The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 465 Coming to the World

The Self-destruction Supremes believed that this must be some kind of method of immortality, and they were all very interested in it. However, due to the reputation of the Tribulation-Transcending Heavenly Lord who created the mythical age, they chose to wait and see for the time being.

Moreover, Ming Zun's strength is unfathomable. Even Xiaoyao Tianzun, who is confident and invincible, cannot see through him and is greatly afraid of him, let alone other self-destruction supremes.

Ming Zun has ruled the world for more than 13,000 years, but his energy and blood have not declined. His long reign and terrifying combat power are shocking.

When he was in his prime, Ming Zun opened up a vast restricted area, known as the underworld, which means to establish a reincarnation of the world, to accommodate the dead souls between heaven and earth, and to stop and reincarnate in the underworld.

The Forbidden Zone Supreme was surprised by Ming Zun's courage, but also feared his strength.

Next, Ming Zun did something earth-shattering. He actually took the initiative to peel off the Tianxin Seal, separated his own avenue, and no longer suppressed ten thousand avenues.

In this way, the genius of the world will not be affected and can achieve enlightenment, while Ming Zun's own supreme status has not fallen like the self-destruction supreme. There is a world of difference between the two.

This move shocked the world. Those supreme beings dormant in the restricted area asked themselves that they could not do this, and they all sighed in their hearts. They were worthy of being the creatures that opened up the age of mythology. They were so powerful that it was shocking.

After opening up the underworld, Ming Zun visited various restricted areas, and also invited the once-famous Tian Zun to come to the underworld to sit and talk, generously showing his scriptures to each other.

The powerful Xiaoyao Tianzun is one of them.

Coming to the vast underworld, even Xiaoyao Tianzun was surprised, because this underworld is made of the continent that has been buried for endless years. Layer after layer, it is full of bones and corpses. It is lifeless. At a glance, it can be seen that See many ancient races that you have never heard of.

I don’t know where Ming Zun found these underworld soils. Star skeletons were scattered on the underworld soil, and there was a smell of decay everywhere.

Teams of Yin soldiers lined up in rows, wearing cold armor, walking through the vast underworld to pick up the dead souls. This sight made people's scalp numb.

With the eyesight of Xiaoyao Tianzun, he can naturally see something strange. The so-called Yin soldiers are composed of corpses that have passed endless years. There is an inexplicable power that revives their will, and then they start to work for the underworld.

Later, Xiaoyao Tianzun came to the most important place in the underworld, where a fat Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe had been waiting for a long time.

"But Taoist Taoist Xiaoyao Tianzun who has developed a secret that is unique in the world and involves the law of time?"

The fat Taoist priest opened his mouth to say hello. He was full of treasures. The simple wooden hairpin, the jade pendant around his waist, and the ancient boots on his feet all had great origins.

Xiaoyao Tianzun did not dare to neglect and responded quickly.

"Exactly, fellow Taoist is Ming Zun, right? It's really unfathomable. With a leader like fellow Taoist, it's hard for the underworld to prosper."

"Haha, fellow Taoist Xiaoyao is ridiculous. I am really disturbing you by inviting my fellow Taoist out to visit the underworld this time." Ming Zun apologized.

In the huge Immortal Source Block, Xiaoyao Tianzun responded: "How can Xiaoyao not come at Mingzun's invitation? I think it must be a big deal."

Ming Zun laughed and did not continue speaking. Instead, he invited Xiaoyao Tianzun into the core of the underworld.

"The purpose of inviting fellow Taoist here this time is actually to ask fellow Taoist for advice on the way of extreme speed. You must know that among the dozens of deities from ancient times, no one can surpass fellow Taoist Xiaoyao in the way of extreme speed." Ming Zun said with praise.

Xiaoyao Tianzun naturally took great advantage of these words, because they came from the mouth of Mingzun. How many other supreme beings can get such comments from Mingzun?

Of course, he won't show it on the outside.

"Of course it's no problem. Since Taoist Ming Zun has said so, Xiaoyao will definitely not hide his secrets and will definitely give everything he has to others."

"Wonderful, I won't let fellow Taoist Taoist Xiaoyao suffer. My ancient scriptures can be read by fellow Taoists at will. There are some rare methods of immortality recorded in them." Ming Zun said with a smile.

Hearing the words, Xiaoyao Tianzun was immediately moved. You need to know that immortality is difficult, as difficult as reaching the blue sky. Any method of immortality is a treasure. If you can browse the ancient scriptures of Ming Zun, the harvest will be immeasurable.

"That's very good."

Xiaoyao Tianzun nodded with satisfaction.

