The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 285 Killing the Immortal

"Thunder Emperor?"

The Sword Immortal already had a shadow of Chi Cang in his heart. Just like when he besieged Kunpeng and was blasted many times by the pair of indestructible wings of chaos, Chi Cang's blow along the crack almost killed him directly.

Therefore, at this moment, the arrival of Chi Cang made the Sword Immortal feel heavy in his chest and somewhat out of breath.

Not only him, but also the Canxians who were fighting with their respective opponents, their hearts sank. In the battle in the lower realm, the Thunder Emperor who shattered their decrees was personally present, which meant that what happened today was very likely to happen prematurely. Moreover, they could Whether he will leave safely or not is unknown.

Shi Hao in the field was already filled with tears of excitement. The Sword Immortal was approaching. In despair, he took out the broken and dim Thunder Emperor's armor with a glimmer of hope. As a result, it really worked. The appearance of Chi Cang shocked all the remaining immortals, making them restless and restless.

Kunpengzi, who was fighting fiercely with the three major leaders, also felt this way. In its heart, it hoped that the elder Thunder Emperor could appear to save the world. Even though there were rumors that the Primordial Gate could not be turned back, it still had a hope in its heart.

Now, Chi Cang has really arrived, causing the situation to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The thunder in the sky, the mighty nine days, illuminates this mysterious no man's land. Standing in the thunder, Chi Cang controls the thunder and electricity, as if he has become the only one between heaven and earth.

All eyes were focused there, falling on Chi Cang's majestic body.

His face was like that of an emperor, exuding great majesty.

The man who controls the thunder pool, represents the punishment method for the sky, and is known as the Emperor of Thunder. Even Canxian feels like he wants to kowtow when he faces him.

The four great remnant immortals looked slightly dazed, as if they had returned to the glorious era when the Immortal King came to Jiutian.

Thunder Emperor, the youngest of the Ten Evils, is known by the world as the Master of Heavenly Punishment and the Emperor of Thunder. Because he is in charge of Heavenly Punishment, he has sensed the invasion of foreign lands many times and personally killed countless immortals. He made great achievements in battle.

If we want to choose the most brilliant creature of that era, it must be the Thunder Emperor. It is precisely because of this that the Thunder Emperor is respected by all spirits and praised by the ancestors.

Even if he died in battle, not even a fragment of his soul would be left, and the sound of sacrifice would surround his body forever.

To this day, that peerless style is still unforgettable.

Not only for the primitive ancient world, but also for the immortal realm, Chi Cang also has a deep connection. Although his thunder pool immortal species was born in the primitive ancient world, it can also shine in the immortal realm because the two realms have the same origin. , Chicang practiced the immortal system in ancient immortal times, leaving Jiutian and entering the immortal realm, it did not affect his combat power.

A group of Thunder Spirits living in the Immortal Realm followed behind him. This incident caused a huge sensation in the Immortal Realm at that time.

You must know that the Thunder Spirit clan, known as the Heavenly Ones, feeds exclusively on Heaven's Punishment and will never surrender to anyone. Every Thunder Spirit grows up to be invincible.

As a result, it is unbelievable that a clan of thunder spirits chose to follow one person.

It was such a creature that was famous in both worlds and was thought to be destined to become a king and an ancestor, but he was lost in the battle of Immortal Ancient.

The sky wept with blood, and the whole world mourned with him. All the creatures in the world mourned together and buried him.

But the four great remnant immortals who were supervising the battle were not at all sad, and even a little relieved.

How could these senior and true immortals be embarrassed by a being who was said to be destined to become the Immortal King? There was no hope at all.

Due to various psychological reasons, they naturally did not want the Thunder Emperor to end well.

"Thunder Emperor, why are you still alive? Even if all the immortal kings join forces to attack you, they can't kill you?" The Sword Immortal sighed, unable to figure out how Chi Cang survived in such a desperate situation.

Chi Cang didn't answer and simply ignored the Sword Immortal.

He stood in the midst of the terrifying thunder, waved gently, and the Thunder Emperor's armor suspended in front of Shi Hao immediately came to Chi Cang.

A pair of eyes as deep as the stars, with endless vicissitudes of life, swept over the armor scales, including the extremely eye-catching black hole.

Everything is so familiar. Countless years ago, he wore this armor and fought against enemies from all directions.

