The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 291 Everything is like a cud dog


A huge sound was heard in the dry universe, and the entire universe was shaking, affected by the Blazing Cang Breakthrough.

In the void, the essence is like a sea, and countless dim and broken abandoned stars are shining, flowing towards Chi Cang. One by one, one by one, they gather into a river, rushing in, and crossing the sky like a waterfall. Making this dark and lifeless place become full of life.

The universe is broken, the way of heaven no longer exists, and the stars have long lost their original luster. However, now, the sun, moon and stars emerge one by one, and even the dark deep sky becomes brighter.

A universe shrouded in darkness and nothingness for endless years is lit up by billions of stars. This scene is truly spectacular.

Liu Shen stood in the void in the distance, a little surprised by the fluctuation caused by Chi Cang's advancement to the Supreme, because it was greater than any movement she had seen before when a creature broke through to the Supreme.

Perhaps, this is related to the environment chosen by Chi Cang. Ordinary creatures advance to the supreme realm in a complete or relatively complete world, are recognized by heaven and earth, and then step into the realm of the supreme. This is also why there will be heaven after the supreme body dies. Reasons for crying and waiting for visions.

The place Chi Cang chose was a starry sky with no boundaries, and the rules of heaven and earth were also vague and traceless.

If you want to achieve supreme status in a place like this, the hardships you need to face are much higher than in other places.

However, for the powerful Chi Cang, the harsh environment is nothing. Under his shocking methods, waterfalls formed by the gathering of stars are coming from all directions. They are so majestic that it makes people... The mind flutters.

This is the original energy of heaven and earth collected before the Supreme Enlightenment. It is very important and is related to whether the Supreme Enlightenment can be successfully achieved.

The origins of these great universes are very peaceful and not violent. They can benefit a large clan and nurture all living beings. Therefore, a single journey to the Supreme Path will bring an evolutionary feast to other living beings.

There is a saying that once a Supreme is born, it means the rise of a powerful race, not only because of the Supreme himself, but also because other creatures of this race have been baptized. It has been greatly improved, and it is difficult to think about whether it is strong or not.

The Supreme Road has such great benefits, let alone the True Immortal Road and the Immortal Road.

Immortals from foreign lands emerge in endlessly, and the number of supreme beings is astonishing. Every time a strong person is born, a group of descendants with amazing talents will be created. Because of this, they are in a virtuous cycle. The so-called strong are always strong, this is the truth.

However, there are risks with the benefits. Once the Supreme and Immortal Breakthrough fails, it will lead to the consequences of earth-shattering.

Someone was sitting cross-legged in the starry sky. After the breakthrough failed, the surrounding stars exploded one after another, engulfing the heaven and earth and swallowing up all the stars.

There are also people who failed on the earth, blood splattered, the oceans dried up, mountains and rivers were burned, and terrifying thunder disasters were triggered, which caused the vast earth to sink and all living beings to perish.

Chi Cang had this kind of consideration in mind, so he did not choose to break through in that world full of essence. Moreover, his way is already in the heavens and the world, and attacking the Supreme in the abandoned universe of the ancient way is in line with what he cultivates. The true meaning of Tao.

As the energy of the origin of the avenue gathered, the aura of the big cocoon that enveloped the blazing sky became more and more intense, and the twinkling stars became a foil, appearing dim in front of it.


In the universe, the galaxies were churning, and there was a roaring sound. The stars released their starlight together, forming an endless connection.

This is a gathering of stars, a vision of heaven and earth. Congratulations to the strong on the road to the Supreme, indicating that Chi Cang has made a major breakthrough on the road to the Supreme.


Immediately afterwards, the rules of the avenue vibrated, and the stars swayed together. The richer essence of the sun and moon gathered over and merged into the cocoon.

This is "Dao Zhen", which is an auspicious vision and a good sign, indicating that the universe is blessing those who have become enlightened.

Under this situation, Chi Cang, who is sitting cross-legged inside, is growing at an extremely fast rate, becoming prosperous and glorious.

Immediately afterwards, various auspicious scenes appeared one by one, and Liu Shen knew that Chi Cang's breakthrough was coming to an end, and that his path to fruition in this life was almost about to break into the Supreme.

The next ending will be the most important thing. Breaking through the realm is not without disaster. No matter how calm the front is, it will be violent in the end. Ninety-nine percent of the supremes will fall before success.

Sure enough, disaster came, and a ray of red light descended from outside the territory and headed towards the blazing head.

It seemed to be transformed by thunder, but Chi Cang knew that it was definitely not the case. The surface was bright red, like a line of blood, trying to penetrate Chi Cang's head.

Sitting in the big cocoon, Chi Cang completed the evolution and transition of life levels, broke out of the cocoon directly, and faced the incoming red light.

