Everything is over, the crisis of world destruction has been eliminated, and it was solved by Chi Cang and Tianyang King working together.

The smoke-filled earth was in ruins and chaos, and the vast starry sky was torn apart by the battle at the Immortal King level.

The avenues of heaven and earth and the order of heaven and earth have all been broken to varying degrees. They are connected to the World Tree. Now, the World Tree has almost been destroyed by the King of Darkness, and the ancient world has inevitably suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, the immortal monks intercepted the dark army outside the world and did not let them massacre all souls.

On the True Immortal battlefield, most of the True Immortals were revived, and only a few died completely. Some were besieged by the Dark Immortals, with blood splattering in the sky, and some were eroded too deeply by the dark matter and could not wait until Chi Cang arrived. When the body dies, the Tao disappears.

Overall, this is the best result. It is definitely a miracle that the ancient world has survived the dark catastrophe at such a cost.

What is regrettable is that King Tianyang passed away, and the last mark became a seal, filling the dark passage. His choice was the same as that of the Stone King in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, using his life to protect the mother world and create peace for future generations.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen stood on the same spot and did not move for a long time. A generation of immortal kings once climbed to the top of the mountain, overlooked the eternity, and tasted the splendor of the world. In the end, it ended in such a desolate way, and the last fire bloomed in the darkness.

This is a supremely powerful man worthy of respect, destined to leave his name in history. Perhaps history and time will slowly forget him, but this tragic scene, that heroic figure, and the figure without hesitation will forever be engraved in the sky and the sky. Liu Shen's heart.

The two stood there for a long time, sighing, deeply aware of the cruelty of the road. If you make a mistake or take a wrong step on this road, it will lead to an endless abyss with no possibility of regret.

They turned around and looked at the ancient world, and saw a lot of ruins. The starry sky in the universe was dark, and most of the shining stars had turned into dust. There was no way, the battle between the Immortal Kings was too terrifying, and even if it was swept by the weak aftermath, it would explode into dust. .

If there is no human interference, the night sky will be absolutely dark for a long time to come.

This is not the most serious thing. The most terrifying thing is that the avenue of heaven and earth is broken, and the cultivation environment will become increasingly difficult. If it is not stopped in time, this ancient world will become exhausted and no longer suitable for cultivation.

Everything is in ruins and many areas need to be repaired.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen stepped in front of the dying World Tree. At this moment, the World Tree no longer had the majesty and vastness it had at the beginning. The thickest trunk was almost broken in half, and many branches were still filled with dark matter, which was different from the content contained in the World Tree. The forbidden thunder cancels each other out and obliterates each other.

Chi Cang stretched out his palm and touched the trunk of the world tree. The dragon-scale-like bark was ancient and vicissitudes of life. It was originally full of vitality, but now it was dry. In his palm, endless vitality overflowed, full of the power of creation, and poured into it. Inside the World Tree.

Moreover, there are countless fragments of the Great Law, which are the laws of the heavens and all realms that Chicang realized when he was sitting in the heavenly realm where he was selling counterfeit medicine, sitting under the fairy tree where he was selling fake medicine. From countless amazing geniuses.

For World Tree, the greatest opportunity comes when these avenues from different ancient worlds converge and collide.

Coupled with the infinite vitality given by Chi Cang through the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, this broken World Tree began to recover.

The cracks on the main trunk slowly healed, the broken branches grew again, and buds appeared, releasing vitality. Soon, the signs of decay disappeared, and a huge umbrella was held up high, with various avenue rules. Diffuse, chaotic and misty, the weather is stunning.

World Tree has recovered again. Although it is still a long way from its heyday, it has improved. It will take time to slowly smooth out the wounds.

As the world tree turned from danger to safety, the ancient world also changed. The violent roads gradually stabilized, and some broken and powerful roads began to show signs of repair.

"Fortunately, there is only one battlefield of the Immortal King, and the situation is not too serious. Otherwise, if the avenue is too broken, it will be difficult to repair, and the ancient world will gradually enter the end of the law. In such a world environment, the ancient mysterious kingdom will also Decline." Chi Cang sighed.

"There is no eternal kingdom of God in the world." Liu Shen next to him said.

She can protect the Guxuan Divine Kingdom and help them survive this crisis, but her eyes will not be set here forever. Natural decay is a law that everything cannot escape.

Just like Shi Cun, she can help him survive a temporary crisis, but she won't be there forever. She still has her own things to do.

Soon after, the three quasi-immortal kings and the immortals from the ancient world came to the World Tree. They were so powerful that they could naturally sense the changes in the ancient world and knew that Chi Cang might be taking action.

