The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 446 Breaking out of the dark prison

Darkness comes.

An unprecedented feeling of emptiness filled Chi Cang's soul. He had never felt like this before, as if he had lost his foothold and became a rootless tree.

It wasn't until this moment that Chi Cang realized how important the physical body was. Even though Chi Cang was already a supreme giant, his soul was indestructible. Without the physical body, he was just like a mayfly.

His soul was imprisoned by that inexplicable force and dragged towards the bottomless abyss.

Chi Cang did not resist and allowed the force to drag him. Only in this way could he reach the place where the dark cage was. Otherwise, he would have no chance to get there.

Nothingness and confusion swept over like a tide. The blazing Yuan Shen was originally extremely bright, and the light it released was enough to illuminate the past, present and future. But now, in the endless darkness, no matter how bright the light was, it became insignificant and was overwhelmed by the darkness. Shrouded, swallowed.

He could feel that he was moving quickly, spanning countless universes and eras in an instant. This was a journey of nothingness and eternal darkness.

Suddenly, Chi Cang saw a long river. The inexplicable force dragged him and he was quickly approaching the vast river.

The fragments of time were flying, and the ancient atmosphere was permeating the air, as if they had arrived at the source of the long river of time. Chi Cang, who practiced ancient and modern scriptures, was very sensitive to the power of time, and he noticed some clues.

Even if Xiu has a past life and can wander in ancient times, Chi Cang has never found this place. There is no way. It involves the quasi-immortal emperor, and there is huge cause and effect. Naturally, it is blinded, blocked, and difficult to detect.

Soon, he was pulled into the river.

Countless fragments of time lingered around, and Chi Cang seemed to be experiencing endless reincarnations. He also saw other cages, one after another, floating and advancing in the long river, with no end in sight.

That was the dark cage, where ancient geniuses were imprisoned one after another. Chi Cang glanced at them and saw several bright spots of light, imprisoned in an unusually huge cage. Their auras were ancient and powerful, and they were obviously immortal beings.

Of course, these cages are much smaller than the cage where Chi Cang is imprisoned.

Moreover, Chi Cang moved forward very fast, and soon surpassed the dark cage that was floating in the long river, and quickly headed towards the unknown dark depths.

I don't know how much time passed, but the dark cage where Chi Cang was imprisoned suddenly stopped and stopped moving forward. It seemed that he had reached his destination.

At this moment, Chi Cang could no longer see the scene outside the cage. Everything was swallowed up by darkness, including his perception and sight.

At this time, Chi Cang realized that the dark cage was absorbing the power of his soul. Although it was not too much compared to the whole, if it continued, no matter how powerful it was, it would not be able to withstand it. However, compared to As far as human beings are concerned, immortal beings have many advantages. After all, they are said to be immortal.

When Chi Cang tried to absorb the power in the surrounding void, he encountered great obstacles. What he absorbed was not as good as what was swallowed and sucked away. This was because of his strong Taoism. If it were others, it would be even more difficult. This cage, It changes according to the strength of the Suo Jie Yuan Shen. The one in Suo Jie Chi Cang is obviously more terrifying than the other cages.

Chi Cang thought for a moment, then summoned the thunder pool, floating above his head.


The thunder pool buzzed, as if it had been stimulated by some kind of stimulation, overflowing with holy immortal energy. In just a moment, Chi Cang's ability to absorb power was greatly improved, far exceeding the power that was swallowed.

Judging from this, if there are no other changes, he can practice in the dark cage.

Chi Cang's face was calm, and he thought of Shi Hao who escaped from the dark cage in his memory. At that time, he was able to escape from the cage because he relied on the ray of immortal energy that merged with his body and soul to absorb enough With much strength, he broke the confinement and escaped back.

Otherwise, his fate would be the same as that of the genius known as the "Little Fairy King".

At this moment, Chi Cang's improved ability to draw strength in the cage is also related to the Shi Qi he cultivated. This is the first fairy Qi that appears when the divine fire is ignited. It is called Shi Qi. It was later integrated with the Lei Chi, and The three immortal qi that appeared after the initial qi turned into three flowers of the avenue.

For a long time, the world has not known the magical effects of Shi Qi. Unexpectedly, in this terrible dark cage, Shi Qi can actually allow monks to draw more strength, so as to resist the demands of the dark cage and save their lives.

