The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 404 Destiny is gone

"Where is that place?" Shi Hao asked.

"In a certain starry sky in the Immortal Realm, not in this world, the specific coordinates are actually not a secret. Many Immortal Kings have found there, but most of them have been blocked from the door and cannot enter. , no such opportunity.

Even if there is a chance to go in, there is a high probability that he will return without success. "With that said, Xiaozizai told Shi Hao the coordinates of the secret place.

It has been there once with the two Immortal Kings, but it did not have the blessing to enter. I wonder what will happen this time.

"Thank you very much. I hope you get what you want." Shi Hao thanked him and said with blessings.

"Boy, I told you the coordinates, but if you want to try it, you need to be fully prepared. For example, the most basic thing to open that place is the blood of the Immortal King, and you need to use the blood of creatures of this level to sacrifice , if there is a fate, the door will be opened, if there is no fate, the blood of the Immortal King will not come back." Xiao Xiaozai said lightly.

It was afraid that Shi Hao would try it on his own, only to be defeated because he didn't prepare the Blood of the Immortal King.

"Hiss, just opening the portal requires using the blood of the Immortal King to sacrifice?" Cao Yusheng took a breath, how precious is the blood of the Immortal King? Compared to the immortality potion, in terms of power, one drop can kill a true immortal.

Of course Shi Hao had this idea, and he also wanted to see the treasure land that might have a living reincarnation, but after hearing that he needed to use the blood of the Immortal King for sacrifice, he temporarily gave up the idea.

Although he has two Immortal King Masters and a group of Immortal King Master Uncles, it is impossible to go to them to ask for the Immortal King's blood, right? Moreover, he wants to take the path of immortality in the world of mortals, and needs to fight his way through the apocalypse of Dharma. He doesn’t know when it will be before he goes to the immortal realm.

"Leave here first. In the outside world at this moment, the rain is about to come, the cruel end of the law is coming, and the whole nine heavens and ten places are in panic.

For some people, this is despair and the end, but for me, it is a starting point, a beginning. "Shi Hao said.

"Okay, maybe I can see some old friends who haven't left yet when I go out now." Cao Yusheng responded.

“Well, after sleeping for an era, it’s time to breathe some fresh air.

The end of the Dharma is too terrifying. The best I can do is stay in this world until it really comes. Eventually I will go to the Immortal Realm, where there are not only people who love me, but also many old acquaintances, and a secret place that can save the Immortal King Wu Ming.

However, before leaving Jiutian, I have to find Ye Qingxian. "The little puppy sighed, and then said to himself.

"Let's go together. I haven't seen Ye Qingxian for a long time. I just want to go find her." Shi Hao suggested.

The puppy naturally would not refuse. In its view, Shi Hao was a disciple of the Thunder Emperor and the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, and was not considered an outsider.

Two people and one dog left the land of reincarnation and embarked on the road to find Ye Qingxian.


There was a loud noise in the void.

The whole world was shaking slightly, and the power of vast rules was permeating the air, surging, as if a huge giant was creating the world and remaking the universe.

here we go!

Many old monks who were not qualified to go to the Immortal Realm and had no choice but to stay had their faces changed drastically, and there was a chill in their hearts, and they felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

They knew that the fusion of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths had begun. When the nineteen worlds merged into one, it was the end of the Dharma Age. That was their end, and it was the dusk of the monks.

From outside the territory, an ancient world floated in, approaching three thousand states. They will be connected together in a short time, and the great fusion of heaven and earth will begin.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen sat cross-legged in the chaos and witnessed this amazing scene.

An ancient world was wrapped in a vague chaotic energy, emitting a hazy light, slowly approaching.

Between it and the Three Thousand Daozhou, there are countless thunders flying, and there are also terrifying rules blooming. Before they are truly touched, they cause turbulence in the world and make people uneasy.

Many living beings are worried that if the two worlds merge, will there be a huge collision that will topple the world and cause countless casualties?

Chi Cang and Liu Shen are not worried about this, because the nine heavens and ten earth are originally one, and their integration is a spontaneous trend, not an external interference, and there will be no big collision between heaven and earth as imagined by others.


The pieces of "sky" above the Nine Heavens are already infinitely close, and the day of fusion is not far away.

All the monks felt the drastic changes in the rules of heaven and earth, rolling like ocean waves.

In just an instant, the energy between heaven and earth dropped sharply. When it truly merges, this sharp drop will be even more severe, making the nine heavens and ten earth even more barren.

