The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 210 Qingyue Immortal

Three eight rare chickens ran quickly from the village, found their positions very skillfully, and lay there comfortably.

As chickens, their life is very simple. They usually just wander around the village, eat and drink, and lay a spiritual egg every half month. The villagers treat them like treasures, and no one will hurt them. You can also live under the Willow God, which is very leisurely.

Now, they seem to have a premonition that the Willow God is about to leave, so they often worship the Willow God and thank the Willow God for the opportunities he has given them over the years.

You know, Willow God can make an egg undergo atavism with just a flick of a willow stick. They have lived under Willow God's feet for many years and have naturally benefited a lot.

In ancient times, the Eight Treasure Chickens were very famous and ranked among the Eight Ancient Treasures. Endless years have passed, their bloodline has gradually become thinner, and the spiritual eggs they laid are far less amazing than those of their ancestors. But now, these three Eight Treasure Chickens in Shicun Rare chickens surpassed their ancestors without any surprise.

Every spirit egg they lay can be compared with precious elixirs. It can be called a mobile elixir storehouse. It has become an indispensable part of Stone Village. In the future, they will continue to live comfortably in Stone Village.

Chi Cang came to the willow tree and sat down cross-legged. Suddenly, a small tree appeared, emitting a hazy halo, and the sacred light rained down, turning into a little man and a mysterious vessel. The little man somersaulted, and in the small Sitting cross-legged under the tree, the vessel was suspended above its head.

As for the third flower, it turns into infinite essence, tempering the villain and the weapon.

This is exactly the fairy medicine that one-sixth of the counterfeit medicine sellers are hiding in. It is known as the first spiritual root in the upper world, also known as the first spiritual root in the wilderness. It has been following Chi Cang since the last time.

The people in the village had never seen such a magical tree before, and they were all amazed. The Honghu Saint and his disciples living in Shicun were even more shocked. It turned out that the famous first spiritual root was destroyed by Chi Cang. Pocketed.

Once upon a time, Saint Honghu went to Medicine City and knew that the first spiritual root in the wilderness was heaven-defying.

It couldn't help but sigh, Chi Cang is truly the supreme power, and he can also succeed in this kind of thing that defies heaven.

Shicun has returned to its former peace. Willow God is like a guardian god. Seeing his figure, everyone will feel at peace.

Two days later, Shi Hao, who was resting with his eyes closed in the World Treasure Box, suddenly opened his eyes.

A stunning beauty was stretching out her bare hands to press his temples. It was the captured Yue Chan.

"She is coming."

Yue Chan has curved black eyebrows, immortal muscles and jade bones, and is flawless. She is a saint of the Butian Sect, and her status is among the most noble in the upper world.

But now, she is like a wife, giving her husband a relaxing massage, and sometimes serving tea and water. She is very well-behaved, like a maid.

This is all the result of Shi Hao's education these days. Not long ago, the witch who was a mortal enemy of Yue Chan asked someone to bring news to Shi Hao, so that she could meet with Shi Hao and reveal all the secrets of Yue Chan.

Only then did Shi Hao realize that the one he had captured was only the second body of Yue Chan, and she had another true body in the upper world.

This is similar to immortal beings, that is, the method practiced by Kun Pengzi. As long as one of the main body and the secondary body remains immortal, the other body can be reborn.

However, the method Yue Chan practiced was flawed and incomplete.

If you want to cultivate another body again, you must have a prerequisite, and that is the death of the original other body. Otherwise, you will fall into an extremely embarrassing situation.

This is the case for Yue Chan now. Shi Hao imprisoned her secondary body and did not intend to kill it. He also trained her into a maid. Naturally, Yue Chan's main body couldn't bear it and wanted to go down to the world to solve the matter in person.

If she wanted to rebuild a secondary body, she had to catch Shi Hao and kill him or rescue him.

After the catastrophe, Liu Shen no longer releases the field that isolates the inner and outer world, and Yue Chan can naturally follow the special connection with his second body to find this way.

"Hmm! Is the main body here? Just in time to catch them all, and take in two maids at once." Shi Hao said to himself, his eyes were bright, with a blazing and dazzling light surging.

At this time, he was already different from when Butian Pavilion captured Yue Chan's second body. Yue Chan's second body could clearly sense this.

She lamented in her heart that it was useless even if the main body came. She could not get rid of this big devil. When the time came, she would inevitably end up being caught.

