After Chi Cang defeated the True Immortal in the restricted area, the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm truly calmed down.

The monks breathed a sigh of relief after surviving the disaster, and then devoted themselves to practice.

The creatures in the upper realm and the lower realm have repeatedly opened the boundary wall and penetrated the two realms, allowing fragments of the avenues in the three thousand states to enter this realm. This is a great opportunity for the monks in the eight realms of the lower realm.

Some young geniuses seized the opportunity when the boundary wall opened, realized enlightenment, and made great progress. However, those venerables and divine fires who were worried about their own safety and were always paying attention to the great calamity missed it.

However, it’s not too late to start now.

Most of the monks in the eight regions are immersed in practice and enlightenment. After the storm and the turbulence of the world, there is a silent calm.

And in places where ordinary people cannot observe, there are still powerful figures walking alone and exploring. These are the leaders who have not been captured by Chi Cang. They have not made any big mistakes. They are allowed to stay in the lower world and look for opportunities.

At this moment, the deviation of the law of heaven and earth is intensifying, and the secret realms and creations that were previously hidden in hidden places are revealed.

Many leaders have gained a lot.

As time goes by, more secret realms will appear in the future.

This is the ancient treasure world that Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the others are waiting for, and it may only be a few days away.

In the past few days, Liu Shen took action and set up a formation outside Shicun.

It is a mysterious and mysterious formation. Every time Liu Shen throws stones, there will be the sound of chanting sutras. If you listen carefully, you will feel enlightened and fall into the state of enlightenment.

Pieces of divine materials fell, and the roar of the avenue was heard. This formation coincided with the avenue of heaven and earth.

Shi Hao has returned, and he is standing not far away watching.

At this moment, Shi Hao was a little sad, because he had already had a premonition that Chi Cang and Liu Shen were about to leave. Now Liu Shen arranged the magic circle just to leave something for Shi Cun before leaving.

Next to him, the heartless God-Smashing Stone opened his mouth wide and kept swallowing the remnants of the divine ingredients, which were all leftover from Liu Shen's arrangement.

With the arrangement of the grand formation, the God-killing Stone was so full that he almost fainted from happiness.

Not far away, a glistening white bone tower was suspended. It really wanted to go over and eat the remaining divine ingredients, but how could it, which cherishes face, fight for a stone? It's so inconsistent with its identity.

Therefore, Xiaota could only stand there, watching the God-Smashing Stone eat, drink, and jump happily.


The God-beating stone was glowing and crystal clear, exuding an inexplicable energy. Obviously, it was about to undergo an unimaginable transformation.

This stone was not stupid. It knelt down and worshiped God Liu, murmured and flattered him wildly. It was very shrewd and praised everyone present.

"Brother Hao is my god, Lord Ta is my guiding light, and Boss Liu Shen and Boss Lei Di are my gods."

Xiaota was disdainful, but the compliments sounded good to his ears.

Shi Hao rolled his eyes. This God-killing Stone was so unethical.

Liu Shen ignored it and was still setting up the formation, while Chi Cang looked at the God-beating Stone with a half-smile, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Dashenshi's heart was beating fast. He felt that Lei Emperor's gaze was a bit sharp and it was difficult to look at him.

"Boss Lei Di, is there any problem with this...?"

"No problem, I just have something to ask you for help." Chi Cang said with a smile.

Da Shen Shi's heart tightened. What could a ten evil person who could kill immortals ask it for help?

"Boss Lei Emperor, don't scare me. I'm a coward. How can I help you?"

"This matter really only comes to you."


After saying that, ten huge caves appeared above Chi Cang's head, like ten vast and majestic fairy worlds.

There was a hazy fog at the entrance of the cave, and there was a faint sound of howling wind, as if there was some terrifying existence hidden there.


The roar came out, and from the first cave to the seventh cave, all the spiritual bodies appeared, dispersing the fog and revealing their figures.

The Thunder Giant, the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, the Golden Giant Willow, the True Dragon, the True Phoenix, the Kunpeng, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Each of the seven spiritual bodies has its own merits, and they are all incredibly powerful.

Their bodies are hidden in the vast cave sky, with fairy mist lingering, lightning flying, and majestic momentum.

After revealing the seven spiritual bodies, Chi Cang smiled and said to the God-beating Stone: "Look, this is the supreme treasure technique I know, all of which have been cultivated into spiritual bodies."

"No wonder the Thunder Emperor is so powerful. He can sweep the world with just his spiritual body." God-beating Stone flattered him happily.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to ask you to see what kind of magic you should practice in the three empty caves."

"This..." Dashenshi's heart tightened, guessing what Chi Cang meant.

However, it just plays dumb and pretends not to know.

"Ah, with the luck of the Thunder Emperor, there is no magic. I believe that it won't take long for the three empty caves of the Thunder Emperor to be filled."

"Haha, let me borrow your auspicious words, I actually have a treasure technique that I like, but I have never been able to get it." Lei Di said leisurely.

The God-killing Stone can no longer be installed, and for the sake of talking about it, how could you not know that Chi Cang wants to get the treasure of this lineage?

