In the wilderness, everything is over. The ten supreme lower realms and the four true immortals have launched an attack. Every one of them is boundless catastrophe.

But in the end, it all disappeared.

The leaders who were waiting for the results were too low in strength, not even supreme, and could not touch the battlefield at all. Therefore, until Chi Cang sealed the ten supremes, they still did not know the outcome of this battle.

Many people are still looking up at the sky, trying to get some clues from the state of the sky. If there are supreme beings who fall, there will be amazing phenomena, especially the supreme beings. Their way is recognized by heaven and earth, and their body and death will disappear. At this time, it will cause a change in the sky such as the sky crying.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no response, except for the occasional flash of lightning.

Some religious leaders with evil intentions are like frightened birds, and the lightning flashing across the sky can scare them.

Finally, there was movement in the sky.

The first thing that came was the sound of the vast bell, washing away the eternity and making ripples of time.

All the creatures saw it. A simple and natural bell suddenly appeared in the sky above the wilderness. With just a slight vibration, a vast bell wave spread out and swept across the vast wilderness.

The place where the big bell stands is really extraordinary. The clouds and mist are thick, the precious light is steaming, and the big bell is surrounded by rays of rays. One after another, brilliant auspicious colors are shooting out from there. It seems that there is a vast fairyland and this The world is connected.

On the wall of the bell, mysterious and brilliant symbols light up one after another, ringing slowly along with the bell waves, like a kind of sentence, commanding the world and announcing to all souls.

The obscure and profound voice seemed to be whispered by a supreme taboo being.


The big bell is long, the ripples are spreading, and the avenue of heaven and earth roars endlessly, exuding unparalleled divine power.

Everyone looked up into the sky, staring at the big clock, with shock and confusion in their eyes.

how so? Wasn't the calamity caused by the three major chaos instruments suppressed? Why did this scary big clock appear again?

The venerables and divine fires in the wilderness were trembling, their souls trembling. If the big bell brought disaster, they would definitely not be able to escape death.

"Did the supreme being fail? We will eventually become human beings with great medicine?" Many saints are in despair. They have no ability to change all this and can only wait for the judgment of fate, as conveyed by the sound of the bell.

At this moment, many creatures in the wilderness clenched their fists, feeling a kind of silent anger and sigh. Without power, they were nothing.

The Lords of the Great Sect of the Upper Realm who came to the wilderness were a little strange. For some reason, they felt a sense of dullness with the appearance of this big bell.

However, no one thought much about it. Instead, they were speculating on the outcome of the above battle.

Now that the big clock appears, does it mean that the supreme existence in the wilderness has been defeated and fallen, and the owner of the big clock has become the final winner. Now, the big clock Youyou is going to continue the unfinished catastrophe.

More than one leader thinks this way, and almost all the leaders from the lower world guess this way, because they know how terrifying the Supreme is, and there will be no surprises at all if a creature of this level comes to the wilderness.

However, it didn't take long for them to realize that something seemed to be wrong, because the dull feeling became more and more intense, making people breathless, and in the end, they even felt palpitations.

It was only at this moment that the cult leaders realized that the long ringing of the bell was not shocking the sacred wilderness, but them who came from the lower world.

After realizing this, the church leaders couldn't help but feel horrified. This catastrophe was truly unprecedented. The harvesting of the sacred was not successful, but the one who was harvested was simply unbelievable. It was almost as if they were in a dream.

"No, we've become nothing more than nothing. If we wait for the disaster to happen, we won't be able to escape death."


This is what all the leaders are thinking about.

I saw blazing light appearing all over the wilderness, and the Ju Dao fluctuated violently. It was one leader after another who was using his methods to return to the upper world and escape from here.

They have been prepared for a long time. The coordinates have been left in the lower realm before, and they can return at any time. At this moment, they are directly inspired to leave this place of right and wrong.

Some leaders did not panic, but stood quietly, listening to the melodious and majestic bells. Gradually, they understood that this was the supreme being who was screening the leaders, trying to eliminate those who had evil intentions and ulterior motives. The leader captured him.

As for what will happen after being captured, you don't need to think about it, it will be miserable.


A bell rang across the world. Above the sky, next to the Endless Bell, Chi Cang touched the big bell with his hand. His eyes were slightly closed. He realized that these sects were trying to escape. He directly controlled the Endless Bell and washed away the terrifying bell. Waves, the power of time turned into substantial ripples, affecting the entire wilderness in an instant.

