The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 508 The Road to Becoming Emperor

Infinite energy and essence were drawn over, and the amount was astonishing. This was the collection of essences rushed out of all the fragmented worlds in the world, except for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Follow the ultimate ancient land, rush all the way into the black mist, and enter the mouth and nose of Dark Guyi to give him the final baptism.

Chi Cang and others tried their best to resist the rune storm released by the other party. Seeing the scene of energy returning, they were not going to sit idly by.

They each took action and fought through the thorns in the dark storm. The forbidden methods of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor appeared one after another, and they actually killed them.

"Going against the emperor's will, you are seeking death!"

In the deepest part of the black mist, behind the light curtain, the darkness Gu Yi made a sound and rumbled. It was impossible for him to watch these creatures wreak havoc.

Even though he took a deep breath at this moment, exhausted all his strength, and fell into drowsiness under the effect of the sealing circle left by Gu Yi, he still took action.

If the five quasi-immortal emperors were allowed to intercept the massive amount of energy, then all his efforts would be in vain.


The methods of the Immortal Emperor are unpredictable. Dark Guyi worked hard to transfer a large amount of dark matter to this side of the light curtain, as well as Immortal Emperor symbols, etc., and finally condensed the means to stop the five quasi-Immortal Emperors.

Ten huge creatures composed of dark matter and runes appeared, roaring and rushing towards Chi Cang and the others.


The dark dragon has thick scales, full of strange black luster, and has the power of a quasi-immortal emperor.

A black phoenix, with black flames flying, flapped its wings and flew in all directions.

A black Kunpeng...

A huge black stone, getting bigger and bigger, was specifically aimed at Yuanshen. It carried the power of destruction and infinite dark matter and rushed towards the counterfeit medicine seller.

There are a total of ten dark creatures, all with quasi-immortal emperor level power.

Chi Cang and the others are very familiar with this, because it is the Ten Evil Treasure Technique, which has been perfectly performed in the hands of an Immortal Emperor.

The five of them had to face two of the Ten Dark Evils each, and they started the most intense fight with each other.

The five quasi-immortal emperors, each possessing forbidden methods, are Taoist ancestors, and their fighting power is boundless. However, the ten evil spirits of darkness are only transformed by their magical powers. Even if they are two against one, they are still unable to defeat them.

Soon, five people killed these creatures.

However, after the obstruction and delay of the Ten Evils of Darkness, a large amount of energy has been absorbed and devoured by Dark Guyi.

As the Ten Evils of Darkness were eliminated, the black mist gradually became silent, no longer alive, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.

"You did a good job. He used too much force this time and will fall into a deep sleep. This is your opportunity, so you must seize it."

Outside the black mist, in the sacred and splendid temple, Guyi sent a message, informing the five people about the condition of his dark body.

Hearing this, Chi Cang and the others were refreshed. They were still regretting that they could not stop the darkness Gu Yi from devouring the essence. After hearing Gu Yi's words, they realized that the Dark Ten Fierce with the power of the quasi-immortal emperor was transformed into the opponent. The darkness of talent is a big burden for Gu Yi.

After he breathed out, he was already drowsy, and using this method would only make him sleep deeper.

Everyone no longer hesitated and continued to move forward. After walking for a long time, they stopped there and stopped moving forward because there was a layer of black light in front of them, blocking the way.

Behind Wu Guang, there is a vast territory, in which a huge outline can be vaguely seen, standing between the rocks.

"Is this his true identity?"

Everyone saw the true face of Dark Guyi. His body was too huge, even bigger than the towering mountain peaks. He was lying on his back on a stone chair, motionless, as if he had been dead for eternity.

Under the bloody dusk, rocks piled up and black mist surged. The giant lay there, his body as black as ink, his majestic body rotting, and dark matter overflowing from it.

This is the source of the dark matter sweeping across the heavens. Although it is not the ultimate source, the dark turmoil that has erupted in the world since Old Man Destruction all originated from this.

The five people stared at the corpse and saw many broken places, a crack, extending from the head to the abdomen, half of the head was missing, a small part of the body on the left side and the left arm were missing, only the lower body was missing. complete.

Shi Hao picked up the Da Luo sword embryo in his hand and knew that the missing flesh and blood of the Immortal Emperor was in the copper coffin inside the sword embryo.

The dark corpse was bound by divine chains of order, which tied him to the emperor's chair. The black light curtain should have been sacred, but now, it has been assimilated by the dark matter and turned pitch black.

The vast territory inside the light curtain has been repeatedly eroded by the dark matter on the corpses, and has long been filled with darkness.

Everyone sighed. A powerfully rising Immortal Emperor was supposed to be able to overlook the cycle of time and be invincible in the past, present and future. However, he was actually plotted against by creatures of the same level and ended up in this current situation, which is deplorable.

At the same time, they are thinking about who did it. That may be the ultimate source of dark matter. At present, they only know that the attacker comes from heaven.

They shook their heads and stopped thinking about those things. The top priority was to reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible. They would wait until they got through this disaster to talk about other things.

