The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 429 The Demonic Shadow Reappears

"Hmph! The backlash I encountered when I used the ancient artifact last time has almost recovered. This time, I want to give these idiots a big surprise." Kundi's eyes were cold, without any emotion, and the overflowing killing intent made the surrounding immortals The king was shocked.

This number one person from a foreign land was really angry.

It's also because the creatures who besieged the temple in the foreign land went too far. Over the years, the foreign land's concessions have made them more and more unscrupulous.

The foreign land that used to be extremely powerful, peaceful and stable is now only considered a pure land in the temple, and other places have been turned into a mess.

Many imperial clan ancestral lands were breached and looted, and the descendants of the imperial clan among them were in extremely miserable condition, with rivers of blood flowing from their deaths. Many famous imperial clans were directly exterminated, leaving not a single descendant left.

Among them, many of the ancestors of the Imperial Clan died in the battle with the Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen. With the atmosphere of unity in the foreign land, even if their ancestors died, they would not be ill in the short term. As long as there are successors, the great clan will be Not debilitating.

However, kings from outside the foreign land entered the foreign land and ambush outside the temple, causing the immortal king in the temple to lose contact with the outside world. As a result, the forces outside the foreign land, including some forbidden creatures, began to fight against the powerful people in the foreign land. .

There are all kinds of magical materials, heaven-defying medicines, ancestral treasure troves, etc. that they desire. Once found and opened, the harvest will be beyond imagination.

Therefore, the fairy kings and forces from outside the territory swarmed in, carved up the foreign territory, and wreaked havoc for thousands of years, which really brought great benefits.

You must know that the foreign land was once as famous as the fairyland, and the rich resources it contained were no less than the fairyland.

This was undoubtedly a gluttonous feast. Kunti and the immortal kings saw it and felt pain in their hearts. The eternal hegemony was destroyed in one day.

However, they were unable to do anything because they were afraid of the Immortal Territory taking action. The interval between using the ancient artifacts was too short, which caused them to suffer heavy injuries and damaged their vitality. If they went to war again, it would only give the Immortal Territory an opportunity to take advantage of it. Therefore, Kundi and Yi Yi The immortal kings could only endure the humiliation, silently recover from their injuries, and wait for the opportunity to take revenge.

Thousands of years have passed, and this opportunity has finally come. After all the injuries have been recovered, if he can use the ancient artifact of origin again, his life will not be in danger.

As for taking action directly without using the ancient artifacts of origin, Kundi and the Immortal Kings have not considered it at all, because there are many kings entrenched in foreign lands and are powerful. Without the ancient artifacts of origin, it is unclear whether they can win.

There are kings who want to get the quota to join the Immortal Realm, and there are kings who are enemies of foreign lands. Back then, foreign lands were able to conquer and destroy many ancient worlds, and were infected with dark matter. Then, like foreign lands, they continued to expand and increase their strength. They have offended many people, and now that they are back, they naturally have to settle this big cause and effect.

In addition to these two types, there are also those who fish in troubled waters. When the dispute breaks out, they will take advantage of the situation and devour the Dao Fruit of the creatures of the same level, in order to find a way to defeat the king and become the emperor.

It can be said that today's foreign lands are a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and everyone is there. There are even kings of the fairyland hiding in the dark, observing the movements of the foreign lands.

Under such circumstances, Kundi leading the Immortal King of a foreign land to fight out is like throwing an egg against a stone. Even if he is astonishing and a top giant, he cannot dominate the world without any invincible opponent.

But using the ancient artifact of origin is different. It is impossible to let the box crack and leak the nine-color beam of light inside, because the foreign land does not really control this artifact. The last time it started to deal with Chi Cang and Liu Shen, By chance, a gap opened, revealing the inner beam. Its power was so powerful that it shocked people. The two supreme giants almost drank their blood. Several immortal kings were shot and died unexpectedly. No one could figure it out. What is the specific reason for the cracking of a gap.

However, the nine-color beam emitted from the outside can severely damage or even kill the Immortal King. As long as a living person is shot, they will suffer a catastrophe. When Kundi and the others fight out, they will only have to clean up the remaining clouds. situation.

"Do you really want to use the ancient artifact of origin? What about the Thunder Emperor and Willow in the Immortal Realm? You know, after using it once, if you want to use it again within a short period of time, it may cost the lives of kings like us." The Immortal King said worriedly.

He had participated in that war and witnessed with his own eyes the terrifying situation of Chi Cang and Liu Shen pushing down the immortal kings. Just two people, they almost killed the foreign land, so he was naturally extremely afraid.