The holes in the armor were punched out and stabbed by the Immortal King during his siege. Later, the armor left his body and traveled around for many years, returning to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. He replaced him and returned to his hometown, continuing to protect this nostalgic homeland. .

There were memories in Chi Cang's eyes, and he gently stroked the broken armor with his palms. In a daze, he seemed to have returned to those glorious years.

Everyone held their breath and did not dare to breathe out, because they were witnessing the legend. A living statue of the Ten Evils appeared, overwhelming the nine heavens and ten earth. Even the immortals changed their colors, which was enough to see the "Ten Evils" How heavy the pressure of those two words is.


The crystal-clear Thunder Emperor's armor wailed and whined in Chi Cang's hands, like a child who had been wronged and cried.

It was vibrating constantly, and every scale was clanking and trembling.

Even the sect leaders and the geniuses who are far away can sense the sadness coming from this armor.

Chi Cang comforted him, his armor was alive, he thought he was dead and gone, but now that he saw him again, he was naturally emotional.

Suddenly, the Thunder Emperor's armor changed. It gradually turned from bright to dark. Those holes flowed out a jet-black aura, which was terrifyingly deep and shockingly cold.

It was originally sacred, but now it seemed to be transformed into a weapon of darkness.

"Why did the Thunder Emperor's armor turn dark?" Some people were surprised and asked themselves in confusion.

"I see, Thunder Emperor, I know how you survived." Sword Immortal seized this opportunity and prepared to discredit Chi Cang and confuse right and wrong.

"You actually surrendered to a foreign land, and even your personal armor fell into the darkness." The sword fairy roared, reaching the ears of every living being, not only in the no-man's land, but also in the entire three thousand states. Everyone heard his shouts.

When Kun Pengzi, Qi Daolin and others heard this, they were not afraid of the power of the true immortal and glared at the Sword Immortal. They knew that there must be other reasons for the blackening of the Thunder Emperor's armor. The Sword Immortal was so shameless that he beat him up.

"Yes, what a young person among the ten evil spirits. It turns out you are such a person. No wonder you, who should have died, can still appear in this world." The residual immortal from the Bronze Immortal Palace also sneered in agreement.

Ye Qingxian, who was fighting with him, looked angry after hearing these words. The Thunder Emperor has left a great reputation in the long history. In her era, there were endless legends of the Thunder Emperor circulating.

She traveled through the past and present just to witness the most powerful people born in this glorious era, including Huang and Thunder Emperor.

At this moment, she was naturally angry when she heard the despicable and shameless Canxian smearing her. The big clock in her hand kept ringing, as if it could distort time and reverse the years.

The other two remnant immortals also spoke out one after another, questioning Chi Cang and mocking him at the same time.

Seeing the shamelessness of the four remnant immortals who brought trouble to the world, Shi Hao couldn't help but clenched his fists. Back then, this was how they defined the meritorious clan as the sinful clan. Now, do they want to do it again? Unfortunately, they targeted the wrong person.

The scene suddenly became noisy. One party was in agreement with Canxian and kept talking about Chicang's fall into darkness. The other party was furious and filled with righteous indignation and could not bear to see Canxian being so mean.

Chi Cang, who had been wronged, was unusually calm. No matter how much Canxian barked, there was not even a single wave on his face.

Like a rock, no matter what happens, it is difficult to shake its Taoist heart.

At the same time, this is also a kind of naked contempt, the contempt of the superiors when they look down on the inferiors. The four great immortals are regarded as clowns by Chi Cang.

The sword immortal was very angry to be ignored like this. No matter what, he was still a true immortal.

"Thunder Emperor! All the spirits in this world need an explanation."

He roared, shaking heaven and earth, but he received no response.

Chi Cang's eyes were sad, and the depths of his pupils were filled with coldness and earth-shattering murderous intent. He gently touched the darkened armor with his hand. He already knew why the armor turned black.

This is his personal armor, and the will inside it is just like himself, upright, not afraid of power, and has a domineering character.

While Chi Cang's cold body was lying floating in the unknown turbulence, the Thunder Emperor's armor had returned to Jiutian.

During this period of time, it has been controlled by many people. Although it is dim and broken, it is also otherworldly, and it carries the inheritance of the Thunder Emperor to find its successor.

