The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 272 A Taoist friend has gone through all the vicissitudes of life

It was really angry and felt like it was being played.

The old monk just now was shaken by its threat and could no longer maintain the state of peace in the ancient well. In the eyes of the three-headed monster at that time, it successfully achieved its goal.

But now, the old monk's face was firm, completely different from what he had shown just now.

There is no doubt that the worries and anxieties expressed by the old monk were deliberately shown to it, with the intention of making it lower its guard.

Because of this, the three-headed monster withdrew his attention, rushed towards the ancient Bodhi tree, and stopped monitoring the old monk.

Now that I think about it, everything the old monk did before was to break out at the critical moment and catch everyone off guard.

He must know that the ancient Bodhi tree will release an extremely powerful field of Buddhist rules, blocking all those who come close.

But the old monk himself was unaffected and could walk on flat ground in the terrifying field of Buddhist rules. There was even a golden avenue paved under his feet for him to walk through.

In just a moment of confusion, the old monk had already walked into the field without any hindrance, directly surpassing the three-headed monster.

"you wanna die!"

The three-headed monster's eyes were so cold that it almost froze the void. That killing intent, bone-chilling, penetrated the layers of void and landed on the old monk.

On the Golden Avenue, the old monk was silent and stopped. He did not look back, but just sighed.

"The donor has taken the form. You can naturally take away what belongs to you. No matter what you do, it will be useless." The old monk clasped his hands and said calmly.

The three-headed monster seemed to have been greatly stimulated. Its soul was already a little unstable. Compared with normal people, it was more twisted and violent. At this moment, the old monk's words angered it, making it feel like it was in the chest. Furious.

"I'm going to tear you to pieces. And that little monk."

"No one has the right to interfere with what the benefactor wants to do, but the poor monk will not surrender." After the old monk finished speaking, he continued to move forward, walking step by step towards the glorious ancient Bodhi tree.

When the three-headed monster saw this situation, its eyes turned red. Not only it, but also the other five quasi-immortal kings. They never thought that there were such restrictions around the bodhi tree, let alone that the old monk took advantage of the loopholes. possible.

Seeing him approaching the ancient Bodhi tree and the Immortal King Dao Fruit, the hearts of all the quasi-immortal kings were bleeding. Their hope of advancing to the level of Immortal King was disappearing little by little.

"What a shame, this ant got there first." A quasi-immortal king was helpless. Even the three-headed monster could not move within the field, let alone them.

Chi Cang and the three people in the distance were all shocked by the old monk's actions. A true immortal creature actually emerged from a group of powerful quasi-immortal kings, leaving them behind and taking advantage of them. This was a bit incredible. Far beyond people's expectations.

But this kind of thing did happen. The old monk kept it secret and hid it from everyone. At this time, he was very close to the ancient Bodhi tree.

Lian Juechen looked at Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

"What are the plans of these two fellow Taoists? Let them succeed like this?"

He remembered what Shi Chicang had said before, that the masters of this Buddhist world were old acquaintances with them, and the Taoist fruits he left behind could not be left behind.

However, Chi Cang also emphasized that everything depends on fate. If Daoguo meets someone who is destined, they will not interfere.

Now, it's time for Chi Cang to make a decision.

He looked at the back of the old monk in the distance and recalled everything that had happened since he arrived at the Buddhist temple. In Chi Cang's impression, the old monk was not a vicious person, nor was he a sanctimonious person. He was proficient in Buddhism and had high virtues, otherwise he would not have become a An ancient monk at the Immortal level.

Thinking of this, Chi Cang finally decided to sit back and watch.

The Dao Fruit of the Immortal Monk King fell into the hands of an Immortal Monk. This was considered the best outcome.

Moreover, the old monk had been staying in a temple outside the Buddhist world for an unknown length of time and had a deep understanding of the situation in the Buddhist world. Even if Chi Cang tried to stop him, he might end up in failure.

In this case, why not sit back and watch the storm unfold?

"If he can get the Immortal King Dao Fruit, it will be the best ending. We can just wait and see what happens for now."

Liu Shen in the fairy mist nodded in agreement. Her thoughts were similar to Chi Cang's. The Immortal Monk King had passed away after all, and the Taoist fruits and inheritance he left behind should have been given to the ancient monks.

Now, an immortal monk is about to succeed, which is the best thing.

Even if the Immortal King Dao Fruit is taken back to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there will never be a more suitable creature than the old monk.