"I can't control that much. Besides, those two evil sects are still safe and sound after being irradiated by the ancient artifacts of origin. Even if they use the ancient artifacts to attack them again, they might be defeated. There is no absolute certainty, so it's better not to To provoke the Immortal Realm, we will wait until the strong men from our realm return." Kunti's silver cross pupils flashed with a cold light.

"But... the Thunder Emperor is guarding the edge of the Boundary Sea, specifically to intercept the return of the Immortal King from our realm. In just three thousand years, four kings have fallen. If this continues, our realm may be in danger of being destroyed." Immortal The king said worriedly.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Fortunately, there are no giants among the fallen immortal kings. To deal with the Thunder Emperor and the willow tree, we must be besieged by giants.

Don't worry, everyone, I have already contacted the apprentice who has been training in the world sea. With him, the returning Immortal King will be able to get the news, and his death will not be in vain. "Kundi's eyes flickered as she said these words.

"Senior Kundi's disciple? Well, it's fellow Taoist He Wushuang." An immortal king spoke up. He respected Kundi very much and regarded He Wushuang as a peer. Obviously, he was very optimistic about He Wushuang becoming the king and ancestor.

"Yes, after the battle in the Ancient Immortal Era, my little apprentice broke through the realm one after another, and now he is only one step away from the king realm." Kundi nodded and mentioned his apprentice He Wushuang. Kundi's Binghan expression finally softened a little, There is some faint smile.

It can be seen that this first man from a foreign land is very satisfied with his apprentice.

It’s no wonder that He Wushuang was the leader of the young generation who invaded the primitive ancient world from the ancient Immortal Era. He killed countless young creatures who were defiant in the primitive ancient world. He Wushuang killed the little Alicorn Ant’s brother and sister with his own hands. Yes, after the war, He Wushuang activated the Immortal Refining Pot to collect the essence and blood of all races on the battlefield, and finally obtained the incomplete four-layer Immortal Sutra.

The Immortal Sutra that Kundi practiced came from his disciple He Wushuang.

In Kunti's opinion, it would be a good story if master and apprentice were both immortal kings, and he would be famous throughout the ages. Therefore, he attached great importance to this apprentice and cared about him very much.

"So we can rest assured. With Taoist friend He Wushuang here, our colleagues who are returning from the sea can get the news in advance and avoid the Thunder Emperor, or they can wait for other kings of our world in the sea, and then return after they have gathered to a certain extent. "

The Immortal Kings breathed a sigh of relief. After using the Origin Ancient Artifact this time, it should not be used again in a short period of time. Without the Origin Ancient Artifact, they could not do anything to Chi Cang.

It would be great to avoid this murderous embryo. As for plotting against the Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen, we need to consider the long term and first use the ancient artifacts to create a reputation in foreign lands.

"Fellow Daoist Red King, how is your recovery after thousands of years?" Kundi asked via voice transmission.

The Red King at this moment has been in seclusion for a whole thousand years. It has emerged from Nirvana and needs time to recover its former Taoist fruits.

After a long time, the voice of the Red King rang in Kundi's ears: "To be honest, Taoist Brother Kundi, it will take a lot of time for me to return to my peak and surpass my past. A thousand years is still too short."

"Okay, then let's wait until Friend Chi Wang reaches his peak again before we can discuss important matters." Kundi replied.

Although the Red King is a little conceited, its method of Nirvana and rebirth is not trivial. If it is successful, it may reach the level of Kundi. Therefore, Kunti attaches great importance to the Red King, and the law of time mastered by the other party is not weak. , it should be of great use when competing with Thunder Emperor Liu Shen.

In fact, Kundi was very sorry that Wushang, the top giant who was immune to mana, was captured by Lei Di. Otherwise, his confidence in fighting against the Immortal Realm would be much greater.

After asking about the condition of the Red King, Kundi's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Just like when he competed with Chi Cang, he sat cross-legged on one side of the golden ancient temple. There were many immortal kings around him.

They recited an ancient spell together. Although this was not the first time they summoned the demonic shadow, the Immortal Kings still looked dignified, with a hint of fear. The last time they summoned the demonic shadow to attack the Blazing Willow God, there were several immortal kings. The king died under the nine-color beam.

This ancient artifact of origin from a foreign land is originally a supreme ancient artifact aimed at living people. Billions of living beings are exposed to it, and only a few can survive. But as long as they can survive, they will all become super evolved.


Terrifying power exploded, and all the kings chanted the incantation together, which was much stronger than when Kunti chanted it alone.

The monstrous demonic shadow suddenly rose from the temple, huge and boundless, standing on this continent, crowding the universe.