Of course, the birth of Shi Qi is not easy. It is proof of opening up a new path, and the immortal energy born later reflects the potential of this new path.

Chi Cang maintained the state of absorbing soul power and let the thunder pool float above his head to resist the demands of the dark cage and keep himself in peak condition.

However, after solving the problem of the power of the soul being taken away, he still cannot stay here for a long time, because there are other dangers. Chi Cang keenly discovered that his mind seemed to be separated from the body along with the power of the soul that was taken away. Being swallowed by the cage is a subtle process that happens slowly. One day, he will become confused because of it.

Having personally experienced the environment in the dark cage, Chi Cang finally understood why the famous ancient immortal kings in history became unconscious, crazy, hysterical, and insane after they came out of the dark cage. They had been in this cage for hundreds of millions of years. It's hard for them not to go crazy even after thousands of years.

He sat quietly in the darkness, sensing the silence and coldness around him. Darkness is the eternal theme here. There is no essence or law, only endless absorption. Moreover, time is also chaotic. As it passes, It was as if Chi Cang's three lives and three lives were taken away at once.

This feeling is extremely strange. As a supreme giant, Chi Cang can't sense the passage of time. There was a saying that for seven days in the cave, thousands of years have passed in the world. Perhaps if you experience a moment here, thousands of years have passed in the outside world. as long as.

He took a deep breath. It was not advisable to stay here for a long time. It would be better to break the cage and rush out as soon as possible.

Back then, Shi Hao broke out of the cage and returned smoothly, which showed that the supervision here was not strict, which was one of the reasons why Chi Cang dared to come.

If there is a quasi-immortal emperor watching here all the time, then if he takes the initiative to come here, he is seeking death. Even if he breaks out of the cage, he will not be able to escape.

Afterwards, Chi Cang no longer hesitated and sat cross-legged in the center of the cage, gathering strength. His past body and his uncultivated future body came together to transfer the secret power. This was a connection that even the dark cage could not stop. It was unclear and unexplained.

At this moment, the blazing soul became extremely bright, like a blazing sun, illuminating the interior of the dark prison.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and an immortal-killing guillotine that was as red as blood appeared in his hand.

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang..."

The trembling sound of metal clashing was continuous, and pieces of brilliant Yuan Shen armor were born from the interweaving of runes, rushing to the body of Blazing Cang Yuan Shen, forming a pair of armor, covering his body.

All kinds of Yuan Mysterious Techniques, such as the Art of Defeating the Gods, the Art of Peace, and the Yuan Mysterious Techniques that Chi Cang integrated what he had learned and developed based on his own Yuanshen Cave, were all displayed.

At this moment, Chi Cang showed the ultimate combat power that he could achieve after putting aside his physical body.


The immortal-killing guillotine trembled slightly and made a long and sweet sound.

Chi Cang was wearing the armor of the soul, with a sea of ​​blood behind him, and endless immortal kings rising and falling. He raised the immortal guillotine high and swung it fiercely at the dark prison.

In an instant, there was rain of blood, lightning and thunder, and red light struck the wall of the cage, making a harsh roar.


As Chi Cang expected, with his full slash, the dark cage was also opened, and it was opened from the inside.

A huge crack emerged, and this dark cage, which could be called the largest in this dark realm, cracked open.

Without hesitation, Chi Cang rushed out of the crack with his Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine in hand.

Standing in a dark realm with almost no light, his blazing eyes were shining brightly, and what appeared before him was a vast and boundless "sea of ​​stars".

One after another "stars" are twinkling in the dark environment. They are dark cages that hold countless talented creatures.

What is different from the cages we just saw in the long river is that the dark cages here are generally huge, with flickering lights inside and filled with ancient and powerful aura.

Obviously, this place is a gathering place of dark cages dedicated to imprisoning Immortal King-level creatures. Since the endless era, there are countless Immortal Kings in the heavens, worlds and seas who have disappeared, their whereabouts are unknown, or they have fallen into darkness. His temperament changed drastically, as if he was a different person.

In fact, many of them have their original souls imprisoned in the dark cage and cannot break free. They can only stay in the cage helplessly, and their power is constantly being extracted, and they can survive in the world.

In the end, most of the creatures end up going crazy, their spirits are confused, or they devour each other, becoming complex and chaotic creatures.