However, the creatures who control the Thunder Emperor's armor are always slandered, unfair, and smeared by people who do not distinguish between right and wrong.

The will in the armor gradually became disappointed with the people in this world, and was willing to fall into darkness and destroy those monsters and demons in order to express injustice.

Chi Cang saw a young man with a resolute face, wearing the Thunder Emperor's armor, being surrounded by all parties in a vast imperial city. He was maliciously slandered and made things difficult for him. In the end, those people even turned this energetic man into someone. Young people with extraordinary qualifications were killed.

The young man covered in blood, clutching his armor and a bunch of withered flowers, fell desolately outside the city. His eyes lost their light, and he was still mumbling, regretting that he did not return to his hometown in glory and failed others.

It's a pity that there are no fixed bones by the river, just like a person in a spring boudoir's dream.

At this moment, the Thunder Emperor's armor erupted, and black energy surged in from all directions and merged into the huge holes. A scene exactly like what Chi Cang had seen happened.

The radiance is brilliant, representing a generation of ten evil armors who are willing to fall and lead the darkness to destroy this unfair world.

All the creatures who had killed the young man before were panicked and begged for mercy. In order to save their clansmen, the families behind them mobilized the imperial city to fight against the Dark Thunder Emperor's armor. There were also some who still had consciences left and came forward to express their grievances for the young man who died unjustly. .

However, everything is too late, people die like lights going out.

In the end, after a confrontation, the Thunder Emperor's armor dimmed again. After all, it did not turn completely dark. This was its indignation and its helplessness.

If the master was still there, maybe everything would be different.

Chi Cang's heart was agitated and he couldn't calm down, because the person who was being persecuted was not only the young man he saw, but also more. The Thunder Emperor's armor was almost completely dark. Now, it met Shi Hao again, and it was once again Hope was aroused.

Now, its owner has returned to this world, so the armor trembles, longing for Chi Cang to reappear the power of the Thunder Emperor.

"Thank you for your hard work. I have endured so much over the years." Chi Cang sighed, and red forbidden thunder burst out from his palm, pouring into it along the holes in the armor, destroying the dark aura it had received when it turned black. Almost exhausted.

In just an instant, the dark Thunder Emperor's armor returned to its dazzling state, like a sun made of thunder, blazing and dazzling the world.


The armor trembled non-stop as it came to Chi Cang's body. It fit as well as ever. It was tailor-made for him.


The power of the ten evils completely exploded, shaking the nine heavens and the earth, making it difficult for everyone to breathe.

The Sword Immortal who was facing the blazing sky was even more dazed, as if the Thunder Emperor he saw in front of him was the Thunder Emperor of the Immortal Ancient Era.

That face, that look, that majesty, and that Thunder Emperor armor that was full of holes, adding to the tragic aura.

The next moment, thunder shook the sky, and the endless sea of ​​thunder rose and fell with the will of Blazing Cang, and the waves rolled.

The sword immortal was caught by this aura and couldn't help but take a step back.

Chi Cang stepped toward the Sword Immortal with murderous intent, and a long red sword appeared in his hand, which was completely composed of forbidden thunder. It was filled with the aura of destruction, which was horrifying.

"You..." The sword fairy was frightened for no reason. He felt a chill on his neck, as if he would be chopped off by the long red sword at any time.

As a true immortal, he naturally knows what kind of thunder this is. It has the same origin as the legendary immortal-killing guillotine, and it is terrifying to the extreme.

"War Supervisor? That's ridiculous. In my opinion, there is something darker than dark creatures in this world, and that is your conscience." Chi Cang sneered, with murderous intent rolling in his face.

The sword fairy couldn't help but retreat.

Because Chi Cang's power was too great, he had already released his own seal, and the sound of sacrifices that surrounded him for eternity sounded long, as if transmitted from the distant Immortal Era across time and space.

Endless ancient ancestors are saluting, roaring, and blessing.

Even if the residual immortal continues to smear Chicang, it will be of no use. Only the creatures who have made great achievements for this world can have this kind of vision.

What have these crippled immortals done?


The sword immortal was forced by his momentum and reached his limit. He had to swing his sword to break through the nine-level sky barrier.

The brilliant sword light, like a flying fairy from the sky, like a shocking sword, shone in the thunder and overshadowed everything. At this moment, countless people felt their skin tingling, as if they were about to be pierced by the broken fairy sword.