The low and horrifying roar shook the foreign land and resounded throughout the universe. Anyone who heard it could not help but tremble. Creatures of all races trembled and knelt on the ground with frightened expressions on their faces.

Such a violent movement could not be hidden from the king who was surrounded by the golden temple.

"What's this?"

There was a confused whisper from a king-level creature, with an extremely solemn expression.

Many immortal kings know about ancient artifacts of exotic origin, but some people don't know. However, no one has actually seen this ancient artifact explode. Generally speaking, all the extraterrestrial beings who have seen it have died, and only a few have. People can survive, such as Chi Cang, Liu Shen, etc.

The three of them, the Immortal Monk King, the True Phoenix, and the Spider, were able to survive because the targets of the ancient artifacts at that time were Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Otherwise, with their Taoism, there would be no chance of survival. Now they are besieging the Golden God. The creatures in the temple have at most heard of the horrors of ancient artifacts of foreign origin, but have never actually seen them.

At this moment, under the action of the foreign kings, the origin of the ancient artifacts exploded very quickly. Moreover, Kundi and others became fierce and chanted the ancient mantras continuously, causing inexplicable sounds to continuously sound in the golden temple, and black shadows walked out from time to time.

The second way.

The third way.

The ninth path.

This time, it was even more terrifying than the previous two times, summoning the ninth phantom.

However, the ninth phantom was unstable, very blurry, shaky, and looked like it might collapse at any time.

The foreign kings exerted their strength and finally stabilized this demonic shadow and merged it with the previous eight.


In an instant, a terrifying figure approaching the physical form appeared. It was extremely tall, towering upright, and possessing unparalleled divine power.

"What? This momentum..."

The taboo creatures outside the temple were shocked. Although they didn't know how strong the demonic shadow created by the foreign land was, they all had an ominous premonition and wanted to retreat.

"Want to leave? It's too late." Kundi sneered, his chest heaving, stabilizing the ninth shadow, which consumed a lot of energy. Even he felt a little difficult. However, the final fused shadow was more special than the last time, almost It is no different from the entity, and at the same time, the aura is even worse.

The nine demonic shadows are unified, and the kings of the foreign lands are not satisfied yet and are still mumbling words.

The golden temple rumbled and shook, sending out violent fluctuations. Soon, the huge demonic shadow sank into the golden temple and disappeared.

The taboo being who was preparing to evacuate was not happy but was shocked when the demonic shadow disappeared.

"No, let's go." Someone realized something was wrong and shouted.

After all the foreign kings had done, they fled from the main road where the Golden Temple was located. Kunti waved and took away the Red King's retreat place. They knew very well the power of the ancient artifacts and it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

The next moment, in the golden temple, a creature of normal size slowly walked out, holding an object in his hand. It was so gorgeous that it was impossible to look directly at it. It was extremely bright and the pressure was so terrifying that it made people feel like their souls were about to explode. It was unbearable. live.

The ancient artifact of origin reappeared, and Kunti and the Immortal Kings escaped quickly. This time they summoned the ninth demonic shadow. God knows what will happen.

"Origin of ancient artifacts?" The taboo creature was surprised and turned away without thinking.

Unfortunately, it's still a little late.

On the edge of the sea, on the embankment, Chi Cang sat quietly cross-legged. Next to him, stood a figure, his lips moving constantly, as if he was telling something.

"Haha, the foreign land is also forced to panic. Even Liu Shen and I dare not confront the nine-color beam of light emitted from the ancient artifact, even if we have a certain immunity, let alone other people? What if we Pushing Taoism to its peak, maybe he can face this weapon directly.

Those who run slowly may be doomed. Chi Cang said calmly, as if he had anticipated the outcome of the foreign war.

"What Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor said is absolutely true. I kept in mind the words of Fellow Daoist Thunder Emperor and Fellow Daoist Liu Shen, and hid in a place far away from the golden ancient temple to monitor. As soon as I saw the demonic shadow appearing, I fled away. Many people survived. With a trace of curiosity, if you stop for just one step longer, your life will be ruined.

The demonic figure was holding an ancient weapon, killing foreign lands stained with blood, and there were endless visions of the fall of the Immortal King. After this battle, it is estimated that no one will dare to go there again. "

Hearing this, Chi Cang smiled and said nothing.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, you have killed four immortal kings here and eliminated the enemies in your homeland. Will they come against you immediately?" the Immortal King said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Kundi and the others will pay a high price for activating the ancient artifact. After all, they have not mastered the ancient artifact. The possibility of activating it again in the short term is extremely small. By the way, you will tell this news If it spreads, we can’t make it easier for foreign countries.”

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