The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 257 Imperial Sword and Bronze Coffin

"Senior, the ancestors of our clan once found some special materials in the cage world, and they are stored in the clan's treasure house. I wonder if they are the ones that our seniors are looking for." Wuxiang knew that the materials left by the ancestors were related to It's important, it's not simple.

However, at the moment, Chi Cang and Liu Shen are here to hunt for treasure, and it is just a matter of course to take the three of them out of the prison.

Even if he conceals this matter, he probably won't be able to hide it. Instead, it will have the opposite effect and cause a rift between their clan and Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

It's better to take it out directly and give it to Chi Cang, which can be regarded as repaying some kindness.

Chi Cang smiled when he heard this. If this was true, then there would be hope for him to refine the Immortal Killing Platform.

Without hesitation, Wu Xiang took Chi Cang and Liu Shen directly to the clan's top-secret treasure house.

Opening the dusty stone door, what comes into view is a deep tunnel. Candles were lit on the stone walls on both sides, burning quietly, as if they had lasted for eternity.

Wu Xiang led the way, followed closely by Chi Cang and Liu Shen, their eyes wandering on the stone walls on both sides.

There are many pictures and carvings there, recording the ancient past events of unknown years. They are densely packed and have a solemn feeling.

How powerful are Chi Cang and Liu Shen Yuanshen? They glanced at it and understood what was recorded on the engraving.

It was the process by which the clan chiefs of past generations led their clansmen to survive and reproduce in this difficult environment. They are all engraved in this important place of the clan. I hope that future generations will remember this difficult history.

Along the way, there were old doors that had not been opened for an unknown period of time and were full of ashes.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen didn't ask any more questions or explore. They felt that since they planned to let the three major ethnic groups settle in Jiutian and cultivate their sense of belonging, they should give them a certain amount of respect instead of roughly dismantling their self-esteem.

Not long after, they came to the deepest part of the tunnel. The engravings here were different from the previous ones, and the content they told was completely different.

It was probably left behind by the first generation of people who were imprisoned.

The above illustration depicts the ancestors of this clan rising from humble beginnings to reaching the pinnacle, being supported and loved by all the beings in the world at the peak, and then becoming indifferent and ruthless, causing trouble in the world, being spurned by all beings, and finally committing a great crime. Wrong, detonate the abyss and turn the splendid world of heaven into nothing and be buried under the sea.

In addition to the experiences of our ancestors, there are also the glorious deeds of the legendary Emperor of Heaven.

His face was similar to that of the ninth guardian Chi Cang encountered, that is, the human-shaped stone statue. This proved that the image of the human-shaped stone statue was a replica of the Emperor of Heaven.

This creature born in response to the calamity also rose from humble beginnings, walked out of the barren land, made great progress all the way, and finally stood at the pinnacle of the road of evolution.

He came from behind and almost broke through the quasi-immortal emperor realm and became the real emperor of immortals. This aroused the fear of the three major quasi-immortal emperors in the world. Chi Cang and Liu Shen already knew what happened next. The unrivaled emperor of heaven Unparalleled, one person fights against three quasi-immortal emperors.

This battle was extremely arduous and lasted for tens of thousands of years. Fortunately, the Heavenly Emperor's realm was higher than the other three, and he had briefly set foot in the real Emperor's realm, so he suppressed the three quasi-immortal emperors.

What is saddening is that before they were suppressed, the three quasi-immortal emperors deliberately detonated the Jie Yuan in order to make the Emperor of Heaven throw a rat weapon, regardless of the life and death of hundreds of millions of living beings, resulting in a tragedy.

Later, the Emperor of Heaven found this wilderness and led the immortal kings to build a dam to resist the invasion of the sea and benefit future generations.

"One person suppresses three quasi-immortal emperors. I can't imagine how powerful this emperor of heaven is. As Liu Shen said, he has obtained three supreme systems for the physical body, the soul, and the law. It is very likely that he will be affected by Inspiration, so as to truly step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

I just don’t know why, such a powerful existence has disappeared. In the long history, there is no trace. Only an imperial sword stained with curses has been passed down through the generations.

If his weapons were like this, something might have happened to people. Chi Cang said with a sigh.

Suddenly, Chi Cang and Liu Shen stopped, staring at the pictures on the wall, in a daze.

What this depicts is actually the scene of the Emperor holding an open copper coffin in a daze. There is a coffin inside the copper coffin.

The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

With a coffin inside a coffin, isn’t that the bronze coffin of the Three Generations?

