The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 490 Five Emperors Cross the Sky

"I've met three seniors."

The kings of the Immortal Realm saluted each other one after another. Even though the butcher and the chicken farmer had not truly become quasi-immortal emperors, they still regarded themselves as their descendants when facing the two of them.

The brilliance of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor has been cultivated, lingering outside the body, and will not fall in all disasters. In the final analysis, it can be regarded as transcending the realm of the Immortal King, but it is stuck in front of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

As for the person who sells counterfeit medicine, everyone in the Immortal Realm has already received the news from Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng that he has successfully broken through the king's realm. Knowing that this is a powerful quasi-immortal emperor who can overlook the world, the kings naturally do not dare to be disrespectful or disrespectful. .

"Have these seniors returned from the deepest part of the Boundary Sea? I wonder what the situation is like there?" A fairyland giant asked as a junior. They had always been curious about the end of the Boundary Sea because they had no choice back then. Going to sea, I only heard some rumors from the returning king.

The butcher and the chicken farmer didn't speak. After all, among the three, the one who sold fake medicine was the strongest.

"When we were leaving, the dark storm blew from the shore to the boundary sea. It was very violent. It was actually a kind of order, a symbolic ripple. It belonged to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Even the strongest Immortal King could not stand on it. There were only some natural islands. Can be used as a hiding place.

In fact, before the dark storm becomes fierce, the Immortal King still has a chance to go ashore as long as he is strong enough. However, it is more terrifying on the shore, and he will encounter that kind of law. If the Immortal King goes up, he can only die in vain.

However, it is not easy to cross the boundary sea. Some creatures have been going to the sea since the fall of the emperor, and they did not reach the other side until a few epochs ago. Even if there is danger, they refuse to leave.

The three of us have different ideas from those who stayed. It will inevitably become the starting point of the dark turmoil. We are not strong enough. If we stay, we will only ruin this life. It is better to return and be useful. "The counterfeit medicine seller said with a sigh.

In total, it has been almost an era since they returned. Thinking about it, the dark storm at the end of the boundary sea should be even more terrifying. Now, some creatures have no time to leave even if they want to, so they can only hide behind the island.

Even if you hide on an island, it is not absolutely safe. Those symbolic ripples will gradually erode the island, making the creatures sitting on it miserable.

When the kings of the Immortal Realm heard this, they all took a breath. The rune storm of the quasi-immortal emperor level blew from the dark land to the boundary sea. No wonder the kings in the boundary sea were in a hurry to return.

After talking for a while, the three of them left and came to the universe that belonged to Chi Cang.

As soon as they arrived, an avenue covered with thunder symbols appeared, extending from the center line of the small world and landing at the feet of the three people.

"Fellow Taoists, please come up and talk."

Chi Cang's words rang out, and the three of them looked at each other, then walked on the Tongtian Avenue and walked into the deepest small world.

Here, the place is full of vitality, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, filled with the energy of the quasi-immortal emperor, which is breathtaking.

The butcher and the chicken farmer were slightly startled. If it weren't for the aura of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor here that didn't have the intention to kill, they would have even thought they were back at the end of the boundary sea.

Back then, it was this supreme law that blocked the way of all kings and buried countless giants and immortal kings.

In the generation of Butcher's ancestors, many Heavenly Emperors came out, jointly created the Immortal Realm Law, and even established the Heavenly Court. Later, they crossed the boundary sea and fought into the dark land. In the end, many tribes shed blood on the shoals on the shore, until today. , the weapons and corpses of some giants are still sinking quietly at the bottom of the water.

"The power of the quasi-immortal emperor is beyond my reach." The butcher couldn't help but sigh. The three of them walked together, and only the one who sold the fake medicine succeeded. They wanted to break through, but they didn't know how long it would take.

Entering the small world, the three of them saw the figures of Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen at a glance.

Deep in the small world, a giant willow tree stands tall, with billions of willow branches hanging down and swaying in the wind. Each branch is stained with fragments of time, as if it is swaying to the distant ancient times and the future.

The sound of murmuring sutras came vaguely, and one could vaguely see that endless beings in the Kingdom of God were worshiping a woman who had an amazing time together.

Under the willow tree, an emperor-like man stood tall, with deep eyes, black hair scattered freely, and wearing crystal armor. He had a majestic aura of being alone in the past, present and future.

Next to him, there was a woman with a slender and graceful figure wearing a long white dress and veil covering her face. Her eyes were ethereal and indifferent, holy and inviolable.

Seeing these two extremely powerful creatures, both the butcher and the chicken farmer were shocked. The man must be the legendary Thunder Emperor. With such courage, no wonder he was so fierce. He broke through the king's body in just two epochs. territory.

The woman was Jiutian's ancestral sacrificial spirit. The two of them had heard of her, and she was a very ancient and powerful person.

"I've met the two fellow Taoists, Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen," said the counterfeit medicine seller.

