The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 294 Searching for it in the crowd

So, what is the avenue?

For ordinary living beings, the Great Dao is an ethereal and elusive thing that exists in every corner of the world. Ordinary creatures cannot notice or even realize the existence of the Great Dao. They can at best understand the operation of all things through the changes of things. reason.

For monks, the avenue is the means and direction of evolution. There are thousands of ways in the world, and everyone can choose the avenue to practice and work tirelessly and evolve towards a higher realm.

For the transcendent beings, the Great Dao is the rule, the order, the weapon, and their capital above all things.

In this world, the Immortal Path can be regarded as the initial transcendence, because once you enter this realm, you can resist the erosion of time, live forever, and the years will not add to your body.

Theoretically speaking, true immortals can be immortal, but in fact, even the more powerful immortal kings cannot be said to be truly immortal. When there is a fault in history, it does not matter whether you are a true immortal or an immortal king. They are ants and mayflies.

Chi Cang began to think about all kinds of things about the Dao, and review his own past, including birth, death, rebirth, etc.

At the beginning of the Immortal Ancient Era, the Will of the Great Dao came to the world and transformed into a humanoid creature. It crawled out of a thunder pond, crawled and rolled in the human world, cultivated various systems of Taoism, and climbed to the realm of ten evils along the way. It shocked the world and shocked the past and the present.

Later, foreign lands invaded, and the Immortal Kings used the news that the ancestral land of the Lei Ling Tribe was being robbed as bait to lure Chi Cang out and besieged him until he died.

Later, a supremely powerful person plucked the strings in the long river of time, cause and effect, and fate, resurrecting him in Shicun. After Nirvana, he took the ancient immortal Tao fruits and practiced the Dharma of this world. Finally, seventeen years later, his Dharma of this world was Reached the supreme realm of humanity.

During this process, Chi Cang re-cultivated three immortal qi and one initial qi.

The initial Qi merged with the immortal seeds of the Thunder Pond, and the three immortal energies formed the flowers of the avenue. Three flowers gathered above the blazing Tianling Cap. Moreover, the three flowers of the avenue all bloomed, and each flower of the avenue was covered with flowers. A figure sits cross-legged, symbolizing Chi Cang's past, present and future.

And Chi Cang has also determined his future path. Thousands of great powers belong to himself. While controlling the power of the original symbols, he has grown from the original lord of thunder tribulation in the primitive ancient world to the master of thunder tribulation in all the worlds.

After connecting all of these together, Chi Cang vaguely seemed to see the true meaning of his own path.

"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things..." Chi Cang whispered. This sentence talks about the process of "giving birth" to all things from less to more. Similarly, what is the process of his pursuit of the Tao? Not so?

He was born from the thunder pool, which is equivalent to "the Tao gives birth to one". The divine thunder pool of his life helped him practice two systems, which is the "two in one life".

After two lifetimes of accumulation, after two systems of tempering and accumulation, the three flowers of the avenue blossomed and bore fruit, with figures representing the past, present and future sitting cross-legged. This is equivalent to "two begets three".

The original Chi Cang relied on his natal thunder pool to control the heavenly punishment of the original ancient world and was known as the Thunder Emperor. However, in this life, he wants to transcend and no longer be limited to a certain ancient world. No matter where he goes, he will not be affected by the universe of a certain day. Be restrained, even controlled, and be the master of thunder and punishment in all the heavens and worlds. This is the "Three Lives of All Things"

"Born in the past, enlightened in the present, accomplished in the future, from nothing to something, from the initial one, to infinity, the true meaning of the Tao is nothing more than this."

Chi Cang realized clearly that the Great Dao System had always been by his side, and he had already walked on this path. As the saying goes, he had searched for it thousands of times, but when he suddenly looked back, he found it in the dim light.

Speaking of systems, throughout ancient and modern times, the practice systems that have been popularized in the world are all helping ordinary beings to develop their own potential, evolve step by step, and gradually become stronger.

For Chi Cang, it is not difficult to establish such a system, because he has developed every realm of Dharma in this world, which to a certain extent is equivalent to creating Dharma. It is the prototype of the system, and Chi Cang's accumulation. Sufficient for system development.

Moreover, he is not afraid of the terrifying thunder disasters that those who develop the system will encounter. He is the Thunder Emperor.

But Chi Cang doesn't want to follow the rules like this, and he doesn't need to be like this. As an innate creature, he is so close to the great road. He even pursues the source. He is the great road itself, and he is like a sky above those creatures who are struggling to pursue the great road. underground.

