The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 500 The miserable Cang Emperor

Liu Shen, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng, like the emperors of heaven descending to earth, appeared from the sea of ​​thunder. They really shocked the three emperors. They almost doubted their lives and wondered if they were dreaming.

Including Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller, the opponent has five quasi-immortal emperors, which is more than all their dark quasi-immortal emperors combined.

For a moment, Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Emperor Yu were all speechless, their eyes filled with astonishment and shock.

How can it be? When he woke up, five quasi-immortal emperors appeared in the world. This was too fantasy.

After Cang Emperor learned that two quasi-immortal emperors appeared on the Boundary Sea and were heading towards the Boundary Sea, he woke up Hong Emperor and Yu Emperor. The two woke up slowly and heard that there were two creatures in this life. When they broke through the King Realm, they were all surprised. They felt that there was something unusual in this life, because normally, after one reincarnation in all the worlds, one statue would stand up to the sky.

But from beginning to end, they had the confidence to despise each other.

There is no other reason. Not only do they have three quasi-immortal emperors sitting in charge, but there is also an unfathomable old man who destroys the world behind them. Even if the opponent goes against the will, it is impossible to reverse the overall situation.

However, now, the direction and development of things are far beyond their expectations.

The other parties are more than just two quasi-immortal emperors? There were five of them directly, and the most powerful Old Man of Destruction was suppressed in advance. How could we fight?

Emperor Cang, who had always been aloof and extremely arrogant before, could no longer say such big words as sending Chi Cang and others to reincarnation, and his face was no longer so calm.

Three against five, no matter how the fight is fought, there are at least two people fighting one against two.

As for the creatures at the level of quasi-immortal emperors, each one is an absolute protagonist in the reincarnation of the world. They have opened up their own system and are the ancestors of a line. No one is much worse than anyone else. They can all be said to be invincible. They can hit more with less. Too realistic.

It can be said that if there are no surprises, the defeat of the party with a numerical disadvantage is almost certain.

Was that quasi-immortal emperor who turned into a human-shaped flame weak? Of course not, otherwise, there would be no need for the three quasi-immortal emperors to attack at the same time. It was precisely because he was powerful enough that he attracted the three emperors to attack together and hunt him, leaving him blood-stained at dusk.

Hongdi frowned, and finally understood where the unknown premonition came from. It turned out that the other party still had hidden power. From two quasi-immortal emperors to five quasi-immortal emperors, now, something really bad was going on.

Even the most powerful and arrogant Emperor Yu was unsure.

He has already seen that the three people in the thunder pool are real quasi-immortal emperors, and they are not fake.

Although I can't even imagine how the five quasi-immortal emperors came to be, but now that the matter has come to this, I can only bite the bullet and go ahead.

"You see, this is the fate of falling into darkness." Chi Cang said coldly.

At this moment, the three dark quasi-immortal emperors are all gathered together, and they have locked their Qi machines. There is no need to worry about anyone escaping without a fight, and naturally there is no need to continue hiding.

Five against three, and among the three opponents, there is no creature comparable to Old Man Destruction. On the other hand, the five of them have consolidated their cultivation and established a firm foothold during the hundreds of thousands of years they spent crossing the sea. When they were old men, they were completely different. In this situation, Chi Cang couldn't think of a reason for them to lose.

"Senior is the first emperor in the world. If you, the latecomers, dare to do this, you are seeking death." Cang Emperor was tough. Even if he was inferior in strength, he could not lose in terms of momentum.

"Haha, the first emperor in the world? You made him the first emperor, right? It's ridiculous." Chi Cang shook his head. As far as he knew, there were at least four quasi-immortal emperor-level creatures who preceded the old man. This statement of the first emperor in the world, It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.


Quasi-immortal emperor-level fluctuations swept across the dark land. The three quasi-immortal emperors stepped out from the sea of ​​thunder. Their unparalleled power made the Cang Emperor and the three of them extremely dignified.

As beings of the same level, they can sense the strength of their opponents, and they are not simple people.

The hearts of the three people gradually sank. They could not see the chance of winning, and the situation was as desperate as when the Lord of Heaven faced them alone.

"Sigh... Do we really want to kill each other if we are both quasi-immortal emperors? There are less than ten quasi-immortal emperors in this world. They should be sympathetic to each other, but now they are fighting each other.

Even if you have the numerical advantage, you will have to pay a heavy price if you want to win.

Speaking of which, we are all contenders, pursuing the road to becoming an emperor. Darkness is just a tool to reach the other side, why are we so hostile? "Hongdi sighed and spoke, no longer as arrogant as before.

He seemed to have a premonition that the defeat was inevitable, and he tried to test the tone of Chi Cang and others, hoping to ease the tense situation.

It is impossible to say surrender directly. Quasi-immortal emperors have their own pride. In their long lives, they have never said anything about surrender, and they will never say so in the future.

"There's nothing more to say. That fellow Taoist will not die in vain." Shi Hao spoke out, filled with the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Suddenly, he felt a burst of sadness, and a ball of Tao fire the size of a fist appeared on his body, burning silently, endless symbols tumbling, and engraved with thousands of Tao.

