The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 487 Liu Shen succeeded

I don’t know whether it was because the Quasi-Immortal Emperor was sleeping in the darkness, or because they were dismissive of the appearance of the two Quasi-Immortal Emperors. As the years passed, no big enemy showed up.

But Chi Cang didn't dare to let down his guard. He would not be able to breathe a sigh of relief unless Liu Shen succeeded one day and stood side by side with him, or reached the peak of his recovery from selling counterfeit medicine.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years...

After becoming the quasi-immortal emperor, the benefits for the Thunder Emperor were immense. Not only did he liquidate the executioners of the past, but he also purged the fallen kings and dark kings in the heavens and the sea near the sea. He also had the opportunity to fight against darkness. Qualifications, but at the same time, Chi Cang is not as sensitive to the passage of time as Wei Xiao.

Once you close your eyes and open them, you will see a world of change; if you go into seclusion, you will change the world.

He often sits alone on the embankment, watching the waves of the sea and the clouds rolling in the sky. He often sits there for hundreds of years, waiting for the enemy to arrive. At the same time, he is also thinking about the path to becoming an emperor. After all, the quasi-immortal emperor is not A true emperor must be stronger.

Many Immortal Kings discovered his figure. They were frightened and wanted to come closer to see him. However, when they thought of Chi Cang's terrifying achievements and the falling Immortal King's head, they did not dare to step forward and only dared to stand far away. Wait and watch, no one dares to interrupt.

After all, they also coveted the Immortal Realm back then and made some small moves, which made them feel guilty.

As for the Fallen Immortal King and the Dark King, they couldn't even see their shadows. On that day, they were killed to the point of fear. Even if they were crazy and lost their minds, they still had the instinct to fear the superior beings. As long as Chi Cang stayed here for a day, They dare not approach for a day.

"Thunder Emperor, you are really invincible. I remember when I first heard about this creature, I was a little dismissive. I thought he was a bit arrogant. He is not an emperor, but he dares to pretend to be an emperor. Sooner or later, he will be robbed and will not be able to enjoy that blessing. Now, here we are. Look, we are short-sighted." Some giants whispered secretly.

Who would have thought that the great liquidation that was so vigorous and fearful to all the Immortal Kings would be ended by a living creature. He could make the whole world lose its luster and sound just by standing there.

Time flies, and eight thousand years have passed by. During this long period of time, the foreign land has been gradually transformed. The statue of the Immortal King has been replaced by the statue of the Thunder Emperor and the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm. To eradicate the influence of darkness, it is most important What is happening is the change of faith.

There are not many foreign creatures left who have experienced massacres, died of old age, and fallen. Moreover, they have not mentioned a word or dared to mention the glory of foreign lands in the past. Today's foreign creatures are all Cultivated under the influence of the thoughts of the fairyland, compared with the former foreign creatures, it can be said to be a world of difference.

Perhaps this is the so-called "history books are always written by the victors".

Eight thousand years can be said to be a long time or a short time. To the Immortal Kings, it is just a blink of an eye.

Over the past eight thousand years, the Jiehai Offshore and the Heavens and Worlds have entered an unprecedented stage of peace. Disputes no longer exist, and all realms have begun to cultivate and thrive. Those ancient realms that were shattered by war finally have a chance to breathe.

The same is true in the vast Immortal Realm, where talents are abundant and the fortunes of the universe are astonishing. Not only are the local geniuses astonishing the world, but the human beings who have ascended from the nine heavens and ten earths are also defying the heavens. They have caught up with their predecessors and are chasing after each other on the road of greatness. The younger generation , appears full of vitality, like all things being born.

At the same time, the Immortal Realm is also regarded as the center of all the heavens and worlds. It is all because a quasi-immortal emperor came out here, conquering the heavens and the earth, looking down on the past, present and future, and single-handedly ending the turmoil in the sky, which is destined to be left in ancient history. name.

Who in the world doesn’t want to meet this quasi-immortal emperor? There are immortal kings who kowtow to the Immortal Gate, eager to enter the Immortal Realm and be tainted with the aura of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. There are giants who come from outside the realm, kowtow step by step, and make pilgrimages to the Immortal Realm, eager to listen to the voice of the Great Dao emanated from the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Chi Cang did not reject this. Since he had transcended the Supreme Being and became a quasi-immortal emperor, it was normal for the immortal king to worship him.

Giant-level beings come to seek help like a pilgrimage, allowing people to see their sincerity. As long as it has nothing to do with darkness and is not the kind of extremely evil person, Chi Cang doesn't mind teaching them something.

