The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 253 Wushang’s Hometown

In the endless wasteland, there is no trace of life. The energy is so thin that it almost becomes a lawless place.

Willow God and the three creatures walked slowly across this land. She did not lead them across this area quickly because in the Pure Land of Dharma, under the giant willow tree reaching the sky, Chi Cang had not yet awakened.

You can see that his breathing is very steady and his condition is changing from cloudy to sunny.

The fierce battle in the inner space of the Lei Pond almost caused the death of Chicang Yuanshen. Except for the time in the Immortal Ancient Era when the immortal king An Lan pierced the Yuanshen and died, this was the most serious injury Chicang had ever suffered. .

Fortunately, he opened up the Yuanshen Cave, and the Lei Chi Immortal Seeds helped him repair it independently. Those dense and terrifying cracks are disappearing little by little.

It won't take long for Chi Cang to wake up.

Liu Shen hopes that Chi Cang can wake up before arriving at the location of these descendants of the quasi-immortal emperor, and then let him know the situation here before making a decision.

The wasteland is endless, covered with a layer of relatively soft soil, but this is only a shallow layer on the surface. When the soil is dug out, it is still an indestructible layer of stone.

The four of them were walking on the endless wasteland, three in front and one behind. Liu Shen was hanging behind, not in a hurry, while the three in front were running forward at a speed that could move blood levels.

The three young creatures answered Liu Shen's various questions along the way, giving her a better understanding of the historical changes here.

Endless years ago, when the Heavenly Emperor imprisoned the descendants of the three quasi-immortal emperors in this cage, the environment in the cage was not as bad as it is now.

There is an Immortal King mining stones, and a little bit of the essence and Tao that escapes lingers between the heaven and the earth. You know, that is the Immortal King. Even if it is only "a little", it is extremely amazing.

The environment of heaven and earth at that time was quite abundant in terms of energy and so on.

However, as era after era passed, the energy in the cage was slowly exhausted by the creatures of the three major ethnic groups.

Back then, they were not only sent to forbidden areas and cages, but they were also denied the possibility of entering the Immortal Path.

The original Immortal Kings and True Immortals in the clan were all deposed and cast into the human realm. From now on, as long as they are in the cage, they can only advance to the peak of the human realm and never enter the immortal realm.

This means that if the descendants of the three quasi-immortal emperors want to survive, they can only rely on reproduction, and they cannot give birth to immortal creatures at all.

This is not the most serious problem. The most serious problem is that every time a monk comes out of the tribe, a part of the essence of heaven and earth will be consumed, especially when a powerful monk comes out.

Even if this powerful monk dies in the future, decomposes himself, and turns into essence to merge into the world, he will not be able to completely make up for the vacancies in the essence that he once devoured.

Because essentially, the extra longevity gained by monks is achieved at the cost of consuming energy.

In this world, who would think that he or she has a long life?

Therefore, in the beginning, in order to live longer, the Tianjiao monks among the descendants of the quasi-immortal emperor squeezed their heads and climbed up, consuming a lot of energy in this world.

Only later did they gradually realize that this was just drinking poison to quench their thirst. If this continued, one day, only mortals would be left among their tribe.

In this case, the path to breaking through the level will be blocked.

The decision-makers of the three dozen ethnic groups have formulated extremely strict rules for this. The number of monks that each ethnic group can have is fixed. The rest can only be ordinary people. From the moment they are born, their fate has been determined. Down.

When they said this, the three young creatures looked a little sad. They were also the same. When they were still babies, it was stipulated that they could become monks in the future. However, they were only allowed to step into the threshold of monks.

Liu Shen was speechless for a while. This method was a bit too cruel, but compared to the big mistakes their ancestors made and the lives they killed, it was nothing. At least they could still survive.

The abyss exploded, and countless creatures died in the billions of worlds covered by the endless ocean.

Perhaps the faults of our ancestors should not be borne by innocent descendants, but the blood of their ancestors flows in their bodies. To a certain extent, they cannot be considered innocent.

Of course, this kind of thing is not static, and there are still opportunities.

The arrival of Liu Shen and Chi Cang is the hope for the rebirth of the three major ethnic groups.

However, the specific situation depends on the situation. If these three major ethnic groups have been imprisoned for endless years and have accumulated huge grievances in their hearts, Liu Shen and Chi Cang will never take them out.

