The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 298 From the past

Above the towering sky, between nothingness, there is a large blurred crack. There, fragments of time are flying, a long river of fate flows, and a huge body of water rushes out and pours down, forming a majestic waterfall.

The scene was so spectacular that Chi Cang couldn't help but think of a poem. The water flowing down three thousand feet was like the Milky Way falling from the sky.

It is an appropriate word to describe this waterfall. However, this waterfall falls far more than three thousand feet.

It is the ancestral land of the Lei Ling clan, and can also be called the birthplace. From the beginning to the end, there is an inexplicable power that envelopes the water body, making it difficult for the things inside to come to this world.

At this moment, the void where the vast river gushes out is filled with brilliant red light, just like the morning glow on the horizon, all red.

It was as if a sun had fallen out of it, and an indescribable power came down from top to bottom, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, overlooking all living beings.

It was a drop of blood, coming from the crack in the void, flowing out along with the huge body of water, and appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen, Xiao Ta, and Thunder Spirits were all shocked. For countless years, only Thunder Spirits had appeared in this waterfall, and nothing else had ever flowed out. How could a drop of blood suddenly rush out? What does this mean? Does it herald a bloody disaster in the Lei Ling ancestral land?

This drop of blood was as bright as agate, like a brilliant ruby. It was unknown what creature it came from, and it was completely impossible to see through it.

It is surrounded by fragments of time and the power of destiny. It is mysterious and unpredictable. A little breath of it can make the real immortal feel frightened.

"Whose blood is this? It's so scary. I seem to see the end of the world when the universe collapses and the starry sky turns to gray." The small tower murmured to itself, and the white ivory-like tower body emitted chaotic light. It can be seen that, The ominous scene made it nervous.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is also trying to explore the secret of this drop of blood. The sound of reincarnation echoes on its body. In the void, a large millstone appears. One after another, vast ancient worlds, one after another, brilliant eras, are on top of the millstone. Destruction and birth, reincarnation.

"This drop of blood, with the breath of reincarnation, comes from the distant past." It told some secrets, and the hearts of those who listened were shocked.

Is this actually a drop of blood that traveled from the distant past to the present world? No wonder the fragments of time are lingering around him and have not dissipated for a long time.

Liu Shenze saw a familiar figure in this drop of blood, and couldn't help but look thoughtful.

The thunder spirit of the true immortal level changed from the previous vigilance to excitement.

"He is the king of my clan!" it said in the unique language of the Thunder Spirit clan.

Surrender to Chi Cang, embrace him as king, and follow him as a whole clan. They have imprinted Chi Cang's breath of life in the deepest part of their souls. Even if this drop of blood is wrapped in fragments of time and surrounded by the power of fate, it cannot stop it. The perception of the thunder spirit who lives at the level of true immortal.

"Is it your blood?" Xiaota was extremely surprised. It didn't sense the Six Paths of Reincarnation at all. But if you think about it, it's normal. As soon as the Lei Ling clan met Chi Cang, they chose to follow him as a whole. The relationship between the two is inevitable. There are unknown causes and effects, and it is reasonable to have special connections and reactions.

Chi Cang didn't answer. He looked up at the sky, his eyes fell on the drop of blood, and he couldn't move away from it. There seemed to be a magic power in the blood that attracted him. He saw the bright red and the blazing thunder. I also saw a gaze, looking here from a distance in the long river of time.

He was convinced that it was him, and Lei Ling's induction was correct.

"My blood?"

Chi Cang couldn't understand why his blood came to this world through this mysterious waterfall from the distant past. He began to think about his past. When did he drop such a drop of blood in the Immortal Era?

At this moment, the drop of blood from the past moved downwards, falling slowly from the waterfall that towered into the sky. The red blood light illuminated the entire ancestral land of the Thunder Spirit Clan. In the process, the fragments of time around the blood drop and the The power of destiny has not disappeared, as if it is eternal.

"It's fallen!" Xiaota exclaimed, looking at Chi Cang aside.

Not only the small pagoda, but also the Willow God, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, and the Thunder Spirits were all looking at Chi Cang. No need to look, this drop of blood was directed at Chi Cang.

Chi Cang was speechless. He could feel that this drop of blood was establishing some kind of connection with himself. It seemed to want to rush out of the waterfall and descend into the present world. Chi Cang thought that this blood came from the past. There must be something deep. Therefore, he wanted to help it, but in the face of this mysterious waterfall, Chi Cang had no idea what to do.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind. Since it came from the past, then the first of his three flowers of the avenue, representing the flower of the past, should be able to connect with it.

