The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 515 The last warmth, starting the journey again

Hearing Chi Cang's words, Liu Shen was stunned.

"You are the Immortal Emperor and I am the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. It is already very difficult for us to have a child..." She said seriously, frowning slightly.

Chi Cang laughed.

"It's okay. If you work harder, your children will be fine."

Although Liu Shen is dedicated to Taoism and is a novice in relationships, it does not mean that she does not understand anything. After all, she has witnessed the ups and downs of countless civilizations over the endless years.

Soon, she realized what Chi Cang meant. She, who did not like the fireworks of the world, was like a person in the mortal world at this moment, with strange emotions in her heart. Then she glared at Chi Cang, but she did not refute, obviously He acquiesced to Chi Cang's words.

After enjoying the world that belonged to two people, Chi Cang took Liu Shen's hand and returned to the place where he and Liu Shen had an indissoluble bond.

The wilderness is endless and vast, and countless creatures live here, including poisonous snakes, long worms, ancient relics, prehistoric creatures...

A small mountain village that is inexperienced in the world is located here. Every house is built of stone. Men, women, old and young, work at sunrise and rest at sunset. It is quiet and pleasant.

The ancient and mottled altar stands at the head of the village, with fresh blood still flowing on it, which has just dried up.

Once upon a time, Willow God took root here when she fell into the wilderness. People in the village would worship her before and after every hunting.

Seeing each other again now immediately brought back the memories that Liu Shen had buried deep in his heart.

She stayed dormant in Shicun for only a few decades. In her extremely long life, Shicun was just a fleeting inn, one of billions of inns.

However, these short decades brought her the most profound memories. Her Taoist companions and disciples all originated from these short decades.

Moreover, who would have thought that two immortal emperors and a quasi-immortal emperor would come out of a small stone village.

As soon as they approached Shicun, they were recognized.

"You are... Lord Chi Cang, Liu Shen." A middle-aged man said.

As soon as his face appeared, a familiar name immediately appeared in the minds of Chi Cang and Liu Shen - Shilin Tiger.

This rugged man in animal skins was none other than Shi Linhu, the leader of the Shicun hunting team back then. He was the one who found the unconscious Chi Cang when he led his team into the mountains for hunting and then carried him back.

More than a million years have passed, and this man is still here, already possessing the cultivation level of the Void Dao Realm. Judging from the huge potential lurking in his body, Shi Linhu should not be very keen on practicing. Otherwise, after so many years, he will never be more than a virtual realm. Dao realm.

"What? Chi Cang and Lord Liu Shen are back?"

Shi Linhu's voice was heard by everyone in Stone Village, and they all walked out of the village.

The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng walked in the front and was helped out by Shi Hao. He was white-haired and had been sealed by Shi Hao for many years. At this moment, after pacifying the black disaster, Shi Hao released the seal of the village. Many people of Shi Village who were sealed All see the light of day again.

Also accompanying them were Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi, Qing Yi, Shi Ziling and his wife, Ah Man, Qin Hao, Qing Feng...Er Baldy, Big Red Bird, Mao Qiu, Xiao Hong...all the clan elders of Shi Village, Shi Yunfeng, Shi Lin Hu, Shi Feijiao, Aunt Hu... Pihou, Da Zhuang, Er Meng... Hu Niu, etc., who had already married and had a family full of children, were all there, and they all looked at Chi Cang and Liu Shen in surprise.


A roar that shook the earth resounded through the wilderness, and the earth shook and rumbled, as if something huge was approaching at great speed.

In the distance, a Suan Ni shimmering with golden light came walking on the golden road. It was full of supreme symbols and powerful.

From the other direction, the golden-haired lion came, taller and more majestic than a large mountain. The single horn stood erect, containing immense power, as if it could make the sky collapse with just one tip.

The Demon Ape and the Lihuo Bull Demon are also there, but these enemies are still at each other's throats. The Demon-Eyed Ape is riding on the back of the Lihuo Bull Demon just like before, but the Lihuo Bull Demon refuses, so naturally he cannot do without. After a hard fight, of course, no one was ruthless.

The red dragon has grown into a giant dragon. Of course, it is very different from a real dragon. It is still far away, but it is already an ancient beast of the supreme level and is respected.

Above the sky, dark clouds covered the sun, and thunder surged. It was caused by a bird spreading its wings. It was the thunder sparrow who had been taught by Blazing Cang. Not far away, there were four blue-scaled eagles.

They rushed towards Shicun at great speed, and their originally huge bodies gradually shrank in size as they approached Shicun, gradually returning to their original appearance when they were ancient relics.