You must know that their ancestors were quasi-immortal emperors, and that kind of bloodline talent would affect the generations to come, which was extremely terrifying. After they were released from the prison, they would definitely be able to rise in a very short period of time.

Just like the Jiuyouzhan clan, even if they are separated by countless generations, the power of their bloodline is still endless, powerful and powerful, ranking among the ten most ferocious.

"Only the leader of a clan is qualified to be the strongest. Among the three major clans, the most powerful creatures are the three clan leaders.

Next are some elders. The number of elders is limited. If you want to become an elder, you can only wait for a certain elder to run out of life and sit down, or for the clan leader to sit down and be replaced by an elder.

You must wait for that position to be vacant, otherwise you will have to accept the reality, grow old in despair, and eventually turn into dust. "The young man at the head said.

If Liu Shen, the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, had not arrived, the fate of the three of them would have been almost the same as that of mortals, experiencing birth, old age, illness and death, and then becoming a handful of loess.

Cultivation at the Blood Moving Realm level cannot increase their lifespan much at all, it is almost insignificant.

This is the life of most of the living beings of the three major ethnic groups. They were originally talented geniuses, destined to shine in all directions, but it ended like this, which is sad.

Liu Shen thought about it. Back then, the world where the Jiuyouzhan clan lived was destroyed and they moved to the Original Nine Heavens. After being accepted by all the tribes, they quickly established a foothold and became one of the major clans that cannot be ignored in the Original Nine Heavens.

The three major ethnic groups in this cage are also descendants of the quasi-immortal emperors, and because they live in the cage, their bloodline has always remained pure. If they are absorbed into the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they will definitely become another top tribe.

This is of great benefit to improving the strength of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Just the talents of the races of the three young people in front of them - mana and rune immunity, make people excited.

You need to know that this is the innate talent possessed by Wushang, the immortal king of a foreign land. It is extremely terrifying. When competing at the same level, he is invincible. His innate advantages are boundless.

Moreover, the ancestors of these three major ethnic groups have most likely died. Unlike the Jiuyouzhan tribe, which has huge hidden dangers, bringing them into Jiutian and cultivating a sense of belonging can be said to be a hundred benefits without any harm.

Of course, the premise for this is that the three major ethnic groups meet the standards in Liu Shen and Chi Cang's hearts.

If they are not kind people, taking them to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will instead lay the seeds of unrest in the future.

Immediately afterwards, the three people told some things about the three major ethnic groups intermittently, giving Liu Shen a systematic understanding of the place.

Since there are only three major families in the prison, if they want to continue their descendants, they can only choose to intermarry with each other.

Three major families, three bloodlines, collided and interacted back and forth. Miraculously, after so many generations, there was no bloodline fusion person.

The bloodline of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is too domineering, and he has always had to choose one of the two.

Sometimes it will be with the father, sometimes with the mother, the chances are equal.

The final division of ethnic groups is determined by blood.

Hundreds of millions of epochs have passed, and the three major races in the cage have multiplied tenaciously and survived to this day.

"Actually, there is more than one ancient cave leading to the outside of the prison, the one the Lord Messenger walked out of.

There are nine such ancient caves in total. It is said that there were more when they were first built, and some were later filled in.

The nine ancient caves are almost nine histories of blood and tears of our three major races.

If a person's talent is divided into three equal parts and levels: upper, middle and lower, there are only two levels: upper and lower, who are qualified to become monks.

After the upper-level talents become monks, most of them are extremely talented. It is possible to break through the nine ancient caves and break out of the prison. This is the hope in everyone's heart. Even if they fail countless times, they must continue.

For those with lower level talents to become monks, they need very little energy and can save a lot of energy.

The middle-level talents can neither contribute to the impact of the cage nor save their energy compared to the lower-level talents. Therefore, from the moment they are born, they are destined to live a busy life and become ordinary people who reproduce.

Although there are upper, middle and lower grades, in terms of longevity, the opposite is true.

Those of us with lower-level talents, who have become monks and gained some energy, may live a little longer than those with middle-level talents. Those with upper-level talents are tasked with the mission of breaking into the cage. They need to be at their peak, that is, in their golden years. , go to the ancient cave and break through the desperate level.