Afterwards, the two sat down to discuss Taoism and the Secret of Xingzi. Xiaoyao Tianzun was really as he said, not hiding anything private at all, and taught Ming Zun everything, which benefited Ming Zun a lot.

After completing the discussion, Ming Zun was filled with emotion. He was worthy of being the ancient Tianzun who created the secret of the word "Xing". If he was given another life, he might be able to touch the long river of time.

It is simply unimaginable for a humane creature to do this.

Xiaoyao Tianzun was also surprised. Ming Zun had extraordinary understanding, and in some aspects, he was even more defiant than him. Moreover, judging from the process of discussing Taoism, Ming Zun's strength might really be stronger than him. For people of their level, As a human being, it is easy to see the differences in subtle ways.

Ming Zun was greatly rewarded, so he naturally fulfilled his promise and gave his ancient scriptures to Xiaoyao Tianzun for him to read.

Looking through the ancient scriptures of the Underworld Emperor, Xiaoyao Tianzun was slightly shocked. He was shocked by the breadth and depth of this ancient scripture, especially the last method of immortality, which gave him infinite enlightenment.

In the end, Xiaoyao Tianzun even decided to stay in the underworld for a while and continue discussing Taoism with Ming Zun.

After a long period of time, Xiaoyao Tianzun left with satisfaction.

In the following years, Ming Zun discussed the Tao with many self-destruction supreme beings, some in the underworld, and some in other restricted areas of life. Moreover, there were also self-destruction supremes who came to surrender.

The Immortal Heavenly Lord, the Prison Suppressing Emperor, Yama, etc. settled in the underworld and made this restricted area extremely powerful. The Hades Lord welcomed them and accepted them all.

During this period, Ming Zun also forged a terrifying weapon, known as the Ming Bao that reaches the sky, symbolizing the supreme power of the underworld.

In the ancient star, in the vast area ruled by the Kunlun Immortal Clan, there are countless races and creatures. Various ancient beasts live on the ancient land. They are as wise as humans, swallowing clouds and mist, traveling thousands of miles a day, and There is no difference between the legendary immortals and gods.

The ancient human race is scattered in the ancient land in the form of tribes. They worship those terrible ancient beasts to maintain the safety of the tribe. There is no way, in the ancient land where wild beasts are rampant, the human race is too weak. If you are not careful, you will be trampled by wild beasts, suffer heavy casualties, or even be exterminated.

The slightly more powerful tribes enshrine the gods of the Kunlun Immortal Clan and know some methods of cultivating Taoism.

The Kunlun Immortal Clan, which occupies the Kunlun Fairy Mountain and is known as the near-immortal, has a total of thirteen races, all of which are not human races. They naturally regard the human race as a foreign race. Even if the human race is barbaric, the Kunlun Celestial Clan has no intention to educate anything. After all, barbaric civilization is the best. Good rule.

However, after getting along with each other for a long time, some cultivation methods were spread from the Kunlun Immortal Clan, because the creatures of the Kunlun Immortal Clan occasionally intermarried with foreign races and spread their bloodline, so naturally the cultivation methods were passed down.

In some prehistoric tribes, there are also great wise ancients who imitated the practice methods of prehistoric beasts and created their own practice methods. However, the Kunlun Immortal Clan generally chooses to ignore this, thinking that it is not orthodox, but just a group of savages who created it, and there is no need to worry about it at all.

On this day, a baby will be born in a tribe. This tribe is not big, so it attaches great importance to the reproduction and inheritance of future generations.

In their view, every baby born is a gift from God, so the entire tribe begins to get busy just to welcome this young new life.

However, what is unexpected is that before the baby was born, a terrifying celestial phenomenon appeared in the sky above the tribe. Nine huge emperor stars crossed the sky and did not fall for a long time, shrouding the land with a supreme pressure.

Countless ancient beasts looked at this side in horror, with a chill deep in their souls. Their instincts drove them to bow their heads in this direction to show their submission.

In addition to the nine emperor stars flying across the sky, there is also purple energy coming from the east, stretching thirty thousand miles, symbolizing the ultimate nobility.

The astonishing celestial phenomenon has attracted even more terrifying ancient beasts, and they are also very afraid of them. However, their super wisdom lets them know that the baby that is about to be born in the human race is extremely extraordinary, and its future achievements will surely be shocking.

Some ancient beasts thought that if they swallowed the baby, they might be able to make further progress, and some ancient beasts thought that if they raised the baby, they could gain more.

Finally, a loud cry resounded throughout the earth, and a white and fat baby boy was born. As soon as he landed, the nine emperor stars, the purple energy in the sky, etc. all dissipated completely, and countless essences surged in and merged into the baby's body. among.

