The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 467 Heaven and the Immortal Bell of Breeding

"For today's plan, there may be only one way." The Snake Supreme said quietly.

"What method? Is it to give up the immortal veins? This is the foundation of our clan, the foundation of eternity, how can we give it away like this?"

The Zhulong Supreme was a little puzzled, and could not guess what the strategy of the Snake Supreme was. After all, he was a Supreme who rose from the mythical era. Like the other Mythical Supreme, compared to the four ancient Supremes present, they were of higher seniority. It's more than a step short.

Some secrets about the Kunlun Immortal Clan have been forbidden to be mentioned, and the four ancient supreme beings have kept silent, so they don't know.

"If things really come to that point, we can only give way to the Immortal Vein. However, it is not that we have no chance to check the Emperor now. We just need some time. It depends on whether the Emperor gives us this time." Three-Eyed Supreme Open your mouth.

"Senior Sanyan, please clarify." Another mythical supreme asked.

He and Zhulong Supreme were both confused.

"Before the Age of Mythology, darkness and decay were everywhere in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. At that time, the heaven and earth were still broken. The great ways were incomplete and it was impossible to practice. There were burial places everywhere. It was called the Hades Age. Now the essence of heaven and earth is gushing out - —The source was formed in that era.

The fundamental cause of the Minggu Era was an immortal war that swept through the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The ancestors of our Kunlun Immortal Clan originally came from the Immortal Realm. Because they participated in that battle, they perished in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. They left behind descendants and gradually multiplied. After surviving the cold Hades, the current Kunlun Immortal Clan emerged.

And the strategy we are talking about is the immortal artifact related to immortals that our ancestors obtained on the battlefield. It is a powerful artifact made by a real immortal. It possesses incredible power. If it is restored to its full form, even the supreme human beings will be unable to match it. "The Three-Eyed Supreme said.

Zhulong Supreme and another Supreme who rose from the mythical age suddenly realized that the Kunlun Immortal Clan had always possessed immortal weapons.

Although they also achieved enlightenment, they never knew it. It seemed that the four ancient supreme beings must have reached some kind of agreement and kept this secret hidden.

"You two Taoists, don't have any grudges. Hiding this weapon is the instruction of our ancestors. This is the only way to help our Kunlun Immortal Clan survive the catastrophe. If the Emperor doesn't show up for one day, it will never show up." ." The snake said with a sigh.

Zhulong and another mythical supreme nodded, indicating that they understood.

"Now, we have arrived at the fork in the road predicted by the sages, and it is time for this weapon to appear." The Three-Eyed Supreme said, opening his mouth and spitting out something, penetrating the immortal source, and floating in the sky above the immortal pond.

This is an ancient clock stained with blood. It is not complete. About one-tenth of the body is missing. Some places are still covered with spider web-like cracks. In the blood-stained place, the blood has been completely immersed in the bell body, making it appear dark. Red look.

As soon as the bell appeared, the Zhulong Supreme and the other Myth Supreme heard the sound of a bell.


In the blink of an eye, time passed, and they felt as if they were about to sit down and become a handful of loess. However, the next moment, time reversed, and the two of them reversed the years and returned to their peak, even back to their youthful youth.

"This is……"

The two supreme beings were shocked. This ancient clock was indeed an artifact made by immortals. It was so extraordinary. Even if it was broken and disabled, it still had unpredictable and vast power.

It’s really hard to imagine what it will be like when it returns to its heyday? Is it possible to influence the change of time?

The two of them thought about it, no wonder the four ancient supreme beings thought that the complete ancient bell could compete with the emperor.

No matter how powerful the emperor is, he may not yet become an immortal, but a complete immortal bell can show the power of an immortal.

"How should we repair it? I'm afraid it's hard to find the materials for the immortal weapon even if we search all over the world." Zhulong asked.

"Don't worry about this. We have been working on this matter for a long time when we were in power. We have almost collected the necessary fairy materials before the mythical era. We are just waiting for today to prepare for a rainy day." Hua She said bluntly.

"How to refine it? Although we are called a near-immortal clan, there are actually no real immortals."

“If you want to refine an immortal weapon without an immortal, you will naturally have to pay a terrible price.

Our ancestors have already given instructions that we can use the immortal veins as a furnace and the immortal blood in our bodies as fire to stimulate the power of the dark red blood soaked in the bell body to re-forge the ancient bell.

No, to be precise, it is the Immortal Bell of Breeding. "

"What? Using the Immortal Veins as a furnace? After the success of the Immortal Artifact, won't our Immortal Veins be severely damaged?" Zhulong changed his expression.