The so-called nine heavens and ten earths merge into one and form the great world, but it is just an appearance. The real essence is the coming of the Age of Dharma End, or even the Age of Lawlessness.

Witnessing this scene were not only Chi Cang and Liu Shen, but also almost all the Nine Heavens Immortal Kings. They stood in the unknown chaotic area, overlooking the huge changes that had taken place in their mother world.

"The end of the law is coming." The real dragon sighed.

In the ancient books, there is a record of a major event about the Immortal Realm being affected by the Ending Law. At that time, all the monks died in the area shrouded by the Ending Law.

I don’t know what will happen this time, whether it will be as violent as the one in the Immortal Realm.

"I hope that Fellow Taoist Chicang's vision can come true. The world of mortals will become immortals, and they will become immortals in the era when they are least likely to become immortals. This kind of creature is so powerful that it is beyond imagination." The Immortal Monk King next to him spoke, and his whole body was illuminated by the sacred Buddha's light. shrouded.

Those Immortal Kings who have established restricted areas on Jiutian have also come. They are essentially from the Immortal Realm, but now, because of Chi Cang, they are on the side of Jiutian and naturally pay attention to the changes in Jiutian.

Even some of the Immortal Kings from the Immortal Realm came. They heard that Chi Cang and Liu Shen were building Jiutian, and they were a little curious.

In the Dharma-ending world, the cultivation of monks is a problem. Is it really worth building? They don't know, but there are still many great opportunities in the world of Dharma Ending. For example, the Age of Dharma Ending will slowly restore the ancient world with broken rules, the rules will become complete, and the Tianxin Seal will eventually be born.

Immortal kings like them don't need it, but they can let their descendants go there to integrate their own avenues with the Tianxin mark, and they may become immortal kings in the future.

That is the Immortal King Foundation, which is very rare. If there had not been the rise of the Thunder Emperor, the ancestor sacrifice spirit, and the resurrection of the Nine Heavens Immortal King, the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm would most likely send their descendants to Jiutian to pick peaches when the time comes.

It's a pity that Jiutian is no longer accessible to them. The peach of Tianxin Seal can only be enjoyed by Jiutian beings.

"In these terrible times, if I stay in Jiutian, I will definitely die of old age." The little puppy who came out of the land of reincarnation cursed. At this moment, it is no longer a true immortal and cannot achieve immortality.

They happened to catch up with the sharp decline in energy, and the entire Three Thousand Daozhou became much more deserted.

"This is just a prelude. My master said that when the end of the Dharma comes, the world will be barren and withered.

The resources needed to practice the Dharma of this world are very large. In the next nine heavens and ten earths, the Dharma of this world may become extinct because it is no longer suitable for practice and is destined to be eliminated. The Ancient Immortal Dharma is even more unsuitable because it is too dependent on heaven and earth.

I think your Secret Realm method is very suitable for this era. It focuses on digging your own door. Although there is a need for the big world, it is not that dependent. "Cao Yusheng said to Shi Hao.

"Well, I can spread this system to this world, but not now, the time is not yet ripe.

I have embarked on this path by using my body to sow seeds. It is unlikely that others can do this. If you want to spread the Dharma, you need to make slight changes to this path. At the very least, you must lower the threshold first.

Let’s talk about it after I finish rebuilding it. "

"That's right, not everyone can use their body to breed." Cao Yusheng nodded.

"Hiss, no wonder this kid is so perverted. It turns out that he has taken the path of using his body to breed. This path was deduced by the powerful people of the Immortal Ancient. Unfortunately, it is too difficult. Without exception, the geniuses who try will end up in a dead end. Unexpectedly You succeeded." Xiaozizi finally understood why Shi Hao was so defiant, and finding a way out of a dead end was not something that ordinary people could do.

"It's just a fluke. There was a senior who paved the way for me. I stood on the shoulders of giants, and then I crossed the broken road."

"Huh? Someone else has succeeded?" Xiaozizai was surprised. Could it be that the splendid Immortal Era is not as good as this life? You need to know that back then, a talented person with the qualifications of an Immortal King died on the road of raising his body, which was extremely tragic.

"Senior Meng Tianzheng succeeded half way and failed in the end, but he did not die. He survived and got a new life."

"It's amazing. This man named Meng Tianzheng is also a fierce man. Although he can't compare with you, he is definitely much more fierce than others." Xiaoxiaozai has never met the elder, but he gave a high evaluation. After all, he is still a dog following the giants, and he still has good vision.

