The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 208 Treasures of Chaos

"Before I help you, I want to remind you something. The birth of the Samsara Seal is not that easy. It involves life and death, as well as time, years, etc.

Maybe after you fall into reincarnation, you will sink into it, unable to escape from that dangerous situation, and finally die completely. Maybe when you return from success, your mentality is no longer that of a young boy, but you have become old and no longer full of vitality. It directly affects your current practice.

In short, there are too many uncertainties in reincarnation. Whether you choose to accept the hardships of reincarnation depends on yourself.

Moreover, doing this may not actually create the reincarnation seal. This is just an assumption I made after seeing the reincarnation symbols naturally generated in your body. "

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk spoke earnestly and spoke out all the dangers involved. It could not make the decision for Shi Hao because it was related to Shi Hao's life.

If it forcibly sends Shi Hao into reincarnation in its body to be tempered, and a big problem occurs, it cannot afford it.

You know, Shi Hao is the disciple of two powerful men, the Thunder Emperor and the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit. Which one is not an amazing and talented person? It is just a broken chaos magic weapon. In the future, I still hope that Chi Cang can make up for its body. If Shi Hao is destroyed, then this matter will definitely come to nothing.

"Life and death, time and years..." Shi Hao's face was extremely solemn.

The person who said these words is an existence on the same level as Xiaota, so there is no lie. In other words, if he accepts the temper of reincarnation, he may sink into it and never get out, or maybe after returning, The mentality of old age is like that of a gray-haired old man who has lost the will to forge ahead bravely.

None of these consequences are unbearable.

However, Shi Hao did not let the Six Paths of Reincarnation wait long and quickly made his choice.

"Are you really sure you want to undergo reincarnation training? Since I only have half of my body, the reincarnation inside is not complete. This is most likely an attempt made by the creature who created me.

Now add the reincarnation symbols naturally born in the supreme bones on your body, and the reincarnation world opened up is unpredictable. Even I can't control it. After entering, life and death are determined, and misfortunes and blessings are unpredictable. You have to think carefully. "The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was worried and once again stated the pros and cons.

Shi Hao nodded and said: "Great opportunities naturally also bring great dangers. This is an eternal truth.

Uncle Chicang and Liu Shen, even though they knew that the Primordial Gate had been gone and there was no return since ancient times, they still wanted to embark on this road. There must be a reason why they had to go. And I chose to accept the hardships of reincarnation just to be able to survive in the future. I can help them over the years without being a bystander and feel less powerless. "

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk nodded, understanding Shi Hao's determination.

"Okay, relax your mind and let me guide the reincarnation symbols in your body, merge them with the reincarnation in my body, and build a vast world of reincarnation. Then, you will survive, reincarnate, etc. in it.

I hope that by doing this, the seal of reincarnation will be born in your body. "


As soon as he finished speaking, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk burst out with unparalleled power. On the triangular disk body, all areas lit up, with profound and complicated reincarnation runes and mysterious lines that made people dizzy. Reincarnation The sound of the Tao roared, as if a vast world with reincarnation was about to emerge.

Shi Hao witnessed all this and was extremely shocked, because back then in the Virtual God Realm, when the corner of the six-path samsara disk was fighting against the small tower, only a small area on the disk was lit up. Unlike this time, the entire triangular samsara disk was lit up. , which fully shows the solemnity of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

What does it mean to build a world with reincarnation?

Whenever the body dies, it will enter the reincarnation and be reincarnated again and again.

This does not exist in a world like Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Although there is underworld in the world, it is nothing more than a mass grave where corpses are buried.

The person who created the reincarnation disk is the legendary Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation. He is proficient in the laws of reincarnation and has been exploring the reincarnation of the world. Finally, he wanted to establish one. Unfortunately, after many attempts, he encountered a problem before he could realize it. After the ancient catastrophe, he died in a hundred battles.

Now, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk lights up those mysterious areas of itself, precisely to activate the reincarnation world left behind when the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King once tried to build reincarnation, which is hidden in the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

However, since the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is only half of the body, the vast and mysterious world of reincarnation is incomplete, so it is necessary to add the reincarnation runes naturally bred on Shi Hao's body. Only by combining the two into one can a relatively complete human reincarnation be constructed.

The price is that this reincarnation is uncontrollable. Even if it is a six-path reincarnation disk, you can only be a spectator in the whole process.