At this moment, both Chi Cang and Liu Shen had the illusion that they had returned to the past.

The two looked at each other and blended into the cheerful atmosphere of Ishimura.

On this day, there are no invincible Immortal Emperors or Quasi-Immortal Emperors in the sky and on earth, only living ordinary people.

At night, there are bonfires and people sing and dance to celebrate this moment of reunion.

Shi Hao, Chi Cang, and Liu Shen have not been back for a long time, and they all miss this place.

If there is a place that can be called a harbor of the soul, it must be the warm Stone Village.

Everyone sat around the bonfire, each recounting their experiences over the years, the flash of swords, and the eternal battles. Those who listened were mesmerized.

The old patriarch also talked about Shicun.

As Dahuang was captured by Chi Cang and brought to the Immortal Realm, this small village grew stronger and filled with children and grandchildren. Later, some people were no longer willing to stay in the small mountain village, so a large number of people left and went to the outside world. A vast kingdom was established.

Long years have passed, and that country is still prosperous. People who have gone out have gradually forgotten this small village. The people of Shicun are also happy about this. In their hearts, this place should always maintain its original appearance.

"fair enough……"

Chi Cang sighed. It is indeed a good thing that the family is full of descendants and the population is prosperous, but it will also slowly change the village.

Fortunately, more than a million years have passed, and this place is still the same as in the memory.

Through the darkness of night, Shi Hao helped the unblocked villagers regain their youth and expel the traces left by time on their bodies.

This time, Shi Yunfeng and others did not object again. They originally believed that birth, old age, illness and death should be experienced by everyone. They are the laws of nature and should not be interfered with. Moreover, a person's life, a hundred years, is already rich enough. , it will be very tiring if you continue.

But later, they felt that if Shicun was no longer the same, with no old people and only a few dry graves left, the little one would be very sad. In this case, why not spend time with him?

"Xiao Hao, the black disaster has been put down, and he shouldn't leave again this time." Shi Yunfeng asked.

Hearing this, the people in the village looked over one after another, looking at Shi Hao expectantly, because more than five hundred thousand years have passed, which is really too long. Even if it is sealed, it can still feel that the time is long, let alone the Stone Forest Tiger. This kind of person is not sealed anymore.

Shi Hao looked embarrassed. He wanted to stop and live in Stone Village instead of fighting on the battlefield.

However, even immortal emperor-level creatures like Gu Yi were sneak-attacked by a few drops of blood and fell into darkness. The problem above the sky must be more serious and terrifying. If all this is not solved, one day, terror will spread here again.

Therefore, he can't stop, it's not the time yet.

"Grandpa Patriarch, uncles and aunts, after Uncle Chicang and I solve the source of the black trouble, we will go back to Shicun to live well and never leave again." He said helplessly.

The tribesmen looked disappointed, but immediately changed to smiles.

"The man travels everywhere, but he is not at home anywhere. Xiaohao, just go." Shi Linhu patted Shi Hao on the shoulder.

"My child, you can fight in peace and don't worry about this place. We will still be here when you return in triumph." Shi Yunfeng also said encouragingly.

"Yes." There were tears in Shi Hao's eyes. He felt everyone's care and love.

"Don't worry, Liu Shen and I will bring him back safely." Chi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged, said calmly, and his voice was reassuring.

"The little one back then has now become the Emperor of Desolate Heaven."

"Yes, the naughty kid who drank animal milk has become an Immortal Emperor." The big red bird sighed, and then a slap came over and hit it on the back of the head.

"Bald guy, what are you doing? I'm not done with you."

Kong Qiuji immediately darkened his face. He was now a Peacock Supreme, so naturally he would not accept the title of Erbald Man.

"Huh? The chicken legs in my hand are..." The big red bird's expression suddenly changed, thinking of the three eight rare chickens in the village.

It had not been to Shicun for an unknown amount of time, but it still remembered that there were three treasured Bazhen chickens in the village. They walked very arrogantly and often looked sideways at people. The place where Liu Shen took root was the exclusive place for these three chickens. Willing to move.

"Don't worry, these are not the three eight rare chickens in the village.

Back then, after moving to the Fairyland, the three Eight Rare Chickens were still there. Later, the descendants of the Stone Clan went to the outside world to establish their country and wanted to capture the three treasures in the village, but I didn't agree.

A few years later, a group of male Eight-precious chickens came to the wilderness. Three Eight-precious chickens were attracted and ran there. Now, in the wilderness, Eight-precious chickens are no longer a rare species. Shi Linhu said with a smile.