"Yes, Uncle Chi Cang said that the Great Elder has the qualifications of an Immortal King." Shi Hao replied.

He continued: "Let's get on the road. The end of the world is not far away. We need to find Ye Qingxian first."

The three of them immediately hit the road.

Time flies, and not long after, the two "heavens" above the nine heavens are connected together, completing the fusion.

There was no big earthquake as imagined by the monks, nor the countless casualties as imagined, only the immeasurable rules of heaven and earth were majestic.

Invisibly, a slash was produced, slashing at all the monks.


The monks couldn't help shouting, and their whole bodies trembled inexplicably, what is this? They looked up at the sky, and then looked down at their hands and bodies, and then at their souls. There was nothing abnormal, but something was missing, which they couldn't explain clearly.

In these two "heavens", there are still some creatures that can go to the fairyland, but have not yet gone.

Their expressions changed drastically, and they felt as if part of their longevity had been cut off.

"It's so scary. For nine days and ten places, destiny has passed away. If you continue to stay here, you will suffer a great disaster."

"Things that have been chopped off must be nourished by the rules of immortality before they can be restored."

All the monks who had not yet left stepped up their evacuation, realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Today's attack was shocking, it was so sudden, invisible but fatal.

The thing that was cut off was destiny, which could not be seen or touched, but it really existed. It was given by Qiankun, and now it was taken back.

Young monks may not be aware of it. Their energy and blood are very full and strong, and they are in their golden years. Even if their destiny passes away, it will not have much impact on them now, and they will not die immediately.

But those old monks who had lived for endless years were not so lucky. Their destiny was taken away, and they who could have lived for a long time suddenly only had one or two years left. In serious cases, they died within a few months. Will pass away.

On the earth, howls are everywhere, the powerful leaders of the ancient sect have lived for millions of years, but now they are facing the end.

"It's sad. I hate that I don't contribute to the border. I just want to escape and let others bleed. Now the retribution has come, hahaha." A powerful leader screamed.

The day before, he was extremely powerful and famous, but as a result, his hair turned gray, his skin became old and wrinkled, and his life was not long.

Except for him, all the old antiques in this sect are like this. They are no longer in their prime and are getting old. They don't have long to live.

"Time is also fate." Someone sighed.

A brilliant great religion inevitably came to an end because of God's will.

And such things abound, and the world is ushered in a great reshuffle. On this day, the ancient sect is really getting old, dying, decaying in an instant, and will be replaced by others.

The prelude to the end of the law comes so fast that people are caught off guard. In the future, the end of the law will approach faster and faster.


In the chaos, God's will struck with a knife, but it hit a hard object and was blocked back. It was a black hair, swaying in the wind.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen, who became true immortals in the Mo Dharma, have long been immune to the Mo Dharma. Even if they are not immortal kings, the Mo Dharma cannot corrode them.

"In a month at most, the nineteen worlds will be unified. At that time, we will arrange this world again, and then it will be almost done." Chi Cang looked at Liu Shen and said.

Liu Shen in the fairy mist nodded slightly.

In addition to building the Feixian Platform and Immortal Cave, Chi Cang also plans to use the origin and essence of the fallen kings to repair Jiutian.

Doing this will not make the Nine Heavens essence in Mo Dharma surge and become full.

What is the end of Dharma? It means that the universe of heaven and earth in turn demands from all spirits. The origin and essence of those kings will only perfect the heaven and earth, make the nine heavens and ten earth stronger, recover faster, and will not change the general environment.

A large furnace seeks heat from the firewood inside, turning itself red and glowing for nine days, just like directly heating the furnace.

Doing this will speed up the completion of the Nine Heavens and make the Tianxin mark appear faster.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. For example, after the rules of Jiutian are restored to integrity, the bearing capacity of heaven and earth will be enhanced, and the repelling power against strong foreigners will be weakened.

Before the restoration of integrity, non-native immortal kings will pay a huge price for ascending to the Nine Heavens. After that, the price paid will be insignificant.

Therefore, Chi Cang and Liu Shen still need to make some arrangements to prevent the immortal king-level creatures who return in the great liquidation from destroying Jiutian.

They couldn't watch Jiutian all the time, they had their own things to do.

The requirements for setting up some large defensive formations do not need to be too high. They only need to block the intruders for a moment, and they will be able to react and then repel the intruders.

This is not unfounded worry. In the endless years, many immortal king creatures have a cause and effect with the Nine Heavens Immortal King. If they fail to take revenge, they may blame the mother world and turn this place into ruins.

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