The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 264 Sea of ​​Reincarnation

After hearing the reply from the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, Chi Cang nodded.

In fact, even it itself does not know the whereabouts of the other triangular bodies of the Six Paths of Samsara Disk.

They may be held by some powerful people, or they may be sealed in some secret places, isolated from the outside world.

Only when they are close enough will there be a reaction between the two bodies.

Of course, there is another possibility. If someone destroys one corner, another five corners will appear and target the destroyer at the same time.

Unless absolutely necessary, Chi Cang hopes that such a thing will never happen.

You must know that the supreme master who refined the Six Paths of Reincarnation - the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation has passed away. If even one corner of the Reincarnation Disk is permanently damaged, it will be an immeasurable loss. It is almost impossible to restore it. Possible things.

That was the natal weapon of a giant. How could it be repaired so easily? If the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation is still alive, it is still possible.

"The law of reincarnation is strong..." Chi Cang said to himself.

This is a warning issued by the Six Paths of Reincarnation, which means that this Buddhist world contains huge dangers.

Chi Cang has no doubts about the judgment of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. On the path of reincarnation, among the strong men Chi Cang knows, no one can surpass the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King, let alone his natal weapon.

Even if Chi Cang masters the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art and has done some research on this avenue, it is far less than the attainments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. This is the so-called specialization in the art.

"Well, this kind of unfathomable law of the great road is filled with every inch of space in this world. However, it is very hidden and covered by the huge power. It is difficult for ordinary creatures to detect it. Even those quasi-immortal kings are not aware of it for a while. Less than.

They are not peaceful and will subtly affect the intruders, blinding the intruders' minds and making them trapped in reincarnation. This is extremely terrifying. You'd better take adequate defenses and not be deceived. "The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk describes in detail the dangers of the law of reincarnation. To be precise, it is the danger hidden in this Buddhist world.

When Chi Cang heard this, his heart palpitated, and even the quasi-immortal king couldn't notice it. This must be the method of the immortal king.

Coupled with everyone's speculation about the chance place, all the evidence shows that there is an ancient monk at the level of Immortal King in the Buddhist world. Perhaps he had a big problem and passed away here, leaving behind this vast Buddhist world.

Thinking of this, Chi Cang inexplicably thought of the young monk from the original Jiutian who made the immortal king of the foreign land trembled.

His face is delicate, his eyes are bright and flawless, his whole body is shrouded in the glory of Buddhism, and his temperament is unparalleled. Just one look at him will leave an impression that will be unforgettable forever.

It is the supreme genius who is rare in the ancient monk lineage - the Immortal Monk King.

During the Immortal Ancient War, the Immortal Monk King single-handedly held back many powerful immortal kings, causing Foreign Land to pay a heavy price.

An immortal king who besieged the Immortal Monk King back then almost became a giant, but in the end, he suffered heavy losses. After returning to a foreign land, he went into seclusion and did not appear again for an era. Many people speculated that he passed away due to excessive injuries. .

This shows how terrifying the Immortal Monk King's combat power is.

"Speaking of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, its origin is actually the Buddhist world. The Immortal King was very close to the lineage of ancient monks when he was young, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation was learned from this lineage.

It was only later that the Immortal King rose up and became better than his predecessors, pushing the Six Paths of Reincarnation to a new peak. As a result, he became one of the most powerful beings in the original Nine Heavens and was known as the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. "The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk opened its mouth and explained the reason why the law of reincarnation is contained in the Buddhist world.

Then it continued: "In the ancient times, the ancient monks wanted to establish the reincarnation of the human world, and invited the Immortal King to come and discuss it together. At that time, the man-made reincarnation of the human world was filled with the laws of reincarnation.

The creatures reincarnating in it need to use the law of reincarnation to clear their memories every time, forget everything in the past life, and reincarnate endlessly in the six paths. The environment here is very similar to the reincarnation of the human world. If you stay for a long time, you may be completely lost. "

"Well, I understand. You really can't be careless." Chi Cang knew the dangers in this world and immediately informed Liu Shen and Lian Juechen of this.

"The Law of Reincarnation? Will it blind our minds?" Lian Juechen was shocked because he had not sensed the Law of Reincarnation mentioned by Chi Cang at all.

Liu Shen was very calm, she seemed to have sensed it for a long time.

"Yes, even the quasi-immortal king cannot sense it. This is the handiwork of the immortal king and will affect the intruders in a subtle way." Chi Cang nodded.

Lian Juechen's spine felt chilly and his heart felt horrified. He had explored a lot of the Immortal King's ruins, but nothing so evil. Most of the time, danger could be seen, unlike here, he recalled unknowingly.