"My idea was successful. I really created a reincarnation of the human world. There are many dangers in it. If you don't pay attention, you will get caught. You need to stay awake at all times and remember who you are.

If you plan to end it, just activate your own reincarnation rune. However, as the reincarnation progresses, you will forget more and more things. If you forget it completely, you will not be able to get out and will be assimilated into the reincarnation. middle. "The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk reminds you.

Shi Hao nodded, stared at the blurry light group composed of countless reincarnation symbols, and strode over.


With a soft cry, Shi Hao disappeared completely, as if he had been swallowed up by a fuzzy ball of light.

"I wish you good luck, reincarnation... Even the existence of the Immortal King series cannot know all its secrets." The Six Paths of Reincarnation sighed there, quietly suspended in the void, watching the reincarnation of the world with a special method everything in .

It saw Shi Hao descending on a battlefield of monks and witnessed the scene of corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood. Then, the two armies rushed to kill each other, which affected him. Shi Hao had no choice but to fight a bloody path and rushed out with scars. .

In this life, Shi Hao walked among the mountains and rivers, feeling the world. Everything was too real. No matter what method Shi Hao used, he could not find out what was false in this world.

He practiced hard, did not want to grow old in this world, and wanted to climb up. However, fate played tricks on people, and due to various reasons, he suffered a great disaster. He was severely injured by the old monsters in this world and was on the verge of death.

"Are you going to be reincarnated?"

Shi Hao muttered weakly to himself. He still clearly remembered that he was Shi Hao and came from the wilderness of the lower world.

Immediately, he died and reincarnated, starting a second life.

Seeing this, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk in the outside world looked at Shi Hao's body, but found no trace of the birth of the Reincarnation Seal. It couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Isn't this method of reincarnation working?" It said to itself, regretting doing so. Shi Hao looked like a persistent young man, and he probably wouldn't look back easily.

Next, Shi Hao experienced another life and was reincarnated again. This time, there was still no sign of the reincarnation seal.

He didn't give up. If one life or two didn't work, then he would do three, four, five or six lives until he succeeded.

"Alas, this young man is going to suffer, his obsession is too deep." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan sighed, wanting to send a message to Chi Cang and Liu Shen, but he was afraid that something would really go wrong.

However, neither of them was in Shicun.

The rules of heaven and earth shifted, and many chaotic secret lands appeared, hiding immeasurable treasures of chaos.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen naturally didn't want to miss it. This time they brought calamity to the cult leaders and left some creatures who did not bear the blood debt and were dedicated to hunting for treasures in the lower world. They couldn't take advantage of others.

Those divine treasures, once connected with Chaos, will generally become extraordinary.

Chicang, Liushen, Xiaota, Kunpeng, Zhenlong, etc., all five powerful men went out to hunt for treasures, and even Kunpengzi also followed.

Although the wilderness is small, there are many secrets. They are not revealed at ordinary times and will only be revealed in special times like this.

In a chaotic secret land, Chi Cang and Liu Shen explored together in the gray haze.

This place is bordered by Chaos and is the most fringe area of ​​the wilderness. There is almost no grass growing. When they rushed over, they happened to encounter the opening of this secret land of Chaos. Naturally, they couldn't miss it.

This is a vast secret land, filled with chaotic mist, like light smoke or veil, shrouded in the void, affecting people's vision and perception, making it difficult to distinguish up, down, left and right.

Of course, in front of existences of Chi Cang and Liu Shen's level, this kind of chaos is nothing and cannot block their sight.

The two of them walked together in the silence of heaven and earth.

Despite the tranquility of the chaotic secret soil, there are many great secrets hidden in it. On some ancient soil, there are still some traces of the past, which seem to tell the vicissitudes of the years.

From time to time, they saw the ancient land buried in the chaos emerging. They didn't know how long it had been since they were buried, at least an era.

Infinite years have passed, and now it reappears in the world.

On those lands, there are all kinds of unheard-of remains, ancient and huge buildings, and even some powerful creatures that have not decayed to this day and are still lifelike and retain their original appearance.

Obviously, there once existed a brilliant civilization here, but later, for unknown reasons, the splendid world disappeared in the long river of time, and the entire world was submerged in chaos.

