The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 287 The Supreme Road

Chi Cang was slightly startled, not expecting that the other party would suddenly say this. However, from the memory of Shi Hao, he had already learned that Ye Qingxian was a woman who was as graceful as an immortal but had an eccentric personality.

Therefore, he was not surprised by Ye Qingxian's words.

At this moment, Ye Qingxian was dressed in snow clothes. She was so beautiful and ethereal that it was almost dreamlike. Her ice muscles and jade bones shone brightly, and her whole body was covered with a layer of divine splendor, just like a goddess descending from the nine heavens.

She looked very mysterious. Generally speaking, a creature with this kind of temperament would not be too young. However, Chi Cang could see that Ye Qingxian was very young and full of vigor.

"My standards for accepting disciples are almost harsh. Those who do not meet the requirements will only be contaminated by the karma related to me, and they will not have the destiny to bear it.

Of course, you are not among them. Chi Cang responded with a smile.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Ye Qingxian was not an ordinary person. Not only could she control the bell soul of the Endless Bell, but she also had abnormal power of time and cause and effect flowing around her. Obviously, she had a great background.

"Senior, do you agree?" Ye Qingxian was delighted. She seemed to respect Chi Cang very much.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qingxian spoke and asked Chi Cang for a meeting gift.

Not far away, Shi Hao was speechless for a while, unable to grasp the girl's thoughts. He was moving here and there, and no one knew what she would say in the next second.

Chi Cang smiled and replied: "Didn't I give you the gift a long time ago?"

Ye Qingxian was in a daze, what kind of gift? Why didn't she know?

Being smart and intelligent, she quickly thought of something. It turned out that the bell corpse of the Endless Bell was controlled by a true immortal in the restricted area. That true immortal, with the help of the bell corpse, sensed the ancient face in her hand. Shield, also known as Bell Soul, has been hunting her.

Ye Qingxian fled all the way, and finally came to the vicinity of Daozhou where the Tianren tribe was located, sealed her body, and tried to hide it from the outside world. Later, the pursuit suddenly disappeared, and the persevering true immortal stopped chasing her for some unknown reason.

Then, by chance, she met Shi Hao and Yun Xi, a girl from the Celestial Clan. Among the Celestial Clan, Ye Qingxian also relied on the Bell Soul and the Immortal Divine Form to fight against the leaders and save Shi Hao.

After that, a stream of light suddenly flew out of Shi Hao's body, and merged with the bell soul she controlled, forming a relatively complete Infinite Bell.

With Shi Hao's cultivation alone, it was impossible to snatch the bell corpse from the hands of the true immortal in the restricted area. Since Shi Hao was a disciple of Chi Cang, it goes without saying where the bell corpse on his body came from.

"It turns out it's you, senior!" Ye Qingxian suddenly realized what the gift Chi Cang was talking about.

Chi Cang nodded. Before entering the Primordial Gate, he placed the bell corpse of the Endless Bell on Shi Hao. When he meets the bell soul, it will appear and become one with it.

"Is this gift enough?" he said teasingly.

When Ye Qingxian heard this, she nodded repeatedly. Of course it was enough. The bell corpse and the bell soul merged into one, allowing her to exert greater power in this time and space.

After learning that the bell corpse came from Chi Cang, Chi Cang became even more mysterious in her heart. It was as if these things had been expected and everything had been planned.

Looking at Chi Cang again, his half-smiling expression made Ye Qingxian even more convinced that what happened now was within Chi Cang's expectation.

She secretly smacked her lips, she was worthy of being the Thunder Emperor who shocked the past and the present. She couldn't hide anything from him. Perhaps, the other party also knew that she was not a creature of this time and space.

"Qi Daolin has met Senior Thunder Emperor!"

"Uncle Chicang."

Qi Daolin and Kun Pengzi came hand in hand to pay homage to Chi Cang. The former had only heard that the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors were alive but had never seen him in person, while the latter had already spent time with Chi Cang in the lower world.

Chi Cang nodded. Although he had never met Qi Daolin, from his memory, he already knew that there was such an unruly and extremely protective Taoist who helped Shi Hao a lot.

His eyes were shining, and there were rivers of stars flowing in them. He was observing the cultivation of the two people, and thinking that he could help them, he tried his best to help them.

Qi Daolin is still a little short of the mark, while Kun Pengzi is at the peak of escape, only one step away from the Supreme. If it were an era when the True Immortal Supreme did not emerge, such a cultivation level would be enough to be called a giant, and he could dominate three thousand people. Daozhou.

However, great changes are coming, and if you don't reach the Supreme, it really doesn't count. Even if you are the Supreme, you are like a small boat on the vast ocean, as small as an ant.