This is exactly the quasi-immortal emperor fire that the Lord of Heaven desperately spilled out, rushing from the dark place to all the heavens and worlds.

Now, it has returned again, sensing itself behind the dark place.

Shi Hao felt this, holding the Daluo sword in his hand, and slashed out a brilliant sword light, which was extremely majestic and contained his invincible will.


The closed curtain of darkness was torn open again, revealing the land of Ragnarok.

The human-shaped fire was burning, and it had been lying here for an unknown period of time. The fire composed of Dao symbols in Shi Hao's hand submerged into the body of the dead Lord of Heaven. The flame suddenly became stronger and full of vitality. However, the origin of the quasi-immortal emperor had already It was extinguished, and only this ball of Dao fire remained. Even if it absorbed all the Dao in the heavens, it would not be able to resurrect the Lord of Heaven.

The three Cang Emperors watched all this indifferently, without any expression, and allowed Shi Hao to do whatever he wanted.

If this had happened before, they would not have been able to let Shi Hao break through the shady curtain so easily, but now, they are at an absolute disadvantage and can no longer be arrogant.

"Are you going to be killed at the neck, or will you be suppressed by our own hands?"

Chi Cang spoke out and decided to carry out the final battle to completely suppress these fallen quasi-immortal emperors who launched the dark turmoil.

Hearing this, Liu Shen, Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng, and the counterfeit medicine seller all looked at the three of them. The extremely powerful Qi of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor had firmly locked onto the Three Emperors, and they were now unable to escape.

The three Cang Emperors stood there, facing the entire five people, looking somewhat alone. However, the pride of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor made it impossible for them to say anything to beg for mercy. It was nothing more than a fight.

"Do you really want to fight to the death? Crossing the dark place is the ultimate place. There is the secret of becoming an emperor. We can explore the path of the Immortal Emperor together. You are the latecomers and need a guide. Otherwise, there will be many Take many detours." Hongdi didn't want to beg for mercy, let alone be suppressed, so he still tried to ease the atmosphere.

"Guide? Are you leading us into the darkness? Let's see the real deal." Meng Tianzheng scolded, showing his integrity.

"Hongdi, there is no need to say more. This battle is inevitable. If you want to suppress us, we have to see if these juniors have this ability." Emperor Cang stopped Hongdi who wanted to continue speaking, and stood with a serious look in his eyes. out.

"Across the sky and the earth, pushing past, present and future, I want to be defeated but can't. Since the last time I killed that person, I haven't made a move for an unknown amount of time." Emperor Cang said with a sigh, with a kind of indifference and a kind of arrogance. An unparalleled loneliness.

Since his birth, he has been making great progress, sweeping away all opponents, and no one can stop him. Finally, he established the Heavenly Palace and became the Emperor of Heaven. Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the cycle of eras, it is extremely cold from above.

Even if the situation is unfavorable at the moment, he still has the invincible will to push forward.

"Haha, I'll let you taste the taste of defeat right away."

The five quasi-immortal emperors looked at each other, and they all knew what the other meant. Then, Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and the counterfeit medicine seller stood up.

Meng Tianzheng faced Hongdi, his eyes were cold and locked on him. Even if he fled to the ends of the earth, it would be useless, he could not escape.

Shi Hao stood opposite Emperor Yu, holding a large sword in his hand, with disheveled black hair and extremely cold eyes. He already knew that the emperor's blood stained on the tip of the opponent's imperial spear came from the Lord of Heaven.

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor Daohuo has been following him for a long time. Shi Hao has special feelings for this forerunner in his heart. This is a kind of inheritance. Therefore, he really wants to kill the Yu Emperor in front of him, but there is no need to get hurt. Recuperating from injuries is a waste of time. Now all we need to do is hold the opponent back until Chi Cang and the others are done, and then surround them.

The worst thing was Emperor Cang. Three people surrounded him and stood opposite him.

At this time, he felt regretful in his heart, feeling that he should not have come forward just now and said those big words, which attracted the attention of the three quasi-immortal emperors.

"What do you mean by this? Don't you dare to fight me alone?" As confident as Cang Emperor, he couldn't calm down at this moment. Therefore, he said this deliberately, trying to use provocation to get a chance to duel.

However, Chi Cang and others are not pedantic people at all, so what about the siege? Their invincibility has been tempered by the years, and there is no need to prove anything. Now, they just want to let Emperor Cang feel the feeling of being besieged to death.

"Back then, you didn't give that fellow Taoist a chance to fight in a duel." Chi Cang said quietly, silently drawing out his immortal-killing guillotine.

Liu Shen, in peerless white clothes, walked over and stood side by side with Chi Cang, like a pair of wall figures made in heaven and earth.

The counterfeit medicine seller had a ball of light in his hand, full of quasi-immortal emperor symbols. Sometimes it turned into a bell, sometimes it turned into a tower, sometimes it turned into a tripod. It was ever-changing and had an unpredictable power.

Emperor Cang's scalp went numb when he saw this. No matter how strong he was, he could not compete with three powerful enemies.

This scene is very similar to when the three of them hunted the Lord of Heaven.

"It's too much!"

Emperor Cang roared, feeling very aggrieved, but he had no choice but to respond to the enemy.

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