It had been buried in the chaos for an unknown length of time, and then came to light again with the emergence of the secret soil.

Pieces of dilapidated ancient temples and pieces of rubble covered with thick dust are all evidence of the existence of civilization.

"This is like a reincarnation between heaven and earth. Perhaps one day in the future, the eight realms of the lower realm and the nine heavens and ten lands will also end up like this. People and things in the entire realm will be buried and become the ashes of history." Chi. Cang sighed.

Judging from the fragments of the world buried in chaos, their civilization was not unsplendid, but in the end, it still ended up being destroyed.

Liu Shen was speechless. He was very calm along the way. He had witnessed too many similar things, from weakness to glory, and then from glory to decline. This seemed to be a pattern that could not be broken.

"This place gives me a familiar feeling. The style of the buildings and some extinct species all seem familiar." Liu Shen said suddenly, and then stood there, thinking carefully.

Hearing this, Chi Cang stopped, stood beside Him, and waited quietly.

He was also thinking in his mind, could this chaotic secret land be transformed from the fragments of a world in the Immortal Ancient Period? Otherwise, why would God Liu be familiar with the style of these ruins?

Sure enough, after thinking for a moment, Liu Shen thought of the heel here.

"In the Immortal Ancient Era, this place should be the same place as the Eight Realms of the Lower World. It was close to the Eight Realms. It was once prosperous, but after great changes, everything was irreversible. The world was broken and declined.

In the end, it became the dust of history and was buried in chaos. "Liu Shen made a judgment.

"No wonder close to the wilderness, there will be secret soil on the edge of the wilderness." Chi Cang nodded.

Later, Liu Shen told him that in the secret land formed by such a broken world, if you are lucky, you might be able to encounter rare treasures.

The world is broken and gradually declining, so the secret treasures that exist in this world will also be buried here. This is undoubtedly a rare opportunity.

They began to act separately, looking for possible great fortunes in the chaotic secret soil.

Both of them are now in a similar state, that is, the peak of the human realm. The pressure spreads, and even the chaotic secret land is somewhat unable to withstand it.

Their exploration speed reached the extreme, and huge spiritual consciousness poured out overwhelmingly, covering the boundless void.

Finally, Chi Cang seemed to have discovered something and couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

"What did you find?" Liu Shen heard, and came from the glow in the sky. Behind him, there were three thousand blazing light groups. In each light group, there was a god sitting cross-legged, facing towards the center. The Willow God worships, and behind these gods are connected to the vast world, with endless sentient beings worshiping the gods.

Chi Cang knew that this was the experience of God Liu, who was a member of the Three Thousand Kingdoms of Gods. God Liu of each kingdom had guarded him day and night and became the patron saint in the eyes of all living beings in the Kingdom of Gods.

"Well, in my sense of consciousness, there was a strange brilliant stream of light passing through, like a shooting star, in the chaotic void."

"A strange brilliant stream of light?" Liu Shen heard this and became serious, because judging from this description, it looked very much like a treasure in chaos.

The two came to the area where Chi Cang found Liu Guang and searched carefully, not missing every inch of void.

Suddenly, in the hazy mist, a ray of light flashed past, beautiful, gorgeous and crystal clear.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen took a surprised look and saw what the thing was. It seemed to be a kind of fragment, with a very irregular shape and the energy of creation permeating it.

They were convinced that this was a fragment of a great treasure. Although it was broken, it might be of great use.

The two set off and chased the flowing light. Their figures were almost at their peak, and a pair of chaotic Kunpeng wings stretched out, soaring up to 90,000 miles.

No accident, Chi Cang caught the treasure. A treasure without conscious control. Even if it was extraordinary, how could it escape from the hands of a creature at the pinnacle of the human realm?

At this moment, in the palm of Chi Cang's hand, a crystal clear, snow-white fragment lay there quietly, with inexplicable energy flowing, which was very mysterious.

"This is……"

Liu Shen seemed to recognize what it was.

"Does God Liu know the origin of this fragment?"

The white-clothed figure nodded, and the Three Thousand God Kingdom behind him became a little brighter, and faintly, the sound of the gods singing could be heard.

"This is the legendary Chaos Treasure Mirror. It is a rare treasure born in chaos. If it is complete, it can see all over the sky and the earth, penetrate the nine heavens and ten earths, and help people find those great psychic creations."

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