Its lineage has produced supreme beings and is ranked among the ten evil spirits. The unique reproduction method of the God-killing Stone makes it possible for this lineage to evolve into the ten evil spirits. Therefore, it can be regarded as a descendant of the ten evil spirits.

"Boss Lei Di, to be honest with you, I can't do it either.

If you want to get it, you need to unlock layers of seals and transform many times before the treasured skills hidden in your bloodline will appear. I am still too weak now and only know a small part. "The God-beating Stone explained.

Chi Cang stopped teasing it and said directly: "I'm not asking you for it. If you don't want to, no one can force you. If you are willing, I have my own means to get it."

The God-Smashing Stone is in a dilemma. The bloodline inheritance tells it that it cannot be spread to outsiders. However, Chi Cang is the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors and is in the same camp as it. Moreover, it has helped it a lot and allowed it to swallow a lot of divine ingredients.

If it had to find those magical materials by itself, it would take unimaginable time.

After struggling for a while, Dashenshi sighed and made a decision.

Regulations are made by people and are changed by people. You have to know how to adapt in order to survive.

Especially now, all the big brothers it worships are watching it.

"Okay, Boss Thunder Emperor, you can come, but I have only one request, don't leak this magic to anyone." God-Smashing Stone showed a look of despair and determination.

Chi Cang was speechless and nodded.

He began to cast spells on the God-Smashing Stone, using magical powers and mana comparable to those of a true immortal to seize the inheritance fragments in the God-Smashing Stone's bloodline.

The symbols of infinite order flashed, and the forbidden thunder flew, breaking through layers of shackles.

Gradually, a supreme secret slowly flowed and emerged in Chi Cang's heart.

That is the Ten Evil Treasure Technique, Fighting God. It is a supreme secret method specifically targeting the soul. It contains several parts, not only the method of attacking the opponent's soul, but also the method of strengthening one's own soul.

Chi Cang was immersed in this supreme treasure, constantly evolving those methods of Yuan Shen attack in his heart. In this world, there are very few methods of Yuan Shen attack, but none of them are simple. For example, with the three major One of the sword tactics, the equally famous Caozi Sword Technique, is the Yuan Shen's means of attacking. It is very amazing. In the middle stage of the Immortal Ancient Period, it had an astonishing record.

In comparison, the Ten Evil Treasures--beating the gods and fighting peace and chaos have different approaches but the same effect.

Chi Cang realized it for a long time before slowly opening his eyes.

At this point, he obtained the sixth of the ten evil treasures, beating the gods.

The reason why it was obtained was because of the cooperation of the God Stone. Otherwise, forced exploration would lead to irreversible serious consequences.

If you want to explore the secrets hidden in the bloodline of the God-Smashing Stone, you need to voluntarily hit the God-Smashing Stone, and completely relax your mind and let Chi Cang use his methods.

Fortunately, in the end, there were no accidents. Chi Cang got the chance to defeat the god and mastered an unparalleled secret method to attack the soul.


His eighth cave sky rumbled, thunder and lightning surged wildly, and the order symbols engraved on the cave sky walls all glowed, overflowing with wisps of electric wires, converging into red forbidden lightning, all striking at one place, as if they were forging something. .

Not long after, the eighth cave sky spurted out a massive amount of energy, and a vast divine power rippled out.

Under everyone's gaze, Chi Cang cultivated the eighth spiritual body. It was a huge stone. It was very simple and overflowed with strong spiritual fluctuations. Just looking directly at it would make people dizzy.

Chi Cang let out a breath and was about to leave. He didn't know when he would come back. Before that, it would undoubtedly be a huge gain to have the magic of the God-Smashing Stone clan in his pocket.

"Thank you very much. This magic is of great use to me. I owe you a karma."

"Boss Lei Di, you don't have to be like this. Maybe the God of God will burst out with unprecedented brilliance in your hand." The God of God Stone who usually laughed and laughed now became solemn and said seriously.

However, the next second, it returned to its original shape, turned around and opened its mouth, swallowing the remnants of the divine ingredient, and burping from time to time.

When everyone saw this, they all smiled and shook their heads. This was the magic stone they recognized.

Later, with the permission of the God-beating Stone, Liu Shen and others also obtained the God-beating Stone.

This treasure technique is of great significance to everyone. It helps everyone open up a new field and use their soul to attack opponents. In this way, the physical body and soul can work together to scorn enemies of the same level.

Existences like Chi Cang, who have opened up the Yuanshen Cave, are so powerful that it is immeasurable. If they were to use their power to beat the gods, their power would be devastating to the heavens and the earth.

A few days later, Liu Shen yelled: "Come together!"

In an instant, the heaven and earth changed, and the inexplicable energy pulled the sun, moon, and stars.

Endless energy surges, the secrets of the great avenue emerge in the void, endless symbols burst out, and the shadows of gods are arranged, kowtowing there.

The loud sound of chanting resounded throughout the world, and Liu Shen took action to suppress all the visions.

The ultimate formation that conquers the heaven and earth and integrates attack, defense, and teleportation is thus completed.

With the precious divine materials on the bodies of the Supreme Beings, Leaders, etc., the effect of the formation was better than expected. Even if the Supreme Beings came, they would not be able to attack it.

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