All immortal kings who received Chi Cang's guidance looked like they had found a treasure. Even if they still couldn't break through the king's realm, they still had hope of moving forward.

You know, they have not made any progress for ten or even dozens of epochs, and a single improvement in their realm is considered a big improvement.

The reputation of the Thunder Emperor of the Immortal Realm has become more and more dazzling and blazing through these preaching actions.

The Immortal King who later returned from the boundary sea originally looked aloof and cold, preparing to participate in the reckoning and kill his enemies who had a big cause and effect. However, as soon as he approached the offshore sea, he was severely splashed with cold water.

It turns out that in this world, there have been creatures that have broken through the king realm, and they are now sitting in the fairyland in the heavens.

After hearing the news, you have to believe it even if you don't believe it. Even if you have any plans, you have to stop the fight. No Immortal King dares to offend the reputation of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Fairyland, Liu Shen's retreat place, Chi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged outside the small space, seemed to sense something and opened his eyes suddenly.

His eyes were too deep, like a sea of ​​overlapping worlds with no end, and like the endless river of time flowing, all worlds were disillusioned, all realms were in ruins, everything seemed to be in reincarnation.

He felt something in his heart. Looking at the long history of ancient and modern times, he found traces of willow branches at countless time points. Some were brilliant, some were old and decayed. They all existed and left coordinates.

Just like the Road of the Willow God that Chi Cang saw back then, willow trees can be seen in the past, present and future. They are silently embedded in the history, like beacons and anchors.

Endless chanting sounds are transmitted from each beacon, murmuring, with wisps of indescribable power, blessing the true body of Liu Shen standing in the present world.

An aura belonging to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor filled the air overwhelmingly. If her small world in seclusion had not been strengthened by Blazing Cang, it would have turned into ashes long ago.

His blazing eyes cut through the past and present, extending into the small world, and saw a shocking scene. A huge willow tree, boundless and unbelievably big, with countless willow branches like tentacles, extending into a vast river. , with footprints all over the upper, middle and lower reaches.

A white-clothed figure sat cross-legged under the tree, with peerless elegance and a world-famous face. Wearing a thin veil, with crystal clear eyes open, he was looking at Chi Cang unblinkingly.

The top of her head and around her body were no longer thousands of light groups with specific numbers, but a large sacred halo of light, which seemed to connect all the worlds and connect with the past, present and future.

Every time this halo oscillates, it will erupt with a strange power that makes even Chi Cang move.

There is no doubt that Liu Shen succeeded. Eight thousand years after Chi Cang became a quasi-immortal emperor, she broke through the king's realm and stood in the realm of a quasi-immortal emperor.

The way of worshiping souls is rooted in the years and absorbs nutrients. Although the living beings are weak, they can still contribute a share of the power of faith. A small amount adds up to a large number, as many as the sands of the Ganges River. Thousands of powerful forces are gathered into one body, which is naturally terrifying.

Chi Cang couldn't help but smile, walked straight to the small world, and sat down opposite Liu Shen.

According to the current life, the two of them have not seen each other for about 108,000 years, but if we look at the experience in the long river of time, it is hundreds of millions of years. The road to worship the spirits is comparable to the process of cultivating the future body of Chi Cang. It takes more time.

However, the two of them felt as if everything happened just yesterday.

Until this moment, Chi Cang breathed a sigh of relief. The third quasi-immortal emperor appeared. Even if the dark land at the end of the boundary sea came to kill them, they would still be able to fight.

Perhaps something happened to those quasi-immortal emperors who were drowning in the darkness and fell into a deep sleep. Or maybe they had been standing in that position for too long, and they were so arrogant that they didn't even bother to kill them, but waited. The quasi-immortal emperor here kills him.

No matter what the reason is, it doesn't matter. In another tens of thousands of years, the counterfeit medicine sellers will have completely recovered. By then, there will be three quasi-immortal emperors in the heavens. This is the same as the Lord of Heaven who is on the road alone. In comparison, it is simply a world of difference.

In addition, Meng Tianzheng and Shi Hao, who have made progress in their Taoism and have reached the realm of the ultimate Immortal King, if they wait for the two of them to go further and break the shackles, the power of the heavens will reach an extremely terrifying level.

No matter how you look at the five quasi-immortal emperors, it is impossible for the quasi-immortal emperors in the dark land to exceed this number.

Now Chi Cang, who has cultivated the three bodies of the past, present and future, has gained insight into ancient history, and can roughly figure out how many quasi-immortal emperors there are. Of course, the years belonging to the quasi-immortal emperors are covered by the fog of cause and effect, making it difficult to see clearly and even more difficult to explore. , he did not pry into the past of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, as this would definitely alarm the other party.

