The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 456 Towering Kunlun

Under the dim sky and earth, there is a gloomy air and a heavy twilight atmosphere. It is in dusk all day long, just like the underworld.

Looking around, you can only see darkness. Under the dim curtain, everything is silent, as if it has been silent for eternity. If there is no source of life in some areas, it may be no different from the world of death.

All of this can be attributed to a shocking war that took place countless years ago. Countless powerful and terrifying creatures fought in this world, sweeping across the sky and the earth. There were even beings overlooking the years who took action and brought disasters, leaving the originally intact world. The world became shattered, and the once prosperous ancient land fell into decay.

After the First World War, the entire world was silent, and the few remaining sources of life were like sparkling lights, dotted in the vast dark world, like sparks of fire.

Chi Cang traveled to such a lonely era. He used the method of reversing the ancient and modern times and obtained a momentary opportunity. With this, he dropped the flower of the avenue and fell into this time node. With the help of his current body and the avenue, he The connection between the future body sitting cross-legged on the flower brings consciousness.

Although it is not the arrival of the true body, it can be regarded as a success.

If he wants to cultivate a future body that defies heaven, what he needs is the current future environment, just like how he cultivated his past body back then.

However, the difficulty between the two is not at the same level at all. The established past and the unknown future are completely two concepts, and the resistance they face is very different.

Just like Chi Cang at this moment, he can only come to the future world in this special way.

If he wants to come to his true form, the price he will have to bear will be extremely terrifying, even the ultimate Immortal King will find it unbearable.

Sitting cross-legged on the Flower of the Avenue, Chi Cang let out a long sigh. After his consciousness shifted from the ancient era, he understood his current state.

Currently, he is still one hundred and eighty thousand miles away from cultivating his true body. His whole body is wrapped in mysterious scriptures and immortal energy, mixed with fragments of time, which are constantly counteracting the obstacles of the surrounding flowers that penetrate the avenue. The power of causal order is constantly coming.

Although he successfully came to the future world, he does not belong to this era after all. It is normal to have counterattack power. Fortunately, most of the counterattack power is concentrated on his body, allowing this flower of the avenue to survive in this era. Stop, take your stand.

His future body at this moment is essentially just a ball of energy. The flower of the avenue that carries the future body on the soles of his feet is originally one of the three immortal energies that he cultivated in the past. After the flower of the avenue blooms, the third body will also It was conceived accordingly, so the original body of the third life body is the origin of the three immortal energies.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Chi Cang relied on cultivating his past and present bodies to rise to the top and become a supreme giant. After wasting many years, he finally reached the pinnacle of cultivation.

Now, as long as this future body is cultivated and has a real body and soul, it is equivalent to extending the avenue and system, and then one can gain the foundation to attack the quasi-immortal emperor.

However, Chi Cang only knew how difficult it was to cultivate the future body after actually being there.

The fuzzy body sitting cross-legged on the flower of the avenue symbolizes Chi Cang's future. In addition to being essentially a ball of air, it also contains consciousness belonging to Chi Cang's body, as well as some mysterious factors.

These mysterious factors are the things that Chi Cang has accumulated through his long-term practice of ancient and modern sutras. Sometimes they are transformed into symbols, which contain the secret of their origin. Sometimes they are transformed into a ray of light, just like the first ray of light born at the beginning of the world. Sometimes they are transformed into a ray of light. Transformed into... in short, unpredictable and elusive.

Chi Cang wants to cultivate his future body by relying on this mysterious factor, using it to interweave his true body and soul, and then step down from the flower of the avenue and become an entity.

However, the number of mysterious factors in the current future body is too small, almost undetectable, and perhaps not even a single hair of the entity can be intertwined.

There is no way, Chi Cang has been in the era of his true body for these years, and there is no environment suitable for cultivating the future body. It is said that a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice. It is precisely this principle, that is, relying on the ancient scriptures that she majored in, she can barely condense a trace of it. .

But even so, this thread can transfer considerable power to the main body. As for the source of these powers, it comes from the distant future, which is unclear and unclear.

It is foreseeable that when Chi Cang truly cultivates his future true body, the power he can transfer to his true body will be even more terrifying. It is certain that he will surpass his past body. It is difficult to imagine how strong he will be at that time.

Of course, this is just an assumption. Everything requires down-to-earth hard work and there are no shortcuts.