Thinking of this, Chi Cang did not hesitate to activate the flower of the avenue. Immediately, a curl of fairy energy appeared on his Tianling Cap, and a piece of holy light lingered. The next moment, three hazy fairy lights flashed away, and the avenue of the avenue flashed away. Flowers appeared, three Taoist flowers, each sitting cross-legged with a figure, representing the past, present and future of Blazing Cang.

The first Dao flower among them has a hazy figure sitting on it, shrouded in mist, filled with the power of time, and fragments of time flying. He is the Thunder Emperor of the Immortal Ancient Era, living in the distant previous era.

At this moment, the blood from the past appeared, sinking and floating in the vast waterfall. The crimson light bloomed, resisting the terrifying impact from the waterfall. The moment the flower of the outside world appeared, it was connected with the first flower of the avenue. Peanut had an inexplicable reaction, and the blood droplets buzzed and vibrated. The blooming red light became more and more dazzling, bright and dazzling. The flower of the avenue above the head of the blazing head, which represented the past, also underwent inexplicable changes. Immortal mist emerged from the void, surrounding The little man sitting cross-legged on the flowers on the avenue was wrapped in water. An unstoppable change was taking place. Chi Cang was surprised. He could not control it and could only watch the development of the situation.


The little figure sitting cross-legged on the flower of the avenue suddenly became blurred and almost disappeared. Chi Cang immediately felt that his existence seemed to be disappearing, and he was about to become a rootless tree. He did not panic, but waited quietly. Blood cannot harm yourself.

Sure enough, after the blur, the figure of the villain became more solid. Chi Cang felt unprecedentedly peaceful. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that his past was becoming more and more mysterious and he could not see through it.

"What the hell is going on?" he said to himself, not understanding what it meant.

Then, the first avenue flower bloomed into more avenue petals. The mist was hazy, covering the years, making it difficult for people to see clearly. Especially the mysterious figure sitting cross-legged above, even Chi Cang himself could not figure it out. , his sea of ​​memory also changed, becoming deeper, with large areas of unknown areas appearing, obscured by the fog of history.

Before Chi Cang could react, the blood droplets in the waterfall that were undergoing a terrible impact suddenly erupted. The fragments of time and the power of fate swirling around him were spinning rapidly, and the crimson light seemed to illuminate the past, present and future.


After a shocking loud noise, the blood drop broke free from its restraints and turned into a red stream of light, flying towards Chi Cang. In an instant, it disappeared into the figure sitting cross-legged on Chi Cang's first avenue flower. In an instant, this figure looked like He was about to come back to life, and he was about to come back from the distant past, but layers of fog blocked him from coming.

The flower that represents the past has undergone a sudden change, which has also affected the other two flowers. In the middle, the figure living in the present world, representing Chi Cang's invincibility in the world, and the figure next to it representing Chi Cang's infinite possibilities in the future, are all a bit stronger. They The flower of the avenue under my feet also had a tendency to produce petals, but in the end it still failed to form like the first flower of the avenue.

The result of this change was that Chi Cang's Qi, blood and Taoism had increased significantly, and the state of the Supreme, which had been stagnant and required a lot of time to practice, had made a lot of progress.

From his body, the supreme power spread out, powerful and powerful, shaking the heaven and the earth. The three flowers of the avenue flowed down the mysterious essence from time to time, baptizing the blazing soul and body.

"Hiss!" Seeing this, Xiaota took a breath of cold air. How many days had it been since Chi Cang broke through to the realm of the Supreme? He actually made another major breakthrough. This is simply incomprehensible. It is understandable that the supreme state before the supreme state, Chi Cang, was so powerful that it could break the bamboo. After all, he was a ten evil person in his previous life and was able to fight against the immortal king. However, the supreme state is different and cannot be achieved overnight. , However, this is not the case. Chi Cang has received a great blessing, and the law of this world has broken through the constraints and made a great leap.

"Is this the youngest of the Immortal Ancients, the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors with astonishing stamina and the fear of foreign lands? The ancients honestly did not deceive me!" In the end, Xiaota could only sigh like this.

Even Liu Shen was secretly surprised. Even though she was a giant in her previous life and had lived for an extremely long time, she had never seen such a bizarre thing. Chi Cang was different from her. He chose to restore the Immortal Ancient Dao Fruit and practice the Dharma of this world at the same time. Liu Shen, on the other hand, has regained her former strength. She has gone through life after life, and has already cultivated what she should cultivate, so she quickly reached the pinnacle of humanity. Normally, the cultivation of the Supreme Realm cannot be so fast, even if it is Rebuilding it would not work, but Chi Cang broke the common sense and created a myth that cannot be copied.

