"Someone is coming." The small tower warned, and the ivory-white tower body glowed slightly, filled with a vast chaotic sword intent.

In the void, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also entered a state of alert. The dim areas on the disk lit up one by one, various mysterious symbols emitted light, and the sound of reincarnation continued, as if to send people away to reincarnation.


The Willow God's dharma appeared, and a giant willow tree soared up to the sky. Billions of crystal green willow branches swayed in the wind. Each leaf was inlaid with gold edges, and was surrounded by Yin and Yang. It was terrifying.

The reason why they are so vigilant is because they were previously besieged by the five true immortals and many peak human beings.

Although the enemy was killed, the process was not easy. After all, they were five powerful immortal creatures, which caused a lot of trouble to Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

After killing chickens to scare monkeys, they have been much quieter in the past few months, and have not met anyone who attacks or kills them. However, judging from some visitors with ulterior motives, the road ahead is not smooth, so they are constantly Stay vigilant at all times.

Chi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged, naturally sensed the powerful fluctuations coming from the outside world. He slowly opened his eyes, and a bright and sacred light shot out, like two brilliant blazing suns. There was a faint hint of black. The light passed in a flash.


The wall of the small world where they were hiding let out a roaring sound, and a large crack penetrated the entire sky.

The crack widened, and a figure shrouded in divine radiance appeared, like a god descending into the world.

Seeing this figure, Xiaota, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, and Liu Shen all put away their auras, and Chi Cang also smiled.

In their judgment, this figure was not an enemy, but a friend.

He is also an immortal creature that Chi Cang and Liu Shen recognize more among the many visitors.

There is no other reason. When you reach the level of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, when it comes to making friends, it mainly depends on the character of the other person. Those with big hearts are the most worthy of friendship.

It doesn't matter what their strength is. It is difficult for them to interact with creatures below the True Immortal level. When the Immortal King's combat power is restored, it will be difficult for them to become friends with the True Immortal.

"Brother Chi, fellow Taoist Liu Shen, I have been looking for you for a long time, and finally found you." The sacred figure in the sky spoke. He was wearing an armor made of fairy gold, and his whole person was shrouded in a hazy Taoism. Expose an extremely powerful qi machine.

There is no doubt that this creature is considered the best among the true immortals.

He came from an ancient world in the depths of chaos, became a true immortal millions of years ago, and then set foot on this ancient road leading to the Boundary Sea, working hard all the way to this day.

During this period, I explored the secret realms that appeared on the ancient road many times, and after wasting a lot of time, I met Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

A few months ago, he heard that there were two strong men who used human nature to attack the immortal way. Just two people destroyed the combination of the five true immortals and many human supreme beings. They were so powerful that they were immeasurable.

The most rare thing is that they never use their great strength to plot, ambush others, or act as predators, which is very rare on the ancient road.

After hearing this, this immortal creature immediately felt that these two strong men were destined to him, because he never preyed on others, devoured other people's Tao fruits, and advocated relying on one's own cultivation.

So, like many others, he looked for traces of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, visited them, and made friends with them.

This is actually a helpless move. The competition on the ancient road is really too cruel, with the weak and the strong preying on each other, which is more terrifying than imagined.

Predators and fishermen choose to unite in order to better obtain prey and strengthen themselves. Then they, the "prey" in the eyes of others, also have to seek cooperation.

Otherwise, the fittest will survive, and they will most likely die here without even being able to see the shadow of the Boundary Sea.

Of course, alliances require caution and caution. The so-called "knowing people and knowing faces but not knowing the heart" and betrayal happen all the time in the ancient path. He has seen this kind of thing with his own eyes.

However, after coming into contact with Chi Cang and Liu Shen, this immortal creature believed that he had found an ally he could trust. This was an intuition from the bottom of his heart. However, alliances cannot be judged based on intuition and require follow-up interactions. Just fine.

"Brother Lian is looking for us?"

"Yes, the two fellow Taoists, the dragons, have seen each other but not their tail. It really cost me a lot of hard work. I inquired all the way and found many small worlds." The figure in the fairy light responded.

"Is there something urgent?" Chi Cang asked.

This creature is named Lian Juechen, and he has the strength of the middle stage of true immortality. It took him millions of years to go from becoming a true immortal to the middle stage of true immortality. In terms of speed, it is actually not slow.

