The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 504 Creatures in Rotten Wooden Boxes

The vast kingdom of darkness was shrouded in ashes under the runes of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and became history and the past.

However, a group of dark creatures were left behind and were not robbed.

It's not because of the kindness of selling counterfeit medicine, but because these creatures are beings dominated by the reborn dark soul after being eroded by darkness.

Their original souls are most likely still alive.

"Throughout the ages, the Dark Cage has imprisoned too many geniuses and caused many shocking and strange things."

Shi Hao looked at these creatures and let out a sigh. He had encountered such things several times. Strange flying immortals, blood-stained dark ancient ships, etc., all led to the terrifying dark cage.

In the Immortal Ancient Relics, he cultivated immortal energy and was imprisoned in a dark cage. He tried his best to break free and return to his body. Therefore, he fully understood the horror of the dark cage.

"Now that the quasi-immortal emperor who launched the dark turmoil has been suppressed, it's time for these imprisoned ancient creatures to see the light of day again," Chi Cang said.

Then, he took action and tore a crack open, leading to the vast and empty upper reaches of the river of time. There, there was an area that even the Immortal King could not explore. Countless dark cages rose and fell, and cages were constantly being sent to join them.

Chi Cang had been here before, originally for the White Bone God General, wanting to stop him and take him back. Unfortunately, it was a step too late. By the time Chi Cang entered this place, the White Bone God General had already entered the darkness. deepest part of the domain.

In the end, Chi Cang rescued Wu Shang, who was imprisoned, and three extremely ancient kings, and even fished out the girl with double eyes on the way back.

Now, when he came to the realm of darkness again, the situation was already different. There was no force that could stop him from opening the dark cage.

Cages were opened one after another, and souls were born one by one. Some were still awake, while others were already unconscious, and even their memories were blurred.

The dark cage is constantly extracting their soul light. After a long time, only some extremely powerful immortal kings can hold on.

Even among Immortal Kings, there are many who are foolish and crazy and have long forgotten who they are.

The five quasi-immortal emperors stood on the long river of time, staring at all this, and couldn't help but sigh, because they saw many geniuses who could be called heaven-defying. If they were not imprisoned here and cut off from the road, their future achievements would be very small. Hard to say.

They also saw the creatures devouring each other, forming strange creatures like the many-headed monster, which was very terrifying.

The five of them took action respectively, shining the light of the quasi-immortal emperor in the dark realm, illuminating the dark territory. Chi Cang even recited ancient, modern and future sutras, releasing the power involving time and cause and effect.

The majestic and mysterious sound of the scriptures resounded through the realm of darkness, turning into bursts of light rain, falling on the souls of those who had lost themselves.

Soon, their memories were awakened. After returning from the years, the creatures that devoured each other were also separated, and each recovered to be whole.

This is a huge force with a luxurious lineup, all of which are amazing talents from ancient and modern times, and can form a good complement to all the heavens and worlds.

The five people set out on the road. For more than 200,000 years, the Dark Immortal King has been attacking the heavens for more than 200,000 years. Although they have never broken through, they still suffered a lot of losses.

The genius creatures who woke up soon learned the whole story. When they learned that they were rescued by the five quasi-immortal emperors, they burst into tears of gratitude.

After helping them reoccupy their physical bodies, the five people used the vast ancient palace to build a passage in the vast boundary sea to reach the other shore.

These geniuses set out on their way home.

Some of them have no physical bodies and only have souls left. However, with the help of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, reshaping their bodies is just a matter of a thought.

Some people's mother worlds are still there and are still thriving, while some people's mother worlds have long since faded into dust. The world has changed, and the years have changed. The era when they were born is too ancient, and the familiar things have naturally disappeared for a long time.

After these creatures set out on the road, the five quasi-immortal emperors no longer hesitated, crossing the vast dark territory and descending on the ultimate ancient land, which was the Twilight of the Gods.

On the slightly sleepy land, there is eternal silence, with only a few piles of flames burning quietly. Except for the human-shaped flames sitting cross-legged, the others are transformed by powerful immortal kings. The fact that they can reach this point is enough to show their strength. Stunning.

Chi Cang took action and put all these fires into the thunder pool. For him, these can be used as coordinates to summon spirits.

However, in this ultimate ancient land, it is not suitable for casting spells.

Without saying a word, everyone walked towards the depths of the Ultimate Ancient Land, stepping through the dim sky and earth, crossing the darkness, and what they saw in the end was not that bright.

The speed of the quasi-immortal emperor is so fast that with one step, the distance is infinite.

