The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 523 The brilliance of the sky returns to the heavens

The Immortal Emperor cleared the way, and the master returned. This hearty victory raised God's morale to an unimaginable level.

All the creatures in the sky know that great help has arrived. He is so powerful that he can be called the first emperor in the sky. Even the most desperate tribe of the weird clan has been completely wiped out. This is something that the immortal emperor in the sky cannot do. Naturally, he is inspired. People's hearts.

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of creatures of all races felt that the world could be saved. The arrival of Chi Cang and the others was the arrival of the savior.

After learning the names of Chi Cang and Shi Hao, countless creatures set up their statues in their homes, worshiped them day and night, and chanted their true names.

As soon as they settled in the sky, Chi Cang and Shi Hao discovered that the endless power of faith was coming and surrounding them. The amount was beyond imagination, and it was more than the power of faith in all the worlds. Countless times.

This shows that the vastness of heaven is far greater than the sum of all the heavens and worlds where they once rose.

Even the heavens and realms before the formation of the Boundary Sea were probably only equivalent to a corner of the sky.

You must know that when the boundary sea was still the boundary abyss, three quasi-immortal emperors were born in all the worlds, ruling the vast territory.

However, in this heaven, the number of Dao Ancestors exceeds countless times, even the Immortal Emperor has several.

Moreover, this is what the sky looked like after a part of its territory was eroded by strange ethnic groups. When the Pollen Road was glorious and brilliant, the sky was even more vast and its territory was endless. It was difficult for Dao Ancestor to visit all corners.

Since these eras, strange attacks have continued, and the living space of God has been continuously compressed, but overall, it is still vast and boundless.

As for the evolutionary paths of the existence of God, there are too many to count. Not only the evolutionary paths originating from the mainland of God, but also the evolutionary paths that absorb the major heavens. Once a new one is born in the realm of the heavens in the lower world, Taoist ancestors, they will invite them to heaven, invite them to the ancestral court, preach in all directions, and spread their branches in heaven.

Facing a higher and more complete world like God, the Taoist-level powerhouse may be able to progress much further than the realm of the heavens. Almost no one will refuse such a good thing.

This has resulted in the number and strength of God's orthodoxy becoming more and more powerful, while the major heavens are constantly weakening and degenerating.

Because the birth of a quasi-immortal emperor means that a civilization has been promoted to a quasi-immortal emperor-level civilization and will reach its peak and glory. However, if the quasi-immortal emperor is absorbed by God, this civilization will degenerate into the civilization of the immortal king.

However, every once in a while, amazing characters will appear in all the heavens, blazing a trail and becoming the ancestors of a lineage, and they will not really degenerate completely.

Of course, they basically all came to heaven in the end.

In this way, there is a legend that only the strongest in a region is qualified to ascend to the sky.

Above the sky, more than a dozen creatures stand, including seven Immortal Emperors and eight Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

Eight of them came from God, and the other seven were from Chi Cang and the others.

The Four Immortal Emperors of Heaven, together with the four powerful Taoist Ancestors, accompanied them, taking Blazing Cang Shi Haoliu God and seven other people to overlook the great rivers and mountains of Heaven.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, fellow Taoist Huang, look, in that direction, the dragon energy is surging, shocking the sky. In a trance, there seems to be a tyrannical real dragon flying in the nine heavens.

That is the direction of the ancestral land of the Shilong Clan. Endless years ago, a Shilong was born and opened up this clan. That fellow Taoist eventually evolved into the Immortal Emperor and reached the end of the road. Unfortunately, in the end, he was killed by the Weird Clan. They were besieged at the end of the road and died violently.

However, the Shilong clan left behind by Shilong has always been prosperous. Dao ancestors appear in every era, and they are never left alone. They are one of the super races renowned in the world. "

Immortal Emperor Tongyou enthusiastically introduced the forces of God to everyone. After a long time, he found out that the Taoism or race he mentioned was either a powerful power with a very deep foundation, or a Taoist ancestor sitting in charge.

The strongest person is the Immortal King, and he can't even get on the stage.

This is God. Apart from the Weird Clan, it is the most splendid civilization in the world. It brings together countless evolutionary paths.

One road after another leading to the highest, leading to the quasi-immortal emperor, when they come together, they will naturally collide with the most brilliant sparks, and it is difficult not to be strong.

Chi Cang, Shi Hao and others looked at each other and saw what it means to have outstanding people and places. It is reasonable for such a bright and prosperous place to have traveled so many roads.

