The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 525 The burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven

After listening to Chi Cang's description of God, all the kings showed yearning on their faces.

After endless years of silence, my heart that gradually became cold and silent seemed to boil with it.

When they go to heaven, they are no longer the strongest. There are many Taoist-level creatures and Luju-level creatures.

If the kings want to go further, they need to fight for the crossing. Thousands of sails can cross the river, and hundreds of boats can fight for the river.

After leaving the Immortal Emperor's magic circle and standing over the island, Chi Cang, Shi Hao, and Gu Yi followed the method of controlling the Soul River to make the path that this strange ethnic group had built for endless years emerge.

The dark soul river flowed quietly to the soles of everyone's feet. The kings who saw the soul river for the first time were all shocked, because they saw that the soul river was made up of countless living souls. Horrible and terrifying.

"This is the Soul River. It was once an outpost of the strange tribe. There were four quasi-immortal emperors who were stationed in it. They were wiped out by us.

Considering the special nature of the Soul River, it can save time and travel through various realms, so it was not destroyed and kept.

If he really relied on brute force to cross, even the Immortal Emperor would have to spend tens of thousands of years to get out of this sea of ​​​​blood, which shows the vastness of the sky. " Chi Cang explained.

The kings understood, and at the same time, their hearts were heavy. It was just an outpost, but there were actually four quasi-immortal emperors stationed there. The strength of the strange tribe was indeed terrifying.

"There are three more places like this. We didn't have time to clean them at that time. After sending you to heaven this time, we will go to those three places where filth and evil are hidden and clean up." Shi Hao said.

Later, under the leadership of the three Immortal Emperors, everyone stepped onto the Soul River. They felt the sinister wind gusting, even the Immortal King was greatly affected.

Entering the Soul River, Chicang and the others controlled the Soul River again, spanning an infinite distance, spreading to the vicinity of God, and then led the kings out.

Below, mountains and rivers are broken, there are groups of bloody lakes, a piece of scorched earth, and strange substances are everywhere, not only dark substances, but also others. The ominousness in them can be sensed from a distance.

Looking around, this is true across hundreds of millions of miles of territory, and the pollution in farther areas is even more serious.

However, there was a transparent membrane in front of everyone, and the scene inside was completely different from the scene outside.

The mountains and rivers are majestic and endlessly beautiful. Waterfalls made of the essence of immortality rush down from high altitudes. Everywhere you can see plants of great herbs, growing like weeds on the roadside.

The concentration of essence in the entire world is much better than that of the Realm of the Heavens. In comparison, the Immortal Realm, known as the "Hometown of Immortals", is nothing.

With their hearts surging, the kings followed the three immortal emperors through the barrier and entered this vast and beautiful mysterious world.

They closed their eyes and felt the great way of this world. As a result, they all looked shocked.

High and far, complete and vast, it is indeed not comparable to a large realm such as the Immortal Realm, just like a firefly compared to a bright moon.

It is in line with the sentence: "Above God, there is eternity, reincarnation is irreversible, the supreme place."

The so-called outstanding people and spirits, such a vast and high-level world, the monks raised are naturally more powerful. This is also the reason why the chance of breaking through to become a quasi-immortal emperor or immortal emperor in the heaven is greater than that in the realm of the heavens.

"I have a hunch that this... will be the place where I become enlightened." Butcher, a cold and tough Emperor Light Immortal King, who once killed the strongest young prodigy of all the major forces in the world, was calm and calm, and the mountain collapsed in front of him. His expression remained unchanged, and he couldn't help but show excitement at this moment.

He is only one step away from the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. He has even cultivated the brilliance of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, lingering outside his body to ensure his immortality. However, in the realm of the heavens, he has never been able to cross the final key. One step, stuck there, neither up nor down.

Upon reaching heaven, the Butcher immediately had a premonition and felt that he could become a Taoist in heaven and become the ancestor of a religion.

Those who had the same feeling as him were the burial master and the woman known as the "chicken raiser". They were all the Emperor Light Immortal Kings who had cultivated the brilliance of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and could be called the strongest people below the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

As for the other Immortal Kings, they also sensed that the way forward was gradually becoming clearer.

Especially those with great perseverance who have opened up a system, coming to heaven is like a dragon entering the sea, and their future achievements will be immeasurable.

For example, the founder of the Tao Seed System, Diao Diao, the Tao Seed System he developed is the method of enlightenment for many Immortal Emperors and quasi-Immortal Emperors.

In Chi Cang's previous life, he used Lei Chi as his Tao seed to become the youngest of the ten evil spirits in history. Liu Shen also started from the Tao seed method, rose up step by step, and finally opened up the road to worship spirits and became the ancestral sacrifice spirit.

When Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng pioneered the path of using the body as seed, they drew on the idea of ​​Taoism. However, they used themselves as Taoism.

Although this kind of system has many flaws, it also has many things to praise.

As a founder, Fishing's strength should not be underestimated. He has long been the ultimate Immortal King. Although he has never cultivated the light of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he is extremely powerful. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to cross the boundary sea and cross the dam to the land of darkness. Before.

Among the kings, there are many people who are comparable to fishing. They are all stunning creatures who have opened up their own avenues. They are considered quasi-Taoist ancestors. As long as they break through the king realm, they will become Taoist ancestors and be powerful in the world.

Not only these people, but also the Ten Crown Kings, Banished Immortals, Shi Yi, and the grown-up descendants of the Ten Evils, etc., will all usher in a period of explosive growth after reaching heaven.

Cultivation in a low-level world is arduous and arduous, and suddenly coming to a high-level world is equivalent to untying the original oppression and being released.

"Let's go, Liu Shen and the Great Elder have already chosen a place to stay. Just settle there first. This will be the case for everyone who comes from the Heaven Realm in the future.

We will not restrict your freedom. God is vast and everyone can go there. However, if you are new here, try not to conflict with the forces of God. We will leave a mark on everyone to prevent unexpected events.

Although the general environment at the moment is a concerted effort to resist the strange ethnic groups, internal strife is not completely eliminated. " Chi Cang gave a few instructions.

When the kings heard the words, they all nodded to indicate that they understood.

With the Immortal Emperor's mark on his body, he can still save his life even if the Tao Ancestor's creatures attack him.

They are immortal kings who have gone through many years of hard work. They are used to seeing the world of mortals. They know what they should and should not do. They will not make enemies randomly. No one wants to cause trouble and bore the Thunder Emperor and Huangtian Emperor. meaning.

After arriving at the area selected by Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng, and settling the kings, the Three Emperors prepared to go to the ancient underworld and other places. Even though the weird things there may have disappeared, there may still be clues left.

Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng are also going together.

Chi Cang thought for a moment and did not refuse. Now, the only person who can threaten him is the ancestor of the strange ethnic group.

If the ancestor is born, no matter where he is, he will not be able to escape a battle. Therefore, it will be the same whether Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng go or not.

In this way, except for the counterfeit medicine seller and the Lord of Heaven who were already traveling in the sky, the five Chicang people set out again to go to another outpost of the Weird tribe.

At their first stop, they arrived at the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven.

During the Battle of Soul River, a road extended out of this pit and spread to the ultimate place of Soul River. Then, a monster crawled out of the pit. It had the cultivation level of a quasi-immortal emperor. It was extremely terrifying. It also had the contemporary chief priest engraved on it. The sacrificial inscriptions given could protect it from falling forever, but in the end, it was wiped out by Chi Cang and the others.

The Immortal Emperor left behind has a mark, which is engraved on the path. As long as he takes it back, he can follow the clues and find the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven.

This is indeed a large pit, the whole pit is slope-shaped, extending downward at an extremely steep angle, and is bottomless.

The entire pit was shrouded in a strange thick fog. The fog was mixed with inexplicable strange rules and ominous forces. On the walls of the pit, there were many terrifying scenes.

There were ancient corpses lying on the roadside, their blood still steaming hot before they were cold, and there were stumps and broken bones left by powerful and indescribable weird creatures scattered all over the ground.

Skulls, hand bones, claws, scales, rotten eyeballs... all the weird things you can imagine are here, and they have a terrifying aura and occasionally tremble, as if they are still alive.

The five people walked into the thick fog step by step. The power of the Immortal Emperor spread, and the thick and mysterious fog was dispelled, revealing the true appearance of the burial pit.

Weird, desolate, terrifying...

However, the burial pit is now empty. The destruction of the Soul River frightened the monsters dormant here, and naturally they did not dare to stay any longer.

The speed of Chi Cang and others is so fast, one step is infinite distance.

They went all the way to the deepest part of the Emperor's Tomb, and saw an unforgettable scene of horror, comparable to the honeycomb-like area of ​​the Soul River.

Corpses flowed horizontally, mixed with blood, pus, strange substances of various colors, etc. Occasionally, you can see rotten organs sinking and floating on it. Even strong men like Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng have some My hair stood on end, and I sensed a dangerous aura.

This liquid should be used to soak corpses, and they are extremely powerful corpses.

This place is called the Celestial Emperor's Burial Pit. As the name suggests, it is a pit where the Celestial Emperor's corpse is buried. Maybe there were corpses that had undergone mutated and indescribable changes lying in this disgusting liquid.