The butcher and the chicken farmer also saluted.

"Fellow Taoist Butcher, you and I have met once."

At this time, Chi Cang said with a smile.

The Butcher naturally knew why Chi Cang said this. Back then, he was walking in the Boundary Sea on his way back. As a result, someone suddenly lit the ancient incense of Boundary Destruction in a foreign land, providing coordinates for the kings traveling in the Boundary Sea.

That day, he and Chi Cang looked at each other across the infinite distance and nodded to each other.

The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. Chi Cang is the enemy of Foreign Land, and the Butcher is also the enemy of Foreign Land. Naturally, they can be regarded as fellow-minded people.

At that time, Chi Cang was just entering the ranks of the supreme giants. In the eyes of the butcher, he was a talented rising star with a promising future. He indeed thought so at the time.

Who knew that by the time he returned to the heavens, his descendants would have far surpassed him and become an invincible quasi-immortal emperor.

Now that I think about it, it's really incredible. I can only say that the Thunder Emperor's talents are unprecedented.

"That day, I thought that another strong man who could stand shoulder to shoulder with us would be born here in the heavens. Who would have thought that my fellow Taoist would break through the king realm in one go? Looking at it now, I think I am self-righteous." Like the butcher, he also showed a wry smile at this moment.

"The two fellow Taoists also have hope, and now you are only one step away from stepping in." Chi Cang said calmly.

Hearing this, the butcher and the chicken farmer both sighed secretly. It seemed very close, but actually trying to cross over would be extremely difficult and easier said than done. Maybe they would be stuck here for the rest of their lives.

Under the signals of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, several people sat down and talked about their experiences in the boundary sea.

"This trip went very smoothly. I didn't meet any opponents of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's level. I did meet a few in the Jie Yin Ancient Palace, but I raised my hand and destroyed them all. Even so, no one jumped out. It's really puzzling. What kind of state are those quasi-immortal emperors who are leading the dark turmoil?" Qingyu, who sells counterfeit medicine, smashed the ancient palace of Jie Yin many times, killed a large number of fallen kings, and tested the power behind them.

The result was nothing, as if the creatures on the other side of the boundary sea were avoiding the battle.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen thought deeply and expressed their opinions.

"It's impossible to avoid fighting. I think it's true to underestimate us.

Back then, a forerunner, who was the Lord of Heaven, led the Immortal Kings to resist the darkness and turned into a Quasi-Immortal Emperor in despair.

Finally, he recovered from his injuries, and with the passion to calm the darkness, he set foot on the road to the dark place alone, leaving a line of faint footprints on the sand of the dam boundary.

Unfortunately, he was alone and weak, and he fell. Only a ball of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Dao Fire overflowed and returned to the heavens and worlds.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of the failure of this forerunner and the powerful power they possess that they do not pay so much attention to us and are waiting for us to take the initiative to go to the end of the sea. "Chi Cang Youyou said.

When everyone heard this, they looked thoughtful, maybe it was really like this.

For now, the fact that Liu Shen broke through the King Realm has not been leaked out, and all the kings in the world think that Liu Shen is still in retreat.

You must know that the Immortal King's retreat can even last for an era. Liu Shen has been in retreat for more than two hundred thousand years. In the eyes of the Immortal King, it is not a long time.

The burial king in the burial ground is even more exaggerated. There was a burial king who woke up and found that three eras had passed in the world.

Therefore, this resulted in an information gap between the Dark Land and the Heavens and Worlds. The other party always thought that there were two quasi-immortal emperors here.

Thinking about it, they were completely confident that they could suppress the two of them, so they never set out and came to look for them in person.

Moreover, these creatures know how difficult it is to become a quasi-immortal emperor. It is beyond common sense that two emperors can be born in this life. Normally, one emperor is born in every reincarnation. Therefore, they do not think that there will be a third emperor. Even the fourth quasi-immortal emperor was born.

Unfortunately, after all calculations, they miscalculated this life because of their arrogance.

There was nothing they could do, they had killed the real quasi-immortal emperor, they had been invincible for too long, and it was so cold at high places that it was natural for them to look down upon them.

"If this is really the case, then we must give them a good surprise when the time comes." The counterfeit medicine seller said with a smile.

Later, he asked about Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. After more than 100,000 years, the two people should have made great progress.

The counterfeit medicine seller has experienced the two systems and believes that both systems are extraordinary and have huge potential. Therefore, he is very confident in Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng's attack on the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"They have now entered an extremely critical situation. Extending the avenue system and crossing the natural chasm in one fell swoop is often an extremely fierce process. It requires the courage to move forward without fear of life and death. Both of them have this.

In addition, the Thunder Tribulation Liquid I gave them is enough to protect them from death. If nothing else happens, there should be no problem. Chi Cang replied.

Hearing this, the counterfeit medicine sellers were relieved.