Soon, they saw a large area of ​​buildings that stretched endlessly and spanned an unknown number of thousands of miles.

These buildings are ancient palaces one after another, standing on the horizon. They are all majestic and splendid, glowing with divine brilliance.

Suddenly, Chi Cang stopped, with a look of surprise on his face, because he noticed something on his body was vibrating and glowing, and had an inexplicable connection with this area.

The other four quasi-immortal emperors noticed his abnormality, stopped one after another, and cast inquiring glances.

"Rotten wooden box!"

Chi Cang caught the thing that produced the inexplicable reaction, which was exactly the key and seed that the foreign land believed to be needed to open the ancient artifact of origin.

It triggered the Battle of the Ancient Immortal Era, and then triggered the Battle of the Border. It can be said that it ran through the ancient history of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

All this time, Chi Cang has been unable to open the rotten wooden box. He only knows that this thing is terrifyingly strong and has an extraordinary origin.

Unexpectedly, it was related to the vast Jie Yin Ancient Palace in front of me.

After thinking for a while, Chi Cang placed the rotten wooden box on the ground and let it tremble slightly.

The other four people looked at the rotten wooden box in surprise, secretly thinking about the reason.


The rotten wooden box glowed, soared into the sky, and headed towards the most magnificent ancient palace, Jie Yin. Under the gaze of the five people, the rotten wooden box crashed into the ancient palace, and then returned to silence.

"Jie Yin Ancient Palace, Palace..." Seeing this, Shi Hao muttered to himself, thinking of Cao Yusheng's reminder to him in the years to come, to be careful... Palace...

"Could it be that the existence of the Jie Yin Ancient Palace is just to bring back the rotten wooden box?" He raised such a guess.

When the four of them heard this, they thought it made sense. Otherwise, why would this rotten wooden box take the initiative to enter the largest ancient palace?

They walked around the ancient palace several times and found nothing suspicious. The rotten wooden box seemed to have been returned to its original place, standing quietly in the ancient palace.

Finally, they left without taking away the rotten wooden box, just keeping it there.

This place was not far from the end of the Ultimate Ancient Land. Not long after walking, they saw a white bone monument. It was not very tall, but it was very sacred.

"This is……"

The five quasi-immortal emperors were all shocked. They recognized that this material was the same as the original true solution. It was some kind of bone material and was indestructible.

"The last chapter of the original true explanation...the ultimate chapter." Chi Cang whispered.

Everyone looked at each other and thought of a lot. Once upon a time, in the ancient palace of chaos on top of the golden ancient tree where the blond woman lived in the Butcher Clan, there was a message left by the blond woman’s grandfather, which recorded a regret that the Emperor of Heaven never got the great gift. Creation points to the ultimate chapter of the original true solution.

Unexpectedly, it was erected in the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land.

Everyone probably understood why those creatures who created the immortal realm method and called themselves Emperor of Heaven were killed and liquidated.

After they shot down the ancient temple of Jie Yin, they relied on the ancient temple to connect to this place, and then set foot on the ultimate ancient land. They saw this bone tablet from a distance and knew that it was a great blessing. Unfortunately, they were forced to leave before they had time to obtain it.

A group of creatures who have never broken through the King Realm have gained insight into such secrets. Naturally Cang Emperor and others will not let them go.

The five people unanimously understood the method engraved on the stele. This method is suitable for the cultivation of the quasi-immortal emperor. It does not exceed the requirements of the quasi-immortal emperor. It has only certain reference significance for everyone, and its value is not too great.

"It's really amazing that there are actually dharma prepared for the quasi-immortal emperor left here." The counterfeit medicine seller sighed.

"It is of little significance to us. We can use it to understand the wonderful realms of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor for inspiration. However, if we blindly imitate, we will eventually be controlled by it. Those who imitate me will live, and those who imitate me will die." Shi Hao had a clear understanding.

As for Chi Cang and Liu Shen, they had other thoughts. They remembered that in distant ancient times, they taught the original true explanation to a genius named "Gu Yi".

When they left, Gu Yi had already become an immortal in the world of mortals, and had the hope of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor. Later, a quasi-immortal emperor really appeared in that life, and both of them thought it was Gu Yi, including the later maker of the Da Luo sword embryo. , is also believed to be him.

Now, the final chapter of the original true explanation is standing here. Is it somehow related to the Ancient Yi? According to Chi Cang and Liu Shen's guess, Gu Yi may have become emperor. Where is he now? How could an Immortal Emperor be so powerful, how could he sit back and watch four dark quasi-Immortal Emperors launch a dark turmoil, causing harm to all eternity?