The tall world tree towers into the sky, and the vast umbrella covers the sky and the sun, spreading across the universe and stars.

The branches are luxuriant, each leaf is hidden in the chaotic mist, various avenues and laws are intertwined, and the light of stars seems to be faintly coming out.

This is World Tree creating the sun, moon and stars in order to restore order in the ancient world.

“With the arrival of the dark army, it’s a blessing that the ancient world can still be preserved so well.

In history, there is no ancient world that has been targeted by dark creatures that has not been shattered. Most of them have disappeared, and no one has confirmed that those who survived have not been confirmed. Thinking about it, only those ancient worlds that are truly powerful and powerful have the capital to fight against the darkness. . "

"Yes, this is a miracle, and it all depends on the help of fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor."

The quasi-immortal king and the immortals did not hesitate to praise him at all, thanking Chi Cang for saving this world from fire and water. At the same time, they also did not forget to thank Liu Shen. After all, she was the fundamental reason why Chi Cang stayed.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen responded one by one and were not proud of helping the ancient world survive the catastrophe, which made the immortal beings in the ancient world feel good.

When they learned that King Tianyang had sacrificed his last mark of obsession to block the dark passage, the three quasi-immortal kings all sighed.

Once upon a time, the four of them were both enemies and friends. They had conflicts and helped each other, and they all had a deep understanding of each other.

They were not surprised by what Tianyang King did, because he was that kind of person, courageous and responsible.

"What a pity, Fellow Taoist Tianyang." Mu Jun did not call King Tianyang his senior. They were creatures of the same generation, so there was no need for that.

"I only hope that his descendants will get the treatment they deserve." Chi Cang whispered, expressing his attitude.

"This is natural. With the achievements of fellow Taoist Tianyang, his descendants will be blessed for generations to come." A group of immortal creatures did not hesitate and all spoke up, which was regarded as a promise.

"Of course, merits and demerits must be discussed. If the virtues of his descendants are not up to the standard, then the decline will be his own fault." Chi Cang nodded and said this again.

No one can predict what the descendants of King Tianyang will be like. If they are domineering, show off their power with the achievements of their ancestors, and bully all spirits, Chi Cang feels that they are not as good as disappearing from everyone. He believes that if King Tianyang is still When you are alive, you will also clean up your own door.

However, people are not static and cannot be beaten to death with a stick. They must still be given a chance to change. After all, they are descendants of King Tianyang.

However, these have nothing to do with Chi Cang and Liu Shen. They are about to set off to continue their unfinished journey.

There is a long road ahead, and this ancient world is just a starting point.

"Are the two fellow Taoists leaving now? Why don't you stay in this world for a few days, and I can show my friendship to the landlords." After learning that the two were about to set off, the three quasi-immortal kings urged them to stay, and all the immortals also came out one after another. I hope Chi Cang and Liu Shen won't leave in such a hurry.

Chi Cang shook his head.

"There is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. When one day we reach the top and calm down the darkness and chaos, it will not be too late to reminisce about the past."

As soon as these words came out, it was difficult to retain the true immortals in the ancient world. They felt a heavy responsibility to quell the darkness and chaos. How many people throughout the ages have dared to say this? Even King Tianyang didn't dare to talk about quelling the dark turmoil when he set foot on the road to the Boundary Sea, because he knew how powerful the darkness was.

The atmosphere became a little heavier. The dark army invading this world was actually nothing. On the roaring sea of ​​​​the world, dark ancient ships sailed one after another, and ancient palaces stood one after another. The fallen king became Everywhere it passes, the Immortal King will be broken.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of terrible situation it is. It’s as powerful as King Tianyang falling in the sea of ​​​​the world. Only a creature as talented as the Thunder Emperor is qualified to speak out about quelling the darkness.

"Well, it looks so lively. Did I miss something?"

At this moment, a sudden voice came from behind Liu Shen's body.

"Maybe he missed a big battle."

At the same time, Chi Cang's voice also sounded from his body.

It was the small pagoda and the Six Paths of Reincarnation that woke up. After they obtained the World Mountain, they began to re-sacrifice their bodies. It was not until just now that the recasting was completed, and they woke up from that state of distraction.

As soon as he woke up, he saw quasi-immortal king-level creatures and a group of true immortals. They were a little confused and didn't know what happened.

When the immortals were wondering who was making the noise, a huge willow tree appeared behind the Willow God. Billions of crystal-clear willow branches were fluttering in the wind. On one of them, a white bone tower was wrapped around it. It was as high as On the sixth floor, the whole body is filled with the radiance of immortality, and the treasure is shining brightly, which is very extraordinary.