Thinking of what he would see in the coming years, Chi Cang did not put the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor in his eyes. He was thinking about a more terrifying fact. The darkness must have a more terrifying source. Maybe it comes from the real Immortal Emperor. Otherwise, after he and Shi Hao became emperors, why would they want to separate their homeland and keep them away from the tragic war?

If we cross the boundary sea now and reach the final dark place, will we meet a creature of the level of the Immortal Emperor?

Chi Cang didn't know, but the boundary sea must be crossed and the darkness must be swept away. At most, it would be safer to wait for Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng to gather the strength of the five people.

Under the willow tree, Chi Cang confided all his worries to Liu Shen, and sometimes lamented the ruthlessness of time. When talking about the past, Liu Shen was like a listener, very quiet, just listening quietly, blinking his smart eyes from time to time.

When you reach the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the whole world is so vast, it would be great if you can find someone to talk to, let alone someone to talk to.

Chi Cang felt that he was very lucky to have a confidante like Liu Shen walking side by side on the road of greatness. There was no need for one person to stand at the top and accompany the immortal path alone.

Later, Liu Shen took the initiative to step forward and gave Chi Cang a hug. The beauty was in his arms, the fragrance was in his nose, and he could even hear each other's heartbeat. Until this moment, Chi Cang felt that he and Liu Shen had never changed, just like before. , each is the other's anchor.

Like a pair of mortal couples, not some powerful and cold creatures.

Thinking back to the time when the two were in the same situation of despair, they talked with each other, supported each other, broke through the forbidden road behind the primitive gate together, dreamed back to the ancient times together, and stayed together for tens of millions of years. In the end, all their trump cards were revealed, and they joined hands. Transform into mortal immortals and supreme giants, and join hands to enter foreign lands and fairy lands...

Along the way, they have gone through so much, and an unimaginably deep bond has been established between the two. Even a fairy like Liu Shen, who is so humble in high places, has deep and passionate feelings for Chi Cang.

Throughout the ages, there has never been a pair of Taoists who could support them all the way to the realm of quasi-immortal emperors, because it was too difficult to become quasi-immortal emperors, and they were the first couple.

Next, the two of them each explained their own path, their own avenue, and confirmed the two aspects, hoping to find a way to break through the quasi-immortal emperor. After all, this is not the real immortal emperor. It is still far from the immortal emperor. Immortal emperor, then what? It is another level of life.

"Liu Shen, do you think...will we die on the battlefield one day?"

"Even if that day does come, it will still be our destination."

"Yes, but it's a pity that our bloodline can't be passed down. You are the ancestral sacrifice spirit, and I am the innate creature born in the thunder pond. If the bloodline between the two of us is born, it will be extremely heaven-defying." Said thoughtfully.

"How about..." Before he could finish speaking, Liu Shen glared at him.

Time passed by, and thirty thousand years passed. During this period, the sea and the sea and the world were very peaceful. Although the Thunder Emperor never showed up, his power was there, and all the kings would not disturb it unless there was something wrong with their brains. order.

As for the new quasi-immortal Emperor Liu Shen, he did not reveal it to the outside world. After all, there are dark informants in the heavens, and they cannot be killed.

Chi Cang could not guarantee that the Dark Land would remain calm after learning that the third quasi-immortal emperor had appeared. Before the final decisive battle, it was better to keep a low profile.

This was in line with Liu Shen's intention. While she was using these 30,000 years to consolidate her Dao fruit, she was also discussing with Chi Cang the matter of truly becoming an emperor, and she had been staying in the small world.

On this day, a soft cry sounded from the thunder pool, and the aura of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor bloomed. Chi Cang and Liu Shen smiled and looked over at the same time.

They knew that the counterfeit medicine seller had recovered.

Thirty-eight thousand years have passed since Chicang returned, and he finally recovered from his injuries and returned to his peak.


The light of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor filled the air, and a majestic figure walked out of the thunder. He had snow-white hair and a majestic body. He possessed immeasurable power in every move of his hands and feet.

The first thing he did when he came out was to salute Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Speaking of which, Chi Cang and Liu Shen were a big help for him to break through the king realm. Dreaming back to the ancient times, he witnessed extraordinary stories. System, open the ancient artifact of origin, accept the pressure of the imperial crown, and forcibly integrate the Tao Fruit...

Without any step, he would not have been able to reach where he is today, so he is very grateful to Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen did not shirk and accepted the worship.

After the fall of the emperor, the three quasi-immortal emperors born in the world gathered at this moment.

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