The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 224 Destroying Demons

At the top of the ladder, the light and mist are hazy, filled with auspicious colors and glow, just like a fairyland, but it is actually bloody in nature. One after another, the creatures who long to become immortals climb up with longing, and finally die tragically for no apparent reason.

One moment is heaven, the next moment is hell, this is the most realistic portrayal of this place.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen couldn't help but sigh. The angler they killed alone had more than a dozen places like this, not to mention those deep in the road. They were too numerous to count.

“The most terrifying thing in this world is the unknown, and the luckiest thing is also the unknown.

What kind of sadness is it to die in the unknown, silently? But on the other hand, the unknown does not make people completely despair. "Liu Shen felt infinite emotion in his heart.

Isn't this the case when they face the dark truth?

"I would rather be destroyed in despair than die in ignorance." The deep eyes of Chi Cang showed the terrifying scene of the birth of chaos and the collapse of the universe.

Liu Shen's heart was touched, and the chaotic light on his body flickered. His thoughts were the same as Chi Cang's.

This is the pride of the strong, just like those immortal king creatures who have great ambitions and step into the sea of ​​​​realm without hesitation, hoping to quell the dark turmoil.

Suddenly, there was movement on the ladder to heaven. It turned out that it was time to cast the net again. In the ancient world, the ladder to heaven was hidden in the fairy mist, crossed the void, and appeared in a secret place.

"The ladder to ascend to immortality has reappeared in the world. This is heaven's selection of immortals. Don't miss it."

In the ancient world, an old monk shouted, tears of excitement filling his eyes. He had seen the birth of the Immortal Ladder countless years ago. At that time, a group of unnatural beings stepped up the Ladder and disappeared without a trace.

There are rumors in the world that they have become immortals.

From ancient times to the present, the Immortal Staircase will appear every once in a while, and every time a creature will successfully reach the top.

It is said that some witnesses who were climbing together saw them becoming immortals and ascending from the same spot.

Immediately, the ancient world was filled with people. One after another, heavenly figures rushed towards the place where the Immortal Ladder appeared. For them, this was the hope of becoming an immortal and they could not miss it.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at all this with some emotion, it was like the beginning of another reincarnation.

In the end, Chi Cang took away the Immortal Killing Formation behind the ladder and left some words of warning. After that, if someone successfully climbs to the top, they will set foot on this avenue and see Chi Cang's message, and they will no longer become A member of the blood mist died in a daze.

Next, Chi Cang and Liu Shen went to other ancient worlds, took away all the immortal killing arrays arranged by the anglers, and liberated the creatures living in those ancient worlds.

After doing all this, they returned to the Primordial Gate and arranged it to prevent other anglers from discovering and controlling the Primordial Gate and using the Nine Heavens and Ten Places as fish ponds.

Afterwards, the two set out on the road, truly embarking on this extremely dangerous road full of thorns.

Loneliness and desolation are the eternal themes on this road. There is an exhausted starry sky, an uninhabited ocean, and an endless sea of ​​sand.

If you travel alone, you will inevitably be alone. Chi Cang and Liu Shen were okay. The two of them talked, sometimes discussed the Tao, and moved towards the depths at an extremely fast speed.

Along the way, the two met many ancient worlds, most of which were broken, defective, with thin life essence, and the number of living creatures living in them was pitifully small.

Many ancient worlds have been abandoned, and only cold ruins stand among the ruins, testifying to the brilliance and glory of the civilization back then.

The few ancient worlds that have life are also abnormal. The creatures in them are bloodthirsty and murderous, and they act based on instinct.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen passing by naturally became the targets of these creatures.

Fortunately, most of the time, the creatures encountered are not very strong and cannot cause them trouble.

However, everything has surprises. For example, now, Chi Cang and Liu Shen are in big trouble.

This is a world with a harsh environment and unsuitable for survival. It is as cruel as hell, but it is a paradise for creatures to grow freely.

When Chi Cang and Liu Shen came to this world, they saw a shocking scene.

The volcano roared, magma spread all over the place, and gathered into a vast ocean. The blazing high temperature baked the earth and the void, as if a large sun had fallen, releasing unparalleled heat.

If it were not a creature close to fire, it would be impossible to survive in this hellish environment.

However, this is not the main point. The most important thing is the fire butterflies that fill the sky, filling almost every inch of the void.

Where Chi Cang and Liu Shen stood, there were countless flame demon butterflies flying.

The two of them stared around, their expressions not very relaxed.

Although the number of these flame demon butterflies is too large to be counted, their combat power is not high, and they are basically only at the level of divine fire.

