The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 274 Fight to the Death

The reason why the three-headed monster has three heads is because it is formed by the souls of the three geniuses devouring each other and merging.

Because of this, the three-headed monster's soul is terrifyingly powerful, and its perception is beyond common sense.

In the void around the temple outside the Buddhist world, the three-headed monster became very interested in Chi Cang's body when he saw Chi Cang for the first time.

If there hadn't been news that there might be a body of the Immortal King in the Buddhist world, it would not have considered Chi Cang's body as its second choice, and might have started to snatch it from outside the Buddhist world.

Now, there is no body of the Immortal King in the Buddha Realm, and its second choice automatically becomes its first choice.

Who would have thought that this second choice would exactly meet the three-headed monster's expectations.

It couldn't help but laugh.

"That's good. Such a powerful Immortal King's body is just right for me." The three-headed monster secretly rejoiced. If it takes Chi Cang's body, it will be so powerful that it has no weaknesses.

The power of the soul is different from ordinary people, and coupled with a terrifying immortal king body, it is completely invincible.

Chi Cang was speechless. This three-headed monster only mastered a wisp of the innate essence exhaled by the Immortal King. Do you want to suppress him? It's a bit wishful thinking.

Suddenly, the three-headed monster made a move. Its three heads opened their mouths respectively, and each spit out a mouthful of bright blood essence, which rushed into the innate essence like a meteor.


Like stars colliding, the originally peaceful innate energy trembled violently, and overflowed with terrifying power.

After doing all this, the three-headed monster looked pale, as if he had suffered a serious illness and became depressed.

"Hehe, I didn't plan to do this originally. According to the speed I opened up in this field, I could completely stop the bald guy before he succeeded. But as a result, you came out halfway and blocked my way, so it had to be like this. "The three-headed monster had a smile on its lips, as if it had foreseen Chi Cang's defeat.

There is no doubt that it has used some kind of trump card to take the innate essence that can keep pace with the body of the Blazing Cang Immortal King to a higher level and reach another realm.

Chi Cang's face showed solemnity, sensing the danger of that innate essence. It seemed to have given birth to some kind of supreme will, which was qualitatively different from before.

Without the need for the control of the three-headed monster, this innate essence can attack and kill Chi Cang on its own.

He was prepared and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

The next moment, the innate essence turned into a straight spear and shot straight towards Chi Cang's eyebrows. Its purpose was obvious, which was to go straight to Chi Cang's soul and kill Chi Cang's consciousness and soul. , paving the way for the three-headed monster to invade this body.

Chi Cang felt the crisis, and his whole body tensed up. The Soul Cave Heaven and the Flesh Cave Heaven both glowed, and they were fully mobilized at this moment.

When the spear transformed from the innate essence rushed over, the death crisis came, causing the Immortal King Body Dao Fruit hidden in Chi Cang's body to burst out again.

Endless power, like the turbulent waves of the ocean, comes from the deepest part of the blood particles and quickly fills the limbs and bones.

Chi Cang got rid of that "weak" feeling, and felt that he had mastered the power of shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods in his hands, and the world was turned upside down with just one hand.

Facing the straight and sharp spear, Chi Cang's hands glowed and he grabbed the spear's edge.

If he didn't stop it, the spear would hit Chi Cang's forehead, and he would already feel a stinging sensation.


Chi Cang's two palms tightly grasped the spear transformed by the innate essence, and stopped it at the critical moment.

However, he paid the price with blood.

The spear formed by the innate essence produced countless sharp thorns when Chi Cang grasped it with both hands, piercing Chi Cang's palm.

Immediately, blood rained down like rain. Countless blood holes were dug into Chi Cang's hands, and blood dripped down from time to time.

At the same time, those spikes seemed to be alive, desperately burrowing into Chi Cang's flesh and blood. A heartbreaking pain came from his palms. Chi Cang's face was expressionless, and a thunder pool appeared above his head, and a massive amount of thunder tribulations appeared. The liquid poured down from the thunder pool and fell into the blazing Tianling Cap.

Fierce thunder surged through Chi Cang's body and flowed throughout his body along his blood vessels.

The spikes that were desperately trying to drill into his flesh were struck by thunder and melted away like ice and snow.

This is the terrifying taboo heavenly punishment revealed in the thunder pool. Under the control of the Blazing Cang Immortal King's Body Dao Fruit, it is so powerful that even the Immortal King must stay away from it.

At this moment, the innate energy received the essence and blood sacrifice of the three-headed monster, and exploded with the power of the real Immortal King, overwhelming Chi Cang. Only then could he severely injure Chi Cang at the first contact.

However, even the true Immortal King must be wary of the taboo tyrannical punishment.

The innate essence seemed to be frightened, and took the initiative to withdraw from Chi Cang's palm.

The blood hole left earlier immediately spurted out bright thunder and blood.

