The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 217 Descendants of the System’s Forefather

The two of them climbed up the majestic World Mountain step by step and walked towards the Sun God Flower.

During this process, the small tower and the Six Paths of Reincarnation all stared at the dark brown rocks at their feet, feeling the aura of the origin of all things, which was their hope of recovering from their injuries.

In front, a thick branch of the Sun God crosses across, and the Sun God Flower is tied on this branch. It is only a few feet high from the top of the world's top, flowing with golden light, bright and eye-catching.

Elsewhere, the leaves of the Sun God Tree can hold up the stars and are very huge, but here, affected by the overflowing rules of the World Mountain, the divine flower that is even more amazing than the leaves is only the size of a millstone.

At this moment, the sacred flower seemed to sense something and was about to bloom. It was originally in the form of a flower bone, but now it revealed the outline of the petals, blooming little by little.

At the same time, bright golden light flashed from the gaps between the petals, and a few drops of golden juice, each drop was as big as a longan, were about to drip with bright golden light and fragrant fragrance.

"What an amazing divine liquid." Xiaota was surprised and sensed an unparalleled divine power from it.

That is the essence of the entire Sun God Tree, which is naturally against the heavens.

Chi Cang thought for a while, sacrificed a precious phantom, came under the sacred flower, and waited for the sacred flower to mature and bloom.

Not long after, the light above the Sun God Flower was so dazzling that it pierced people's eyes, as if it contained a sun.

Several petals continued to bloom, and the three drops of shocking divine liquid flowed down the petals and dripped into the container that Chi Cang had prepared.

In the white jade cauldron the size of a fist, three drops of gold liquid rolled, surrounded by brilliant rays of light, the golden mist filled the air, and the clouds steamed and glowed.

A refreshing fragrance spreads out, making people feel slightly shaken.

This is a divine liquid bred from the essence of a quasi-world tree. It exhausts the mysteries of heaven and earth and contains the secrets of the rules of the world. Perhaps even the elixir of longevity cannot be compared to it.

"This... is a good thing. If used to build a foundation, its effectiveness is unparalleled in the world." Xiaota sighed.

"It's a good thing, but it's of no use to us. Let's leave it to Shi Hao." Chi Cang said, collecting the divine liquid for Shi Hao.

There is a woman contained in the sacred flower, and she should also be building the foundation. Therefore, the effect of the divine liquid in the sacred flower on the young monk is unimaginable.

As time went by, the divine flower continued to bloom, and a few drops of divine liquid rolled out, like several rounds of the sun, bursting out with brilliant brilliance.


Five more drops of Sun God Liquid dripped down and entered the white jade cauldron. Together with the three drops that entered just now, they quietly released their fragrance.


Suddenly, a soft sound came out, breaking the peace here.

On the thick golden trunk, the Sun God Flower was blooming, with golden clouds flowing, and a haze of holiness, like a golden sun in full bloom. Gradually, the scene in the flower was revealed.

There, the golden glow was blazing, and in the center of the sacred flower, there was a crystal-clear egg, almost transparent. It absorbed the golden juice in the sacred flower and absorbed the essence released by the entire sun tree. Its energy was astonishing.

The small pagoda and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk were in a daze. Even though Chi Cang had told her in advance that there was a woman inside the sacred flower, they were still a little shocked when they actually saw it.

The eggshell is transparent, and the scene inside is clearly visible. A woman with loose golden hair, undulating curves, and a slender figure closed her eyes and quietly floated in the eggshell.

Such a scene is too weird, like a peerless picture. How could a flower give birth to a peerless beauty?

"There really is a woman." Xiaota was extremely surprised.

The eggshell was too dreamy, golden in color, yet transparent and extremely magnificent, shining with seven rainbows of light.

The woman inside was curled up, her beauty was breathtaking, with blond hair, a body as white and crystal-clear as ivory, and her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, as if she might wake up at any time.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at the woman solemnly, without saying a word, quietly waiting for her to wake up.

They could see that this woman was currently in a weak stage. She had just emerged from the sacred flower and was not even as good as the venerable one.

However, her foundation is so strong that it is simply unfathomable, and she will skyrocket in a few years.

"She should be a nirvana existence, and now is the weakest period." Liu Shen made a judgment.

Everyone waited, and finally, after a while, the sacred flower trembled slightly and flew to the ancient palace of chaos not far away. It did not fall off from the tree trunk, but remained connected.