Breeding an immortal weapon that should not have appeared in this world is definitely going against nature. By then, the immortal veins may dry up because of this. Wouldn't this hurt the enemy a thousand times and damage yourself eight hundred?

"At this time, there is no other way. Instead of giving up the immortal veins, it is better to use the immortal veins to build the invincible immortal bell.

Moreover, the Immortal Veins are not as weak as you think. After all, this is where the fortunes of the universe gather. Even if most of them become Emperors, the rest are immeasurable. "

"That's right. It's cheap to be an emperor, so why not cast my clan's immortal bell? With such an immortal bell that can change the years, who can attack my Kunlun clan?"

"After being conceived, the immortal veins will definitely be severely damaged, but it is better than the annihilation of the clan."

The six supremes reached an agreement and started to implement this immediately. They were worried that the first thing the Emperor would do after becoming invincible in heaven and earth was to attack Kunlun. Without the Immortal Bell, they would not be able to resist it.

The long broken bell was placed on the fairy pond, with light clusters floating next to it, emitting a gorgeous and sacred fairy light. It was the heaven-defying immortal that the four ancient supreme beings had spent four generations searching for from all over the nine heavens and ten earths. Materials, any lump taken out at will can be used to cast a supreme weapon. Standing, all taken out, will be used as materials to repair the fairy bell.

The six self-destruction supremes of the Kunlun Immortal Clan, although they have not emerged from the immortal source, have also begun to arrange themselves around the immortal pond. They will arrange large formations in six directions, extract the power of the immortal pond, concentrate it on the immortal bell, and use To nourish and refine the fairy bell.

While they were busy and concentrating on carving the supreme formation, a man's sigh sounded and fell into the ears of the six self-destruction supremes.

It's so unexpected. Who would have thought that in this ultimate forbidden land of the Kunlun Immortal Clan, where only the six self-destruction supremes can enter, there would be another living being that would exist and let out a sigh?


The six self-destruction supremes were startled, and their whole bodies were tense. They might break through the immortal source and be born at any time, and then reach their ultimate sublimation.

Because the first thing that comes to their mind is the terrifying Emperor Zun. Besides Emperor Zun, who else in the world can silently touch the forbidden land of the Kunlun Immortal Clan?

"No need to look around, I'm in your dormant place." The voice sounded again, very indifferent and calm.

When the six self-destruction supremes heard this, they all looked at each other and realized something instantly.

"Your Excellency, are you the fairy flower in the center of the fairy pond?" Cold sweat broke out on the Three-Eyed Supreme's back.

You must know that this fairy flower has taken root in the Kunlun Fairy Pond since he was born. The ancestors of the Kunlun Fairy Clan did not record what this fairy flower was, but only warned future generations not to touch it, otherwise it will cause trouble. A terrible disaster is coming.

After Three Eyes became the Supreme, he was interested in this fairy flower. However, after careful study, he felt creepy and knew that it was untouchable, so he never paid attention to it. In addition, the fairy flower has existed since ancient times, and he has never been able to touch it. The movement makes people think that it is unconscious.

Who would have thought that today, this fairy flower would actually speak.

"it's me."

The six self-destruction supremes all fell silent, thinking about who this fairy flower was, was it an elixir or what? The immortal medicine living in the fairy pond surrounds the fairy flower like stars holding the moon. From this point of view, the fairy flower seems to be much more heaven-defying than the immortal medicine.

It would be fine if it were a kind of medicine, but it would be terrifying if it were a living being. The six of them had been dormant and sleeping for endless years under the watchful eye of a living being. Even the slightest thought of this kind of thing would make them scared.

"Your Excellency suddenly made a noise, what advice do you have?" The Three-Eyed Supreme asked, very cautiously, because he couldn't see through the fairy flower at all. There are untouchable big causes and effects on it. Once it is contaminated, the world will collapse.

"Do you know that refining this Immortal Bell will exhaust the essence of the Immortal Veins and luck, and will never recover?" Chi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged on the Flower of the Avenue, said.

For so many years, he had not seen an interesting creature in the Kunlun Immortal Clan, so he never spoke. It was not until today that the Kunlun Immortal Clan decided to breed an immortal bell to fight against Emperor Zun that he had to speak out.

After all, this immortal vein is of some benefit to Chi Cang. If it is damaged and destroyed, it will have a certain impact on his ability to cultivate his future body.

This is the place where the good luck of the world gathers, and his aura of different time and space can be eliminated.

However, even if it is really destroyed, it will only cost Chi Cang a little more time, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Therefore, he also had the attitude of saying what he said before. If these people insisted on doing so, he would not say anything more.

"I naturally know this." The Six Great Self-Destruction Supremes responded, wondering why Xianpa spoke.