What made Chi Cang and Liu Shen dignified was something else. In the center of the ancient world, there was a giant tree that reached the sky. It was covered with fiery red and cracked bark, and there were clusters of mysterious magic patterns, like ferocious monsters. scales.

The crown of the tree reaches the sky, like a huge umbrella, blocking out the sky and the sun. It has lush branches and leaves. Each leaf is like a flame, trembling with the wind. But if you look closely, you will find that they are flame magic butterflies. Flapping its wings.

This scene is very strange. The leaves growing out of a tree are actually flame demon butterflies. No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel creepy.

When the leaves fall off, they will not fall and turn into putrid mud. Instead, they will fly in the air and become a magic butterfly.

In other words, the demon butterflies that fill this world were all born on this ancient tree.

"It's really scary for a creature to occupy a world by itself." Liu Shen sighed.

As a tree spirit, he quickly learned the secret of this ancient tree that reaches the sky.

Although the environment in this ancient world is very harsh, there will be creatures that adapt to this environment and survive. After all, there is essence in the ancient world.

However, Chi Cang and Liu Shen spread their vast spiritual consciousness across most of the ancient world, but could not find any other creatures except ancient trees and magic butterflies.

There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that the ancient tree has eaten up all the living creatures in this world.

It occupies all resources, and continuously produces magic butterfly leaves, spreading throughout the ancient world, looking for things it can devour.

The arrival of Chi Cang and Liu Shen has obviously alarmed it. As long as it comes into contact with the flame demon butterfly, it cannot escape the induction of the ancient tree.

"This tree already possesses the power of immortality. It is the only living creature in the entire ancient world. It can swallow the essence unscrupulously and expand without end.

Perhaps, after endless years, it will grow to a limit and the whole world will collapse because of it. "Chi Cang seemed to have foreseen the future.

"It has discovered us. It has not eaten for a long time, and it is impossible to let go of two fresh living creatures." Liu Shen reminded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the flame butterflies around the two people flapped their wings in unison, and all turned their heads to look at the two people.

It is useless for one divine fire realm demon butterfly to flap its wings, and the same goes for two or three. But if an entire realm of divine fire realm demon butterflies flap their wings at a special frequency, it will be extremely terrifying. It is not as simple as one plus one. The power of the storm is infinitely superimposed, reaching an incredible level.


The fire storm covered the sky and covered the sun, sweeping across the sky and the earth. The turbulent magma ocean was also swept up, and it was all concentrated towards the place where Chi Cang and Liu Shen stood.

At the same time, the terrifying ancient tree that reached the sky also moved. The thick trunks pierced the void and extended over, carrying the rich laws of immortality, like a giant mountain that was moving up to the sky.

The magma ocean was also rioting, and terrifying roots rushed up from it and entangled the two of them. These were the roots of the magic tree, which had already been distributed throughout almost the entire interface.

It's obviously a living being launching the attack, but it gives people a feeling that the heaven and earth are moving together, and Mount Tai is overwhelming.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen did not dare to be careless. This was a terrifying demon tree. It was the absolute master of this world. It swallowed up all living creatures and was extremely terrifying.

After a long time, it has grown to the level of an immortal tree, and its combat power cannot be underestimated.

"A tree covers an entire world, somewhat like a World Tree. Unfortunately, its evolutionary journey has been full of bloodshed and plunder. It has gone in another direction, and it is impossible to grow into a World Tree."

A pair of wings that covered the sky and sun appeared behind Chi Cang, black and gold, entwined with thunder and filled with chaotic energy, almost filling the sky.

At the same time, the phantom of a supreme demonic bird appeared behind Chi Cang. This was the Ten Fierce Kun Peng, which was overwhelming the universe and terrifying.

Willow God also entered a fighting posture. The three thousand immortal flames behind him burned fiercely and turned into a divine disk. A majestic and sacred giant willow tree towered over the sky and the earth. It was huge and boundless, with hundreds of millions of willow branches hanging down. Each one was shining brightly and seemed to be in order. Like a fairy chain.

After seeing the willow god's appearance and sensing his aura, the magic tree in the ancient world let out a sharp roar, which was the excitement of encountering delicious food.

As both plant-like creatures, if they could devour Willow God, it would be of great benefit.

It became even more violent, with fire storms, tree trunks, and roots coming overwhelmingly.

In this ancient world, it has always been the supreme existence, so the ancient tree is extremely domineering and wants to capture these two fresh foods as soon as possible.


Chi Cang snorted coldly, lightning surged in his eyes, and taboo symbols were arranged and combined.