At the same time, a heavenly voice sounded in everyone's ears, inviting them to go to the Ancient Palace of Chaos for a chat.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other, raised their feet, and stepped into the Ancient Chaos Palace, followed by two major Chaos magic weapons.

The palace is huge and boundless, and when you look up at it, you only feel as small as a mote of dust. Even beings like Chi Cang and Liu Shen feel that way.

Earlier, the ancient palace of chaos was surrounded by runes and chaotic energy. The pressure was amazing and it was almost impossible to break through.

As the divine flowers flew in, the restrictions around the Ancient Chaos Palace were lifted. When Chi Cang and Liu Shen entered, they did not feel the slightest pressure.

Chaos energy permeated the palace, and it was so heavy that a single ray could collapse a mountain.

The two of them regarded it as nothing and stepped into the deepest part of the ancient palace. There, there was a Taoist platform, and the crouched blond woman appeared on the Taoist platform.

Pieces of runes shrouded it, and wisps of the divine voice of the avenue floated in the void. The woman remained motionless and did not open her eyes, as if she was listening to the avenue.

She was still not born because the divine flower was not fully mature yet. It bloomed because it was disturbed by the outside world.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen came over and kept a sufficient distance from the Taoist platform.

The small tower and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk followed behind, looking around, very curious about this majestic palace. They instinctively felt that it was not simple here, and even though they were Chaos Magical Artifacts, they were in awe of this place.

In the deepest part of the palace, in addition to the most conspicuous Taoist platform, there are stone tables and bookshelves, etc., all made of stone, simple and mysterious, without luster. Whether it is the stone table or the bookshelf, there is a bone book. The style of the book is extremely ancient and filled with chaos. It is not simple at first glance.

"Two fellow Taoists, why are you here?"

The blond woman in the eggshell spoke up and asked Chi Cang and Liu Shen about their purpose. The two powerful men made the woman sense danger, which was enough to threaten her, especially Chi Cang, who had the body of an immortal king and was unfathomable. , so that women can’t see through it.

However, Chi Cang and Liu Shen had a good grasp and maintained restraint, giving this woman a sufficient sense of security. Otherwise, she might directly control the Sun God Tree and leave this place.

"I came here for the opportunity." Chi Cang said directly, without any hesitation.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became a little heavier. Xiaota and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk were speechless. It was too direct to say this. It gave people the impression that they were like robbers who came to rob.

Liu Shen did not speak, and stood on the spot, with a divine disk composed of three thousand flames behind him, the most holy god.

The woman seemed to be shocked by Chi Cang's words and fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, the blond woman spoke again.

"What is the opportunity that fellow Taoist said? If it is within my ability, I am willing to form this good relationship."

Hearing this, Chi Cang said bluntly: "The World Mountain that nourishes the divine flower where my Taoist friend is located is of great use to us. I wonder if you can part with it?

Of course, we only need part of it, not all of it. "

The small tower and the Six Paths of Reincarnation have become energetic, which depends on whether they can repair their injuries.

If you miss the World Mountain here and want to rely on collecting divine materials to repair it, you don't know how long it will take to collect it.

The blond woman was silent for a while, and finally agreed to Chi Cang.

"Meeting is fate. You can take one third of the World Mountain."

"one third?"

When Xiaota heard this, his mouth was watering and his heart was pounding. Taking away one third of such a big world mountain would be enough to resmelt it and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, and even make a lot more. Refining a most precious weapon.

The six-path samsara disk is also very happy. It seems that there is no surprise in the repair. It will reach the highest peak that the triangle samsara disk can reach.

When the time comes, store some more, and when all the hexagonal reincarnation disks are found and integrated into one, you can reach the sky in one step and return directly to the top.

"By the way, I also want to know the origins of this ancient palace and fellow Taoists, as well as the secrets contained in these bone books placed in the ancient palace." Chi Cang continued.

Without waiting for the blonde woman to respond, he added.

"These things are not free. I also have magical items that can help fellow Taoists."

The blonde woman was lost in thought. What this creature said just now almost made her angry, because one third of the World Mountain was already a huge opportunity, but the other party actually had other requirements, which was a bit too much.

If she hadn't been so weak now and couldn't help a strong man like Chi Cang, she would never have been so kind and gentle.

Unexpectedly, Chi Cang actually said that there was a magical object that could help her, and he wanted to trade that information.