He could only feel that the blood all over his body was restless, and Shen Xi was trembling incessantly, as if he sensed some kind of crisis.

"The sky is weeping blood, so it turns out that it is because of my blood."

Chi Cang had a clear understanding, and without hesitation, he mobilized all his energy and blood to transform into a long dragon, soaring into the sky and colliding with the red light.


The entire universe was shaking, and the blood dragon and the red light were facing each other tit for tat, fighting constantly, and were consumed in the collision.

In the distance, big stars were enveloped by fluctuations and exploded, like bunches of brilliant fireworks, extremely gorgeous.

Relying on the power of Qi and blood, Chi Cang breaks through the red light and emerges bathed in red light.

The bright red things sprinkled into Chi Cang's blood, making the color of Chi Cang's blood darker and brighter. At the same time, his whole temperament also changed, becoming more indifferent and majestic than before.

Liu Shen in the distance stared at Chi Cang intently. Facing the red light, his actions were expected by Liu Shen. However, the red light was a kind of torture from heaven and earth. Breaking the red light was undoubtedly a provocation and would attract An even more horrific disaster.

However, Liu Shen felt something was strange. She was very familiar with Chi Cang. She was keenly aware of the change in his temperament and had a vague feeling of something bad.

At this moment, Chi Cang's blood was surging all over his body, so powerful that with just a slight shock, all things in the world could wither. He looked at his palm, and it seemed that there was supreme power coiled on it. He had the illusion that as long as he If you are willing, you can easily make the world collapse and all living beings perish.

All of this was due to the red radiance dripping into his blood.

At the same time, Chi Cang felt that his sight was rising, high up, and everything that was so close became insignificant. An inexplicable thought appeared in his mind, and he regarded everything as a cud dog.

"How could this happen?" Chi Cang warned. He is not such a ruthless person. He has great love and emotions in his heart. Only when he is calming down the darkness and sweeping away the demons and monsters, he will transform into a ruthless law enforcer and punish the gods.

But now, he is changing subtly, and even Liu Shen, the closest person to him, has become blurry and distant in the depths of his heart.

"This road is not the road I want." Chi Cang said to himself. He had always wanted to be a flesh-and-blood person, not an indifferent machine.

Before he could react, the torture of heaven and earth came again. This time, it also came from outside the territory. It was a purple light with majestic momentum, dominating the world, with a grand charm, overlooking all living beings.

Chi Cang looked up at the sky with deep eyes. He saw that this purple light, like the previous red light, was not transformed by thunder, but more like a will.

The purple light is dense, carrying the will of heaven and earth, and kills Chi Cang's Yuan Shen. Even though Chi Cang's Yuan Shen is very strong, he still feels the pressure.

He did not want to passively defend and wait for death, but chose to take the initiative, just like when he defeated Chi Guang just now.

"Beat God!"

Chi Cang shouted loudly, and the thunderbolt villain sitting cross-legged in the middle of his eyebrows suddenly stood up, activated his Tao Fruit, and performed the famous Ten Evil Treasures - Beating the God.

The next moment, the universe seemed to be completely still. Only a speck of dust floated out from the center of the blazing eyebrows, shooting straight towards the purple light above the head.

Between the electric light and flint, dust and purple light hit one place. Although one body is small, it has the vastness to fill the ocean, and the other seems to be the supreme will judging the world, wanting to punish people and destroy the soul.


The sound of a huge collision resounded throughout the sky and the earth. The magic of defeating the gods was unparalleled. It was a match for the world-famous Pingluan Jue. It directly defeated the supreme purple light. For a moment, the purple light flew around and turned into a little rain of light. Quietly. Quietly falling.

Chi Cang, who was standing below, was enveloped by the purple light rain. He opened a light curtain to block the light rain. The red light dripping into his blood had already alerted Chi Cang.

However, unexpectedly, the light rain still penetrated the barrier and merged into the place where his soul was.


I don’t know what kind of substance this light rain is, but it actually ignited the power of the soul, and the blazing little soul was instantly submerged in purple flames.

The purple fire penetrated into the bone marrow, making his soul almost turn purple. A sharp pain hit him, which was beyond imagination. Chi Cang almost fell to the ground, and his whole body was shaking.

He had a clear understanding in his heart that the appearance of purple light was due to the purple palace of the human body. The previous red light corresponded to the human body's qi and blood. The so-called purple palace contained the soul. Now the soul swallowed up the purple light falling from the sky, and began The most essential development and evolution.

In just a short moment, Chi Cang's soul has strengthened a lot, which is terrifying to creatures of the same level.

Moreover, the indifference in Chi Cang's human nature became stronger and stronger, and his eyes were like the coldest cold current, freezing everything in the world.


