The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 240 The dusty ancient road

"Slaying the Immortal Platform..."

Xiaota and the Six Paths of Reincarnation were a little surprised when they heard this. Only Thunder Emperor Chi Cang dared to use this taboo weapon that only existed in heavenly punishment as a weapon.

If it really comes out, it will definitely be a nightmare for countless creatures, but all the enemies of Blazing Cang will have to worry about the heads on their necks.

"The Immortal King and the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, my God, if I really kill a Quasi-Immortal Emperor, this Immortal-killing Platform will definitely become the most ferocious weapon in history." Xiaota said with fear.

"Maybe, but the title of the most ferocious soldier in history may have already been assigned to someone." Chi Cang was noncommittal.

Everyone knew what he meant. If nothing unexpected happened, the Lord of Heaven who left footprints and crossed the sea alone had encountered an accident in the dark place at the end of the boundary sea. The emperor's body was stained with blood, and the weapon that penetrated the body of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor , is the first vicious soldier.

"We have to hurry up, there is not much time left for Jiutian in the foreign land." Chi Cang's eyes were deep, and pictures flashed in his eyes.

That was the new memory about Shi Hao that Chi Cang got after he advanced to the virtual path.

After he wins the first prize in the Immortal Ancient Flower Bud, he will join the Heavenly God Academy above the Nine Heavens and compete with many Nine Heavens geniuses. In the process, Shi Hao will meet his mentor Meng Tianzheng who has influenced his life, and will also encounter many persecutions and injustices.

These tribulations will polish Shi Hao, allowing him to bloom with soaring vigor and edge.

At the same time, the foreign land is constantly testing Jiutian. This is the signal for a large-scale attack. Perhaps soon, the immortal king of the foreign land will step in. At that time, it is still unclear whether the nirvana true phoenix can be awakened. It can only be determined by stone. It may be difficult for Wang alone to resist.

Therefore, Chi Cang and Liu Shen need to seize the time and complete the journey in this short period of time. Not only must they return to their peak, they must at least have the fighting power of the Immortal King. Otherwise, they will not be qualified to fight the Immortal King.

Time passes easily, years are hard to stay, and a month passed quietly.

Along the way, Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the two Chaos Magical Weapons encountered many creatures, including fishermen hiding in the darkness, native creatures on the ancient road, and others who, like them, were eager to step into the sea of ​​​​realm and pursue higher evolution. The proud monk of the road.

Compared with the previous journey, I encountered life more frequently during this journey and it was not so boring.

This is because the ancient world where Guxuan Divine Kingdom is located is a node and a fork in the road. Many remote ancient roads lead there, and hundreds of rivers meet the sea. Therefore, the number of creatures on the road behind suddenly increased.

Standing on the node, the ancient world would naturally be attacked by many alien creatures. If it were not for the presence of three quasi-immortal kings and a group of powerful true immortals, it would have become chaotic.

After passing through the dark catastrophe, the power and fame of the ancient world will rise to a higher level. As long as those who pass through it have a little understanding of these, they will never dare to act arrogantly in that world.

One after another, artificially opened ancient roads extend from the depths of chaos, passing through multiple great realms along the way, and then interspersing on the final avenue. Countless unnatural beings from the vast ancient realms gather together on this ancient road to fight for the truth. Competing with each other, rushing towards the boundary sea.

Because of this, Chi Cang and Liu Shen are not alone in their journey. The closer they get to the Dam Realm, the higher the chance of encounters between creatures. On the last stretch of the journey, more powerful beings open up the world and station themselves there.

They are like layers of filters that retain the unnatural creatures from different ancient worlds and take root.

The cultivation of the Immortal King is inseparable from the power of faith. Building temples, spreading beliefs, reciting true names, etc. can speed up the cultivation speed of the Immortal King and strengthen the spirit of the Immortal King. Therefore, some people know that the boundary sea is dangerous and do not want to The deep Immortal King took root in the deepest part of this ancient road and accumulated strength.

At that time, Liu Shen was besieged by three great immortal kings, fell into the thunder abyss and survived, struggled to get out the seeds, and rushed to the ancient road. He had practiced nirvana in the kingdoms opened by those immortal kings. Now Liu Shen has restored his old self. I have a deep understanding of the situation there.

"Should be arriving soon."

Chi Cang whispered, and casually released thousands of thunderbolts, chopping a large piece of strange-shaped ancient beast into ashes.