Therefore, it is said that the Dao Fruit left by the Immortal Monk King is destined to the old monk, which is consistent with everything Chi Cang said.

"I will give you one last chance. If you find your way back now, I can guarantee that no one will dare to touch you and that little monk, and you can live peacefully and safely.

If not, both you and him will turn into ashes. "The three-headed monster's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

At this time, the old monk was only one step away from the ancient Bodhi tree.

Infinite Buddha's light is lingering, with thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors. The golden cassock is even more dazzling, emitting a dazzling golden light that makes people unable to open their eyes.

Buddhist scriptures one after another condensed in the void, slowly rotating around the old monk. The low and long Buddhist sounds were even more solemn and solemn.

As long as he takes one more step forward, he can pick the bodhi buds and fruits and take away the greatest opportunity here.

Therefore, the three-headed monster and the five quasi-immortal kings were anxious and wanted to kill the old monk immediately and cut the old monk into pieces.

Unfortunately, they couldn't do it. Even the three-headed monster that activated the mysterious energy could only move hard in the field.

Judging from the current speed, it was too late to stop the old monk's movements.

Under the tense gaze of all parties, the old monk ignored the three-headed monster's final warning and calmly walked to the ancient Bodhi tree.

Unexpectedly, he did not pick off the buds and fruits, but sat down directly under the buds and fruits, clasped his hands together in a meditation posture, and soon entered a state of concentration.

Then, all the green leaves of the ancient Bodhi tree began to sway, and the flower buds and the fruit also followed the rhythm. The powerful Immortal King's Dao, one by one, fell down, surrounding the old monk under the Bodhi tree. .

"What is he doing? Refining the Immortal King Dao Fruit?" The quasi-immortal kings were shocked and angry when they saw the old monk sitting cross-legged under the ancient tree.

They longed for the Immortal King Dao Fruit, but the old monk refined it in front of them, and they could do nothing but watch. What kind of hatred in life is this?

It was equivalent to personally cutting off their path to the Immortal King.

The three-headed monster was extremely angry, and the mysterious energy in his hand exploded, like a sharp axe, carving out a path forward in the Buddhist field.

"You are dead and no one can save you."

It could see that the old monk could not succeed in refining the Immortal King Dao Fruit in a short time. This time was enough for him to walk to the ancient Bodhi tree. By then, the old monk would wake up from his sweet dream.

In fact, the old monk had no choice but to do this. Surrounded by heroes, he couldn't get out with the Dao Fruit. The only way was to use the powerful field born here to stop the heroes and take the opportunity to refine the Immortal King Dao Fruit. Get enough power to solve the immediate crisis.

Once the ancient Bodhi tree moves, that kind of field will disappear without a trace. At that time, he will be in danger. Therefore, he does not have the time and opportunity to slowly refine the Tao Fruit, and can only race against time.


The void around the ancient Bodhi tree erupted with roaring sounds, and the Immortal King Dao was astonishing, containing indescribable power. They surrounded the old monk, slowly entered his mouth and nose, and submerged into his heavenly spirit cap.

Soon, the old monk's body became radiant. His immortal body was being tempered, and the aura of the soul between his brows was rising steadily, which was incredible.

"How is it possible? His realm is rising. How powerful is the Immortal King Dao Fruit? Why can he receive it so quickly? It's unreasonable." The quasi-immortal kings couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

A true immortal is no different from ants and dust to the Immortal King. The Immortal King's Dao Fruit is like the sun in the sky. A true immortal cannot withstand the direct infusion of the Immortal King's Dao Fruit. The avenue cannot be broken. Said, it is very likely that the body will explode directly and die.

But now, a strange scene is taking place. Under the ancient Bodhi tree, the old monk accepted the Immortal King's Dao Fruit forcibly filling his body. The wisps of the powerful Immortal King's Dao Principles rushed directly into the old monk's mouth, nose and Tianling Cap. This It was an extremely arrogant method. As expected, the old monk would die suddenly in a short period of time. However, the reality was the opposite. Not only did the old monk not explode, but his realm continued to rise, and the increase was frightening.

He was originally in the early stage of True Immortal, but now he is approaching the middle stage of True Immortal.

Under normal conditions, this period of cultivation would definitely take tens of millions of years. It took Lian Juechen millions of years to get to this point.

Now, the old monk has shortened this time countless times, which is frightening.

Chi Cang and the three people in the distance didn't understand, how did the old monk do it? Is it possible that the Immortal King Dao Fruit can be poured into the body without being destroyed? Is it because the physical body is too strong? No matter how strong the body is, how strong can a living being in the early stage of a True Immortal become? This is unreasonable.