Then, billions of thunders spurted out, swirling around Chi Cang's body. He stood in the midst of the thunder, like the king and master of the thunder path.


Thunder surged into the sky, flooding the small space. Chi Cang began to fight back, killing the spear made of innate essence.

The three-headed monster not far away showed a surprised look. Unexpectedly, the method practiced by the creature it was interested in was so tricky. It was an extremely rare method of divine punishment.

To be precise, on the entire ancient road, it had only seen this one cultivating the path of heavenly punishment.

There is no way, cultivating the way of heavenly punishment is a provocation to the way of heaven, and you are destined to die miserably under the punishment of thunder. It is not that no one has tried it in history, but the final results are miserable.

Chi Cang is the only creature the three-headed monster has ever seen that has practiced to such a high level, which is simply unbelievable. .

"Cultivating the Way of Heavenly Punishment is stealing the authority of Heavenly Dao. It is truly going against heaven. How can it be possible to practice to this extent?" The three-headed monster was secretly shocked.

Even if it is a race or creature beloved by God, it is impossible for it to be done.


The spear transformed by the innate essence changed and turned into a king's sword. It was so powerful that it could split the universe and the eternal sky with one sword.

It slashed towards the approaching Chi Cang, seeming to want to split it into two.

The terrifying sword light forced Chi Cang to avoid the edge temporarily.

However, there is no way to avoid it. The power of the innate essence at this moment is even more powerful than Chi Cang.


Chi Cang held the thunder pool and collided with the king sword. The huge impact made Chi Cang's chest feel heavy and he couldn't help but vomit blood.

If he collided with Wang Jian with his bare hands, he would definitely be split into two.

The Thunder Pond is different. After experiencing the transformation of the Boundary Sea, it has become extremely strong. Even the Immortal King's soldiers in its heyday could not break it open.

After gaining the upper hand, the innate energy did not give Chi Cang a chance to breathe, and slashed one after another. Even if Chi Cang unleashed the thunder in the sky, it would not stop.

After experiencing previous contact, the innate essence found a way to suppress the way of divine punishment, which is to resist with tyrannical combat power. This is also the most effective method.

Chi Cang said nothing and resisted silently. Lei Chi was unharmed, but his body was cracked and his blood was like rain.

However, Chi Cang refused to retreat and dealt with the innate essence in a small space.

He only has the body of the Immortal King and does not have the spirit of the Immortal King. It is impossible to defeat the innate essence that can exert the true fighting power of the Immortal King. However, Chi Cang only needs to delay the time. When the Immortal Monk King accepts the Tao Fruit of the previous life, everything will be over. reverse.

The three-headed monster also noticed this. Seeing that the Immortal Monk King sitting cross-legged under the ancient Bodhi tree was growing like crazy and approaching the quasi-immortal king, it felt anxious and quickly used special means to stimulate the innate essence, hoping that the innate essence could Suppress Chi Cang as soon as possible.

This wisp of innate essence is a supreme gift given by the elder behind it. It is the innate essence that the elder himself spits out, and it gives the three-headed monster the means to activate its maximum power, for self-protection or for Compete with others.

His elder's cultivation was unimaginably powerful, invincible in heaven and on earth, immortal and immortal, spanning the ages.

Just spit out a mouthful of innate essence at will, and you can unleash the fighting power of the Immortal King. The magical power is so great that ordinary people can't imagine it.

Chi Cang's guess about the owner of the innate essence is that he is at least a giant.

At this moment, he was caught in a bitter battle. If he hadn't been resisted by the solid and immortal thunder pool, he would have been robbed long ago.

Across the thunder pool, some of the power can be offset. Even so, the combat power of the real Immortal King level also made Chi Cang suffer a lot.

With every collision, blood mist would spurt out from the pores on his arms, and cracks would appear on his chest and back, leaving horrific wounds.

What's even more terrible is that Chi Cang's weak Yuan Shen once again lost his hind legs.

Fortunately, the attack of the innate essence does not contain the power of the soul, otherwise, the blazing soul is likely to be directly bombarded and become a body without the soul.

At his peak, he relied on the Immortal King's body, his soul that was close to the Immortal King, and his unique Heavenly Punishment Secret Technique to compete with the Immortal King, so he was ranked among the ten most unlucky.

Now, he lacks the soul that is close to the level of the Immortal King, and is no longer as brave as before.

Facing the innate essence that can exert a true immortal king-level combat power, Chi Cang can only barely resist.


Another heavy blow, the skin on Chi Cang's arm was torn open and blood gushed out.

However, he was laughing, because the Immortal Monk King had already become a quasi-Immortal King in the process of tempering, and he only needed the final baptism to step into the realm of Immortal King.

At that time, no matter how crazy this innate energy is, it will be useless.

The three-headed monster was more concerned about the situation of the Immortal Monk King than Chi Cang, so he naturally noticed this immediately.