"Oh, they are all gone. Not even a living thing is seen, only some half-dead, insignificant monsters." Gu Yi said with a sneer.

When they rushed to help God, the outposts of the three strange ethnic groups may have disappeared without a trace.

The reason why the strange party spent a huge amount of money to lure them away must be to cover up something.

"There are Lu-level creatures that cover up the cause and effect, and many traces can no longer be found." Shi Hao sighed.

"This is indeed a bit troublesome, but it is impossible to escape like this. After all, this is the place where those monsters have lived for endless years. How can the cause and effect be wiped out so easily?" Chi Cang said coldly. .

Later, he used the imperial method, and the sound of scriptures from the past, present and future resounded in the tomb of the Emperor of Heaven, affecting the course of time and reversing the past, present and future.


A part of the Dharma left behind by Weird Road to cover up cause and effect was affected, causing shock and great destruction.

Invisibly, there seems to be an extremely tall figure standing in the darkness, with its back against a vast plateau, looking over here.

"Hmph, Thunder Emperor!"

This strange statue snorted coldly, relying on the power of the plateau behind it to interrupt Chi Cang's restoration.

Even so, part of the covering method it left was shattered, and under Chi Cang's will, the old scene reappeared.

Shi Hao and the others saw tall corpses lying on their backs one after another in the disgusting liquid. Some had their eyes open and looked frighteningly lifeless, while some had their eyes closed. Although their faces were rotten, they still looked the same. It can be seen that Yingwei's death seems to have a great origin.

Chi Cang looked through the ancient history and learned the origins of these corpses. They were all the strongest men in the world sacrificed by the Weird people. A quasi-immortal emperor once led all spirits to resist the Weird, but in the end, he died tragically on the battlefield. Then he was sent to this burial pit, thrown into the liquid, and soaked.

Slowly, the living creatures came to life, fell into the strange side, and became its minions.

This is the truth about the so-called burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven. Over the ages, the corpses of the Emperor of Heaven have been sent here far more than what they saw. Because of the great sacrifices of one era after another, the strange outposts will also suffer losses. The corpses of the Emperor of Heaven have transformed into corpses. The strange existence will also be wiped out by the amazing people.

Over the years, countless majestic creatures known as the Emperor of Heaven were killed and their bodies were brought here.

The burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven is worthy of its name.

What is surprising is that among the ancient corpses that left, there were actually ancient corpses that were evolving into Lu Jin level creatures. There was that kind of energy that was permeating the air and being transmitted through the long river of history.

Perhaps what Weird Lu Jin wanted to cover up was the means by which this ancient corpse could evolve in this way.

The emergence of the leaders of the Pollen Road once killed the Weird Roadmen in fear. They also wanted to develop and create other Lujie creatures to enhance the strength of the Weird Race.

Because the ancestor has not come out, the big sacrifice has to be done by these Lujin level creatures, and the Lujin level of the weird tribe can only have ten at most.

When the power of the weird clan is weak, it will be difficult to successfully complete the great sacrifice.

So, when the ancestor of Weirdness was born and told some powerful evolutionary paths, Weird Road End began to prepare for these things, selecting seeds from all the worlds to follow these paths.

"Can Luju-level creatures be created?" Gu Yi sensed the energy emanating from the corpses floating on the liquid at a time point not long ago, and his expression changed slightly.

"It probably hasn't been successful yet." Chi Cang shook his head.

How can it be so easy for the Immortal Emperor to succeed? Although an ancient corpse is transforming into this realm, it will take immeasurable time to succeed.

"And, it doesn't have this chance anymore." Chi Cang continued, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

After saying that, Chi Cang stretched out a big, thunderous hand, with red forbidden lightning wrapped around its five fingers and palm. He ignored the backlash of time and cause and effect and grabbed onto the past.

When a supreme Immortal Emperor launches an attack, the ancient corpse who has not yet become an Immortal Emperor will naturally not be spared.


The corpse floating in the liquid suddenly opened its eyes, shooting out a terrifying beam of light, looking at the big hand from the future, its rotting face full of disbelief.

"How is it possible, you..."

It was frightened. It didn't expect this creature to be so terrifying. It was going from the future to the past, trying to kill it at this point in time.

The ancient corpse wanted to escape, but the Immortal Emperor's field locked it and there was no way to avoid it.

Finally, the big hand of lightning struck it down, and it was wiped out inch by inch, along with other quasi-immortal emperor-level ancient corpses.

In the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, all the monsters had already turned away, but they were still killed by Chi Cang. This was equivalent to changing the established past, and the long river of time would change its course as a result.

The power of backlash is not without, but to Chi Cang, it is nothing.

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