Everyone knows that it is fatal and has almost no chance of success. However, it must be carried out because it carries the hope of the group to escape from the prison. "

Liu Shen listened silently and made no sound.

After hearing about such a cruel social structure, she secretly sighed. Having guarded the Endless Divine Kingdom, she clearly knew how miserable and helpless people were who had their fate determined at birth.

How much time has passed since the formation of the boundary sea and how many generations the three major ethnic groups in the cage have reproduced are countless.

Similarly, there are countless souls in the cage who died lonely and turned into dust and ashes out of helplessness and unwillingness.

The ashes that she and Chi Cang saw before were all left by the most powerful people. According to the three of them, the cultivation of peerless geniuses is generally rarely cultivated to the depths. The guardians of the checkpoints will be in the same realm as the living beings, and they will be cultivated to the depths. Deep down, energy is wasted.

Therefore, many of the fallen geniuses were very young. After their death, not even their ashes were left, and they truly turned into nothingness. There is nothing wrong in saying that the nine ancient caves are the history of blood and tears of the three major ethnic groups.

Liu Shen stared at the three young creatures in front of him.

They claim to be inferior talents, but the talents of the three of them are clearly very good. If they were born in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they must be famous and talented creatures.

Just from the talent of mana and rune immunity, they have an advantage in the competition at the same level.

Imagine that in the competition of the same level, runes and mana are useless to the creatures of this clan. How terrible is this?

It is equivalent to cutting off the enemy's hands and feet.

"Has anyone in your clan successfully passed through those levels and broken through to the outside of the prison?" Liu Shen asked tentatively.

Speaking of this heaven-defying talent, she thought of a terrifying enemy, Wushang, the Immortal King of Foreign Land. Vaguely, Liu Shen felt that there might be some connection between the two.

"Replying to the envoy, it is said that in history, one of our clan's geniuses broke out of the prison. His stone statue still stands in the clan, but I don't know whether it is true or not." The young man in charge replied.

When Liu Shen heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"He passed nine levels? Then why didn't he take his clan members out with him?"

she said inquiringly.

The young creature explained: "What he walked was not nine ancient caves full of checkpoints, but an ancient cave that was not completely filled. There was a slight gap. That kind of opportunity was fleeting, and there was only one case in all ages.

After the ancestor met, he wanted to inform the tribe, but due to his weak strength and the gap slowly closing, this eternal opportunity was missed over and over again, so he left some words there, After narrating these things, he passed through the gap and left the cage.

This is also the only person in history who may have successfully escaped from the cage.

Afterwards, the three major clan leaders at the time joined all the elders and searched there for a long time, but could not find any gaps. They speculated that it might be closed. Some people said that it was a clan member who was suppressed and went crazy, so they compiled this lie. .

No one knows the details, but this accident has been passed down for a long time. All the tribesmen have heard about it and know that power is a kind of psychological comfort. Who doesn't hope that someone will really get such an opportunity? "

Liu Shen understood. The only person who walked out of the cage was probably a made-up story. The creatures of the three major ethnic groups had been suppressed for too long...

She thought for a while, then embodied the face of the Immortal King Wushang in front of the three people, and asked them if they had seen this creature.

As a result, the three young people were stunned on the spot.

Isn't this the missing person in the old legend? There is still a statue of him standing in the ethnic group's territory.

Originally they didn't quite believe this legend, but now, after seeing Wu Shang's face, the three of them somewhat believed it.

Their ancestor may have really encountered a crack that was rare in all time, and then escaped, breaking free from the cage and shackles.

"Lord Messenger, he is very similar to the ancestor in our clan's legend. He is almost the same person."

The young creature's answer surprised Liu Shen. Is Wushang really from here?

"What's his name?" Liu Shen asked.

"No regrets."

"Wu Shang? Sure enough." Liu Shen was convinced that the two were the same person. It was unlikely that there would be such a coincidence in the world. The chance of two different beings with the same talent and the same name was too small.

"It's the same person, but not the same person. Maybe the real Wushang is being imprisoned in a dark cage in the form of a soul. The current immortal king Wushang is just a new soul nourished by dark matter." she said with a sigh.

With Wu Shang's talent, he is naturally qualified to be locked in a dark cage.

"In other words, this is Wushang's hometown."

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