During the Ancient Immortal Era, the bronze coffin of the Third Generation was controlled by a supreme being from the original Nine Heavens.

According to legend, there were three bronze coffins of the Three Generations, but in fact only two were seen, and the third small coffin inside was never found.

After the invasion of foreign lands and the defeat of the Original Nine Heavens, the Third Generation Bronze Coffin was regarded as the last hope of the Immortal Era, carrying the supreme heroic spirits and "fire" of many powerful men and sailing into the unknown turbulence of time and space.

It was not until the catastrophe was over that the copper coffin appeared in the world, walking quietly through the nine heavens and ten earths. Occasionally, some people saw it, and some people tried to open the copper coffin. Without exception, they all suffered heavy losses and backlash.

In the memory obtained by Chi Cang, Shi Hao will meet the bronze coffin of the third generation, become attached to it, and receive a mysterious flame.

Unexpectedly, in this caged world sealed for endless years, they actually saw the figure of the copper coffin.

"The bronze coffin of the Third Generation is actually so old, and it appeared during the years when the Boundary Sea was formed.

Back then, thanks to this ancient artifact, it blocked the air movement and even the Immortal King could not calculate its location. Without it, our world would probably have been completely annihilated. Liu Shen said to himself, his eyes full of solemnity.

In this line of work, we have encountered too many things that subvert our cognition, including the previous Quasi-Immortal Emperor Jiuyouzhan, the Era of the Gods, the current Emperor of Heaven, as well as the origin of the Da Luo sword fetus and the bronze coffin of the third generation.

For the first time, she felt that the water in this world was so unfathomable.

"Why does this Heavenly Emperor have a strange expression? Is there something wrong with the copper coffin?" Chi Cang noticed a detail.

The Emperor of Heaven holding a copper coffin is depicted on the engraving. His expression is very strange, ranging from surprise, confusion, and disbelief, as if he has seen something incredible.

"Is it because of the legendary third coffin?

There are only two outer ones of the Third Generation Bronze Coffin that travels through the worlds. At present, apart from isolating Qi and being used as a war fortress, there is no other magical feature. Some giants speculate that the secret of the Third Generation Bronze Coffin is likely to be in On the smallest copper coffin inside. Liu Shen said.

"Well, it's possible." Chi Cang agreed with Liu Shen's conjecture.

He turned to look at Wu Xiang beside him.

"Is this inscribed by your ancestors?"

Wuxiang nodded.

"How do they know this?" Chi Cang was confused. As a defeated clan, how could they know the situation of the Emperor of Heaven holding a copper coffin? Isn't it a fabrication?

But if you think about it carefully, it's impossible. The Emperor's majesty in the hearts of the three major ethnic groups is still very high, and it's impossible to joke about this kind of thing.

"The ancestors did not leave any words in this regard, only pictures and engravings, and the younger generations do not know the secrets.

Regarding the copper coffin, the two seniors can look at the innermost wall. There may be answers you want to know. The special materials collected by the ancestors are also related to this. "

Wu Xiang replied, pointing to a carved figure standing at the end of the tunnel.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen took steps to come to the wall and stopped to watch.

The walls are engraved with dense patterns, with many people and objects, lifelike, showing the viewer a piece of ancient history that has disappeared in the long river of history.

It can be seen that the environment shown in the picture is this caged place.

A group of majestic figures shrouded in a sacred and vague halo gathered around a person, all looking at him in awe, like stars holding the moon.

He is the Emperor of Heaven, and it is not difficult to understand that those figures should be the immortal kings who built the dam at that time.

The heroes in the picture are standing in a pit in the cage world, staring into the pit with solemn expressions, as if they have discovered something important.

Then, the kings started digging the pit completely and took out something.

When they saw this thing, both Chi Cang and Liu Shen shrank their pupils.

Isn't that the bronze coffin of the Three Generations?

Judging from the patterns engraved by the ancestors of this tribe, was the bronze coffin of the Third Generation dug out from here?

The two of them were shocked. The bronze coffins of three generations were buried and sealed in the vast world made of inviolable stone. They were finally dug out because of the construction of a dam.

Who buried the bronze coffin in this wilderness? Do you want to seal it in forever?

They thought of the strange expression shown by the Emperor of Heaven just now after opening the copper coffin, and they felt an inexplicable feeling of horror and chills down their spines.

Perhaps all the answers lie in the third innermost copper coffin, and only the Emperor of Heaven knows it.

The two calmed down and continued browsing.

They saw that the Emperor of Heaven took away the copper coffin and some materials.