Hearing this, the big red bird felt like it was struck by lightning.

"Mad, even three chickens have partners, but I'm still single?"

As it said that, it looked at Xiaohong who was not far away.

Sensing the gaze of the big red bird, Xiao Hong ran into a rage, and a large piece of Suzaku flame flew towards him, and for a moment, the chickens and dogs were jumping.

Shi Hao smiled dumbly. He knew Xiao Hong very well. With Xiao Hong's attitude, it was impossible for him to fall in love with the big red bird.

When everyone in Shicun saw this, they all laughed.

Later, the ancient relics felt nostalgic and found an old clay pot in the village to boil animal milk again, just like they did every day.

When a jar of hot animal milk was brought to Shi Hao, he originally refused. After all, he was now an Immortal Emperor, and the outside world even called him Emperor Huangtian.

However, the beast's milk was so fragrant that it evoked the deepest memories in his heart, so he couldn't help but take a sip and drank it all in one final gulp.

This scene was caught by Chi Cang, and he smiled knowingly. This was a reflection of Shi Hao's innocent heart. Even though he was an Immortal Emperor, he was never ruthless.

"By the way, I just saw Chi Cang and Master Liu Shen returning hand in hand. Could it be..." Shi Linhu said with a simple smile.

The people in the village were immediately attracted. That was Liu Shen, their most respected spiritual worshiper, and now he actually had a partner. This was undoubtedly an exciting thing.

"Haha, back then Chi Cang often sat cross-legged under Lord Liu Shen's Dharma body to practice, sitting there for days and nights." Someone mentioned old things.

"Yes, they went to the Primordial Gate together and came back together. They were almost inseparable."

Chi Cang's face was slightly red, which was rare, but Liu Shen was very calm.

In the end, they received everyone's blessings, and Shi Cun also held a wedding ceremony for them and celebrated it grandly.

This time, Shi Hao and the others stayed here and did not leave immediately. It was rare to come back, so naturally they had to stay longer. Moreover, no one in the sky knew how long they would have to go.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen began their plan to create humans. This was not an easy task. The higher the realm, the harder it was to give birth to children. Like those immortal kings, most of their children were born by luck after spending endless years. , let alone an Immortal Emperor and a Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

However, the two of them had plenty of time and energy.

The years are long, and five hundred years have passed since Dark Guyi was defeated. This period of time is not that long, but it has broken the record of Shi Hao and the others staying in Shicun for the longest time.

Life here is indeed very warm, peaceful and desirable, but the crisis has not been resolved.

Putting down the black disaster means that they and the owners of the blood have created a cause and effect, which will one day come true. Therefore, they cannot wait here and must take the initiative to find it. At least they cannot let the war spread to their homeland.

After bidding farewell to their respective relatives and friends, Chi Cang, Shi Hao, Gu Yi, Liu Shen, Meng Tianzheng, the counterfeit medicine seller, and the Lord of Heaven all came to explore the heaven together.

The butcher, the burial master, the chicken farmer, and all the immortal kings also arrived.

"Guard this land well. It may take us ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, or even longer to leave. However, we will come back eventually. When the time comes, if the situation permits, we will take you up together." Cang instructed.

"I will obey the orders of the Thunder Emperor."

The butcher, the burial master and other immortal kings said in unison.

The kings already know that what Thunder Emperor, Huangtian Emperor and others are about to go is the ultimate source of the black disaster, which is extremely terrifying and dangerous. The Immortal King is still too weak. After going there, they may only be able to hold back. The only thing they can do now is What he did was try his best to break through and keep up with the pace of Thunder Emperor and Huangtian Emperor.

"The Immortal Realm, and all walks of life, should maintain this form. If anything happens in the future, they will be able to survive." Chi Cang said, thinking of what he saw when he repaired the Immortal Realm in the coming years.

Naturally, the kings had no objection.

Under the eyes of the kings, Chi Cang, Shi Hao, Liu Shen and others stepped over the embankment, entered the vast sea of ​​​​boundaries, and disappeared.

"I don't know when we will see each other next time." The butcher sighed.

The boundary sea is a majestic place, where Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng and others are refining their weapons, and they are about to go into battle. It is natural that they will not be able to survive without weapons.

At the ultimate ancient land, Chi Cang and others arrived. They opened the seal and took down the smallest ancient coffin of the Third Generation Bronze Coffin.

The hole reappeared, and a few drops of strange blood hung there. Various orders were intertwined, which was terrifying.

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