"The only possibility is that this immortal monk and the immortal monk king have an extraordinary connection." Chi Cang said thoughtfully.

"The Immortal Monk King has no heirs." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk spoke.

"No, I don't mean that he is the descendant of the senior Immortal Monk King..." Chi Cang said, his eyes shooting out a terrifying beam of light.

"What is that?" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan was puzzled. If he wasn't a descendant, could he be a descendant of his apprentice? However, it was not familiar with this old monk and had never heard of him.

"He is the senior Immortal Monk King himself!" Chi Cang spoke with such determination that it was like thunder on the ground, shocking the Six Paths of Samsara Pan.

Lian Juechen next to him opened his eyes even more and couldn't believe it.

Is the old monk the Immortal Monk King himself? In other words, this Buddhist world was left by the old monk, and now he is just revisiting his old place?

This is too unbelievable, but it can well explain the fact that the old monk received the Immortal King Dao Fruit and his body was fine.

"I just realized this. I thought this immortal monk looked familiar before, but I had never seen it before. It was very strange.

Now it seems that he is clearly what the senior Immortal Monk King looked like when he got old, but I don't know why the senior's cultivation has regressed to this point. Maybe like us, he has re-cultivated Nirvana. " Chi Cang explained.

But immediately, he shook his head again.

"No, Nirvana has re-cultivated to the true immortal realm. Senior Immortal Monk King will definitely be able to recognize me and Liu Shen, but he clearly doesn't know."

At this time, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan seemed to think of something and said, "Could it be that this Immortal Monk is the reincarnation of the Immortal Monk King?"

When Chi Cang heard this, his heart was shaken. Thinking of what the old monk said to the young monk, he confirmed this even more.

"Destined cause and effect, there is no point in running away or hiding. I will stay and witness some things."

Destined, it is talking about the relationship between him and the Immortal Monk King. No matter whether you run or hide, it is useless, you can't hide.

Perhaps the old monk stayed outside the Buddhist world because he was struggling.

"I once heard the Immortal King talk about the Immortal Monk King's conception of reincarnation. In the reincarnation he conceived, once a living being is reincarnated, it will be isolated from the previous life and forget everything. This is equivalent to extinction. It completely bids farewell to the past and forgets everything. Cut off all cause and effect.

However, this is an ideal reincarnation after all, and reality may be different. "

Chi Cang immediately understood. The old monk learned that he was the reincarnation of the Immortal Monk King. He was curious about his past life and wanted to understand it. However, he knew that once he came into contact, it would be equivalent to accepting the cause and effect of the previous life.

Therefore, he was struggling, and finally stayed in the temple that suppressed the entrance to the Buddhist world.

Until someone accidentally discovered the secret there, the old monk had no choice but to make a choice.

Just when Chi Cang and the other three were exploring the identity of the old monk, an astonishing change occurred under the ancient Bodhi tree.

Under the baptism of the Immortal King's Taoism, the old monk's cultivation has grown to the middle stage of true immortality and is rapidly moving towards the later stage. At the same time, the old monk's face is changing.

He was rejuvenating, his wrinkled face and loose skin slowly tightened, and his rickety body became straight and straight.

Not long after, a young and handsome monk appeared in front of everyone, with red lips and white teeth, delicate eyebrows, and a pair of clear, deep, and piercing eyes.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

What they said before was all just speculation, but they didn't expect it to be true. The old monk looked exactly like the Immortal Monk King after he returned to youth.

"Haha, should I congratulate you for returning to youth again?" The three-headed monster walked forward slowly, not far from the ancient Bodhi tree.

At this rate, I am afraid that the old monk will be destroyed by the three-headed monster before he reaches the Quasi-Immortal King, and his success will be in vain.

At the critical moment, the old monk's eyelids moved slightly and he let out a long sigh.

Not only did he accept the baptism of the Immortal King's Taoism, he also accepted the memory of the Immortal Monk King, and all the past events came to mind.

Suddenly, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Chi Cang and Liu Shen who were far away in the horizon.

"Friend Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, long time no see."

The voice of the words is very emotional, as if it has experienced the ups and downs of hundreds of millions of lives, giving people a feeling that time is rushing and the years are changing.

This was the tone of the Immortal Monk King. After an epoch, he was once again talking to the Blazing Willow God. After all the vicissitudes of life, the word "fellow Taoist" wiped out all the vicissitudes of life.

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