The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 418 A Thought of Gods and Demons

The monks in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths all feel this, looking at the end of this world.

The light of immortality shines on the great universe, and the light rains down. In just a moment, it sweeps across all the nine heavens and ten lands.

Becoming an immortal in the Age of Ending Dharma has such a far-reaching impact that all races and religions are deeply shocked. Although there are many emerging sects that have only risen for a few hundred years, their knowledge is not low, and they know that this kind of light beam means What.

At this moment, the avenue trembled, nectar fell from the sky, divine springs surged from the earth, and countless visions emerged like flowers falling from the sky, making the barren Dharma-ending world become sacred.

For the creatures in this world, it is the first time for a person to become an immortal after the end of the law. This is like ascending to the sky and is almost impossible to accomplish. However, today, someone broke the common sense and shocked the world.


The lightning strikes are so terrifying that they scare all living beings, even if they are hundreds of millions of miles away.

In this cruel apocalypse, it is difficult to become a supreme being, let alone an immortal.

Therefore, the chaos thunder and immortal lightning aimed at true immortals are rare in thousands of lifetimes, and the terrifying power they contain can make human beings tremble and awe.


In just a moment, the starry sky dimmed, the stars went out, and only blazing lightning lingered.

Shi Hao's hair was disheveled and his body was stained with blood. He had just walked out of the Void Immortal Golden Monument. He did not choose to recover from his injuries, but directly broke through. This was an indescribable confidence.

Billions of immortal thunders struck down head and face, as if they were going to destroy this universe.

In the past, it might have been possible to penetrate the universe, because the world was broken.

But now, with the World Tree here, sorting out all the ways and stabilizing the endless mountains and rivers, Shi Hao's punishment does not need to be far away, this world can bear it.

He roared and fought against the huge catastrophe of immortality. There were no strange obstacles in the way, and the road ahead was smooth.

A few days later, the immortal-killing guillotine reappeared to kill the person who rebelled against heaven.

The Immortal Killing Platform cast by Chi Cang sensed it, and he found that he could control the Immortal Killing Platform in Shi Haotian's Punishment to a certain extent and exert influence on it.

But he won't do this. This is a catastrophe that belongs to Shi Hao, and he should survive everything by himself.

Shi Hao had been chopped by this immortal guillotine many times, and he was safe and sound. His black hair was flying, and he stood in the center of billions of immortal thunders, facing the ancient and blood-stained Taoist platform.

At the end, the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea in Shi Hao's abdomen glowed, and the cycle of life and death continued. Mysterious chanting sounds sounded in the Tao Palace, and the four poles of divine power flowed. A big dragon rushed up from his back, and the dragon's roar shook all directions, and the skull was more... It is a burst of fairy light, the fairy platform roars, and it is extremely bright.

The five secret realms resonated and sublimated in the brilliance. Shi Hao became a powerful immortal. This was not an ordinary true immortal. This was a mortal immortal. As soon as he became an immortal, he possessed vast and unpredictable divine power. , enough to dominate the Immortal King.

His black hair is disheveled, standing under the starry sky, his body is flawless, his soul is immortal, his magic power is endless, and every move has great power.

Shi Hao had been waiting for this moment for too long, as he shed his mortal body, his brilliance circulated, and he stepped into the realm of immortality.

He looked down at the nine heavens and ten earth, and had endless emotions in his heart. Since ancient times, it has been difficult for immortals to achieve perfection in the world of mortals. A retreat is a life of change. His wife, children, children, relatives and friends are all separated forever, and there is a vast world between life and death. He is lucky. Yes, Shicun moved to the fairyland. With the environment of the fairyland, his relatives will not die of old age in a few hundred years.

After becoming an immortal, the first thing he thought of was not his high spirits, but his relatives, beauties, etc. This was because he had experienced more than 400,000 years in the age of the Emperor, which was so long that it was outrageous, and he didn't want to miss anything anymore.

At this time, Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and Meng Tianzheng came over and congratulated Shi Hao.

It is rare to see an immortal in the world of mortals, but a third person appears in this life. Soon, Meng Tianzheng will also survive the tribulation of immortality in the world of mortals and become the fourth person. With his strength, there will be no surprises at all.

Next, Shi Hao sat cross-legged in the universe, consolidating his own Taoism. At the same time, he understood the missionary matters. The secret realm system should not be passed down completely, but should be preserved to give future generations the opportunity to carve out their own paths.

Year after year passed, and he remained motionless, always in deep retreat.

The wheel of time rolled by, and in the blink of an eye, another three hundred years passed by.

Suddenly, the silence of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was once again broken, and the light of becoming an immortal emerged again. Someone broke the common sense and wanted to become an immortal in this world of mortals.

The creatures of all races were shocked beyond measure, how could this happen? In just three hundred years, another immortal will be born in the world?