"The lineage of ancient monks is really scary and unpredictable."

"Brother Lian does not practice the Way of Reincarnation and cannot resist the invasion of the Law of Reincarnation. Even Liu Shen and I, who have achieved a little success in the Way of Reincarnation, cannot completely resist it. This is the method of the Immortal King, and it is unimaginably terrifying."

"Then what should I do? I don't want to fall here forever and fall into reincarnation." Lian Juechen's face was solemn, and he already regretted coming here. The Immortal King's Taoist Fruit is really touching.

"I have a triangular reincarnation disk here, which can resist the law of reincarnation to a large extent. If we each hold a corner, we will be safe and sound." Chi Cang said, taking out the six-path reincarnation disk.

Under his instruction, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk split its body and turned into three streams of light, flying to the side of the three people.

One of the reincarnation coils is wrapped around Lian Juechen's hair, releasing a soft halo, as if it is resisting something, but also absorbing and swallowing something.

Lian Juechen suddenly felt his soul lighten up, and his whole body became much more awake. Compared to this moment, he actually seemed a little groggy just now.

He couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that he and the Blazing Willow God were walking together. Otherwise, he would never have been able to detect the erosion of the Law of Reincarnation, and by the time he reacted, it might have been too late.

"So, all those quasi-immortal kings will suffer?" He stared at the land in front of him. At this time, all the forces entered the Buddhist world, and were blocked by a vast ocean. Because there was a terrifying force in the sky above the ocean, they could not travel through it. Therefore, those who Powerful creatures are preparing to cross the ocean.

One after another, the quasi-immortal kings stood in various places, their auras so powerful that it made people tremble. Some of the quasi-immortal kings had minor collisions, but they all maintained restraint.

No one wants to take action before seeing the most coveted opportunity in this world, the Immortal King.

They all acted so calmly that Lian Juechen couldn't tell whether they were aware of the ubiquitous law of reincarnation.

Suddenly, Lian Juechen's eyes fell on the immortal monk who had taken root in the ancient temple for many years.

Since this person is practicing Buddhism, he must have some understanding of the six paths of reincarnation.

In other words, he should be aware of the dangers hidden in the Buddhist world.

When he entered this world before, a group of quasi-immortal kings attacked him and left a mark on his soul light. At that time, the two sides had become mortal enemies, and he naturally would not tell his enemies about the dangers here.

It is conceivable that this immortal monk only needs to wait for the Law of Reincarnation to be eroded enough and suddenly attack, and he will have a chance to reverse the current situation.

"It's scary. This immortal monk definitely wants to bury all the creatures that come in.

But this is understandable, it is the law of the jungle. "Lian Juechen sighed.

Because Chi Cang and the others have reincarnation disks, they can avoid being eroded by the law of reincarnation, so they can go deep into the Buddhist world with peace of mind.

They approached the vast ocean and, like other powerful men, prepared to cross the sea.

At this time, a cold voice came, making Lian Juechen feel chilled all over, and his soul felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar.

It was the three-headed monster that coveted the blazing body. It was looking at the three of them. The three heads hidden in the mist showed completely different smiles, which was very strange.

"Come here, I will protect you and others."

There was sincerity in the three-headed monster's eyes, and his voice was bewitching, with ripples spreading that could affect the soul.

Chi Cang and the others naturally knew that the three-headed monster had malicious intentions, but they were indifferent to it.


Seeing the three people ignoring him and heading to the coastline far away from him, preparing to cross the sea, the three-headed monster sneered, which was extremely scary.

The other quasi-immortal kings noticed the actions of the three-headed gravedigger monster, and they were all a little dumbfounded.

Needless to say, those three people must have been targeted by the gravedigger. If it weren't for the possibility of hiding the body of the Immortal King in this world, the gravedigger would have taken action long ago.

It must have considered Chi Cang as its second choice. If it couldn't find a usable Immortal King body, it would turn around and snatch Chi Cang's body.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and Lian Juechen ignored the strange and gloating looks. They came to the beach to explore the sea water here.

"Hiss! What kind of weird sea water is this?" Lian Juechen suddenly took a breath of cold air and pulled back his fingers that were inserted into the sea water.

It can be seen that this finger is already covered with bones, and there are only some strands of flesh that have not yet completely melted, sticking to the bones.

Moreover, the wound was still wrapped with inexplicable runes, shining with rays of light, corroding Lian Juechen's body.

With an ugly expression on his face, he opened his mouth and spat out the essence of immortality, finally extinguishing the runes.