This was the sword immortal who gathered all the Dao fruits in his body and sent out a fatal blow regardless of the injury. If it dragged on any longer, he would only become more afraid of Chi Cang. Facing a creature that once stood at the top, who was only a true immortal, he would naturally There was pressure, especially after besieging Kunpeng and experiencing firsthand what the Ten Evils were.

Chi Cang was fearless, wearing the Thunder Emperor's armor and holding the Forbidden Thunder Sword. His whole body was surrounded by the nine-day calamity light, and he slashed at the terrifying sword light that was flying towards him.


Immortal light and thunder light intertwined, bringing the place of collision back to its original point. Chaos energy surged, the void collapsed, and it was destroyed and reborn.

A new breath bloomed, opening up a vibrant world.

Thunder is both destruction and life. After the ultimate destruction, there is life.


A crisp sound echoed between the heaven and the earth, followed by an even denser sound of shattering.

In the bright fairy light, a broken sword full of cracks reached the end and completely shattered. This was the natal sword that accompanied the sword fairy throughout the fairyland, and followed him to besiege the Ten Fierce Kunpeng and fight on the battlefield for many years. .

At this moment, it was destroyed by Chi Cang's forbidden thunder sword and turned into dots of fairy light, flying towards the vast no man's land.

The people were extremely shocked. The Sword Immortal who overpowered the nine heavens and ten earth and shocked the whole world was defeated in the great duel. Even his natal sword was broken. However, no one was surprised, because the opponent of the Sword Immortal was ten people who shocked the ancient times and the present. One of the most dangerous ones, the Thunder Emperor, is considered a legend to be able to fight with him.

The sword that the sword immortal held in his hand was empty and his life was at stake, and it became a thing of the past. He was slightly absent-minded, as if he didn't believe it was true.

Chi Cang didn't give him the slightest chance. He raised his sword and slashed it across the Sword Immortal's neck. Immediately, the Immortal's blood spurted out, and a head with a face full of disbelief flew high into the air, stained red with blood. Half the sky.

"Immortal blood is dull. No wonder you don't even have the grace of an immortal master." Chi Cang said coldly.


The sword immortal coughed up blood and felt horrified. He felt that he was not far away from the god of death. His soul was sitting cross-legged between his eyebrows. Seeing that the situation was not good, he wanted to abandon his body and leave.

I don't know what kind of secret technique he used, but his soul turned into a fairy sword, piercing the void and rushing into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

As for his remaining body, as the soul left the body, it completely lost its power and smashed to the ground.

The speed of the true immortal is so fast that it is unimaginable, and it covers several states in one move, but now, the bright Yuanshen Immortal Sword cannot escape.

He slammed into the area where an ancient Taoist platform was located, and a terrifying pressure immediately came from all over his body, making it difficult for him to move, as if he was stuck in a quagmire.

"This is……"

The sword fairy was in a daze, as if he had thought of something, and suddenly felt chills from head to toe.

"Slaying the Immortal Platform?"

He thought about the origin of this Taoist platform. It is the ultimate divine punishment that countless monks have feared throughout the ages. It rarely occurs several times in an era. Only the most defiant creatures who commit major events that affect the era can incur this thing.

Moreover, almost no one survived on the Immortal Killing Platform. To be precise, I have never heard of anyone walking down the Immortal Killing Platform alive.

Thinking of this, the remnant immortal was extremely frightened, and even the dead souls appeared. How could he suddenly rush to the Immortal Killing Platform that had never been seen before?

He reacted instantly, besides the Emperor in Thunder, who else could control this terrifying punishment from heaven?

"No!" Sword Immortal yelled, and the soul returned to its human form. It was wrapped by a crystal chain and pulled towards the ancient mottled Taoist platform. Although there was no bloody guillotine there, Sword Immortal clearly knew that he was being pulled up. What will happen next.


The chain slid and made a sound, which sounded like a life-threatening song to the Sword Immortal's ears.

He was forcibly pulled onto the platform, and the soul's head fell sideways on the groove, unable to move at all.

Chi Cang stepped forward, holding the Forbidden Thunder Sword in his hand, approaching step by step. Finally, he stood on the Taoist platform, as if he wanted to execute the execution himself.

The sword fairy was filled with fear and wanted to get up, but he couldn't do it.