It has existed since ancient times and is rooted in the center of the Immortal Vein. Once they build the Immortal Bell and dry up the Immortal Vein, the Immortal Flower will inevitably be affected.

No wonder it suddenly spoke.

"What we are doing is a helpless move. The Emperor is so accomplished that he is invincible in the world. He is destined to attack Kunlun. Only by casting the Immortal Bell can we fight against it. Otherwise, our clan will suffer a great disaster." The snake turned to face the people in the pool. The flower of the avenue said.

"Yes, if there are other means to check and balance the Emperor, how can we destroy our foundation and exhaust the power of the immortal veins?" The Three-Eyed Supreme agreed.

Afterwards, the six supreme beings stared at Xianpa and asked about the fight against Emperor Zun.

"You are overthinking. If I don't interfere in external affairs, how can I possibly provide you with a way to fight against the so-called emperor?

Judging from the secrets, the Immortal Bell is indeed the hope of your clan, so I won’t say more. "After Chi Cang finished speaking, he really stopped talking.

The six self-destruction supremes looked at each other and said something like sorry to the fairy flower. After all, judging from the ancient records of the Kunlun Immortal Clan, this fairy flower seemed to have occupied the fairy flower longer than they did. Moreover, listening to Xianpa's tone, it seemed that he was capable, but he just didn't want to interfere with the outside world, so they were naturally wary. Fortunately, the other party did not explicitly prohibit them from consuming the immortal veins to repair the immortal bell.

After this small episode, the six supreme beings became much more cautious and did not extract the essence of the central land, but started from the edge.

However, it is only a matter of time before the essence and luck of the central land are taken away. If you want to restore an immortal weapon, you must pay a heavy price.

Chi Cang no longer paid attention to it. The immortal veins were damaged. He could go back to find a place to take root. It was just a matter of spending a little more time and it would not affect the final outcome.

However, Chi Cang doesn't plan to leave yet. The mystery of the Flower of the Avenue is not something that these human supreme beings and mere immortal weapons can shake. He wants to stay here and see what these people are afraid of, the Emperor Zun. Listening to these supreme words, Emperor Zun will come over sooner or later.

In the following years, the entire Kunlun Immortal Clan mobilized, and all clan members took turns pouring blood essence. These immortal bloods contained the inheritance of their ancestors. When the number reached a certain level, the dark red color on the Immortal Bell was really activated. of blood.

Under the unremitting watering of the Immortal Pond, the Immortal Bell really began to revive, absorbing the surrounding fairy materials and repairing the broken bell body.

The creatures of the Kunlun Immortal Clan often hear the immortal bell ringing, which sometimes makes their bodies become lighter and their white hair turn into black. Sometimes it makes their faces become wrinkled and look older.

There is also a vast river of time rushing past, and the sound of the rushing water can be vaguely heard.

In the outside world, after Emperor Zun became invincible in heaven and earth, he did not immediately attack the ancient star. He no longer took the Kunlun Immortal Clan in his eyes.

Instead, he went to the underworld to meet his master, the Underworld Emperor, whom he worshiped in his previous life.

When master and disciple interact, it is natural to sit down and talk about Taoism and have long conversations.

The two even had a fight. Different from the result in the previous life, the Hades Emperor in this life was no longer the emperor's opponent.

Emperor Zun, true to his title, has become the most respected person in ancient times. At least after the immortal war in nine heavens and ten earths, he is the first person.

At this time, the two of them were both teachers and friends. When they discussed reincarnation again, Emperor Zun was able to tell Emperor Pluto with certainty that he did not believe that there was any reincarnation in the world, but that it was just a road to immortality.

Finally, Emperor Zun was determined to open up a vast heaven to rule the heavens, corresponding to the underworld opened by the Hades Emperor.

He really did this, which is why Emperor Zun did not attack the Kunlun Immortal Clan. A vast heaven cannot be built just by building it.

Emperor Zun spent endless efforts to recruit heavenly soldiers and generals to enrich the power of heaven. Then, he personally refined the nine-turn elixir, personally went to the restricted area, invited some famous ancient supremes out, and continued their peak emperor's destiny to join heaven.

For example, some people among the Nine Heavenly Lords, or some supreme beings with great names who are almost no weaker than the Heavenly Lords, can live for thousands more years with their peak imperial life. These supreme beings are naturally willing. Moreover, the emperor's power is involved in creation. , if we discuss it with him, we might be able to make a breakthrough.

This is the true inner thought of those Supremes who accepted the Emperor's invitation and walked out of the Immortal Source.

In this way, a magnificent era in which multiple emperors coexisted came, ending the mythical era in which the Gods ruled the world.

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