
Chi Cang's family of three were talking and laughing, looking like a happy family.

Suddenly, the eyes of Chi Cang and Liu Shen changed. Their hearts suddenly suffocated, their hair stood on end, and they felt a sense of horror.

For Lujin level creatures, this is extremely terrifying. Who are they? They are the most powerful people standing at the top. Who can make their hearts palpitate? Creepy?

"It's the strange ancestor who was born." Chi Cang said with great certainty.

He has a majestic body and a majestic appearance. The armor on his body is shining brightly, entwined with thunder and lightning one after another. His eyes are sharp. He stares in one direction, as if he has looked through eternity and seen several extremely ancient figures.

Liu Shen's heart trembled and she looked at her daughter. If possible, she really hoped that this kind of peace could be maintained forever. Since having Chi Cang and her daughter, she knew what was most important, the avenue, but the protection Tools for people who matter.

"Has this day... finally come?" Liu Shen whispered.

"God Liu, take Chixia to a foreign land and protect her." Chi Cang said.

Liu Shen looked at her Taoist companion and said nothing, because she knew that the Thunder Emperor was the leader of God and had to go to war.

Moreover, as one of the most promising creatures to break through to the path of sacrifice, he is definitely the target of the strange ancestor. If he retreats without a fight, even if he hides in a place outside the world, he may be found by the ancestor.

Therefore, Chi Cang must fight.

"You have to be careful and come back safely." Liu Shen came over, hugged Chi Cang, and carefully arranged his armor for him, very gently.

"Father, are you going to fight the strange ancestor?" Chixia naturally knew the situation.

That weird ancestor is a sacrificial creature, and Chi Cang is just the supreme immortal emperor. How can he fight against it?

Chixia was afraid that her father would not come back and would die in the hands of the ancestor.

"Well, after you go to this world, you must practice well and listen to your mother's words." Chi Cang nodded calmly. In fact, he sighed in his heart. He didn't know what the outcome of this battle would be.

If he died in battle, he would never see his wife and daughter again.

"Father, I don't want you to go." Chixia was a little frightened. She cried for the first time in her life because she was afraid that this would be the last time she would see her father.

"Be good and be obedient. I am the Thunder Emperor. How could I die?" Chi Cang said with a smile.

Looking at her extremely majestic father, Chixia believed it, because in her heart, her father was an invincible existence.

"Then you have to make sure you come back safely."

"I promise." Chi Cang nodded.

Afterwards, Liu Shen left with Chixia. Now that the ancestor was born, the place outside the world is no longer suitable to be opened, and only Luju level creatures can take people there.

In other words, the remaining creatures in heaven cannot be transferred.

Originally, in the plan of Chi Cang and others, this plan would be completed within the next 100,000 years, but now, changes cannot keep up with the plan, and the strange tribe is attacking, so they have to fight.

On the other side, Shi Hao also sensed an abnormality. There was a terrifying existence deducing him. It was extremely terrifying. Except for the ancestor, no other living being could reach this level.

The Four Immortal Emperors, as well as Gu Yi and Meng Tianzheng, all had an ominous premonition, as if the sky was about to collapse and a disaster was imminent.

Not only them, but also the Taoist ancestors also had a premonition.

"What's going on? Why do you feel this palpitation?" Daozu, who didn't know the truth, was surprised.

Later, they found the Luju level creature and asked about the reason.

Tongyou, a Lu Jin-level being who majored in the path of the flesh, responded with a sigh: "There are ancestor-level beings in the weird tribe that are more powerful than Lu Jin. Now, they are born and are about to kill us. We have no choice but to retreat. In order to God, we must fight.”

All the Dao Ancestors showed incredible expressions. They were even more powerful than Lu Jin. What kind of terrifying opponent was this?

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, the opponent is really too powerful.

We will not retreat from this battle, and we will live and die together with God. "Another Immortal Emperor Daoxuan said.

Seeing the end of the road, all living beings will fight to the death. These Taoist ancestors also showed their bloody nature and vowed to live and die with God.

As God's seed plan, the existence of this place outside the world is only known to the beings who have reached the end of the road, and only the beings who have gone there are aware of it.

There is no way, this thing must be concealed enough. If it is made known to everyone, it will most likely be leaked and all the previous efforts will be wasted.

"I swear to live and die with God!"

The creatures of all races knew that the strange tribe was about to invade in large numbers, and they roared to the sky, wanting to throw their heads and blood to fight against the strange tribe.