Chi Cang also stretched out his palm at the same moment, and in his palm floated a half-bone plate. The sound of reincarnation lingered, releasing wisps of immortal aura.

"Two immortal weapons?" A true immortal asked.

"More than that, they are all dilapidated. The ancient pagoda should have nine floors, and the fairy plate should have six corners.

Even if it is broken, it can reach the realm of immortality. If it is intact, how strong will it be? I'm afraid it has reached the level of an Immortal King's weapon. Mu Jun said in surprise.

Who would have thought that they would see broken immortal king weapons on Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Their current situation is the same as what the two of them encountered. They are in the process of Nirvana recovery. Once the repair is completed, they will no longer be in the realm of true immortals. So simple.

The small tower glowed, loosened the willow branches wrapped around the tower body, rushed out from the Dharma, and floated in front of the Willow God.

"It seems like I really missed a big battle."

The small tower muttered to itself, and the patterns of all spirits appeared on the tower. It was exploring various information about this source of life.

"Hiss! There are actually traces of battles with creatures that have surpassed the True Immortal level. It's so terrifying." Xiaota took a breath of cold air.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is also spinning and shining.

Slightly repaired, they have reached the ultimate level of what they can currently achieve, and both weapons can't wait to show off their abilities.

In this regard, Chi Cang did not stop him, but just watched quietly.

After a long time, the small tower and the Six Paths of Reincarnation finally stopped. After investigation, they were convinced that a war involving the Immortal King had just occurred in this ancient world.

After getting affirmative answers from Chi Cang and Liu Shen, they all shouted that they had missed it. If they woke up earlier and fought side by side with Chi Cang and Liu Shen, they would definitely be able to show off their power.

"Oh my God, you killed a Dark Immortal King?" After hearing Chi Cang's description, Xiaota almost jumped up.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was also extremely shocked. How long had they been sleeping? Chi Cang was already able to kill the Immortal King, even with the Immortal King's obsession to help, it was unbelievable.

It took a long time for them to recover.

"Since you are the one who saved this world, how can you leave empty-handed?" Xiaota was very oblivious, because it had already been bound to Chi Cang and Liu Shen, so it directly said such words, and then, He jumped in front of the immortals and said that he needed a lot of immortal materials.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is not as straightforward as it is, but I still think it’s appropriate to collect some fairy materials before leaving.

When Mu Jun and others heard this, they agreed directly without hesitation. To be honest, if Chi Cang and Liu Shen left like this without taking anything with them, they would not be happy. Fortunately, the two awakened immortals opened This mouth.

Chi Cang was speechless. Xiaota was beginning to let himself go. He and Liu Shen looked at each other and finally acquiesced to the matter.

Not long after, the three quasi-immortal kings and a group of true immortals took out their treasures, returned to the foot of the World Tree, and placed them in the void for the two weapons to choose from.

Some took out Immortal Gold, Void Immortal Gold, Bright Immortal Gold, etc., all nine Immortal Golds were collected directly, and some took out cherished objects, including rare Immortal Materials, such as Destiny Stone, Wanfa Stone, and Dao Stone. And so on, there are also unknown materials with extraordinary origins, which are dazzling and dazzling.

Xiaota's mouth watered when he saw it. This was a collection of true immortals from all over the world. It was right in front of him. If he went to look for it by himself, he didn't know how long it would take him to find it.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also secretly swallowed his saliva. He didn't expect that the harvest would be so great. They were all top-notch materials, enough to cast multiple immortal magic weapons. Some of the top immortal materials were even needed by the Immortal King when casting the weapons.

"I wonder if these immortal materials can satisfy all fellow Taoists?" Mu Jun smiled.

This time, they spent a lot of money. Many immortal materials were stored by the true immortals to prepare the immortal weapons. In order to repay Chi Cang for saving the ancient world and saving them, they took out all of them.

"Satisfied, of course satisfied." The small tower was excited. The six-story tower rumbled and vibrated, and wisps of chaotic divine light fell down.

As it said this, it couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to take away all the fairy materials.

However, Xiaota would not do this without the permission of Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

At this time, Chi Cang, with a thoughtful expression on his face, stepped forward to a piece of ancient stone suspended in the void, held it in his hand, and examined it carefully. After a moment, his face was filled with solemnity.

"Can you tell me the origin of this stone?"

Today is a pigeon, I don’t have 10,000 words, and I have to switch, so it’s a bit stuck.

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