Willow God was also taking action. Countless crystal-clear willow branches turned into straight spears, shattering the void, and accurately nailed into the eyebrows of the strange ancient beast. In an instant, the beast's blood spattered, and there were bursts of wailing sounds.

"Are you poking a hornet's nest? There's no end to the killing." The small tower levitated, its body glowed, and the lines of all spirits emerged, spurting out one after another chaotic sword energy, and countless ancient The beast fell under the sword energy, stained with blood and chaos.

On the other side, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is also working hard to clear the road. The triangular disk is all lit up, the chaos is filling the air, and the sound of reincarnation is lingering, resounding throughout the sky and the earth. As long as that kind of strange ancient beast is affected by the sound of reincarnation, its eyes will be blurred. , the god did not guard the house, falling like a dumpling.

"These ancient beasts have never been heard of, and I can't find a race with similar bloodline after searching my memory. We may have really broken into some ancient road that has been covered in dust for endless years." Liu Shen said thoughtfully.

Next, they continued to clean up the ancient beasts that rushed out, and headed deeper.

A few days ago, they found the coordinates given by the quasi-immortal king. As a result, there was no shadow of the broken ancient world at all, it was all chaos and mist.

Therefore, Chi Cang and Liu Shen used their great magic power to restore the original scene and recreate the scene of the past.

Sure enough, more than 800,000 years ago, a broken ancient world stood at this coordinate, which was larger than the ancient world where the Guxuan Divine Kingdom was located. After drifting for a long time, it was no longer in the same place, but Drifting towards the depths of chaos.

They followed the direction of the drift and spent two days finding the ruined ancient world.

The four of them worked separately, turned the broken ancient world upside down, and finally found some clues.

It was an altar that was almost in decay, with several thick stone pillars standing there. It was ancient, vicissitudes of life, and severely weathered. It was inscribed with densely packed ancient characters, many of which could not be seen clearly.

Generally speaking, this kind of engraving will contain the engraver's own spirit and spirit. Even if future generations do not recognize this kind of writing, they can understand the meaning of the text based on the great path contained in it.

However, the years have passed so long that even the immortal gold in the ancient world could not withstand the erosion of time and turned into dust. It is lucky that the words on the stone pillars survived, and the Tao inside them has long since disappeared and no longer exists. .

If you want to understand the meaning, you can only start from the shape of the ancient characters. The quasi-immortal king also discovered the characters here and tried to decipher them, but in the end, he failed.

It would be fine if it were hieroglyphics. It is not difficult to interpret the meaning based on the experience of immortal beings. However, the characters deduced by many civilizations are connected with the avenues of the time. From the moment when the ancient world boundary wall was broken and chaos poured in, , the great avenue of heaven and earth in this ancient world completely disappeared, and it has long been impossible to trace.

Fortunately, Chi Cang spent a long time in the ancient years when the Lord of Heaven became the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. He read through various ancient books at that time and had a deep understanding of the various civilization interpretations of that era.

The writings left by some of these civilizations are closely related to the ancient characters inscribed on the stone pillars. Chi Cang used this to interpret the inscriptions on the stone pillars and came up with an obscure passage.

It can be vaguely seen that this passage points to an ancient road buried by chaos. At the entrance of that ancient road, the creatures in this world once dug up some precious things.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen judged that the existence of this broken ancient world should be after the establishment of the dam world and before the rise of the Lord of Heaven.

Afterwards, they searched for several days according to the direction described by the ancient characters, and then they found the entrance of the passage dug by the creatures of the broken ancient world.

Just when they were looking forward to opening the dusty seal, they seemed to have poked a hornet's nest. Endless strange ancient beasts rushed out of the seal, with blood-red eyes, crazy and bloodthirsty. Although the individual strength was not very high, in the end The only ones that are strong are those in the Supreme Realm, but the victory lies in their astonishing numbers.

Even though Chi Cang and others could kill a large area with just a wave of their hands, they continued to kill for several days.


There was a thunder pool suspended above Chi Cang's head, and he unleashed the terrifying Nine Heavens Tribulation Light. In just an instant, the entrance turned into a sea of ​​thunder, and densely packed crazy ancient beasts were wiped out under the thunder before they had time to wail.

A large gap immediately appeared here, and they were able to continue moving forward. Far ahead, dark clouds were rolling in, and it was so dark that there was no light in sight, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

Everyone knew that they were crazy ancient beasts that were coming here. There were too many of them. From a distance, they looked like billowing black clouds, making people's scalp numb.