"Thunder Emperor, I was wrong, don't kill me."

At this moment, he was really scared. He had not endured the reopening of the Immortal Realm and had not returned to the Immortal Hometown. How could he accept that he would die halfway like this?

Therefore, the Sword Immortal begs for mercy, and standing in front of him is the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors. Even if he begs for mercy, there is no shame.

"Have you forgotten what you called me back then?" Chi Cang was condescending, his face expressionless, and his eyes extremely cold.

"I have not forgotten, Mr. Thunder Emperor, I have indeed done many things wrong, but I am willing to pay any price to make up for it. I just ask you to let me go once." The Sword Immortal just wants to live and wait for the opening of the Immortal Realm. , he is willing to do anything.

"No need, you just need to die." Chi Cang shook his head, ignoring the sword immortal's plea for mercy, and raised the thunder sword high.

"If Lord Thunder Emperor kills me, the Lord of the Immortal Realm will not let it go." The Sword Immortal Yuanshen was so frightened that he quickly moved out of the Immortal Realm, a top Immortal King.

"Oh, Ao Sheng, right? I don't need him to come to me, I will take the initiative to find him.

Blocking Liu Shen from asking for help and besieging Liu Shen forced her to undergo nirvana and rebirth. She wrongfully accused the descendants of the Seven Border Kings and defined them as sinners. His shadow was reflected in every incident. In this life, she was destined to be settled with him one by one. "

After saying that, Chi Cang waved the thunder sword in his hand and cut off the head of the Sword Immortal Yuanshen under everyone's gaze.


When the head fell to the ground, the Sword Immortal's expression froze. It was obvious that he wanted to say something more, but there was no chance.

A generation of true immortals died like this, their body and soul disappeared.

The mottled Taoist platform is full of vicissitudes of time. I don’t know how many years it has been in existence. Chi Cang stands on it, full of chilling aura. He is like a master and an executioner, beheading a man with his own hands. True fairy.

The whole world fell silent, and a group of people were all petrified. This was the first time in their lives that they had seen a powerful man of the True Immortal level, and it was also the first time they had seen the death of a True Immortal powerful man.

Everyone's hearts trembled, knowing that a major earthquake was about to occur in Three Thousand Daozhou. If a residual immortal died, the situation would be completely different.

Moreover, judging from the appearance of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, they do not intend to stop there. Whether the remaining three immortals can escape is still unknown.

In the time domain created by the Endless Bell, in the Bronze Immortal Palace, the remaining immortals were all cold. Witnessing the death of a companion, he had no intention of fighting and just wanted to escape.

Just like when they besieged Kunpeng, the earth-shattering fighting power of the ten evil men made them a group of true immortals frightened. After the battle, the true immortals became disabled immortals. They could not even be born and walk in the world, and could only huddle in the fairy spring. Do your best to prevent the injury from getting worse.

The Thunder Emperor in front of him was also one of the ten evil spirits, and he was not afraid of the Immortal-breaking Curse. When he was in the lower realm, the Bronze Immortal Palace's Immortal Immortal Edict cast countless immortal-breaking curses on Chi Cang, but in the end it was useless. He realized that he was hiding This trump card is ineffective against Thunder Emperor.

Therefore, he has no intention to fight at all and just wants to escape from here.

The same was true for the other two remnant immortals. One was trapped by the Immortal Artifact Five Elements Mountain and was fighting fiercely with the True Immortal on the mountain. The other was fighting with Liu Shen's battle brand. They both wanted to retreat and no longer wanted to capture Shi Hao. Kunpengzi.

After some reflection, I found that it is indeed a bit lacking. This may be the reason why my level is not high. When I was writing, I really wanted to write about the protagonist and I didn’t want to break the chapter. However, as I was writing and writing, I discovered that there are still this and that that need to appear. At the end, I will still mention them. It will be written until the protagonist arrives.

In terms of plot arrangement, I should have let the protagonist arrive first, and then let those characters appear one after another. Maybe it would be better.

I am still grateful to every brother who subscribed and voted monthly. If you plan to block or delete the book in the future, it is up to you. I want to save you, but I don’t know what to say, because it looks really bad.

As for the results, the subscription is 200 before the limited exemption, and 400 after that. No matter how these data change, I will keep it at 10,000 per day in subsequent updates. I don’t know how long it will last, but I will try my best.

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