Those cult leaders who were about to successfully escape were intercepted, and time seemed to be frozen in that moment, unable to escape.

They can see the return channel, but they just can't step on it and can't break through this time fluctuation.

These leaders were in despair, their hearts sinking to the bottom of the sea.

The next moment, a crashing sound rang out, and on the ancient big bell, sparkling chains of order appeared, spreading across the endless void, accurately finding all the cult leaders who should be suppressed. They were affected by the bell wave and could not move at all. Unable to move, he could only watch as the chains tied him up circle after circle.

"How could this happen? We are the ones who brought down the tribulations." A leader roared. He had participated in great catastrophes such as the ancient times and the ancient times, brought countless disasters, and caused shocking catastrophes.

But now, the roles have been reversed, and he has become the one being harvested.

"It is recorded in ancient books that everything in this world has cause and effect. If you disrupt the order of the world and treat life like ants or grass, you will one day be repaid.

In the past, I didn’t believe it and had no scruples, but now it’s finally caused me fatal consequences. "

A leader sighed, being tied tightly and dragged high into the sky.

All over the wilderness, chains of order were harvested, dragging the leader back with a clattering sound.

All the local monks in the wilderness, including those from the other seven domains, were all sluggish, especially the Venerable and the Divine Fire.

They thought they were doomed, but in the end, the bell was not targeting them, but the unpredictable visitors from the upper world.

Among those bound by chains were old men with immortal demeanor, old men with disheveled hair, old women carrying medicine baskets, etc. They all looked frightened, and they no longer had the calmness and calmness they had before.

God knows what the supreme being in the wilderness wanted to capture them. Thinking of the fate of the sacred things they once harvested, they shuddered and felt hairy in their hearts.

They won't become medicine introductions, right?

Many of the tied sect leaders are not in human form and have a lot of origins. At this moment, they are extremely nervous and are already thinking about what kind of medicine their blood is suitable for.


Another bell rang, representing the end of the "catastrophe" in the wilderness.

The cult leaders were dragged over one by one, looking at the figure next to the big clock with horrified expressions. This was the first time they had seen this mysterious being who sat in the wilderness at close range.

Unfortunately, Chi Cang's whole body was filled with chaotic energy and thunder, and they couldn't see clearly at all.

After accepting this group of cult leaders, Chi Cang turned his attention to the other seven domains.

There are quite a few cult leaders coming from the lower realm this time, and they are distributed throughout the eight regions. Chi Cang is ready to catch them all, and he will not let go of any of them.

However, he does not need to be present in person, because his spiritual body is sitting in those large areas.

To bring calamity to these cult leaders who escaped and killed me, the spiritual body is enough.

After thinking for a while, Chi Cang said a few words into the void, which were condensed into a sound transmission and flew away through the air.

In Butian Pavilion, in front of the ancient altar, Xiaota, Gui Ye, Shi Hao, and Lao Teng had just finished watching the battle between true immortals. The shock in their hearts could not be calmed down for a long time, and they were still in shock at this moment.

Of course, the reason why the altar can show the scene is the result of Chi Cang and Kun Peng's permission and blessing. Otherwise, with the small tower at this time, it is not enough to get a glimpse of the scene in the true immortal battlefield.

Next, they saw Chi Cang holding the Endless Bell and subduing the leader of the tribulation, and they all felt very relieved. Those leader deserved it.

Suddenly, the screen trembled slightly, and Xiaota's body exuded a crystal light. Shi Hao, who was familiar with it, knew that this was a sign of Xiaota's excitement, and something good must be coming.

"Uh-huh, something's happened. I'm going to other regions to bring down calamities, so I won't be hosting this altar for the time being."

The small tower shook non-stop. Apparently, it was extremely happy. Endless years ago, it had an experience in the upper world, which was both beautiful and indignant. After the tower was maimed by a terrifying entity, it was robbed by various cult leaders and let it go. It was very angry.

Now, you can take revenge, bring disaster to those sect leaders, and maybe see a few "old friends".


Chaos light fell from the Yingbai Tower, opening an immortal passage to other large areas. The small tower rushed straight in and disappeared.

Without the auspices of Xiaota, the picture in the Butian Pavilion altar instantly blurred and collapsed.

The ghost master tried his best to maintain it, but because the things he watched fluctuated too violently, the ghost master had not yet reached a great level of cultivation, so he failed directly.