Seeing that the innate essence could not be attacked for a long time, the three-headed monster was extremely anxious. Chi Cang was like an unbeatable Xiao Qiang, which kept entangled with the innate essence, making it unable to move away to stop the Immortal Monk King.

"Senior, please use your divine power to kill this creature without taking care of his body. That creature is about to become an Immortal King. It will be bad if it drags on any longer." The three-headed monster roared.

When Chi Cang heard this, he looked surprised. It turned out that the innate energy that was competing with him was actually controlled by the will of an old monster.

"Well, I haven't seen such an interesting creature in many years."

The innate essence that turned into a heavenly sword suddenly spoke, and in his words, he revealed his deep interest in Chi Cang.

Chi Cang was speechless, only feeling that he was being scrutinized by a line of sight, coming from the terrifying sky knife that was falling in front of him.


The thunder pool shook violently, and Chi Cang flew out, almost missing.


He felt burned inside, his throat felt sweet, and he coughed up a large amount of blood, mixed with internal organs fragments.

Even if there is a thunder pool to offset part of the power, Chi Cang can hardly hold on anymore. The real immortal king level combat power is no joke.

If it weren't for the immortality of the Immortal King's body and the massive amount of Thunder Tribulation Liquid that constantly repaired injuries, Chi Cang might have been unable to hold on long ago and was defeated.

Chi Cang tried his best to calm down the chaos in his body, raised the thunder pool with difficulty, and faced another mountain-cleaving attack from the Heavenly Sword.

He must block it, otherwise, the Immortal Monk King's process of repairing his Taoism will be interrupted and everything will be lost.

The will within the innate essence also knows that it must kill Blazing Cang before it can continue to move forward and pick the Immortal King Dao Fruit from the ancient Bodhi tree.

Therefore, it took a cruel approach and unleashed real fire.

In the Buddhist field, only ten feet away from the ancient Bodhi tree, crisp metal collision sounds could be heard from time to time.

It was a weapon made of innate essence that was slashing at the assassin holding the thunder pool.

At the most dangerous moment, Chi Cang was even shocked into a pulp, but immediately he recovered with the help of massive amounts of good fortune and the Immortal King's Body Dao Fruit.

Time passed little by little, and the Immortal Monk King's path became more and more unfathomable. In the end, the three-headed monster could no longer see through the Immortal Monk King's realm.

Its eyes were no longer full of confidence, but filled with anxiety, and even a trace of fear.

Because if the Immortal Monk King returns to the Immortal King level, his innate energy will never be his opponent.

Although the innate essence can bring out the fighting power of the Immortal King, it is ultimately different from the real Immortal King.

The real Immortal King is the king of immortals in three aspects: soul, body, and Dao. He is extremely powerful. However, the combat power exerted by the innate essence is somewhat one-sided, so it cannot be a living Immortal King. opponent.

"Senior..." the three-headed monster called, already thinking of quitting.

After witnessing how the invincible Chi Cang stalked the innate essence, it had no hope in its heart.

"Why are you panicking?"

The will within the innate essence was still calm, and it exploded again, unleashing an impact like a violent storm.

The sky is struggling to hold on, like a canoe floating in the ocean, it may capsize at any time.

After resisting for an unknown amount of time, he finally couldn't hold it anymore. Lei Chi let go and flew out, while Chi Cang himself was blasted into the Buddhist field.

Fortunately, there is the body of the Immortal King. Although it is bloody and bloody, it is enough to withstand the terrifying field.

After defeating Chi Cang, the innate energy was no longer hindered. It carried the three-headed monster, broke through the fields, and went straight to the young immortal monk king sitting cross-legged under the ancient Bodhi tree.

A spear is like the sharpest weapon in the world. When the spear is thrust out, the world will be overturned and everything will be reversed.

The ancient bodhi tree felt a reaction, and the green leaves of the tree were shaking, releasing green clouds all over the sky, trying to resist the sudden spear.

Seeing this, the three-headed monster felt hopeful again.

If the tempering has been completed, why does the ancient Bodhi tree need to be defended?

The spear is incomparable, piercing through everything, breaking through the green clouds, and killing the Immortal Monk King between his eyebrows.

The three-headed monster opened its eyes wide, wanting to see the scene where the Immortal Monk King was penetrated through the head.

However, the reality was not what it wanted, and the spear suddenly stopped at a place only three inches away from the eyebrows of the Immortal Monk King.

I saw the young and delicate Immortal Monk King stretching out his white and powerful palms and firmly grasping the spear. No matter how hard the spear was applied, it could not move at all.

"You...became the Immortal King?" The three-headed monster's heart suddenly stopped and stopped beating, and he was frightened for a while.

The young monk with delicate features, red lips and white teeth smiled slightly, which made people feel like they were in the spring breeze. However, in the eyes of the three-headed monster, it was so terrible that his heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

"The poor monk succeeded by luck, so he had to worry about the donor."

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