At the same time, his talent and potential were so huge that they erupted like a volcano without much development. He was known as the youngest of the Ten Fierce in Immortal Ancient times, and his stamina was astonishing.

Establishing a practice system is almost meaningless to Chi Cang. If the practice system is compared to a bridge to the sky, then the ultimate peak is Tao and Dharma.

He pursues the supreme Tao and Dharma directly from the level of the Tao. Naturally, there is no need to build a new practice system. As long as he becomes the True Emperor of Thunder Dao and the Lord of Order, then he is also the ancestor of a Tao like those who created the system. However, his There is no one who can walk on the road, there will be no successors, it is a lonely road that only he has.

Looking through the history of ancient and modern times, there are many people who have pioneered systems.

Before the birth of the Jiehai, there was a Heavenly Emperor alive. According to Chi Cang and Liu Shen's guess, the Heavenly Emperor who built the dam and forged the Great Luo Sword Embryo was very likely to become the real Immortal Emperor. Thinking about it, his system must be shocking. Likewise Yes, the system of Jiuyou Zhan, a quasi-immortal emperor who has turned from a creation god into a world-destroying demon, will not be any worse. Furthermore, there have been faults in history. In the vast river of time, no one can It is unclear how many quasi-immortal emperor realm creatures have emerged, but those who can break into that realm have developed a system that is not simple.

Even if Chi Cang develops a system suitable for the cultivation of humanoid beings, it cannot be said to be better than their system.

In essence, every system is to help living beings go against heaven and resist the rules of birth, old age, illness and death. However, no matter what system a living being practices, it must rely on the universe of heaven and earth to a certain extent.

Immortal Gu was defeated. Chi Cang and Liu Shen had discussed the reasons, and they both talked about one problem, that is, after practicing the Tao Seed method, once the world is broken, those invincible Tao Seeds that represent the great way of heaven and earth will not be able to exert their peak power. , and the strength of the creatures who practice in the primitive ancient world will be affected, and it is difficult to resist the enemies of the same level in foreign lands.

Over-reliance on the avenue of heaven and earth will lead to this situation. Therefore, some people have proposed the concept of using the body to breed. It was the end of the Immortal Era, and the disadvantages of the broken world have become prominent. Many geniuses tried to reverse this situation and wanted to open up a new world. There is a way out that does not rely on the great road of heaven and earth.

This road was considered by the world to be an impossible road, but in Chi Cang's memory, Shi Hao succeeded, and the Great Elder of Tianshen Academy he met was half successful, which showed that this road was feasible.

However, Chi Cang believes that even if the path of body seed becomes a complete system, it is impossible for the creatures who practice this system to rely on heaven and earth.

To transcend the world and be no different from external objects, this can only be achieved if there is a certain strong foundation. Before that, no matter who you are, you must practice honestly in the world.

Compared with ordinary creatures, Chi Cang has a very high starting point. He is an innate creature from the primitive ancient world and a beloved son of God. He combines thousands of advantages into one body. His talent is unparalleled to the extreme. There is no need to worry about how to develop it. Compared with Shi Hao In terms of the philosophy of the path that is based on the body - self-centered and self-true, Chi Cang's philosophy is different. He wants to be above all worlds and control them, rather than ignore them.

Everyone has his or her own path. Although the path of using one's body to plant seeds is very strong and unprecedented. After its advent, it will definitely be unprecedented and its future achievements are limitless. However, even if Chi Cang takes the path of using one's body to plant seeds, it may not be possible. It is stronger than his Tao Seed Technique which uses Leichi Immortal Seed as Tao Seed.

For a living being, there is no strongest path, only the path that suits you best.

"I am already on the road. The two systems collide and merge, impacting the mortal world. Then I will practice the ancient, modern and future methods, and break into the immortal king. In this process, I will master the original symbols step by step, and attribute the great power to myself. When I master everything, I will become the immortal king. The master of the order of heaven is the time to break into the quasi-immortal emperor." Chi Cang's eyes shone, and the fog in his eyes dissipated completely.

His path to the great road became clear in an instant. After breaking into the mortal world, the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top will be the medium for Chi Cang to practice ancient, modern and future methods, and will also be his greatest reliance in the realm of the Immortal King.

"What's wrong with you?" Liu Shen asked, looking at Chi Cang with bright eyes.

Chi Cang figured out his own path, his mind was smooth, and he couldn't help but smile on his face.

"I know how to develop a system."

When Liu Shen heard this, the corner of his mouth under the veil moved slightly.

"Tell me."

Chi Cang did not hold anything back and told Liu Shen all his thoughts.

After listening to Chi Cang's words, Liu Shen fell into deep thought, and after a long time he said: "This idea is quite subversive, because those who have not developed a system of practice are like a tree without roots.