"I don't know how long the power of the order of cause and effect will backfire. Fortunately, where the flower of the avenue takes root is a rare fairy vein, which condenses fairy spiritual energy and inexplicable power, as well as the ethereal luck of the road, which has a great impact on my practice. It helps." Chi Cang sighed.

He was very glad for his choice. It was really not easy to find such an immortal vein in the dark, barren, and dilapidated Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

But the terrain is comparable to this place. When he stood on the long river of time and peered at this time point, he saw the sleeping Cao Yusheng. The tomb where he slept had an extraordinary atmosphere, with the atmosphere of immortality and reincarnation, which was very suitable. as a foothold.

However, Chi Cang would not do that thing of occupying a magpie's nest. He is a senior, and occupying the place where the younger generation sleeps would really lose the prestige of the Thunder Emperor. However, when he peeked into the future, even though it was obscured by the fog of cause and effect, Chi Cang I can still see that Cao Yusheng's state is a bit strange, as if he has passed away, but he is still alive, as if he is reincarnating.

This state made Chi Cang thoughtful. He knew about Cao Yusheng's situation. He had the world-shattering killing array engraved in his body and was quite accomplished in the formation realm, surpassing others. But, relying on these alone, if he wanted to become an immortal Somewhat difficult.

Once upon a time, Chi Cang taught the Nine Heavenly Talents the Dharma and tried to deduce Cao Yusheng's future, only to see his master, Old Fool, bury Cao Yusheng in the ground with his own hands.

The current situation seems to be fulfilling what he saw.

At that time, Chi Cang gave Cao Yusheng, in addition to an immortal skill chosen by Cao Yusheng himself, there were also many handwritten notes and bone books about reincarnation. In addition, the old fool's method of studying ancient times and performing today must have left Cao Yusheng with feasible ideas. The method of becoming an immortal, judging from various signs, is related to reincarnation.

After thinking for a while, he almost guessed it.

"Could it be the method of nine lives of reincarnation?" Chi Cang heard the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk say that if a living being can reincarnate for nine lives, each life will form a seal of reincarnation. When the nine seals of reincarnation merge into one, the creature will The achievements will be unimaginable.

And Cao Yusheng, who is destined to be buried in the soil, is suitable for this method.

"Ninth reincarnation is not that easy, especially in this broken Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, practicing Taoism is a difficult problem." Chi Cang sighed.

But he knew that this method was the hope of becoming an immortal for Cao Yusheng, who was not particularly qualified, and had no other choice.

Shaking his head, Chi Cang stopped thinking about these things and concentrated on practicing the Ancient, Modern and Future Sutras, using the sutras to wash away the blurred future body over and over again.

In addition, he also needs to dedicate another part of his power to resist the power of causal order from the outside world, which slows down the pace of his practice, but Chi Cang has nothing to do. It is related to the "future" and is destined to be difficult.

Moreover, because of the obstruction of these forces of causal order, his perception cannot extend to very far places, and can only reach the area near this fairy mountain at most.

Of course, this is also because it has no soul. The original soul stayed in the ancient era, and what came over was only consciousness.

In this way, Chi Cang immersed himself in the long practice, using the luck and immortal spiritual energy in the immortal veins rooted in the Flower of the Avenue to eliminate his otherworldly aura, so as to integrate into this era and reduce the intrusion of the power of causal order.

Use the ancient and modern sutras and the environment of the future world to cultivate more mysterious factors and accumulate strength.

However, the word "future" is taboo and unexplainable, and this is destined to be an extremely long process.

Chi Cang is not in a hurry. He sees the hope of success. With just a little accumulation, he will eventually succeed.

Time passes, the years are ruthless, and I don’t know how long it has passed. Even the dim nine heavens and ten earth have changed. The broken boundary walls are slowly closing, the avenues are reuniting, and the environment of the world is also changing in a good direction. If nothing unexpected happens, , the world will change.

This is just like grass and trees, they wither and flourish, and after the ultimate withering, they will usher in prosperity.

Chi Cang, who was hiding in the Immortal Mountain, was also keenly aware of this. He was very pleased to see the Mother Realm begin to slowly recover. This was not easy. Many ancient realms fell to the bottom of the valley and then collapsed and eventually disappeared. In the dust of history.

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, after experiencing the Great Tribulation of the Ancient Immortals and the Great Tribulation of the Ancient Chaos, it is undoubtedly lucky to be able to revive again and regain life.