Kunpengzi is eager to go one step further, to attain the Dao, and become the Supreme Humanity. However, proving the Dao is not easy. However, in Chi Cang’s view, there is nothing wrong with Kunpengzi. After all, it is the son of the Ten Evils, and its powerful bloodline allows it to possess Unique advantage.

It's still early for Qi Daolin to speak. Despite his gray hair, he is actually still young. If he wants, he can return to his youthful appearance in an instant.

"The road to the Supreme is the path of inquiry, the road of life and death, and the road to heaven. There is a taboo line that cannot achieve the Supreme within five hundred years of age. You are already over five hundred years old. In terms of accumulation, it is enough. .

The only thing missing is an opportunity and the right mood.

If you want to become a Supreme, you need to have various means to seize the essence from the Great Universe and absorb the most original things in the world. Only in this way can you achieve the Tao Fruit. Here are some techniques and methods suitable for you. You must study it with concentration after you go back. , you will definitely gain something.

In addition, you must have the determination to move forward. If you look forward or later, you will fall halfway and become a dead horse on the roadside.

On the way to the Supreme, the previous tests are actually nothing. The most important thing to pay attention to and study deeply is the torture of heaven and earth.

If you can't survive it, you will be wiped out. If you attack the Supreme Being, you will most likely fall at this level. Therefore, you must be prepared before attacking the Supreme Being. Chi Cang said to Kun Pengzi in a serious tone.

He hopes to see people like Kun Pengzi and Qi Daolin become supreme beings, the leaders of the Nine Heavens, instead of those who confuse right and wrong and cause trouble in the world.

"Yes, this junior will remember it." Kun Pengzi suddenly became serious when he heard this. It is very rare for a statue of the Ten Evils to speak in person.

Qi Daolin also echoed, although he is still some distance away from the Supreme, but one day he will approach and arrive.

"The purple fire burns the sky and kills the soul, the karma of the mortal world is burned by the cause and effect, there are many corpses and bones on the road to the Supreme Being, one general will make all the bones dry up.

The road to the Supreme Being is full of thorns, corpses of losers and their avenues. No matter what circumstances we encounter, we should stick to the Taoist heart.

The last step is to achieve enlightenment. It is said that if you want to achieve enlightenment, you must first establish the enlightenment.

We monks are all going against the will of heaven, seeking the secrets of heaven and earth, and mastering all the rules. At the same time, we are also being eroded by the heaven and earth, wanting to kill us or devour our essence. Therefore, 99% of the time, All the creatures eventually died.

The road to carrying the road is like facing an abyss, walking on thin ice, and brushing against death all the time. If you can't make it through, the sea and sky are vast, and if you can't make it through, you will be with the bones on the supreme road and become one of them.

In ancient times, when someone attacked the Supreme, there would always be a True Immortal monk standing by to prevent accidents from happening. In this era, there are no immortals in the world, and there are more failures in attacking the Supreme. Some accidents that could have been avoided have become unavoidable. avoid.

Therefore, when you plan to attack the Supreme, it is best to have a strong immortal to guard you. Although your mother is no longer what she was before, she can still release the power of immortality with the blessing of heaven and earth. " Chi Cang warned again.

Kun Pengzi nodded, remembering Chi Cang's words.

Later, Chi Cang put some information about the Supreme Road into the minds of the two of them for reference, hoping to be of some help to them.

"Qin Changsheng has met Senior Lei Emperor."

Qin Changsheng came, with red lips and white teeth, looking like a young man. Just looking at his face, one would have thought that he was a young man who was inexperienced in the world. However, his true age was betrayed by his eyes that saw through the vicissitudes of life.

Known as the Immortal Lord, he is definitely the oldest among the cult leaders and has nothing to do with being young.

Chi Cang nodded.

Qin Changsheng's cultivation level is the same as that of Kun Pengzi. They are both at the peak of escape. They can also be called half-step supreme. They are only one step away from truly reaching the supreme realm of humanity.

However, Chi Cang did not have expectations for his cultivation, because Qin Changsheng was different from others. He suffered from the disaster of immortality and had already reached the supreme level. However, after seeing Mu Changsheng's experience, he was afraid , choose to fall to the supreme level and remain at the half-step supreme level.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, Qin Changsheng will not choose to break the situation unless he understands the secret of the longevity disaster.

"Hao'er!" Behind the Immortal Lord, Qin Yining and Shi Ziling rushed over and surrounded Shi Hao, unable to help but burst into tears.

Their eldest son has encountered too many hardships and narrowly escaped death again and again. As parents, they really don't want their children to take such a path. However, they are also proud of Shi Hao's current achievements.

"elder brother!"

Qin Hao came over and shouted.