Shi Hao gritted his teeth and was anxious, but there was no other way. What would Chi Cang do after he captured those cult leaders? He really wanted to know, but without Xiaota as the host, he couldn't see clearly.

"How could this be possible..."

In Stone Village, a divine disk with only half its body is suspended under the willow tree, glowing slightly, while the Tao surges and repairs itself.

Suddenly, a sound came through the void and passed into the plate. Then, it temporarily stopped repairing, and the mysterious light of reincarnation circulated on the plate and disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already reached the sky above Hongyu, where the blazing six-path reincarnation spirit body had been waiting for a long time.

As soon as the six-ray samsara disk arrived, it combined with the six-ray light group and slowly rotated over the flood area.

It was chaotic and steaming, mysterious and unpredictable. Now it has returned to half of its complete body. The ability of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is countless times stronger than before.

Combined with Chi Cang's six-path spiritual body, a strange symbol was constructed, emitting terrifying samsara fluctuations, as if the sun, moon, stars, rivers, and all things in the sky were included in the samsara.

In just an instant, the entire flood realm was different. All the creatures in this world had their spirits fluctuating very violently, and they were about to step into reincarnation and become the matter in it.

Heaven and earth, the underworld, return to extremes over and over again, life and death, reincarnation and reincarnation.

Time passes and the years change. It is only a moment, but it seems as long as ten thousand years have passed.

Even the leader of the Great Sect of the Upper Realm could not withstand this wave of reincarnation, his eyes were blurred, and all his thoughts were exposed in Chi Cang's eyes.

As a result, it became very unclear which one should be caught and which one should not be caught.

Next, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk releases astonishing fluctuations, like a master standing above the reincarnation, controlling the heaven and the earth.

A strange scene happened. Those cult leaders who had their own agenda and deserved to be arrested did not need to be bound by the chains of order. Their eyes were blurred and they could not help but walk towards the Six Paths of Reincarnation, like zombies.

"Capture completed."

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk muttered to itself, shook slightly, and rushed to the next domain.


A strange buzzing sound sounded, the fluctuations of reincarnation faded away like the tide, and the flood area returned to its former calm.

All living beings were confused, feeling as if something had happened, but also feeling that nothing had happened, as if they had had a traceless dream.


An elder of the great sect frowned and looked up at the sky. After a long time, he shook his head and thought he was in a trance.

In another area, Xiaota and Chicang's true phoenix magic spirit body gathered together. It was very excited and couldn't wait.

"Haha, you scum are here too, let's see how I accept you."

Before he finished speaking, it buzzed and vibrated, releasing infinite chaotic light. On top of the tower, visions of various ferocious beasts and divine birds lit up, and the terrifying power was overwhelming and enveloped the Yellow Territory.

Behind him, Chi Cang, who was in the form of a true phoenix, smiled and shook his head. It seemed that Xiaota was bullied by those sect leaders back then, and he had a lot of resentment.

After a while, the leaders of Huangyu were arrested one by one.

"Huh? That blood bat looks familiar. Look, it's you. You dared to sneak attack on me back then. By the way, there is also that sanctimonious old man who wants to refine me into a treasure without thoughts. The crime is unforgivable..."

Xiaota was happy because he really caught many old acquaintances who had thoughts about it back then.

"Fellow Taoist Tower, I know I made a mistake. If I can remedy it, any genius or treasure will do."

The faces of these cult leaders were very dark, and being ridiculed and pointed at by a tower was really speechless.

"Huh? Genius treasure?" Xiaota hesitated. After following Shi Hao these days, its genius treasure was not earned quickly, and it had to calculate carefully and bargain with Shi Hao.

If we search for these cult leaders, they will definitely come quickly.

However, Xiaota didn't dare to mess around with Chi Cang around. It knew how ferocious Chi Cang was. It dared to take advantage of Shi Hao, but it didn't dare to take advantage of Chi Cang.

"It's a beautiful thought. You did those things back then, and now the cause and effect has happened, so you should just cope with it."

Chi Cang, who was behind, wanted to laugh in his heart. Xiaota was not sincere in what he said. However, he couldn't blame it. His own injuries were too serious and needed a large amount of genius and earth treasures to repair them.

Next, Xiaota went to another large area.

It and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk play the role of instruments carrying the path, ruthlessly harvesting the Eight Realms Cult Leader.

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