"Nine Heavens Tribulation Light."

He cast a forbidden method, arousing the power of heaven and earth, bringing down the calamity light and destroying everything.

In an instant, the sky darkened and became gloomy, everything seemed to have lost its luster, and only the forbidden thunder above the sky was shining.

One after another, the forbidden heavenly punishments suddenly fell from the sky above the ancient trees. They were as thick as the vast mountains and could almost destroy the world.


Everything happened too fast. The ancient tree was rooted there and had no time to dodge. It was hit directly and made a huge roar.

Electric light and sparks flickered, and the ancient tree let out a shrill scream, as if a ghost from ancient times was wailing.

Now Chi Cang controls the Forbidden Thunder, and uses the Nine Heavens Tribulation Light to bring down the most terrifying type of calamity punishment, severely damaging this ancient tree in an instant.

It should be understood that only the most unnatural creatures are qualified to resist the most terrifying kind of punishment, and the rest are difficult to resist.

If this ancient tree hadn't had unparalleled vitality and roots all over the ancient world, this blow would have taken away most of its life.

This is the horror of heavenly punishment, and the reason why the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors are feared by the Immortal King of the foreign land.

When he's on the same level, it's hard for anyone to stop him.


The ancient tree was in pain and went crazy. Demonic butterflies surrounded Chi Cang and Liu Shen. They all flapped their butterfly wings and cooperated with the trunk and roots to kill the two of them.

At this time, the willow god showed his power, and the billions of willow branches swung, and all the willow leaves on them burned, turning into small true phoenixes, attacking the sky, and burning the universe.

In just an instant, these little true phoenixes broke away from the wicker branches and rushed in all directions, colliding with the flame demon butterflies.

And these countless willow branches suddenly stretched straight, like spears, piercing the void and attacking the trunk and roots of the demon tree.


The True Phoenix Treasure Technique performed by Liu Shen crushed the flame demon butterflies, imprinting into the ice and snow like a hot iron, causing the flame demon butterflies to melt instantly.

The straight and hard wicker spear also penetrated the trunk and roots of the tree.

The demon tree was completely suppressed by Liu Shen.

Even if it already has immortal-level combat power, it is dwarfed in all aspects by an invincible being who was once the giant of the Immortal King.

Both his combat experience and his understanding of the Dao were crushed. Even if Liu Shen faced the enemy alone, he would most likely be able to defeat the Demon Tree.

However, Chi Cang still took action just in case.

He flapped Kunpeng's wings, and his whole body turned into a blazing lightning, breaking through all obstacles, and rushed to the main trunk of the magic tree in an instant.

"hold head high!"

The blazing body suddenly bent and bowed into the shape of a dragon, and cold scales shining with metallic luster appeared around his heart. Indistinctly, a high-pitched dragon's roar resounded through the sky.

He used the True Dragon Treasure Technique, which has the most terrifying attack power. In just an instant, a huge collapse occurred in the void, unable to withstand this powerful force.

That aura that was so powerful that it made people tremble, made even the Demon Tree feel terrified.

You must know that this is a supreme treasure technique obtained from the True Dragon, the leader of the ten evils. It can be used with blazing combat power to destroy everything.


A thick dragon tail was thrown out, as if dozens of ancient universes had smashed into it, the world was shattered, and chaos was reopened, as if everything was going to be brought back to its original point.


There was a crisp snapping sound, followed by the wail of the demon tree.

Among those at the same level, who can stop the True Dragon's Tail?

The huge demonic tree reaching the sky was instantly broken at the waist, and the canopy of the umbrella covering the sky suddenly collapsed and fell.

There was even dripping blood oozing from the broken place, which was extremely strange.

This was not over yet, Chi Cang continued to attack, the real dragon claws fell from the sky, and smashed the remaining lower trunk of the demon tree into pieces, blood spattered and sawdust flew.

On the other side, Liu Shen had completely suppressed the Demon Tree's attack, and with Chi Cang's restraint, he was even more capable.

Those blazing little true phoenixes suddenly changed and turned into nine-leaf sword grass one after another entwined with chaotic energy.

Suddenly, the monstrous sword energy bloomed everywhere, the magma sea churned, the earth cracked, and was cut open by the sword energy.


The dense sound of breaking through the air filled every inch of the void, and the endless sword energy cut through the sea of ​​​​stars, causing the universe to churn endlessly, each one heading towards the roots entrenched deep in the ground.


Mountains and rivers collapsed, the earth sank, and blood surged like springs. This was the result of the roots of the demon tree being cut off.

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