In the battle between hundreds of rivers and the sea, in the Immortal Ancient Relics, he was always compared with Shi Hao. He refused to admit defeat and wanted to compete with Shi Hao. In the end, he found that his brother was drifting away and he could only look up at Shi Hao's back.

Moreover, as his elder brother, there is also a living master of the Ten Fierce Masters, which makes him shocked and envious. At the same time, he is also blessed. Regarding the relationship between his parents, Qin Hao has already been relieved and accepted this brother from the bottom of his heart.

Shi Hao appeased his parents and patted his younger brother on the shoulder.

In the distance, a young man stepped forward, followed by a middle-aged man, it was Chilong and his eldest brother Yinglong.

"Brother Gegu, why didn't you tell me that you still have an uncle who is alive? Isn't this too strange?" Yinglong whispered, feeling a little glad that he didn't act recklessly. If it had been unfavorable to Chilong before, it would There is absolutely no escape from death.

There is no need to wait for Gegu's blood relatives to take action, the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors can easily make him disappear from this world.

Thinking of this, Yinglong was frightened for a while and made up his mind to have a good relationship with Gegu.

Later, Master Butian, Master Jietian, Master Peacock, Qingtian Peng, Golden Winged Dapeng, and the ancestors of the Snow Phoenix clan all came, respectfully paying homage to the Ten Evils.

They were in awe and full of curiosity. A creature that had survived from the Ancient Immortal Era was like a walking piece of ancient history, and naturally knew a lot.

The nine leaders who came out of the Immortal Ancient Relics were even more excited, because the Thunder Emperor had an extremely important position in their ancestral precepts and had made great contributions to the primitive ancient world.

Now, seeing Chi Cang is like seeing a living ancestor.

Chi Cang responded one by one and signaled to Shi Hao with his eyes.

Shi Hao, who was chatting and laughing with Yue Chan, the Witch, the silver-haired girl Xuelin, Chang Gong Yan, Cao Yusheng, Little Rabbit, etc., immediately understood what Chi Cang meant and hurriedly walked to the leaders.

"Junior Shi Hao, thank you all for your help, seniors, so you can save your life." Shi Hao gave a big salute to every leader-level powerhouse who took action.

All the sect leaders cast admiring glances at Shi Hao and spoke out one after another, praising his unparalleled talent.

In the eyes of these sect leaders, pushing through the Immortal Ancient Relics was an unimaginable achievement.

Including the names left on the previous Demon Lord's stele, etc., all of them illustrate Shi Hao's incredible talent.

"Master, I think this child is destined to be my niece Yuechan, so why not take this opportunity to get married."

Suddenly, Yuechan's uncle sent a message to the leader of Butian Sect and said this.

However, he ignored one factor, that is, there were too many powerful people here, and each of them had extremely powerful spiritual consciousness. They could easily hear his voice transmission and amplify it.

Suddenly, Yuechan over there froze, and her face was so red that she was almost bleeding.

What is your uncle talking about? Would you give your niece to Huang in public?

"Senior, what do you think? The saint girl I taught is top-notch in talent and appearance. Although her condition is a little worse than Huang's, she is still a rare woman in the world." Unexpectedly, the leader of Butian Sect also spoke.

Yuechan only felt a "buzz" in her mind, and her mind went blank.

Chi Cang smiled and looked at Shi Hao with a profound look.

"The younger generations have their own path, and they have the freedom to choose their own path. As long as they are all willing, then I naturally have no objection."

His words were very clear, he meant respecting the younger generation and not forcing them.

In fact, as long as Chi Cang asks Shi Hao and Yue Chan to get married, the two will really get together, whether they really mean it or not. However, Chi Cang doesn't want to interfere in this kind of thing.

Moreover, this is very complicated. You must know that Yuechan's secondary body, Qingyi, is a disciple of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, Genyi. She has overcome her own innate shortcomings and is almost the same as Yuechan's main body.

The relationship between her, Yue Chan and Shi Hao was complicated and confusing. It was better for Shi Hao, the person involved, to deal with this matter himself. Chi Cang didn't want to get involved.

Having said this, the leader of the Butian Sect can hardly say anything more. Whether it can happen or not depends on fate.

Both he and Yuechan's uncle were telling Yuechan to get along well with Huang.

Yue Chan was angry and glared fiercely at Shi Hao, who was happily watching the show.

"Wow, if it succeeds, then Shi Hao will have two sisters Qingyi, one on the left and one on the right." The little rabbit, who was not too troublesome, said this at the right time, making everyone shocked.

Shi Hao's smile also stopped abruptly. This little rabbit really dared to say anything.

Seeing the looks coming one after another, Shi Hao waved his hands repeatedly.

"Don't think too much, I definitely have such thoughts, no, I'm wrong, absolutely not."

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