inverted crater, blocking the passage back to the upper realm. If he wanted to take back the magic weapon, he had to do it forcefully.

The other two did the same. They each used the means left in the magic weapon to activate the mark, causing the chaos magic weapon to exert its power. While bombarding Chi Cang, they headed towards the passage.


The Great Bell of Chaos erupted, the sun and moon shook, mountains and rivers overturned, and its power was overwhelming. Two words appeared on the wall of the bell. One of them was very clear, the word "无", roaring long and suppressing for eternity.

"The Endless Bell." Chi Cang sighed. How could he not recognize this bell? It was the instrument of enlightenment used by Wu Ending Immortal King, one of the original leaders of the Nine Heavens, who could control time, cut off years, and be omnipotent. Unfortunately, after the first battle, Wu Ending died, and the big bell was broken and fell onto the battlefield.

Facing the explosion of the Endless Bell, Chi Cang was very calm, his palms glowed, and endless symbols of order spewed out, arranged and combined on his palms.


Red lightning appeared out of thin air, swirling around the palm of his hand. Then, Chi Cang pushed his palm, as if he was pushing the sun, moon and stars, and gave a palm to the menacing clock.



The holder of the big clock was horrified. With just one palm, he knocked over the heavy and terrifying big clock of chaos. The word "无" on it was completely dimmed and disappeared directly. There was even a deep hole on the wall of the clock. The big handprint of the earth made it look like the big clock was almost punctured, which was shocking. Even if the chain was pulled, it could not stop the big clock from falling.

With a fire burning all over his body, he pulled at the chain with all his strength and refused to give up.

On the other side, almost at the same moment, the two corners of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk arrived. Under the full urging of the holder, the missing four corners actually emerged, looking the same as when they were complete.

"Execute!" A powerful creature shouted, resounding throughout the world.

The six corners are complete and slowly rotating, like a terrifying big millstone. The entire universe is twisting, as if it is going to be swallowed up by this big millstone.

A vast wave of reincarnation swept across the sky and the earth, covering Chi Cang, trying to pull him into reincarnation.

"You're still far behind."

Chi Cang said coldly, his palms were wrapped in lightning, red as blood, exuding supreme destructive energy.

His whole body was motionless, towering like a mountain, standing at the entrance of the passage. He only moved one hand, and he had unparalleled majestic power.

The five fingers were like the pillars of the sky, crowding the sky, covering the whole sky, and grabbing at the incoming reincarnation disk.

His palm is too big, and it is so powerful that the impact of the reincarnation disk has no effect at all. It is like a mayfly shaking a tree. No matter how hard it is, it cannot escape.


There was a clear and loud sound, like a thunderbolt from the blue. The two corners of the reincarnation disk were caught in this way. The gods inside were sealed by Blazing Cang, and the connection between the creatures in the upper world and the treasure was suddenly severed.

"Do you know what you are doing? If you return all the treasures now, I can pretend that nothing happened. If you persist, I will wait to bear the wrath of the true immortal." The holder of the Six Paths of Reincarnation said angrily, so coldly that The world will freeze.

"Eh? You dare to threaten me?" Chi Cang chuckled, put away the two corners of the reincarnation disk, wrapped the forbidden lightning and order symbols in his palms, and rushed upward along the inverted crater, directly from the lower world to the upper world.

This shocking blow made the holder of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk fly out of his mind. He originally wanted to use the power of a true immortal to suppress others, but he didn't know that this person was so domineering, and he was attacked instead of threatening.

Although he has supreme combat power, he has no chance of resisting against Chi Cang's palm.

In the eyes of this creature, the void, time, and even everything in the world were all stagnant and motionless. Only the vast and infinite hands were grasping at extremely fast speeds, and he could only watch helplessly, without the slightest solution.

"Ah!" He yelled in horror as a big hand approached, but it didn't help.


With a shrill scream, a terrifying supreme figure that could overlook three thousand states was smashed into powder, as if an insignificant ant had been beaten to death.

Suddenly, light flashed, a mysterious symbol appeared, flesh and blood spilled out, divine light flew, and the Supreme appeared again, but his face turned a little pale.

"You're done, just wait to bear the wrath of the restricted area of ​​life."

After saying that, he walked away as fast as possible without looking back, for fear that he would lose his life if he stayed here.

Chi Cang did not pursue, because the mysterious symbol belonged to the Immortal King, and he died once for the Supreme Being, and released the light of protection. Otherwise, this person would have died long ago.

"So what about the restricted area of ​​life? I want to see if the beings inside will be born because of the two-cornered reincarnation disk."

He did not retract his palm, but followed the passage and grabbed directly to another place.

Taoist Yin Yang is currently using all his strength to activate the two-story pagoda. The small white pagoda looks like it is made of some kind of celestial bone and is engraved with the symbols of all spirits. It is activated at this moment, and huge phantoms rush out from it, including gluttons and poor people. Qi, Chaos and other ferocious beasts, and at the same time, the Chaos Crack Slash burst out, as if to open up the world and recreate the world.