You must know that since the end of the Ancient Immortal Era, those who have dreamed of becoming immortals in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have all failed. They have imitated Wudao, Ye Qianyu, Demon Lord, etc., and have all suffered from hatred. Now that we have entered the end of the Dharma, becoming an immortal is even more impossible. What happened, however, was that in a short period of three hundred years, some people became immortals one after another. This is really unbelievable.

Many powerful people looked up at the starry sky, trying to see clearly who the immortal was. However, the fluctuations there were too strong, and there was a world-shattering immortal calamity shrouding them, so no one could see clearly.

Only Chi Cang, Liu Shen and Shi Hao were not affected and could clearly see the scene in the Immortal Tribulation.

In the vast immortal thunder, the great elder Meng Tianzheng Xuanyi hunted and stroked his weapon, the long bow. Now, it was covered in blood red, as if it was about to drip blood.

This is the past that the Great Elder buried with his own hands. He unexpectedly became a divine fetus, independently giving birth to world-shattering Taoist fruits.

Endless years have passed, and this divine bow has finally matured, and the amazing fruit it contains will be born.

Every time he picks it up, Meng Tianzheng will recall those glorious years that passed by.

Becoming an immortal has always been his obsession. After all the hardships and hardships, he finally waited for this day.


The divine bow made a loud sound, and the blood-red light illuminated the world, and a majestic figure walked out of it. This was the broken body of the past, but now it is pregnant with a complete body.

Snow-white hair fell casually, and the golden battle armor was added to his body, flowing with an inexplicable luster, and he was indescribably majestic. However, Meng Tianzheng in the bow had a strange aura. As soon as he appeared, the black surroundings surrounded him. The light covered the world, and it was better to say that he was the fruit of the divine womb, rather than the fruit of the demonic body.

The two Meng Tianzhengs were both very young. They stood opposite each other. They were the same person, but they showed different temperaments. One was a god and the other was a demon. Their eyes showed that one had ancient meaning and had been baptized by the years, and the other He stayed in the past, still young, with a dark light shining in his eyes, like a demon lord.

They seemed to be having a conversation across a long river of time. They were the intersection of the past and the present, and they were like two sides of the same person.

One is shining with divine light, and his black hair is disheveled, while the other has white hair as white as snow, strange and cold, like an unparalleled demon god. They are both in their golden years, with slender and tall figures.

Under the gaze of the Blazing Willow God Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng, one god and one demon, merged into one. At this moment, endless light shot out from every pore on Meng Tianzheng's body, and he seemed to have turned into a human being. The blazing sun.

There were drastic changes in his body, including death, vitality, chaos, and even the light rain of immortality.


Many portals opened, releasing eternal power, and the yin and yang merged into one. At this moment, Meng Tianzhengdao and fruit merged into one, and with one leap, he landed in the realm of immortality.

In the splendid rain of light, Meng Tianzheng, dressed in golden armor, walked out. The two qi of yin and yang were flowing, and his whole body was shining with divine energy, blooming with immortal qi. His two eyes were shining with light and black light, as if they were thinking of gods and demons.

The original blood-red long bow has been broken into two pieces and turned into two crescent blades, which are extremely sharp and unparalleled. Just like Meng Tianzheng, they have an immortal light that makes it difficult to look directly at them.

He is so powerful that it has been rare in ancient times. In this realm, only Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and Shi Hao, who are also on the path of mortal immortals, can match him.

Not only has he mastered the body-based seeding and opened up the system of divine treasures, but he has also unified the two paths of yin and yang into one. This kind of achievement is difficult to match even if you look at ancient history.


Immortal thunder was rolling, arriving as expected, and the huge heavenly punishment against Meng Tianzheng came.

He stood in the terrifying thunder of immortality, fearless of all this, his black hair was stained with golden light, he held the invincible fist seal, he was brave and brave, and he fought against the punishment of heaven.

This calamity lasted for several years.

Finally, the blood-stained Taoist platform receded and rushed into the crack. Meng Tianzheng, covered in blood, stood at the end. He succeeded and became another mortal immortal after Shi Hao.

In this world, there is another Hongchen immortal who belongs to their own camp. Chi Cang and Liu Shen are naturally happy. This means that there may be another quasi-immortal emperor on their side in the future. This is a great joy. , worthy of celebration.

In the age of the emperor, they crossed the sea alone. The death of the Lord of Heaven who wanted to solve the source of the dark turmoil made Chi Cang and Liu Shen understand that the power of darkness should not be underestimated, and more fellow Taoists were needed to go together to be safe.

Of course, becoming a mortal immortal does not mean that you will definitely become a quasi-immortal emperor. On the road to the great road, you need to sing all the way and never relax.

Meng Tianzheng, who had just become an immortal, was just like Shi Hao three hundred years ago, consolidating his Taoism in seclusion.