If the monks from the world they walked out of were brought to heaven to grow and practice Taoism, they would have a great chance of making further progress.

Even Liu Shen, Meng Tianzheng, the counterfeit medicine seller, the Lord of Heaven, etc. all have great hope of reaching the end of the road.

Because the origin of the world in this world is more complete, and the laws of heaven and earth are far stronger than those of the other heavens, relatively speaking, the difficulty of advancing to Dao Ancestor and advancing to the end of the road has been reduced to varying degrees.

Back then, Liu Shen, Meng Tianzheng and Chi Cang Shi Hao sat cross-legged in the dark ultimate place, practicing with the help of the Immortal Emperor scriptures emanating from the Dark Ancient Yi. In the end, the two could only reach the point of the strange realm. There was no invincibility. The imperial law kept the immortal fetus from falling, so they gave up and walked out of the black mist.

Now, in the magnificent world of heaven, they have enough time and a suitable environment to polish and study the imperial method. It can be said that they have hope of becoming enlightened.

And those who sell counterfeit medicine are like a dragon entering the sea. His path is to understand all the ways, take their essence, remove their dross, and then integrate them to the ultimate sublimation.

The prosperous and splendid heaven is simply a treasure place to him.

The Lord of Heaven can also benefit from the original power of this vast realm and impact the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

"God, what a vast world. Unfortunately, it is no longer at its peak. More than half of the territory has been eroded and polluted by the strange clan. What we see now is far less than what it was back then." Immortal Emperor Daoxuan sighed.

Chi Cang and others were speechless, each overlooking the long river of time and browsing the magnificent ancient history of God.

When they saw the beings of heaven pouring pollution sources into some realms of the heavens, the eyelids of several people jumped slightly.

That is the most terrifying and strange substance. If it is poured into the realm of the heavens like that, it will breed endless terror and uncertainty. It is conceivable that the fate of those realms of the heavens will probably sink.

"Guys, why is this?"

Chi Cang asked, with a questioning tone.

When the four Heavenly Immortal Emperors heard this, they did not explain too much, but just sighed.

Finally, it was Luo Tianxian who answered.

“We are aware of what these Taoist ancestors did, but we always turn a blind eye.

There is no way, the pollution caused by those original substances is difficult to purify. Even if we take action, it will take a lot of energy and time, and the weird side will not allow us to do this. Their purpose is to Sacrifice to God, complete the great sacrifice, and pollute the origin of the world is a means to achieve this goal.

As a result, God's majestic mountains and rivers will become fewer and fewer, and the soil for survival will be gone. How will future generations take root, sprout, and thrive? We here are the front line against the strange ethnic groups. If God falls or is polluted, those realms of the heavens will not be able to escape.

Therefore, we acquiesced to the approach of the Taoist ancestors and dumped pollution sources into some remote and low-strength realms of the heavens in order to protect the pure land of heaven.

Although this is wrong and unfair to those realms of the heavens, we have no choice but to watch the heavens being eaten away bit by bit. "

She said helplessly.

Chi Cang, Shi Hao and others were silent. They did not agree with this approach, and it was impossible to do it anyway.

However, do not persuade others to be good without others suffering, and they will not blame or criticize anything, because the weird side is strong and God is losing ground. This is a fact.

The line of defense of God collapses and falls, and the realm of the heavens under God cannot be spared either.

"I won't say what happened before. From now on, stop this practice. I will purify the strange sources of pollution. Now that you have no constraints, you can also take action." Chi Cang said calmly, with an unquestionable tone in his words. tone.

The Immortal Emperor of Heaven felt the coldness in Chi Cang's words. Not only was he not worried, but he was greatly relieved.

This means that Chi Cang is an emperor who cares about the world. They also care about the world. However, in the face of difficult situations, they often have no choice but to make cruel choices.

"Yes, the creatures in the realm of the heavens will be eroded by the strange pollution sources you dumped, and their lives will be devastated. For them, this is an unprovoked disaster and murder." Shi Hao sighed.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Lei Emperor and fellow Daoist Huang, with your support, we can now free up our hands to deal with the strange sources of pollution in person, and we will naturally put an end to the previous practices." Tongyou spoke and made a promise.

"It's not just a matter of dumping the source of pollution. The creatures of God have been aloof for too long, and they are more or less arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant. This is a disease that needs to be cured. You must know that the heavens are not empty. Our world , was severely eroded by dark matter, but a few of us walked out, how could we know that other realms of heaven are mediocre?