This puts the blond woman in a dilemma. The contents of the bone book in the palace contain great causes and consequences, and there are also great secrets about the origins of the Ancient Chaos Temple and herself. It is too dangerous to tell strangers easily, and it may lead to trouble. Come to a strong enemy.

Moreover, no one knew whether there was a divine object that Chi Cang said could help her, and there was nothing she could do if the other party came up empty-handed.

How could Chi Cang not know this blonde woman's worries? A drop of Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid suddenly appeared between his fingers, which was red in color and contained endless life essence and taboo rules.

A small drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid seems to encompass all the worlds. For the blond woman who uses the Quasi-World Tree and World Mountain to achieve nirvana, this drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid has a fatal temptation.

Because it contains the power of taboo rules in all the worlds, it can speed up the evolution of the quasi-world tree into the world tree, and is also of great benefit to the woman herself.

"How about this kind of divine object? Is it helpful to fellow Taoists?" Chi Cang asked.

The blonde woman still didn't open her eyes, but Chi Cang could feel a pair of eyes watching here.

"This liquid is of great use to me. I am willing to satisfy fellow Taoist requests in exchange for this drop of divine liquid. However, there are some prerequisites.

My information cannot be leaked. Also, I need to know the identities and origins of several fellow Taoists. "

Chi Cang nodded.

"no problem."

Afterwards, Chi Cang took the initiative to talk about the origins of his people. He guessed that the reason why the woman had so many concerns was related to darkness.

Because this ancient palace of chaos, he was already convinced that it was the legendary ancient palace of Jie Yin, which belonged to darkness, but now it stood here without any aura related to weirdness.

This shows that the strangeness of the ancient palace was eliminated by a certain strong person. That supreme strong person must be closely related to the blond woman in front of him.

"Have you ever heard of the Ten Evils of the Ancient Immortals?"

The blond woman replied: "I have heard that although I have been sealed for endless years, I have been born here several times. Foreign monks broke in. They fought with each other for opportunities, and some were killed by me for crossing the boundary. Yes, after they died, their essence became the nourishment of the divine tree, and their memories were also captured by the divine tree, so I can understand some things about the outside world."

"In that case, I won't say more, I am the Thunder Emperor, one of the ten evils of the ancient immortals.

He is the most powerful person in the original Nine Heavens of the Immortal Ancient Era. The outside world calls him the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit. "Chi Cang showed his identity and expressed his sincerity.

"Thunder Emperor, Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit? I see, you have nothing to do with the darkness, and you are mortal enemies." The blond woman seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, confirming that Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the darkness were not involved.

"Nature is a mortal enemy. The ancient sorrow of the immortals has destined us to have a battle with the descendants of darkness - the foreign land."

“If that’s the case, then I have nothing to worry about.

The era I was born in is unimaginably old. I don’t know how many eras have passed since the seal was sealed.

It was an era when the Heavenly Emperor existed. Many Heavenly Emperors coexisted and ruled the heavens and seas. They were arrogant and invincible in the world. They were extremely glorious and brilliant, and were called Emperor Luo in history. "

"What? The Emperor's Fall Era? Many Heavenly Emperors coexisted?" Chi Cang was a little surprised, because the era he witnessed was before the Emperor's Fall, when the quasi-immortal emperor went to break into the world sea alone. The era after the fall should be called the Emperor's Fall. .

Now, this woman said that she has been sealed since the emperor fell, and that there were many heavenly emperors coexisting in the world in that era. This is really amazing. Could it be that after the fall of the quasi-immortal emperor, a new quasi-immortal emperor appeared? And more than one?

Seeing Chi Cang's doubts, the blond woman explained: "The so-called Heavenly Emperors are not the real Immortal Emperors. They are only one step away from the Immortal Emperors and almost break into that level.

At their level, the Immortal King is not an enemy at all. Even giants have to surrender. Moreover, those Heavenly Emperors created the Immortal Realm Law and are the pioneers of a system.

My grandfather was one of them. "

"Your grandfather is the ancestor of the Immortal Domain System?" Liu Shen, who had been silent all this time, could not remain calm at this moment.

If what this woman said is true, then her origin is indeed shocking. She is actually a descendant of the founder of the system.

"He didn't create it alone, but there were several of them. They regarded themselves as emperors. Unfortunately, they didn't really break through to the king's realm and couldn't enjoy that kind of blessing. In the end, they were successively damaged, and almost all of their clan members died."

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