You must know that the birth of an Immortal King often takes several epochs. Only some special cases can rise quickly within an epoch, and the rest need time to slowly grind.

Relatively speaking, Lian Juechen's cultivation speed is very fast. Maybe if he survives for an era and does not die prematurely and his cultivation level does not stagnate, he will have a chance to reach the Immortal King Realm.

"To be honest, Brother Chi, I came here this time to invite two fellow Taoists to come out. We will form an alliance and explore a place of opportunity together."

Before Chi Cang could speak, Lian Juechen continued: "I know that the two fellow Taoists are not interested in ordinary places of chance. Along the way, there were many secret places where you were not seen.

But this time is different. It involves the Immortal King, reincarnation and other secrets. It is of great importance and cannot be missed. I hope you two can consider it carefully. "

"Immortal King, reincarnation?" Chi Cang repeated Lian Juechen's words with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The Immortal King is not surprised. Immortal King relics often appear on this ancient road, attracting immortals to compete for each other. However, the reincarnation deserves people's attention.

Mentioning the word "reincarnation", it is difficult not to think too much about this mysterious and powerful Tao and Dharma. There are many strong practitioners in it. There are two masters in the original nine days alone.

One is the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King, the leader of the Original Nine Heavens, and the other is the Immortal Monk King, a supreme Immortal King of the Original Nine Heavens.

Both of them had tried to create the reincarnation of the human world. The fragmentation of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was related to the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King's desire to establish the reincarnation of the human world.

As for the Immortal Monk King, they have been trying since the extremely ancient times. The lineage of ancient monks has a long history. It is impossible to consider when exactly it happened. When the Immortal Monk King was young, the lineage of ancient monks was already famous in In this world, when the Immortal Monk King reached his peak, the plan of human reincarnation was truly realized, but in the end, they failed. At that time, this incident caused an uproar in the original nine days.

Now that Lian Juechen mentioned the word "reincarnation", Chi Cang felt that he should go and take a look anyway.

Because he promised to the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk that he would find a complete body for it. Since it involves reincarnation, it might be related to the remaining Triangular Reincarnation Disk, so it is indeed not to be missed.

Moreover, the path and fruition of the current world has just been broken through. Sitting in meditation may not necessarily lead to faster cultivation. The road of evolution can be just one step at a time.

He sent a message to Liu Shen and got a positive reply, so he answered Lian Juechen.

"Brother Lian, we are very interested in the reincarnation you mentioned, so let's take a trip with you."

After receiving Chi Cang's promise, Lian Juechen was overjoyed. That land of opportunity was not simple, attracting many powerful beings to go there. Based on his own words, there was a high probability that he would fail.

With Chi Cang and Liu Shen traveling together, not to mention the land of chance, it should be more than enough to protect themselves.

"That's very good. With two Taoist friends here, we can look forward to this trip." Lian Juechen was in a good mood.

"Brother Lian, Liu Shen and I have been practicing all this way and rarely come into contact with outside forces. Since we have decided to explore the land of opportunity you mentioned, please tell us what dangers there are in this profession. ." Chi Cang asked.

He and Liu Shen searched for news about the Dharma-ending world together, and spent the rest of the time practicing. Unlike Lian Juechen, who often explored opportunities, competed for resources, and extracted chestnuts from the fire in order to evolve, so naturally he didn't know as much as he did.

Lian Juechen nodded.

"The ancient road is dangerous and disorderly. The two fellow Taoists must have had a profound understanding of it along the way.

For the opportunity to evolve, immortal beings fight to the death. Every chance birth is accompanied by bloodshed. Some people are destined to die and their whole life will be in vain. This time is no exception.

Because of the specialness and importance of that land of opportunity, this time may be unprecedentedly tragic. There are rumors from the outside world that there is a Taoist fruit of an Immortal King hidden there. If you get it, you will go straight to Qingyun, saving countless years of hard work. achievement. "

Chi Cang sneered at this, saying that other people's Taoist fruits belong to others after all, and even if they get them, they cannot completely become his own.

However, for some creatures who cannot see the hope of advancing to the Immortal King, this is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and some people will definitely go crazy.

Lian Juechen continued: "Forces of the same magnitude as the last attack on the two fellow Taoists are considered weak in this exploration of the Chance Land. It is said that news of the Chance Land has spread to some powerful worlds in front of the ancient road, causing... Many powerful people came, including more than one invincible creature at the level of a quasi-immortal king.