It is hard to imagine what it would be like for the main body and the secondary body to serve a man together.

But maybe, if the main body is smarter, she may not be caught. Even if she is caught, her main body will never obey Shi Hao. She has a strong character, is not involved in worldly things, and is dedicated to cultivating Taoism.

In her second body, she walked around the world, and her thoughts, personality, etc. were all different.

If both of her bodies were caught by Shi Hao, then she would really have no hope. Thinking of this, Yue Chan felt her eyes darken. This guy was so hateful, but he was so powerful that he could not resist.

"I can help you deal with her. After I became your maid, I served you for many days. She absolutely can't stand this stain and wants to get rid of me." Yue Chan used gentle force and rubbed Shi Hao's temples, mouthing murmur.

However, Shi Hao smiled and said: "No need, just wait here. I can deal with her alone."

"Don't you believe me?" Yue Chan said with some resentment.

Shi Hao smiled and stared at Yue Chanci for a long time, then suddenly stretched out his big hand, wrapped his arms around Yue Chanci's waist, and let her sit on his lap.

"You...what are you doing?"

Yue Chanci couldn't stand Shi Hao's gaze and movements, and wanted to get up, but couldn't do it.

The main body of Yue Chan, who was far above the sky, felt something. His face was cold and his whole body was shaking with anger. He vowed to get rid of this stain in his life.

In Shicun, Chicang, who was sitting cross-legged under the willow tree, sensed the moon cicada approaching Shicun.

Under the moonlit night, several huge black shadows stood among the mountains, looking up at the holy figure in the sky.

Because of Chi Cang's instructions, they did not embarrass this woman.

Shi Hao, who was still in the World Treasure Box, suddenly heard a blazing voice in his ears.

"Xiao Hao, it seems that a guest is here, looking for you."

Shi Hao was stunned and let go of his big hand. Yue Chan took the opportunity to run away. Goosebumps were already appearing on the immortal skin, and his face was covered with red clouds. He gritted his teeth when he looked at Shi Hao.

"Okay, it's time for me to catch your main body."

After saying that, Shi Hao opened the world treasure box and left from the passage.

Thousands of miles away from Shicun, Shi Hao and Yue Chan met on a narrow road.

At this moment, the main body of Yue Chan is already very angry and trembling all over. She is a holy saint of the Butian Sect. If others know that she has become a man's maid, her holy name will not be guaranteed for the rest of her life.

"Where is my second body?"

"You will know later." Shi Hao knew that he could not do anything good, so he took the initiative to kill him.

Soon after, Shi Hao came back depressed.

It was originally meant to crush Yue Chan's main body, but something unexpected happened during the process. Yue Chan actually hid her backhand and ran away from him.

In the world treasure box, Yue Chan's secondary body was a little lost because after the main body realized that Shi Hao was invincible, he actually discussed with Shi Hao and was willing to pay a considerable price in exchange for the death of the secondary body.

In other words, the main body has completely given up on her and is determined to get rid of this stain in his life.

"If that's the case, what else is there to say? We are incompatible with each other."

She sent a message to Shi Hao and told him that she and the main body must be enemies. The main body hates Shi Hao, so she stands with Shi Hao, hoping to live in peace with Shi Hao.

After thinking for a while, Shi Hao agreed and did not continue to imprison Yue Chan's second body.

The sudden appearance of such a beautiful fairy made everyone in Shicun a little surprised, especially Shi Hao's parents.

As the eldest son, I am very popular.

The goddess of the Tianshen Mountain, the princess of the Fire Kingdom, and now the saint of the Butian Sect.

"Are you Saint Qin Yining?"

Yue Chan was a little surprised when she saw the light of day again, because Shi Hao's mother was very famous in the upper world and was the most famous.

"Not bad, not bad. Our Hao'er has really good taste. The saint of Butian Sect is a fairy that countless young geniuses can only dream of."

"Senior Saint, you are mistaken..."

Before Yue Chan could explain, Shi Hao on the side nodded.

When Qin Hao, who was not far away, saw this, he was a little upset with Yue Cicada. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this saint of the Butian Sect did not do it voluntarily.

He spoke out for this, but what he received was Qin Yining's big hand.

"What does a little kid know? Call me sister-in-law."

Qin Hao was in pain and did not dare to speak anymore because he saw his mother's fierce eyes.

