The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 506 The former emperor

This being with only a remnant soul and a trace of the soul mark was actually a heavenly emperor during his lifetime, respected by all heavens and worshiped by all spirits.

That kind of sacrificial sound has lingered around for eternity. What a great achievement has it achieved?

It's a pity that even the former Emperor of Heaven has died, and he has fallen to this point.

The eyes of Chi Cang, who was casting the spell, were shocked. He knew some truth, and his eyes towards the sacred temple changed. He was very complicated.

Because, he already knew the identity of this creature, and just as he guessed, it was the disciple he had taught.

The original true solution, the ancient palace of Jie Yin, the disappeared emperor, the unknown emperor sword... At this moment, they all seemed to be connected.


The ancient temple shook, emitting terrible fluctuations, the light group inside buzzed, and the creatures sitting cross-legged inside were completely different. With the help of ancient and modern sutras, they got some old memories, recalled their names, and themselves. past.

This is like a key, opening a dusty door. All kinds of old memories come to mind, making the eyes of the creatures become deeper and brighter.

Finally, everything became silent. The creatures in the temple opened their eyes and looked at the five quasi-immortal emperors without any trace of confusion. They were so sharp that people could not look directly at them. There was an invisible majesty that made the quasi-immortals The emperor's heart palpitated.

Although he is still just a trace of the soul mark, and can at most exert the power of a quasi-immortal emperor, but compared with the one who asked three questions just now, he is obviously sublimated now.

This creature looked at Chi Cang and then at Liu Shen, with a nostalgic look in his eyes, as if he was recalling a certain good time.

"Fellow Taoist is..." Liu Shen was not sure yet, he just felt that the other party seemed to be somewhat related to him.

"We are separated by an eternity, but when we meet again, things have changed. Master, I am Gu Yi." The creatures in the temple sighed and spoke.

Except for Chi Cang, who already knew the truth, the other quasi-immortal emperors were extremely surprised by these words.

"Are you...Gu Yi?" Although he had already guessed it, Liu Shen still couldn't believe it when he actually heard the other party say this familiar name.

The disciples who he had taught carefully met again after an eternity, on this special occasion and in this special place.

"When the two masters left that year, they said that as long as I was strong enough to survive the catastrophe and stay alive, I would definitely meet again in the world of mortals in the future. Gu Yi did it, and you have not broken your promise."

He was very emotional and excited. These two masters were his guides in his youth and taught him the ability to understand the original runes. Later, on this basis, Gu Yi perfectly summarized the original true explanation.

At that time, Chi Cang and Liu Shen felt that it was better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish, so they did not teach the ancient Yi the original true explanation intact.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Gu Yi created the original true explanation and created the three methods of upper, middle and lower. The ultimate chapter among them stands in the depths of the ultimate ancient land in the form of a bone tablet.

Hearing what Gu Yi said, Chi Cang and Liu Shen couldn't help but look back on their memories. When they parted ways, they told Gu Yi that they were going to pursue their own path, which was just a stop on the long journey.

Gu Yi asked them if there was still a chance in the future, and the two said those words, hoping that Gu Yi could survive the catastrophe.

In the end, he did it, turned into a quasi-immortal emperor, and personally quelled the dark turmoil, and later became the supreme immortal emperor.

It's a pity that he didn't know what happened to him, and now he only has a trace of the soul mark left.

"We are not people of that era. We were just travelers in time, taking a quick glance." Chi Cang sighed.

"Gu Yi knows that when I set foot on the Immortal Emperor and couldn't find the whereabouts of the two masters, I understood that you are not from that ancient history."

The counterfeit medicine seller who had gone there with Chi Cang Liu Shen naturally knew the Ancient Yi that they had taught. Who would have thought that this disciple would be so amazing and grow into an Immortal Emperor along the way.

Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng were shocked that the Blazing Willow God actually taught an Immortal Emperor.

Just when everyone was reminiscing about the past, at the end of the ancient ancient land, in the vast black mist, there was suddenly a terrifying fluctuation, and the wisps of the Immortal Emperor's energy filled the air, which was terrifying.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see a pair of terrifying eyes, hidden in the black mist, staring at them coldly, with murderous intent that would shock them forever.


Several bolts of black lightning struck out, all of them had the power of a quasi-immortal emperor, but they also contained the murderous intent of an immortal emperor.

The five people in Chi Cang looked solemnly and felt heavy pressure when facing this black lightning.

Previously, the indestructible rotten wooden box was split into powder by this kind of lightning.


Chi Cang's whole body was filled with blood-colored electric light, and all kinds of tribulations and punishments from the heavens, from ancient times to the present, were coming from the past and the future, entangling him, making him look like the Lord of Heavenly Punishments. He was holding an immortal-killing guillotine, striding forward, striking the black lightning.


The power of the three bodies merges into one to bless this life's body, giving the blazing body imbued with unpredictable divine power.

Finally, several black lightnings disappeared, leaving only one strike.

It was not easy for Chi Cang to block this blow, and there was a sharp pain all over his body. The reason was for no other reason. This dark lightning contained the Immortal Emperor's Qi. Even if it was just Qi, it was world-shaking and unparalleled.