However, after seeing the holder of the Samsara Disk being crushed to pieces as easily as a little chicken, the Yin Yang Taoist was so frightened that he even lost his soul. How could he dare to continue to activate the small tower?

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoist, please be merciful. I don't want the tower anymore. I'll give it to you." Taoist Yin Yang also felt unable to move, as if he was locked by a supreme will, and it was useless to escape anywhere.

He was also very straightforward. He directly cut off the connection with the two-story tower and expressed his attitude. He only asked Chi Cang not to kill him.

It's a pity that Chi Cang's big hand didn't stop. It seemed slow but actually urgent. There was a terrifying power condensed in the palm of his finger. Even an immortal could strike horizontally, let alone a supreme being.

This Yin Yang Taoist is much older than the Immortal Heavenly Lord and the Sword Valley Valley Master. He is the oldest group of people in the new era of the upper world. He is the same generation as the Supreme Lord of the Immortal Palace and the old Supreme Lord of the Supreme Palace. Therefore, he has the power of the Supreme. This He can be on an equal footing with the two supreme beings from the restricted area. Without this kind of strength, even if he has a Chaos Magical Artifact, he will not be qualified.

However, in front of Chi Cang, the supreme being was just like gravel.

"Fellow Taoist! I have given up the treasure and handed it over..." Taoist Yin Yang knew that he had encountered a super large iron plate. If he wanted to save his life, he could only put down his dignity. Maybe he would still have a chance to survive.

However, it was of no avail. Chi Cang did not hesitate and reached for the hiding place of Taoist Yin Yang with his big hand, grabbed him in his palm and dragged him down from the upper world.

On the way, the power of the boundary wall appeared and bombarded his body. Now, even if the passage between the two worlds is opened, he cannot easily go down to the next world. It is not the best time. This is why the three of them urged the magic weapon to go down to the lower world.

Chi Cang's palm shook slightly, blocking the power of order.

"Oh my god, it's so miserable. I was dragged directly to the lower realm without any resistance, haha." Seeing this, the small tower couldn't help laughing, as if it had seen the two-story tower above the sky. Waved to it.

Shi Hao was extremely shocked. He learned from Xiaota that the creature caught by Chi Cang in the lower realm was extremely ancient and even more powerful than the leader of the cult.

But against Chi Cang, it was useless even if his true body was sitting cross-legged in the upper realm, he was still captured.

"Fellow Taoist... I don't mean any harm." Taoist Yin Yang was still trying to make Chi Cang lose his hostility. He always felt that this creature was inexplicably targeting him.

Chi Cang was speechless, looking into the passage in the distance. The creature holding the crystal chain and constantly pulling on the big bell had already run away, and directly gave up on the Endless Bell. Although the treasure is good, it must be life-saving to get it.

He did not pursue him because it was already too late, and since he could control the Endless Bell, he probably had a life-saving backup plan.

Withdrawing his gaze and looking at the Yin Yang Taoist in his palm, Chi Cang replied with a smile.

"Oh, it doesn't matter whether you have any malice towards me or not. I do have some malice towards you. Was it you who destroyed Liu Shen's kingdom in the upper realm?"

Upon hearing this, Taoist Yin Yang grasped the key word - "Liu", and instantly recalled the divine kingdom that he once destroyed in his mind.

Their sacrifice was a willow tree, but there was no willow tree, only wicker branches, which were enshrined on the altar. There were also some ancient murals that told the story of the willow tree sacrifice and the Kingdom of God.

Because there was some conflict between this divine kingdom and the Yin Yang Taoist orthodoxy, he took action to destroy it, killing mountains of bones and rivers of blood.

At that time, he had thought about whether this move would have a cause and effect with the willow tree in the mural, because he had lived long enough to know some secrets, and had heard of the legend of the willow tree. It was most likely the fairy root left from the previous era. .

But in the end, he took action, thinking that the willow tree had suffered a great disaster and would never become a great weapon. He didn't expect that the cause and effect would come so quickly.

"There is no eternal country in this world, and no matter how brilliant a civilization is, it will eventually perish. Everything is just a matter of natural reincarnation. When we reach the level of you and me, any sect or great religion is just a passing cloud. Why should fellow Taoists cling to one?" Just a kingdom of God?" Yin Yang Taoist defended himself.

"Of course, if fellow Taoists have other important purposes in establishing the Kingdom of God, I ask myself if I have some abilities that can help fellow Taoists rebuild it. It doesn't matter if there are ten, a hundred, or a thousand."

"How dare a prisoner talk here?" Chi Cang looked down at Taoist Yin Yang and sealed him so that he could no longer speak.

The Yin Yang Taoist felt cold and depressed. He was thinking about what kind of old monster he had encountered. Why was he so ferocious if he didn't reach the immortal way? He thought that he was old enough and powerful enough that there were only a few of his contemporaries left, but in the end, he fell into this tiny place.

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