The people from the Shicun tribe nearby also gathered around, and they all praised Yue Chan for her beauty, good figure, and fitness for childbearing.

Yue Chan was speechless and wanted to escape from here. However, after all, she was a saint from a religious sect and was very nurturing. No matter who she faced, she always had a smile on her face, which made people feel very comfortable.

In the end, Shi Hao took her to Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

Seeing the tall willow tree, Yue Chan was shocked for the first time. What kind of sacred ancient tree was this? Why did it feel so much more amazing than the sacred trees in Butian Sect?

There is also the strong man sitting cross-legged under the tree. If you guessed correctly, he is the supreme strong man who is suspected of being the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors who suppressed the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the Void God Realm.

At that time, Yue Chanci was present and witnessed that scene with her own eyes.

She didn't dare to be negligent and quickly bowed obediently.

"Yue Chan has met senior."

Chi Cang nodded, remembering that he had seen this little girl in the Virtual God Realm, and in that memory, Yue Chan's second body would break with the main body, and after going to the upper world, he would change his name to Qingyi, and meet Shi Hao Walk very close.

"Yes, you are as light as a fairy, Xiaohao, you should treat others well."

Yue Chan was slightly stunned, she didn't expect this supreme power to say this.

"Well, I want to be a person who loves my wife." Shi Hao said solemnly.

Yue Chan was speechless. This guy was so serious about it, as if it really happened. She wanted to beat Shi Hao, but unfortunately, she couldn't.

Afterwards, Chi Cang gave Yue Chan a great opportunity just like he did to Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er.


Yue Chan was a little dazed for the first time, feeling that the potential in his body was soaring at an incredible speed, and the immortal energy in his body became more and more intense.

Later, her inherent shortcomings as a secondary body were made up for, and she became more like the main body than the main body.

Countless fairy lights spurted out, lingering around Yue Chan. The golden door in her sea of ​​consciousness was affected, and it opened wide. Sleeping inside was a mysterious woman, peerless and beautiful. She closed her eyes slightly and breathed softly. .

This made Yue Chan's second body even more airy and immortal, as if she was going to ride on the wind and fly to immortality in the world of mortals.

"Daughter-in-law, why do I feel like you almost turned into a female fairy?" Shi Hao said doubtfully.

Yue Chan couldn't help but roll her eyes and wanted to refute him, saying that she was not his wife, but since Chi Cang was here, she couldn't say it.

At this time, Chi Cang spoke out, and his eyes turned solemn as he looked at Yue Chan's second body.

"There is a female fairy sleeping in the sea of ​​consciousness. Is it Fairy Qingyue?"

"Fairy Qingyue?" Shi Hao repeated. Did he really capture a fairy?

Yue Chan is not sure why she is dead, and she doesn't know Fairy Qingyue, but she also knows who she is talking about.

"Let me think about it. Since it has something to do with Fairy Qingyue, then in a few days, I will take you to a place. Just in time, you are about to leave and say goodbye to that fellow Taoist." Chi Cang said to himself.

Naturally, Yue Chan couldn't refuse Chi Cang's words.

"Yue Chan obeys the orders of seniors."

"Don't be nervous or worried, this may be a good thing for you." Chi Cang said thoughtfully.

He believed that it was impossible for someone as stunning and proud as Fairy Qingyue to engage in such a trick as seizing the body, and there was a high probability that it would be possible.

She is good friends with the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Immortal King of Endlessness. She often consults the two supreme beings about reincarnation. Legend has it that she wants to practice a method to overcome tribulations. Even if the era is overturned and the world collapses, there will always be a day. The day will reappear in the world.

What happened to Yue Chanci at this time seemed to verify this.

In any case, Gen Yi, the master of Qingyue Fairy's restricted area, has the right to know. This is a big cause and effect.

It was impossible for Yue Chan to not be nervous. When she heard that the woman sleeping in her sea of ​​consciousness was called Qingyue Fairy, she had a creepy feeling.

How could it be possible for a woman to be called this by one of the Ten Evils so simple? No one knows whether she will be taken away from her in the future.

Fortunately, with Chi Cang's comfort, she felt a little more relieved. Yue Chanji also knew that it was useless even if she was nervous. Now she could only resign herself to fate when faced with this kind of thing.

Later, Yue Chanci spent a few days with Shi Hao's tribe in the stone village. Everyone liked this fairy-like woman and regarded her as Shi Hao's wife. Of course, Yue Chanci did not admit it.

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