The five of them each refined a part of the Immortal Emperor scriptures, then walked away and settled down like this.

The closer they get to the light curtain and the dark giant, the more terrifying the dark matter becomes. When they get closer, even they are a little unbearable. There is a risk of being assimilated, so naturally they have to stay away.

They did not immediately start to sit cross-legged and meditate, but came to the thunder pool and worked together to refine the four dark quasi-immortal emperors who had been suppressed.

"You all have traces of darkness on your body. It seems that you can't help but refine the Immortal Emperor scriptures there. How about it? Do you know why we chose to launch the dark turmoil? It's all for the sake of becoming emperor. You and we are actually the same. Fellow travelers should not kill each other." Old Mie Shi opened his mouth and saw the current situation of the five Chicang people.

Emperor Yu, Emperor Hong, and Emperor Cang also noticed this, their eyes flickered with hope.

However, Chi Cang's words poured cold water on them.

"You're overthinking it. I told you that you are destined to suffer disaster in this life, and you will not be able to escape death no matter what."

Then, without saying much, the five people directly breathed out the quasi-immortal emperor-level fire of the avenue, and started refining it at the old man who destroyed the world.


In just an instant, the already weak Old Man Mieshi was torn apart by five people who joined forces to tear apart his origin. Then, Dao Fire invaded and roasted him.

The old man who destroyed the world reorganized his origin in horror, and then was immediately torn apart. He was completely heartbroken. If he continued like this, he would be wiped out and eventually turn into ashes.

"You stubborn juniors, if you kill me today, you will eventually suffer retribution in the future."

The five people ignored it and just activated the Dao Fire to refine. At the same time, they were also absorbing the quasi-immortal emperor symbol from the old man who destroyed the world, exploring his system. While refining, it was also an alternative practice.

One year, ten years...seventy years.

In just seventy years, the old man who destroyed the world was wiped out in ashes. The ancestor of the Nine Netherworlds, the giant of the dark land on this side of the boundary sea, has become history.

These seventy years were extremely torturous for Emperor Yu and others, as if they were slowly waiting for their own death.

Emperor Cang followed closely behind the old man who destroyed the world and was pulled over to be refined by the five quasi-immortal emperors.

He was terrified. He never thought that he, the quasi-immortal emperor, would one day die. He claimed to be close to the great road and was indifferent. As a result, when death came, he still had various emotions.

"I'm not willing to give in!"

Emperor Cang screamed incessantly, trying to defy heaven countless times, but failed without any surprise. Finally, after letting out a scream that was so shrill and resounding for eternity, this quasi-immortal who had caused countless bloody and terrifying things The emperor turned into ashes.

Next, it was the turn of Hong Emperor and Yu Emperor respectively. Witnessing the deaths of Old Man Mie Shi and Emperor Cang, the two clearly knew that they were in danger of escaping. Therefore, they remained silent throughout the whole process and quietly waited for death to come. At the last moment of his life, he let out a sigh, which seemed to be a summary of his long life.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and spent hundreds of years refining the four dark quasi-immortal emperors to death. They also obtained their complete systems and paths.

This gave everyone a great inspiration.

Together with the previously refined Immortal Emperor scriptures, they began to retreat.

The top priority, of course, is to develop your own system and extend your own avenue, which can save a lot of time.

At the same time, they knew the road ahead and began to try to gather immortal fetuses like the old man who destroyed the world.

This is a kind of evolution and transformation, which makes the body, soul, and path of the quasi-immortal emperor more perfect, making him closer to the immortal emperor.

In the distance, Gu Yi outside the black mist also transmitted messages from time to time, teaching him the few Immortal Emperor scriptures in his mind. As a creature who truly became an emperor, his experience can naturally bring huge benefits to everyone. help.

However, he is a remnant soul and his memory is limited.

Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, one hundred thousand years passed. The five quasi-immortal emperors had been studying the method of becoming an emperor in this black mist for a full hundred thousand years.

Among them, except for the counterfeit medicine seller, the other four people have condensed the prototype of the fairy fetus.

If it weren't for the fact that the Immortal Emperor's road was rugged and there was a life-and-death crisis ahead, they wouldn't have stopped.

Seeing that the four companions who had crossed the sea together had made breakthroughs, the counterfeit medicine seller showed a wry smile.

"Perhaps, I will stop here for the rest of my life." He sighed and said to himself.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be discouraged. Your Tao is not here. Above the sky, there are countless splendid civilizations and systems. That is the place where you become enlightened." Chi Cang comforted.

When the man selling fake medicine heard this, the sadness in his eyes faded a lot.

Of course, the loss cannot be concealed.

However, he also understood the gap between himself and his four companions.

You must know that he has been struggling in the realm of the Supreme Immortal King since the extremely ancient times. It was not until later generations that he followed Chi Cang and Liu Shen to the ancient times and got a great opportunity before he was lucky enough to break through.

Incomparable to Lei Di, Liu Shen, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng.

These four people all followed the path of becoming immortals in the world of mortals. The first two became immortals in one lifetime, so they are naturally extraordinary.

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