Guyi sat cross-legged in the temple, staring into the black mist, his face full of seriousness and solemnity.

"Who is the being in the black mist?"

Sensing that the pair of terrifying eyes in the darkness disappeared, Liu Shen asked Gu Yi.

Other quasi-immortal emperors also looked over, wanting to hear what answer the former immortal emperor would give.

"That's another me."

Gu Yi sighed and said.

For this result, everyone was not surprised. After all, the Immortal Emperor is a creature that is more difficult to become than the quasi-Immortal Emperor. One Gu Yi is enough to defy the heavens. It is difficult to say that there are other Immortal Emperors.

"Back then, I had just set foot in the Imperial Realm, my path was not stable, I was plotted by others, and darkness entered my body. In order to preserve my true spirit, I trapped myself there and locked up my remaining body.

The black lightning that just emitted was my infected body. At this moment, it is controlled by the soul that fell into darkness. "Gu Yi said eloquently.

"What? After becoming an Immortal Emperor, someone else plotted against him and darkness entered his body?" The five quasi-Immortal Emperors were all shocked.

That was an immortal emperor who was invincible in ancient and modern times. How could he be plotted by others? So, are there other Immortal Emperor-level creatures in this world?

"Is there another Immortal Emperor-level existence?"

"Well, there's more than one person. They come from a wider world, which is called God and is the supreme land. On top of that God, there are countless splendid civilizations and evolutionary systems that I haven't had time to explore yet. He said, I have to call myself this.”

Everyone was stunned, no wonder.

After the rise of an Immortal Emperor who cares about the world, if he is not robbed, how can he let darkness bring trouble to the world?

"Today's dark soul is trapped by my spell. It is bound by the Immortal Emperor-level magic circle and cannot exert the power that the Immortal Emperor should have. You are still safe for the time being. Moreover, the only way is to use this part of my soul. Only when the pure remnant body that was once taken away is taken back and merged into one can it be considered complete and truly establish a foothold in the imperial realm.

However, after long years of impact, those seals can no longer seal him. He has been devouring the essence of the heavens, expelling dark matter, and baptizing the polluted body. Therefore, you must be careful. If you cannot advance to immortality before he escapes, Emperor, then you will be killed by him. "Gu Yi spoke.

When the five people heard this, they looked at each other with a sense of urgency. The eyes in the black mist were watching them closely. Gu Yi's dark soul must have locked them. This was the Immortal Emperor's murderous intention.

Suddenly, Shi Hao took out the Great Luo sword embryo and asked Gu Yi if he had refined it.

Looking at Da Luo's sword embryo, Gu Yi showed a look of reminiscence.

"Back then, when the abyss collapsed and the heavens were submerged, and the prosperous world collapsed, I led the remaining kings to excavate indestructible materials and build dams to block the surging boundary sea.

Among the places where that material was produced, I found the bronze coffin of the Third Generation, as well as some scraps left over from refining the smallest coffin.

This coffin is weird. The creatures who come into contact with it will see what they see and what will happen in the future. When I took out the third and smallest coffin, I saw myself being eroded by darkness and turning into a corpse.

At that time, I didn't care, I just felt that this coffin was unknown. Later, I was eroded by the darkness, so I used the remaining scraps to refine an imperial sword and sealed the ancient coffin inside.

And the only part of my pure body that is left is stored in that copper coffin. "

When Shi Hao heard this, he thought of the scene he saw after getting the sword fetus. The setting sun was stained with blood. On top of a copper coffin, several strong men sat cross-legged and floated into the distance along the long river of blood.

Could this be a preview of the future, as Guy Yi said?

At the same time, Shi Hao felt that the sword body was extremely heavy, as it actually sealed the third coffin of the Three Generations Bronze Coffin, as well as part of the flesh and blood of the Immortal Emperor.

"Pure flesh and blood...if you had this pure flesh and blood, would you be able to compete with the Dark Soul?" Chi Cang asked.

Gu Yi shook his head.

"Long years have passed, and the pure soul has become weaker and weaker, and even its memory has been lost, while the dark soul and the controlled body plundered the heavens. After getting better and better, one after another, I no longer have any relationship with him. The ability to confront.

As soon as he escapes from the trap, he will take me away and merge with me. The power of the Immortal Emperor will be unstoppable. "

When the five people heard this, their expressions became even more serious. However, Chi Cang had been to the future and knew that things would turn around. Therefore, it was not completely despairing, there must be a way out.

"We want to study the Immortal Emperor's scriptures as a reference to explore and expand our own path. Can he now display the Immortal Emperor's combat power?" Shi Hao asked.

Gu Yi shook his head.

"You can go, but don't refine it too deeply. After all, it involves the Immortal Emperor's dark matter.

Now, he probably only needs to plunder once more to complete the baptism. Of course, with the obstruction of the Immortal Emperor's magic circle, plundering the heavens consumes a lot of energy. He will fall into a deep sleep. You still have some time, but not much. It is necessary Take hold. "

Everyone nodded, indicating that they knew.

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