In this process, the powerful creatures who fell in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths play a role that cannot be ignored. Their Tao, their bodies, their blood, etc., are buried deep in the ground. Under the influence of the rules of heaven and earth, they will be decomposed into the most original substances. , which is the source of life and can also be used for practice. It will definitely be an indispensable substance for practice in the future.

However, this change requires an extremely long period of time, and many living beings cannot wait.

On this day, the peace of Fairy Mountain was broken.

In the past years, except for the fairy mountain, there was no life in the vast world. Death and silence were the eternal theme here. But today, some ethnic groups have found this place.

Wearing old robes and staggering in the bad weather, they looked like a group of devout seekers.

When they crossed the extremely harsh and dangerous area and reached the foot of the Fairy Mountain, everyone lifted up the robes covering their heads, revealing their heads hidden under the robes.

A pair of eyes, full of excitement, looked at each other without concealing their joy.

A rather young creature stared blankly at the peaks standing in front of him, muttering to himself.

"We really found it?"

"I found it, right here." The old man next to him touched his head and said with a look of relief.

Everyone stood there, looking ahead, motionless for a long time.

The scene in front of them was really so amazing that they couldn't describe it for a while.

Looking around, the mountains are endless and boundless. Each peak towers into the clouds, majestic, vast and majestic, as if there is a real dragon lying here.

Those countless giant mountains are the backbone of the dragon, lying across it and creating a myriad of phenomena.

Every mountain is surrounded by clouds and fog, as if filled with chaotic energy, full of the original energy of heaven and earth. Facing it is like facing a vast starry sky.

You can vaguely see that under the clouds and mist, you are full of vitality and prosperity, which is in sharp contrast to the deathly silence of the outside world.

"The message left by our ancestors is indeed correct. Kunlun is majestic and majestic."

"In the battle that year, it fell from outside the territory into the Nine Heavens and was seen by our ancestors. After some deductions, it was estimated that it would become the root of thousands of mountains, the ancestor of thousands of veins, and turn into a land of immortals.

For endless years, the fortunes of the nine heavens and the earth have gathered here. It is hard to imagine what the scene is inside. If we live in Kunlun and practice here, maybe we can break the shackles, become immortals and ancestors, and regain the glory of our ancestors. "One of the leaders, an old man, said excitedly.

Although he was born in human form, he was different from ordinary people. There was a vertical eye between his eyebrows, which contained huge power. Obviously, many of his magical powers were related to this vertical eye.

The other leaders are not from the same race. They are humanoid, and some are transformed from animal forms. Each race has extraordinary blood flowing in them. As they said, the achievements of their ancestors Bu Fei, all of them are beings who have entered the path of immortality, and their origins are astonishing.

"Yes, the land of immortals takes over the creation of heaven and earth. From now on, when we take over Kunlun and become the ancestors of immortals, it is not impossible to go to the immortal realm." A creature with green eyes spoke, extremely excited. complex.

The Immortal Realm is very unfamiliar to these descendants of who know how many generations. However, the classics left by their ancestors record a vast world called the "Immortal Realm". Legend has it that it is the hometown of immortals and the material of immortality. All over the world, if you go to the fairyland, you can live forever.

Their ancestors came from the Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, after the war, this world was shattered and countless creatures perished. The ancestors of these ethnic groups also failed to escape the catastrophe, leaving only their descendants and various classics.

These ethnic groups have remembered their origins in the Immortal Realm for generations. They regard themselves as descendants of immortals and near-immortals, and they are always looking for ways to get to the Immortal Realm.

The classics left by their ancestors do record several ways to go to the Immortal Realm. For example, ascending from the ascension platform, looking for the crack between this world and the Immortal Realm, and sneaking across...

However, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are dilapidated and the great roads are withered. Cultivation is a luxury hope. Without profound cultivation, relying on the recorded methods to go to the Immortal Realm is just wishful thinking. Nowadays, they can continue the blood of the clan and survive. It is very difficult. Where Do you still have time to think about other things?

Fortunately, over the years, the world has changed, and the situation that makes it difficult to practice Taoism has improved a lot, but it is still very difficult. Therefore, these ethnic groups began to look for suitable places to practice based on the messages left by their ancestors.

Kunlun, the root of all mountains and the ancestor of all veins, is the best place in front of you.

Because they were not of high moral character and their escape speed was not fast, they traveled all the way through mountains and rivers and went through a lot of hard work to find this place. No wonder they were so excited.

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