This is how the nine-headed monsters that Chi Cang and Liu Shen killed back then were born. They were originally nine ancient kings. They were imprisoned in a dark cage for endless years and had long since become abnormal. After devouring each other and merging, they became one. A peerless giant, and then willing to be a minion of darkness.

Chi Cang maintained a fighting state to guard against possible dangers. At the same time, he tried his best to hide his own energy and performed a variety of supreme secret techniques.

Then, he walked in this vast "sea of ​​stars" and saw one dark cage after another where the Immortal Kings were imprisoned. Some were shining with light and were relatively strong, which meant that the Immortal Kings imprisoned in them were in good condition, while others were not. It was extremely bleak, indicating that the Immortal King inside had a miserable fate, and might have gone crazy.

There are also cases where the cage is broken, and the Qi belonging to the Immortal King remains inside, but the people are missing.

Seeing this, Chi Cang felt wary in his heart. He didn't know if he escaped on his own initiative like him or if he was released by others. Where were the people inside now?

In short, in this strange and dangerous place, it is better to be cautious.

He carefully inspected these dark cages where the Immortal Kings were imprisoned, and based on his own assessment, he felt that with his own fighting power, he could penetrate them from the outside and free the trapped kings inside.

Since he was imprisoned in a dark cage and tortured, there is a high probability that the king inside hates darkness. After being rescued, he can be pulled into the same chariot.

However, Chi Cang did not do this. He came here to find the Bone God General, not to attack the Dark Cage. Although he had not practiced it, Chi Cang felt that destroying the Dark Cage would definitely cause big trouble. He couldn't do this before finding the Bone God General.

Chi Cang searched for a while but found nothing. He knew that it would not work if he continued like this. It would take too long and could easily lead to problems. This was not a good place.

Therefore, he slowly unfolded his huge spiritual consciousness and carefully sensed the qi permeating the dark cage. Moreover, Chi Cang was also deducing the position of the Bone God General's soul.

Suddenly, Chi Cang was stunned for a moment, as if he had discovered something. He quickly flew in one direction and came to a dark cage.

The dark cage in front of you flickered with light, which represented that the creatures imprisoned inside were struggling, casting spells, trying to break open the cage and break out.

After a while, the cage became silent again. It was obvious that the creatures inside had failed.

But Chi Cang, who was standing in front of the dark cage, was confused for a while, because he sensed a familiar energy in this cage.

It was a terrifying creature that he sealed. It had the supreme talent of being immune to magic. Its bloodline power came from an ancient quasi-immortal emperor. At that time, the sea of ​​​​world had not yet been formed, and the scale of the heavens and worlds was what it is today. Countless times.

Later, the quasi-immortal emperor and the other two came into contact with the darkness, caused trouble in the world, and were suppressed by the rising Guyi. The boundary sea was formed in that battle.

"Wu Sha!"

Chi Cang whispered, revealing the identity of the immortal king-level soul imprisoned in the cage. He was Wu Shang's natal soul. After being eroded by dark matter, he fell into the dark cage. Since then, there has been no light, and His body gave birth to a new dark soul and became one of the oldest existences in the foreign land.

Later, during the battle at the border, Chi Cang, under the illumination of the ancient artifact of origin, stretched out his big hand, stepped across the universe, captured Wu Shang, disintegrated his body, and sealed them separately.

Unexpectedly, in this dark prison place, Chi Cang actually found Wu Shang's true soul.

Standing in front of this huge dark cage, Chi Cang was thinking about whether to release Wushang's natal soul. If he did, there would definitely be a lot of noise.

In the end, he left his coordinates here, and everything will wait until he finds the Bone God General.

After another search and deduction, Chi Cang finally found the cage where the Bone God General was imprisoned. To his surprise, the cage was opened, and the Bone God General inside had long since disappeared.

Chi Cang sighed, if the Bone God General had already followed this way and entered the dark land, then he would have no choice, because if he continued to move forward, the danger would be too great, and he would almost die in vain. Even the Heavenly Emperor who became the quasi-immortal emperor would The Lord has died over there. He is just a supreme giant and is not qualified to touch the taboo.

He stared into the bottomless dark realm and silently prayed for the Bone God General in his heart. This was the only thing Chi Cang could do at the moment.

"I hope you take care of yourself, we will see you again in the future." Chi Cang sighed, and then came to the dark cage that imprisoned Wu Shang's natal soul.

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