Seeing this, Chi Cang and Liu Shen were both a little silent. Lian Juechen was not weak. As a powerful creature in the middle stage of the True Immortal, his body was almost immortal. However, after reaching into the sea water, they were encountered almost instantly. After such a catastrophe, it turned into white bones. The indestructible immortal bones were corroded in some places.

"Reincarnation Pond, no, to be precise, this is the Reincarnation Sea." Six Paths Reincarnation Pan said.

"This sea water is almost exactly the same as the water in the Samsara Pool of the ancient monk's lineage. Extreme cold and extreme heat coexist. It can transform the human body and soul. It can smelt all essences and things and make them part of the sea water." It continued.

Once upon a time, the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation observed the process of the ancient monks building the reincarnation of the world. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was also present to witness the extraordinary pool.

However, the Samsara Pond also has other extraordinary effects. If a creature is practicing Buddhism and has a Buddha body, after entering the pond, it will not be transformed. Instead, it will achieve nirvana and achieve an indestructible golden body.

"Yes, the coexistence of extreme cold and extreme heat made my soul almost freeze and melt." Lian Juechen was frightened for a while, but luckily he just tested it with his fingers.

I can't imagine what it would be like if the whole person fell. I'm afraid that I would instantly turn into bones, unable to stand up, and eventually become part of the sea water.

After learning that the water in this sea was similar to the famous Samsara Pond, Chi Cang stepped forward, as if he wanted to repeat Lian Juechen's actions.

"Brother Chi, no." Lian Juechen stopped him. He clearly knew that the sea water was terrifying, and even his immortal bones could not withstand it.

However, Chi Cang shook his head and without any hesitation, he put his entire palm into the sea water.

The next moment, the previous scene reappeared. Endless glow emerged from the place where the palm came into contact with the sea water, and mysterious symbols emerged one after another, wrapping the blazing palm.


There was a terrifying sound of corrosion, and the sea surface glowed, accompanied by bursts of chanting, as if there was a Buddha chanting Buddhist sutras there.

Chi Cang truly sensed the extreme cold and heat mentioned by the Six Paths of Reincarnation. One moment it was extremely cold, the other moment it was extremely hot. The divine power was surging, and there was a huge force trying to dissolve Chi Cang's body.

However, his body was too powerful, and his body became a cave of its own, a body of Hunyuan. Even if the runes eroded crazily, Chi Cang's palm was still intact, with only a little bloodshot coming out and being drawn away by the sea water.

Liu Shen looked at this scene and was not surprised at all. In ancient times, the Immortal Monk King dispersed his Buddha nature and entered the pool of samsara, where he was ultimately immortal. Now, Chi Cang does not possess Buddha nature and can resist the erosion of the sea of ​​samsara. This shows that Chi Cang is not weaker than the Immortal Monk King at that time, and to some extent, even stronger than him.


Seeing this situation, Lian Juechen felt horrified, and he finally had an intuitive understanding of the power of Chi Cang's body.

The sea of ​​samsara has different corrosive powers for creatures with different cultivation levels, but they all transcend their own extremes. In other words, Chi Cang resisted the power beyond the limits.

In the distance, some quasi-immortal kings saw this situation and immediately understood why the three-headed monster was targeting the young man.

When they were at the same level, they did not have such a strong foundation.

On the road of evolution, there are not many such supreme geniuses who use human nature to compete with the immortal way. After all, in all the worlds, under the massive base, there will always be some supreme figures. However, when using human nature to suppress the immortal way, such figures are rare. .

It can be called the Emperor of Humanity, which means that he has reached the pinnacle of humanity.

However, that young man was targeted by a three-headed monster at the quasi-immortal king level and was destined to have his body taken away. This was the consensus among the quasi-immortal kings.

Because the three-headed monster is much more powerful than the average quasi-immortal king, it is the strongest person here, and even the quasi-immortal king is unwilling to provoke it.

"Brother Chi, I finally understand why the three-headed monster is targeting you." Lian Juechen sighed.

"It is destined to have a bad end. No matter how powerful the body is, if it is not cultivated by oneself, it will never be able to reach the highest peak." Chi Cang retracted his palm. If he stayed in the sea for a long time, he would feel a tingling sensation.

"Yes, devouring other people's Dao Fruit will ultimately lead to inferiority." Lian Juechen agreed with this point of view.

"By the way, how should we cross the sea? It seems that ordinary artifacts cannot cross the sea of ​​samsara."

"Just use an ordinary ancient ship. With the six paths of reincarnation coiled around it, the ancient ship will be fine and enough for us to cross." Chi Cang replied.

At this time, the powerful forces in the distance also explored the characteristics of the ocean, found ways to cross the sea, and all began to set sail.

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