Could it be that……

At this moment, they were thinking a lot. Even if they were already in the quasi-immortal emperor realm, they couldn't help but feel frightened and terrified.

"Is it like this?" Chi Cang said to himself, his face extremely heavy.

After a pause, they continued on their way. They had reached this point and could not turn back.

At this moment, bursts of black mist suddenly rose from the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land, turning into dark clouds and covering the sky. At the same time, they emitted unparalleled terrifying fluctuations.

The five people stopped again and stood in front of a broken stone monument.

On the stone tablet, there are several ancient characters engraved with the symbols of the great avenue. No matter what era the creature is, as long as it is strong enough, it can understand the meaning of these ancient characters.

"These words mean...the opportunity to become emperor..."

Everyone looked solemn, thinking of what Old Man Miushi and others mentioned, which was the "opportunity to become an emperor."

What kind of opportunity is this? Let the four quasi-immortal emperors be willing to fall into darkness?

Just when the five people were puzzled by this and wanted to move forward to find out, a divine thought suddenly came from behind, causing the pupils of several quasi-immortal emperors to shrink.

"Leave, don't go there."

Everyone was slightly startled, and they all turned around and looked to the rear, where they saw the most majestic ancient palace. At this moment, the entire ancient palace was exuding a sacred radiance, and even the tiles were golden.

The rotten wooden box standing inside was shaking under the shroud of sacred light, and billions of rays of light shone on it, as if it was trying to attract something to the world.

Chi Cang stared at the rotten wooden box and was silent for a long time. He had been liquidating for nine days and got this rotten wooden box. He had kept it with him for so many years and it had never made any sound. It was like a dead thing. But at this moment, there was a sound coming from the box. There was a voice, there was something alive in the box.

The five people did not rush into the thick black fog recklessly, because there was a terrible energy and danger there.

Moreover, the sudden noise from the rotten wooden box was really scary. They wanted to find out who the creature in the rotten wooden box was. Therefore, everyone retreated and returned to the most majestic ancient palace.

Suddenly, in the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land, black mist billowed, and a bolt of black lightning struck over, hitting the rotten wooden box.

This bolt of lightning was more terrifying than the punishment from heaven. It carried the energy of destruction and split the golden palace into ruins, leaving only the rotten wooden box.

At the same time, the remaining monument was also glowing.

The opportunity to become an emperor only belongs to one person. This is like a sigh, but also like some kind of obsession and sigh.

"Is this telling us that the opportunities in the black mist are only enough for one person to become emperor, or is it that the candidate has already been determined?" whispered the counterfeit medicine seller.

"It should be the latter. I don't believe there is any chance in the world that can make a person become an emperor. Becoming an emperor ultimately depends on oneself." Chi Cang replied.

Everyone else agrees with this concept. From being weak to now standing in the quasi-immortal emperor realm, everyone has never relied on external things, but on themselves.

At this time, fragments of time were flying around the ruined monument, and some old scenes from the past emerged. The five of them saw that once upon a time, countless years ago, Old Man Destruction, Emperor Yu and others were wandering here.


The monstrous black mist rushed over suddenly. There was an extremely rich dark substance in it, and there were even avenue symbols, which actually exceeded the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor.

This is the real rune of the Immortal Emperor. It has the profound meaning of the Immortal Emperor's scriptures, which is really amazing.

Chi Cang and the others finally understood why Old Man Mieshi and the others would never forget this place, because there were runes from the Immortal Emperor's realm here that could help them understand that illusory realm.

The five people tried to refine the profound meaning of the Immortal Emperor's scriptures, and they were naturally interested in the legendary Immortal Emperor.

However, only by refining it with your own hands can you know the secrets. All the runes are imprinted in the most original dark substance.

If you want to refine scriptures, you must accept the erosion of dark matter, and the dark matter here involves the real Immortal Emperor. If things go on like this, the quasi-Immortal Emperor will also completely fall into it.

"No wonder, the four of them are full of traces of dark material erosion. It turns out that they were caused by refining the Immortal Emperor's scriptures here." Liu Shen sighed.

How precious are the Immortal Emperor runes? Even if darkness enters the body and is assimilated, it is difficult to resist such temptation.

In the realm of quasi-immortal emperor, who doesn’t want to become an immortal emperor? As long as you can step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor, it doesn't matter if you absorb the source of darkness.

I don’t have time to write today, so I’ll start with one chapter

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