However, your situation is different. Others who have developed a system may not necessarily know what kind of Tao and Dharma they will eventually cultivate. But you have determined the goal from the beginning and looked at the top of the mountain. As for how to go up the mountain, pick the Tao fruit, and You don't have to follow a certain path.

So I think your idea is feasible. Let’s give it a try. Even if it ends up being a dead end and going astray, there is still a chance to change course. "

Chi Cang nodded, the specifics will depend on the situation after practice. The impact he is about to face on Hongchenxian is a crucial level. If he does not pass this level, then there will be no way to talk about the road ahead.

"You must become a mortal immortal!"

In the following time, the two traveled to many places, including the ancient monk world, which is suspected to be the birthplace of the ancient monk lineage, the vast country ruled by the Immortal King, and even the dangerous ancient ruins.

On the one hand, they want to find a relatively complete world of the end of the Dharma. On the other hand, they want to help Liu Shen find the remains left behind and gather the power of Nirvana as a back-up to attack the Red Dust Immortal. At the same time, Chi Cang is also looking for someone who can Opportunities to enhance Taoism.

Chi Cang is too short of time. The foreign invasion is imminent. He may launch a massive attack in just a few years, allowing him to reach the pinnacle of humanity in such a short period of time. If he practices step by step, it is impossible to achieve it. Even if his The speed of cultivation is very fast.

In the process of seeking opportunities, Chi Cang did not slack off and kept practicing. Over the years, he has gained deeper and deeper control over the original symbols deep in the thunder pool. However, compared to the whole, the part he controlled was still very small. Few, some are insignificant. This is not a process that can be accomplished overnight, it will take a long time.

On this day, they came to an extremely dark and broken land.

The scene in front of the two of them was terrifying. The dark void was filled with terrifying and ferocious large cracks, one after another, criss-crossing each other. From a distance, it looked like a broken mirror.

In addition, there are many cracks that emit a faint light, like the tails of stationary meteors, shining in the darkness.

Those are the remnants of the avenue left by the strong, some are milky white, some are dark, and some are bright red like blood...

It can be seen that these traces of the avenue are not left by the same strong person, but belong to many living beings.

"Hiss! What a terrible trace of the avenue, it makes people feel horrified. It must belong to the Immortal King. A war between the Immortal Kings once broke out here, so it became as broken as it is now." Xiaota took a breath, just getting closer, Just make it feel scary.

Chi Cang was speechless, quietly staring at the battlefield with extremely deep eyes.

The white skirt is fluttering, and the gorgeous Liu Shen stands beside Chi Cang, with mysterious symbols surging in her eyes. She is casting spells to explore the situation on this battlefield. Unfortunately, the remains of the Immortal King's Avenue block her sight. Very limited.

However, Liu Shen still discovered the key point. In a large crack hidden deep in the broken ground, a dim thunder flashed, very weak, like a candle in the wind, almost extinguished.

Liu Shen was too familiar with that ball of thunder. It was the magic of Chi Cang, filled with the aura of the Thunder Emperor from the Immortal Ancient Era. Even though hundreds of millions of years had passed, that kind of fluctuation still had not dissipated.

In an instant, Liu Shen understood where this place was.

"Is this where they besieged you?"

After Liu Shen's words came out, Xiaota, who was chattering endlessly, suddenly stopped talking and became quiet. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, which made noise from time to time, also fell silent and looked at Chi Cang.


Chi Cang nodded, with memories in his eyes, and a hint of coldness in his calmness.

"Back then, after the news of the incident in the ancestral land of the Lei Ling Tribe reached my ears, I secretly left the ancient world and walked along the ancient road. When I arrived here, five immortal kings suddenly came out, and in the blink of an eye, It severely wounded me, and although I tried my best to resist, I was still defeated.”

He told the story of the past, but of course, he did not finish the story. He was seriously injured and could not resist the siege of the Immortal King. He eventually died in the battle. His soul was burned to ashes, not even a fragment was left. He died completely.

To this day, Chi Cang still remembers the situation at that time. Among the attackers was the famous immortal king An Lan. An ancient golden spear directly pierced his soul and tore his body into pieces.

It was Lei Chi's credit that the body and the whole body could be left behind. His body was originally broken, and finally it was Lei Chi who used his strength to gather the broken body and warm it in the Thunder Tribulation Liquid before it was completely spliced ​​together.

It was such a struggle to write this chapter. I wrote and deleted it, deleted it and wrote it. I don’t know if I can explain it clearly in the current version... Imagine it for yourself...

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