I think in the future, it is best to break down the barriers between the heavens and the realms of the heavens, communicate more, discover geniuses, and send the outstanding ones to heaven to further evolve. At the same time, spread the word to the heavens and move forward together. Don't be too petty.

In this way, the realm of the heavens will become a source of power that cannot be ignored. "Chi Cang said.

Hearing this, the four immortal emperors of Heaven all nodded in agreement. They invited Chi Cang and Shi Hao to come to Heaven to preside over the overall situation, and naturally they were allowed to do whatever they wanted.

"By the way, this time, I killed the two top Weird Road Ends. Will it disturb the ancestors sleeping on the plateau?" Chi Cang asked.

The Four Immortal Emperors of Heaven shook their heads.

"Back then, my sister also completely killed Weird Road End, and there were also top experts among them. However, she never led out the Weird Ancestor. It wasn't until she attacked the plateau that she alarmed those fierce ghosts, and finally failed.

In fact, we are also very confused as to why those ancestors were not born and directly disillusioned God. With just a few of us, we cannot stop the priest-level creatures at all. Luo Tianxian replied.

"Yeah, maybe those weird ancestors have been standing at the top for too long, too boring, too lonely. Our existence and the rise of several fellow Taoists are a kind of fun for them." Tongyou said helplessly.

"I think they may have had to fall into a deep sleep for some reason, or they may have deliberately left God behind to train the strange clan. In short, the ancestor-level creatures sleeping on the plateau are definitely capable of annihilating God, but they have been Never took action." Meng Hai said this.

These are all guesses about the information obtained by the leaders of the Pollen Road when they attacked the plateau. After all, the ancestors were all priests. Once the priest-level creatures appear, the whole world will be overwhelmed. Who can resist?

"No matter what, we just need to keep accumulating strength. One day, we will solve the source of the strange matter and restore light to the heavens and all realms." Chi Cang said.

Everyone nodded, no matter how powerful the enemy was, they could not give up.

A dozen strong men looked down on the vast territory of the sky and visited the great mountains and rivers. They did not leave until four or five days later.

The counterfeit medicine sellers, holding the tokens given by Chi Cang and Shi Hao, are going to visit the various Taoist traditions of God and witness many splendid systems.

The Lord of Heaven is unknown and wants to go to heaven and earth to ponder his own Dharma and Tao. He informed that he will not become an Immortal Emperor during this trip and will not return. Unless the strange tribe attacks again, otherwise, he will disappear. .

Meng Tianzheng and Liu Shen, following the Immortal Emperor of Heaven, selected a territory in the vast sky as a place for everyone to settle down and a place for the ancestral court to stand.

Chi Cang, Shi Hao and Gu Yi were ready to return to the world immediately and bring the butcher, burial master, chicken farmer and others with them.

They have been stuck in the realm of the Immortal King for too long. Even if they cultivate the rich light of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, they cannot take the last step. Only by reaching a higher and more complete heaven can they have hope of becoming the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, Chi Cang and the three of them are also preparing to go to the ancient underworld, the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, the floating soil of the Four Poles and other places that they have never been to before.

Although the important things hidden in these places may have been moved by the Weird Clan, it is still necessary to clean them up.

After the three of them gave instructions to the Four Immortal Emperors, Liu Shen and others, they set off on their way.

The vast blood sea is very special and requires a long voyage to cross. Even at the speed of Blazing Cang, it will take many thousands of years.

They didn't want to waste time, so they used the coordinates left in the Soul River to return to the Soul River.

This is the outpost of the strange clan. It was built at an unimaginable cost. It connects all the heavens and the realms. It is not easy to build such a path.

When I returned to the Soul River, all I heard and seen was silence. There were no more cries of ghosts or howls. Even the people in charge were killed. Naturally, the place was deserted.

Even if there are some fish that slip through the net, they are still small miscellaneous fish.

The three of them came to the ultimate place of Soul River, closed their eyes, and realized the supreme rules of Soul River. It didn't take long for them to master the use of Soul River path.


Driven by them, the broken soul river flowed out again, breaking through the overlapping voids, crossing endless distances, and descending on the reef island that everyone walked out of back then.

In the void, the dark river flowed, and three tall figures stepped out.

The long blood-colored river flows slowly, overflowing the big tomb, and flowing into the distance. An island reef stands on the blood-colored river, shrouded by a crystal wall of law. This is the seal formation left by the three immortal emperors. More than ten thousand years have passed, but Nothing has changed, no one has destroyed it.

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