We cannot fight against creatures at this level and need to retreat. Therefore, when exploring opportunities, we can ensure our own safety as long as we are in the second queue.

Based on my past experience, the second cohort also has the opportunity to come into contact with important opportunities. In other words, we still have a chance. "

"Quasi-immortal king?" Chi Cang's eyes were deep and he didn't say much. If the person who came was just a quasi-immortal king, then the threat to him would not be great.

"In addition to the quasi-immortal king, there are other dangers. Some people have seen the figure of the gravedigger in the nearby abandoned universe. If you guessed correctly, they are here for this."

Hearing this, Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other and saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Gravediggers, as the name suggests, are creatures who like to dig graves.

The origin of this type of creature can be traced to darkness and ominousness.

According to legend, gravediggers are all dead people. For some unknown reason, the souls of the dead have returned and are still lingering. They are eager to find their former bodies or a powerful and suitable carrier, so they are obsessed with digging big tombs, crazy. Looking for the body of the strong man.

And the way they died has a dark and ominous shadow.

The gravediggers entrenched on this ancient road leading to the Boundary Sea are actually not very powerful. There are even more terrifying gravediggers in the world.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen knew something about the grave diggers. Deep in the vast fairyland, there were some strange dark ancient temples, mysterious and terrifying. Even the fairy king did not want to touch them, because there were fairy kings who once explored those forbidden places. In the end, he disappeared.

It is said that the skulls and forbidden areas marked on the map by the creatures of the fairyland are the areas where gravediggers operate.

If you break into it without permission, it will be troublesome if your body is noticed by them.

There is a saying that the predecessors of the gravediggers were all geniuses. They were targeted by darkness and weirdness during their lifetime. In the end, the soul was arrested and imprisoned in a dark cage. Later, due to an accident, the soul escaped from the dark cage. out.

It's a pity that the genius souls are no longer what they used to be. Long-term torture has made the souls go crazy. They are eager to get their bodies back, and they also show their desire for a powerful body.

What's even more terrifying is that some souls went crazy in the dark cage, devoured each other, and became monsters without even knowing who they were.

They dig graves and hunger for the corpses of the strong.

According to Lian Juechen, this land of chance involves the Immortal King's Dao Fruit and Reincarnation. It is very likely that there is a broken body of the Immortal King, and it is normal for the gravediggers to notice it.

"Since there are gravediggers, this profession is indeed dangerous." Chi Cang said solemnly.

The most terrifying thing about gravediggers is that there may be even more terrifying gravediggers standing behind them.

For example, the monsters hidden in the no-man's land of the Immortal Realm make the Immortal King bleed, unable to get in or out.

As powerful as the Immortal Realm, they did not attack the no-man's land, but chose to let them exist, because the kings of the Immortal Realm were also afraid of darkness, and even if they knew some secrets, they chose to ignore them.

"I heard that gravediggers are very interested in powerful bodies. I'm not that big of a deal. I'm not invincible at the same level. But Brother Chi, you might be targeted." Lian Juechen thought thoughtfully.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen used less to defeat many, and used human ways to attack the immortal ways. It would be impossible to do this without a pair of extremely powerful bodies.

Their physical bodies, souls, avenues, etc. are all much more powerful than those of the same level of beings, so they might be targeted by gravediggers who would attack them and seize their physical bodies.

"It doesn't matter. There is a dark shadow on the gravedigger. It won't matter even if he is killed." Chi Cang said calmly.

Such words left Lian Juechen speechless for a while. Ordinary people would involuntarily stay away from him when they heard the word "gravedigger". They were wary and did not want to provoke him. However, when he came to Chi Cang, he was so strong and shocking.

"Brother Chi, don't be impulsive. Although this lineage is disgusting, there are natural deep-seated reasons why they can gain a firm foothold in the ancient path."

Chi Cang smiled.

"Brother Lian, don't worry, I won't take the initiative to provoke you."

Hearing this, Lian Juechen nodded, breathed a long sigh of relief, and felt relieved. You must know that he is now in an alliance with Chi Cang and Liu Shen. If Chi Cang targets the Gravedigger lineage, he will also be Spread the influence and put them in danger. In this case, it would run counter to his purpose of finding an alliance between the two of them.

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