Just as the purple light dissipated, another ray of light flew from the sky, showing a golden color. The speed was so fast that it was impossible to dodge, and there was no time to react.

The blazing body was ignited on the spot and turned into a human-shaped torch, burning there, emitting terrifying heat and light, like a big fireball.

An indescribable sharp pain spread from every part of his body. Chi Cang almost screamed in pain, but he held back.

A pair of eyes shone in the fire, bursting out with brilliant gold, as if they could see through the essence of everything in the world. The full flesh and blood slowly withered under the flames, and was burnt black.

The so-called fire of the avenue is incomparable to this strange flame. Chi Cang knew what it was, and he had reminded Kun Pengzi before that it was the fire of karma that made people change their looks.

The sins of all heavens and all kinds of causes and effects have become the fuel of this flame, gathering together at this moment, burning the blazing body, with inexplicable will, with scrutiny, with the cruel suppression of heaven and earth.

Chi Cang didn't use any magic or magic to resist, he just used his Taoist skills that were so thick that they couldn't be repaired to resist.

The benefits of being cut down by the Zhexian Curse for many years have been reflected. Chi Cang's Taoism has become much more solid than those in the same realm. This is the capital of his retrograde expedition.

The fire of karma is added to the body, and the fire is surging, burning the chaos and blurring it. It is like an eternal furnace, burning the evil of the world.

The blazing fire inside, from the severe pain all over his body at the beginning, to the warmth and softness later, the terrifying karma fire can no longer hurt him.

At the end, the fire went out and dissipated without a trace. Chi Cang had turned into a piece of human-shaped charcoal, and there was no place that was not black.


The outer layer of black shell cracked and fell off in an instant due to Chi Cang's violent shock. Suddenly, brilliant golden light shot out in all directions. It was the golden body that Chi Cang had forged thousands of times in the fire of karma. At the same time, a wave of The huge aura of the Supreme was overwhelming and spread across every corner of the universe. He succeeded, and in this life, he entered the realm of the Supreme.

He stands in the sky and can feel the powerful power he possesses. Without relying on the fruits of his previous life, he can destroy the vast galaxy with just one drop of blood.

However, Chi Cang was not very happy, because his subconscious had undergone earth-shaking changes. After experiencing red light entering his blood, purple light entering his purple house, and karma burning his body, he became cold and ruthless, aloof and overlooking all living beings. Seeing everything in the world like a cud dog.

Including Liu Shen, Shi Hao, etc., they are no longer the softest place in his heart.

He seemed to have truly become the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth, the ruthless sky.

"What's going on?" Chi Cang said to himself, a little disgusted with himself at this moment. This is not the Thunder Emperor Chi Cang who protected all living beings and made great contributions to the primitive ancient world. Nor is he descending to Shicun and starting all over again, side by side with Liu Shen. The companion Chi Cang.

Liu Shen noticed something was wrong with Chi Cang, and was about to ask. Suddenly, the void where Chi Cang was became gray, chaos raged, and there were fragments of time flying. Liu Shen sensed the danger and knew that Chi Cang's Supreme The calamity is not over yet, so I can only hold back the doubts in my heart and wait patiently.

Chi Cang, who was surrounded by emotions such as indifference and ruthlessness, was slightly stunned, because suddenly a road appeared under his feet, embedded in the chaos, consisting of layers of steps, soaring up to the sky.

What's horrifying is that the steps paved with black stones are covered with blood, which has not completely dried up and is leaking out frightening energy.

This kind of Qi Chi Cang is very familiar and belongs to the Supreme Humanity. In other words, the blood stains on the black steps are all flowing from the Supreme.

Not only that, there were corpses scattered on both sides of the steps. These corpses released an astonishing fighting spirit. Even if they were dead, they still had the power of the Supreme.

"Supreme Road."

Chi Cang said solemnly.

He looked up along the black steps, trying his best to see, but unfortunately, countless supreme auras were entangled together, forming a terrifying field that he could not see through.

However, a vague voice called to him, urging him to climb upward.

Today’s chapter is about it. In the setting of this book, the protagonist is special. He is not from the Thunder Spirit clan. He walked out of the thunder pool instead of his mother’s womb. Therefore, the Supreme Tribulation still has something special about the origin of the protagonist. , just use a little pen and ink and spend two chapters writing it.

Brothers who feel like water should stop their losses in advance. This book is not written to make everyone suffer. There are many books. This one is just an inconspicuous one in the vast sea of ​​books. After deleting it, there are still stars and seas waiting for brothers to go to Maxthon. , before leaving, I still want to thank all brothers for their subscription support. Without your subscription, this book would not be here. The author would like to thank you here.

For the brothers who plan to stay, I also promise that I will finish writing it well. I will carefully adjust the climax battle scene next time, and you can also share your thoughts.

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