Although the strongest ancient beast I have encountered so far only has supreme combat power, God knows if there will be a stronger one in the future. Just thinking about it is frightening.

"What the hell is this? It has actually multiplied so much. We have been killing it for several days. If we converted it into normal creatures from the ancient world, we would have killed tens of thousands of people from the big world." Xiaota said in horror. I am also worried that there will be something more terrifying later.

It would be fine if there were one or two, but if there were hundreds of true immortal ancient beasts, or even more, it would be troublesome.

"I don't know, but judging from their bloodline and body structure, the reproduction method of this creature should not be normal sexual reproduction." Chi Cang replied with a frown, his expression serious.

However, he is still calm. As long as the thunder pool is there, there will be an endless supply of super thunder calamity liquid, which can not only provide them with endless creation vitality, but also provide them with massive amounts of essence. Even if they fight in succession, Will fall into a state of exhaustion.

"Perhaps it is a split-type reproduction because there is no gender." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pank expressed his judgment.

Everyone agreed with this judgment. A genderless race would most likely reproduce by division, one divided into two, two divided into four, four divided into eight... until infinity.

"Oh, keep killing, my hands are weak." Xiaota sighed, they were about to come into contact with the black cloud again, and it could even see the ferocious faces and ferocious eyes of those ancient beasts.

They have three pairs of huge fleshy wings, their heads are like a combination of a lion and a dragon, they have three huge eyes, two pairs of limbs, the forelimbs are sharp, the hind limbs are strong, and the whole body is full of spikes. It’s hard to tell what kind of creature it is. species.


Chicang, Willow God, Xiaota, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, four powerful men who were comparable to true immortals, worked together to carve out a great avenue in the flesh wall.

After a long period of fighting, they finally broke out of the black cloud.

The void is filled with mist, and there is a strange power that interferes with the soul. However, for the creatures at the level of true immortals, this power is not a concern.

Below, there is a vast expanse of white, like a vast white ocean.

His blazing eyes were gleaming, with supreme symbols intertwined. Through the heavy fog, he could see clearly what the so-called white ocean was. It was actually an endless expanse of white bones.

Willow God, Xiaota, Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, etc. also saw the scene below.

"If you don't look carefully, you might think it's white sea water." Xiaota said.

"It seems that this kind of creature reproduces quickly and dies quickly."

The bones were white, like a tomb, or like hell. Judging from the shape of those skeletons, they were the ancient beasts they had just killed.

Everyone withdrew their gaze, continued to move deeper, unlocked the seal, and fought their way out of the ancient beast's den. They had truly stepped into this dusty ancient road.

The ancient road is deep and wide. It was dug by the creatures of the ruined ancient world. It does not seem crowded even if an ancient world is included.

Not long after walking forward, Chi Cang suddenly stopped and looked at the white ocean below.

There, different colors appeared, with some dense black spots, many of them, still squirming, exactly that kind of strange ancient beast.

Everyone looked down and saw how this creature reproduced.

The black spot is composed of countless ancient beasts. They gathered near the entrance of a dark cave, trembling all over, struggling to split apart, and turned into two groups of flesh. After squirming again, they became two ancient beasts. Each time they split , the aura of the ancient beast will become weaker.

"It's really about reproduction by division."

This result was also expected by everyone. After all, that staggering number could only be accumulated by split breeding.

When Chi Cang cast his eyes into the dark hole, he felt a bit of danger. After thinking about it for a moment, he did not act rashly, but withdrew.

"There is an aura of immortality in the cave, and there should be ancient beasts at the level of true immortals."

"With so many holes, it would be incredible if there were real immortal ancient beasts in them." Xiaota took a breath.

"Well, so we'd better not provoke him." Chi Cang said solemnly.

They left the ancient beast breeding ground and rushed deep into the passage. They were still not far away from where the creatures stopped digging. Even at the speed of a true immortal, it would take several days.

"Those ancient beasts all gathered near the entrance of the cave to divide. Is there any connection between their reproduction and the immortal ancient beasts in the cave?" Xiaota said to himself doubtfully.

"Perhaps this is the reason why there are no true immortal ancient beasts in the herd at the entrance of the passage. This group needs immortal power to reproduce.

Only under the aura of that level can they reach the conditions for reproduction and then divide. Chi Cang replied thoughtfully.

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