Shi Hao, on the other hand, continued to delve into the matter of transmitting the Dharma. He had too many things to consider. He could not block the way of future generations, but left an open Dharma so that future generations could be brilliant and let a hundred flowers bloom.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen returned to the Immortal Realm. They have not returned for more than six hundred years. The Immortal Realm is still the same, and no major events happened. The Nine Heavens Immortal King has established a firm foothold in the Immortal Realm, and the same is true for the Immortal Kings from outside the realm.

The Immortal Realm is ushering in an unprecedented prosperous era. The number of Immortal Kings is the largest in history, and the overall combat power is the strongest. Two supreme giants are sitting there, and all the worlds will look up to them.

Compared with its old rival Foreign Land, Immortal Realm is thriving and has greater hope of surviving the Great Reckoning.

Ever since Chi Cang and Liu Shen instructed a fairyland giant to go outside the realm and spread the conditions for joining the fairyland, it caused an uproar.

By now, who doesn’t know how powerful the Immortal Realm is? If you can step on this invincible chariot, you can definitely save your life in the great liquidation.

Those creatures who have formidable enemies in the world sea yearn for the Immortal Realm to the extreme, because if they join the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Realm will take over their personal karma, which is an extremely tempting condition.

However, today's Immortal Realm is like an iron barrel, it is difficult to enter or join. The major Immortal Sects originally guarded by the Quasi-Immortal King have now been replaced by powerful Immortal Kings. This is in order to cope with the upcoming big waves in the world sea. preparation.

Eager to join, but suffering from no way, the giant of the Immortal Realm personally came forward and offered a way, a head of the Immortal King in exchange for a seat, which made those creatures who were afraid of the enemy in the world extremely excited.

What happened next was as expected by the Blazing Willow God. Many Immortal Kings from outside the realm poured into the foreign land. They were dormant around the ancestral temple, waiting for the Immortal King to come out.

Kundi and other giants had already predicted this and strictly prohibited the Immortal King from going out. They guarded the area around the ancestral temple tightly and did not dare to let down their guard.

They did not go out to fight fiercely with the Immortal King from outside the territory, because it was meaningless. The Immortal King from outside the territory could run away at any time and would be difficult to retain. Moreover, the conditions for joining the Immortal Domain were really tempting. Who could drive away these hungry wolves?

The Great Reckoning is coming, and there are already turbulent undercurrents in the Boundary Sea. Not only the kings who left the Boundary Sea in foreign lands will return, but also enemies from foreign lands. At this moment, it is not appropriate to start a big fight.

Therefore, Foreign Realm chose to swallow their anger. They were even more afraid that this was a trick of the Immortal Realm, and they deliberately let the Immortal King from outside the region anger them, and a war broke out, and the creatures of the Immortal Realm appeared again to harvest.

Otherwise, with Kundi's temper, he would have killed him with the Immortal Refining Pot.

At this time, it is no longer what it used to be. The foreign land that has dominated the world for eternity is really lonely, and it is no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

The current plan is to wait for the strong men from the foreign land who left the world sea to return and establish their majesty again. You must know that there are foreign creatures in the vast world sea that are more powerful than Kundi. Only when they return can the foreign land have hope of making a comeback.

Although they have the trump card of the Origin Ancient Artifact, they cannot truly control it. When activated, all the Immortal Kings will retreat. If they are affected, the Immortal Kings will also die. This is a thousand injuries to the enemy and self-inflicted damage. Eight hundred means should not be used lightly.

"How hateful, Chicang, Willow, one day I will take your heads." Silver-haired Kundi stood on the continent where the ancestral temple is located, looking at the figure hidden in the darkness in the distance, and said bitterly.

"Brother Kundi, don't worry too much. When I reach the top, Chi Cang and the willow tree will be nothing."

At this time, a huge figure walked over, wearing a cold armor full of spikes and a long tail. It was filled with the breath of time, mysterious and terrifying.

It is the Red King who is in Nirvana.

Kundi nodded when he heard the words, but he had a different view in his heart. After the Red King experienced nirvana, he must be much stronger than before, but it is impossible to surpass him who is the first person in the foreign land.

Even he couldn't defeat Chi Cang, let alone the Red King? The only way to defeat Chi Cang and Liu Shen is to besiege them.

The Red King himself is very confident. It is known as the "Beast of Time" and has a great spirit. It has been in seclusion for an era and achieved nirvana in order to defeat the king and become the emperor. Now, this process is going very smoothly, and it only needs time to deal with it. certificate.

In the view of the Red King, he has reached the peak again. After taking a step further, he may be able to defeat the king and become the emperor. Even if he cannot, he can still step into the ranks of the supremely powerful and stand shoulder to shoulder with the strongest beings, like Chi Cang and Liu Shen. He is not afraid of taboo creatures.

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