There was a slight bitterness in the eyes of the butcher and chicken farmer next to them. Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng, both young beings who had only emerged in this era, had actually reached this point.

Of course, they hope that the two of them will succeed. In this case, the probability of the five quasi-immortal emperors joining forces to put down the dark turmoil is very high.

They just lament that they have wasted time, and the accumulation of so many eras is not as good as others' one era.

"By the way, when Liu Shen and I were touring the heavens, we accidentally discovered an ancient dark universe, which was probably the sleeping place of a peerless enemy.

Liu Shen and I have already discussed it, and we plan to wait for Shi Hao and Xiao Meng to succeed before plotting against this creature. Anyway, we will meet one day, so it is better to strike first. Chi Cang said suddenly.

The face of the counterfeit medicine seller was slightly condensed. He was a peerless enemy. Lei Di used such words to describe him, which showed that the opponent was really not simple.

At the same time, it is the best thing to be able to deal with an opponent in advance.

Although the Quasi-Immortal Emperor has an invincible demeanor and an invincible belief, there is no need to talk about morality when it comes to fighting against darkness. In this world, the winner has always been the king and the loser is the bandit. If you can besieged, don't fight alone. .

Moreover, the Lord of the Heavenly Court in Diluo suffered the loss of being besieged, and that was why he failed.

"Okay, first kill one person, and then plot against the creatures in the dark place. This way, we will be more certain of winning." He agreed.

Then, the three quasi-immortal emperors discussed the details and learned that the creature was extremely ancient and was likely to be close to the real emperor. Even he felt a little pressure.

"The Nine Thunder Willow Nails of Fellow Daoist Liu Shen are indeed very capable of restraining the creatures of this clan. However, to be on the safe side, we'd better prepare some other means, such as the Emperor-Destroying Great Emperor composed of five quasi-immortal emperors. Formation or something." The counterfeit medicine seller said.

His proposal was immediately approved by Chi Cang and Liu Shen. It was related to their fate and life and death as well as that of the heavens and the world. Naturally, it was done as safely as possible.

Soon, the butcher and the chicken farmer left. One still had blood relatives alive, and the other wanted to return to the burial place.

The counterfeit medicine sellers stayed in the small world of Chicang Liushen, and studied the "Emperor-Destroying Formation" with them.

Time flies by, and everything changes in the blink of an eye. Ten thousand years have passed since the three men who sold counterfeit medicine returned.

Under the awe of Chi Cang's majesty, the heavens are still at peace. The returning kings all know that there is a being who surpasses the Immortal King in this world. He is sitting in the Immortal Realm. Even the foreign lands that have dominated the eternity have been defeated by the Thunder Emperor. Pushing has become a thing of the past, and they naturally dare not act recklessly.

In the Immortal Realm, everything is prosperous, and all things are growing. Generation after generation of new people grow up, become famous, and leave their footprints in history.

The old people of Jiutian have long since stepped out of the Immortal King series, for example, the Ten-Crown King Emperor, the Double-Eyed Shi Yi, the Banished Immortal, and the descendants of the Ten Evil Descendants such as Sky Horn Ant, Red Dragon, Qilin, Yu Wudi, etc. wait.

Originally, in a world, it was possible for a king to appear in an era, but this life was different. They had learned from the Thunder Emperor, and nearly nine hundred thousand years had passed, and many people had risen up and shined in the immortal realm.

However, the final winner still depends on the creatures at the level of the Immortal Emperor. After all, a Quasi-Immortal Emperor can overwhelm them all, and the Immortal King is simply not enough.

On this day, the three quasi-immortal emperors who were perfecting the emperor-destroying formation in the small world suddenly sensed an extraordinary energy coming from Shi Hao's retreat place.

They immediately came there and covered up all traces.

There, Shi Hao was roaring, roaring, and making the final impact. The god above his head was falling little by little, blood was rising into the sky, and the Qi of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor was filling the air.

One day a thousand years later, the same scene played out in Meng Tianzheng's retreat place. This time, the four quasi-immortal emperors appeared and worked together to cover up the fluctuations of Meng Tianzheng's breakthrough.

Below, Meng Tianzheng closed his eyes tightly. The surface of his body emitted an indescribable light, as if it was the sharpest thing in the world, able to cut through everything in the world.

Five hundred years later, in the small world of Chi Cang, the five quasi-immortal emperors sat opposite each other, showing a five-cornered posture. Each person's body was surrounded by the brilliant brilliance of the quasi-immortal emperors, as well as densely packed avenue symbols.

They were practicing together the emperor-destroying formation that could only be completed by the combined efforts of the five quasi-immortal emperors, and it was now nearly completed.

After a long time, the five quasi-immortal emperors opened their eyes at the same time, shooting out a frightening light.

"Everyone, the formation has been completed. It's time for me to set off." Chi Cang spoke, with a terrifying murderous intent in his tone.

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