He took out the smallest coffin, then used those materials to create a sword embryo, and sealed the smallest coffin in the sword embryo.

When he was refining the sword embryo, various strange scenes appeared. There were human figures flying up in the day, and creatures becoming immortals. They were sacred and peaceful, the immortal mist was hazy, and there were thousands of rays of light.

Finally, a sword full of flying fairy patterns was formed.

Seeing this, Chi Cang and Liu Shen were shocked again.

In terms of their strength, there are very few things in the world that can shock them, but today, shocking things happened one after another.

"Da Luo Jian Fei..." Chi Cang murmured to himself.

How could he not recognize the sword embryo? In the near future, Shi Hao will get it on the blood-stained ancient ship.

"This is so amazing. That coffin was actually sealed in the Great Luo Sword Fetus." Liu Shen said.

Chi Cang thought about the three copper coffins, one buried inside the other, and then buried in the wilderness isolated from the outside world. It seemed that he wanted to seal them forever. Combined with the strange expression of the Emperor of Heaven staring at the copper coffins, and the legend passed down on the sword body of later generations. An unknown curse.

He teased out a line.

Maybe the curse came from the copper coffin inside, and there was nothing wrong with the sword embryo itself.

So, what happened to the Emperor of Heaven who held the bronze coffin? Was he also under a curse?

He didn't know and couldn't be sure. These ancient secrets were too confusing and contained many secrets.

Chi Cang thought about the stone sword embryo in his hand. There could only be one of that special coffin and it was impossible to copy it. Therefore, the curse only existed in the one in Shi Hao's hand. There was no problem with the stone sword embryo.

After careful calculation, it was almost time for Shi Hao to enter the Immortal Ancient Flower Bud. It was too late to stop him from getting the Great Luo Sword Embryo.

This is fate. I just hope that Shi Hao's own fate is strong enough to withstand the curse.

"You said that the special materials found by your ancestors are related to the records on this wall. What do you mean? Could it be the kind of material that the Emperor of Heaven used to refine the sword body?" Chi Cang asked.

Wu Xiang actually nodded.

"Senior is right, the special materials left by our ancestors were found in the potholes recorded on the engravings.

Maybe our ancestors witnessed the scene of the copper coffin being unearthed, so they knew these secrets.

That era was too long ago, and the ancestors did not tell in detail what happened, so it is difficult to explore. "Wuxiang replied.

Chi Cang's heart moved. Could it be that it was really the kind of material used to refine Daluo sword embryos?

If so, it would be a worthwhile trip. You should know that the Emperor of Heaven used it to refine sword embryos, so you can imagine how precious it is.

"Show me."

"Okay, it's in the treasure house behind this portal."

As he spoke, Wu Xiang forced out a drop of blood and dropped it on the stone door covered with strange patterns. In just a moment, the grooves on the stone door lit up, and the entire door was filled with red light.

With a loud "rumbling" sound, the door to the secret room slowly opened.

Wu Xiang stepped aside, meaning to let Chi Cang and Liu Shen advance.

The two of them walked into the secret room without being polite.

There is no brilliance of the rich family's treasure house, nor is there the sacred scene of various immortal golden principles intertwined.

There is only silence and darkness, and dust on the ground.

The entire treasure house was empty except for a few irregular stones lying in the corner, which were as big as a human head.

They look dull and dull, with a faint metallic light visible. Unlike those fairy golds, which are surrounded by powerful Tao principles and have extraordinary visions, they are so bright no matter where they are.

"Senior, it's them. If I guess correctly, the other two races should also have a part. The three major races at that time should have shared the special materials discovered equally." Wu Xiang explained.

Chi Cang nodded.

If the treasure troves of the other two tribes also have similar amounts, then it would be enough to refine an Immortal Killing Platform that can kill creatures of normal height.

Of course, he needed to make sure the material was what he imagined.

With the appearance of the bronze coffin of the Three Generations, people can't help but wonder.

In the outside world, there is a saying that the Da Luo sword tire is refined from the legendary leftover materials. If this is true, it can only be the leftover materials from the copper coffin.

The bronze coffin of the Third Generation has existed since ancient times and is isolated from all energy. It has something in common with the characteristics of this vast world.

Chi Cang picked up the stone in the corner and rubbed it gently with his palm. In his eyes, the symbols of infinite order were flashing as he observed the material in his hand.

It is really magical, possessing all the characteristics of Kuangjie stone, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Chi Cang discovered that this material has a great degree of restraint on immortal gold and has various magical powers, which is completely in line with his desire to refine the sword. Various requirements for Sendai materials.

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