When the people in the tribe saw this, they were not happy at all. Instead, they felt anxious and uneasy, because this baby was so extraordinary that it would definitely cause trouble.

Sure enough, in the next few days, an earth-shattering battle broke out around the tribe. The mountains collapsed, the earth sank, and terrifying giant beasts were fighting.

The people of this human tribe are terrified every day for fear of being wiped out by ancient beasts.

Fortunately, after more than ten days of fear, the outside world finally calmed down.

Later, the ancient beast enshrined by this tribe came and personally watched the newborn baby, confirming that the child was not just a thing in the pond, and would definitely soar into the sky in the future.

So, this ancient beast that looked like a real dragon and was called Yinglong took the child away and claimed to raise it himself.

In the following years, the baby gradually grew up and often returned to the tribe to reunite with his relatives, but most of the time he went to unknown places.

As the baby grew up, his extraordinary power was fully revealed. At a young age, he showed magical power that shocked everyone in the tribe. Moreover, he also practiced the Taoism method only possessed by large tribes. At only five years old, he was already a The most powerful person in the entire tribe.

Yinglong spared no effort and obtained the true blood of various ancient beasts to baptize the child. The method he practiced was also a method of practice suitable for humanoid creatures that Yinglong had once obtained.

Under Ying Long's training, this child quickly surpassed his peers in the large tribe, leaving them thousands of miles behind.

In order to test the results of his practice, Yinglong personally took him to the big tribes and challenged them one by one. Except for people who were several generations older than this child, no one was his enemy.

Immediately, news of the rise of a young human genius spread, and soon attracted the attention of the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

Soon, the Kunlun Immortal Clan sent people to this tribe to take a look at this famous human genius.

Among the ancient stars, the Kunlun Immortal Clan are the supreme immortal gods, and their orders and will cannot be disobeyed.

Therefore, Yinglong could only let the young man meet people from the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

They examined the boy's bones and were surprised to find that he had a super-powerful physique, and with a little training, he could become a powerful fighting force.

After much thought, the creatures of the Kunlun Immortal Clan believe that this human race will rise up sooner or later if it remains on the ancient land, and its strength will surpass the endless ancient beasts. By then, the ancient land will probably be unified by this person, and then form a more brilliant dynasty. Civilization ends the barbaric era. This is not conducive to rule and management.

So, they decided to take the boy away.

In fact, this is not the first time that the Kunlun Immortal Clan has done this. Once a talented person appears in the ancient world who may destroy the balance, they will take him away.

The final outcome of these geniuses is to be marked and assigned to various ancient star fields to work for the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

Otherwise, the barbaric era of the human race on the ancient planet would have been ended long ago and would not have lasted for millions of years.

The fate of the young man is the same. After being taken away, he will be marked with the unique mark of the Kunlun Immortal Clan and become a tool of the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

Ying Long was very reluctant to let go. After watching the young man grow up step by step over the years, he was naturally reluctant to let go. However, who would dare to disobey the Kunlun Immortal Clan's immortal decree? No matter how reluctant he is, he can only let the young man go.

The people of the tribe are even more reluctant to give up. In their view, this god-given boy is the hope for the rise of their tribe. According to the ancient practice, the person who was taken away by the Kunlun Immortal Clan has never appeared again. It is said that he has become an immortal. The truth is gone, but no one knows what the real situation is.

It is a pity that the tribe does not have the ability to keep this young man. Even a large tribe can only follow the will of the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

After saying goodbye, the young man told Yinglong and his tribe that he would come back one day and asked them not to worry.

In the end, the creatures of the Kunlun Immortal Clan took the boy away.

Since this young man's physique was very strong and ranked among the best in the entire universe, after putting a mark on his body, he was assigned to a more prosperous star field.

I thought that this young man was no different from those in the past and would do well for the Kunlun Immortal Clan and show his value. However, within a year after the young man was assigned, news of his disappearance came out.

I don’t know what method was used to block the mark of the Kunlun Immortal Clan, making it impossible to find him.

The person in charge of the Kunlun Immortal Clan in this star field was naturally furious. How could he be willing to lose a human boy with first-class qualities after finally getting one?

So, he launched a huge force to find this human boy, but found nothing. Over time, the matter was shelved and no one mentioned it again.

The human boy they longed for had already stowed away on an interstellar ship and began a long and boring interstellar journey. His goal was the ancient road in the starry sky where the human race was located in the cosmic star map. It is said that if you go there, you can Become stronger and have a chance to aspire to the supreme position in the universe.

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