Although he has not reached the top of the Jida, he is not far away.

Feeling the extremely powerful Taoist practice of this world in his body, Chi Cang showed joy. This saved him a lot of time. Moreover, the Taoist practice that had grown due to the changes in the Flower of the Dao was not frivolous at all. The immortal curse can't be cut off even with all the effort, it's all real.

He originally cultivated from the level of the avenue. As the flower of the avenue grows, his cultivation will naturally increase with the tide.

"There is still a long way to go to the top of the Ultimate Dao. If the flowers of the Dao that represent this world and the future all bear those petals, it will probably be almost there. But for now, I don't have this means, not even the method, so I can't To put our hope in this aspect, we have to find another way." Chi Cang said to himself, he knew that the opportunity he got today would never be available again, even if he waited in the ancestral land of the Lei Ling tribe, he would only be able to fetch water from a bamboo basket. All in vain.

Moreover, the blood from the past coming through this waterfall must have some deep meaning, but no matter how Chi Cang explored the first flower of the avenue, there was no response, as if it had disappeared into the sea. In this regard, he had no choice but to give up, maybe The time has not come yet.

"Um, are you okay?" Xiaota couldn't help but ask after seeing that Chi Cang was always in a daze after getting that drop of extraordinary mysterious blood.

"I'm fine, better than ever." Chi Cang replied with a smile.

He stretched his body and adapted to the sudden increase in Taoism. His eyes were as deep as the stars, looking into the distance, thinking about something.

Then, Chi Cang said: "Time is running out, we should go."

Liu Shen nodded.

I came to the ancestral land of the Lei Ling clan because Chi Cang had not returned for many years and came back to see the Lei Lings. Now, not only did I come back to see them, I also gave these Lei Lings food to eat from the Lei Chi, so that they could welcome them in the future. Come to the opportunity to evolve, the goal has been achieved, it is time to continue on the road, they do not have much time, only two or three years at most.

"Are we leaving now? It's a pity that we haven't seen the treasure land here yet." Xiaota said regretfully.

Xiaota was still worried about the little Lei Ling who didn't want to tell him where the treasure was.

"How can there be any treasure? Apart from this endless sea of ​​thunder and the waterfall that reaches the sky, there are only thunder spirits. Even if there are any thunder spirit creatures contained in the sea of ​​thunder, they have already become their food." Chi Cang laughed and cursed.

"All right."

When Xiaota heard this, he immediately lost interest in this place.

Knowing that the king of their clan was leaving, the Thunder Spirits were extremely reluctant to leave. All the Thunder Spirits wanted to leave with Chi Cang. They were afraid of hearing the news of the king's death again and were eager to follow Chi Cang to conquer all directions.

Chi Cang was moved in his heart and spoke out to appease the emotions of these thunder spirits.

"The enemies I have to face are unimaginably powerful. Taking you with me will only harm you. If you want to fight with me, just work hard to evolve. This is the greatest help to me. I am waiting for you to chase me. On the day you come up, I will also help you in this process. One day, all the heavens and worlds will tremble because of us, and the darkness that has been entrenched for eternity will be shattered by the blazing thunder."

His words made all the Thunder Spirits excited. At this moment, they were extremely eager to grow, follow behind Blazing Cang, break through the darkness, and push across the heavens and worlds.

"So, you stay and wait here for my return."

Then, Chi Cang looked at the head of the Thunder Spirit, the True Immortal Level Thunder Spirit, and said: "There are still more than three hundred tribesmen who have not returned to the outside world. They cannot find me and may come back. When the time comes, you can ask them Convey my words and protect this place, just like before."

Upon hearing this, Lei Ling, who was at the True Immortal level, quickly bowed his head: "I obey the king's order!"

On the other side, a large group of little Leilings surrounded the Willow God, and they all couldn't bear to part with her. They chatted with the Willow God very cordially, and some even asked when the Willow God would marry their king. Little Leiling, who knew a lot about thunder in the mortal world, could not remain calm even as calm as Liu Shen. She flicked Little Leiling's forehead with her finger, making Little Leiling cry in pain, but Liu Shen also It's not really punishing it. Although it hurts a little, it gives it a lot of useful things. Therefore, the little Leiling is not annoyed at all, but jumps up happily.

Not far away, Xiaota and Six Paths of Reincarnation looked at this scene and looked at each other, both seeing the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"We seem to be isolated."

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