However, when that aura that was terrifying to all creatures at the end of the road swept over, everyone couldn't help but tremble and became stiff.

On the horizon, a boundless and strange fog surged up, which was an endless army of strange people. At the front, there were three terrifying figures standing. They were still infinitely far away, but they could be clearly seen.

The three ancestors were born and walked out of the plateau.

On this day, chaotic thunder descended from the sky out of thin air, causing all walks of life to tremble. Bloody whirlwinds blew between the sky and the earth, accompanied by black rain and ominous lightning.

After the birth of the ancestor, strange celestial phenomena appeared in countless big worlds, and the evil and terror reached the extreme.

In the sky, dense blood-colored lightning appeared. Two big furry red hands, dripping with strange blood, tore open the sky and made a big hole.

Then, a strange mist spewed out, quickly filling a large area of ​​territory. Endless magnificent mountains and rivers were withered, and countless creatures fell and died tragically on the spot.

The three ancestors came, leading a strange army from the plateau, across the sea of ​​​​sacrifice, and directly to the sky.

Countless people looked up to watch. The scalps of creatures of all races were numb, and they were so shocked that they almost collapsed to the ground in shock by the aura released by the ancestors.

What kind of scene is this? Is God going to be subverted? Is the end of the world coming?

A cold sigh sounded, affecting the entire heaven, as if coming from the netherworld.

With just a sigh, countless creatures in the world were killed and injured. The more powerful the existence, the more targeted it was. Even the Tao Ancestor-level creatures shook their bodies, bleeding all over their bodies, and cracks appeared one after another.


Dense bloody lightning appeared in the sky and earth, and black rain poured down. Then, a terrifying figure emerged and descended into the vast sky.

With its arrival, the void cracked, the avenue collapsed, the divine chain of order was broken, and the universe let out a whimpering sound, as if it could not bear the arrival of this creature and was about to completely collapse.

What's even more frightening is that with the arrival of this existence, the powerful men of God are undergoing shocking changes.

All living beings that have had the dark matter enter their bodies and have any traces of it left behind have been affected.

Their bodies were blurred, and their evolutionary paths were revealed one by one. There were cracks in the avenue, and then each section collapsed. These creatures were bleeding, and what was dripping turned out to be black blood.


Countless people screamed. They couldn't believe that this existence, without actively attacking them, caused them to undergo such changes and fall into an unknown state.

"The ancestor of the black race?" Shi Hao whispered. He also felt the sense of an unknown invasion, because he had introduced dark matter into his body back then, but now it has become a hidden danger.

However, for a supreme Immortal Emperor like him, it is not a big problem.

Chi Cang felt the same, but it posed no threat to him. He was the Thunder Emperor, and it was just a matter of a thought to clear the dark matter.


The second ancestor arrived, and a white hurricane swept across the wasteland, turning the hair of many ethnic groups white and making their eyes strange.

Finally, the ancestor of the red ethnic group who dug out the crack stepped forward and descended into the sky.

The next moment, countless creatures grew long red hair and fell into the unknown.

Many evolvers were blown apart by the coercion released by the ancestors and died tragically.

The three ancestors stand tall in the sky, like three majestic mountains standing there, making people despair.

Their eyes are so terrifying that wherever they touch, the entire world will turn into dust.

"Thunder Emperor, where is Huang?"

The ancestor of the black ethnic group spoke out, and the entire sky rumbled and shook, and a terrifying large crack appeared.


Above the sky, a simple thunder pool appeared, shrouded in mysterious mist, as if it was born before the creation of the world and was extremely ancient.

The mouth of the thunder pool tilted and poured downwards, and the thunder calamity liquid at the level of the Immortal Emperor turned into thunder waterfalls, filling the vast world of heaven.

Thunder thundered, lightning exploded, and all the ominous atmosphere was extinguished. In the great world of the sky, the avenues and universe that were shattered by the arrival of the strange ancestor were also being repaired. Those creatures who were affected by the strange ancestor and fell into the strange world were also being repaired. Under the effect of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, he recovered.

"Lord Thunder Emperor has appeared. As long as he is here, the Weird Clan cannot succeed." Youdao Ancestor shouted, showing great respect to Thunder Emperor.

Chi Cang came out of nothingness and stood under the thunder pond. He looked majestic and majestic. Every step was accompanied by billions of thunderbolts, facing the three ancestors.

At this time, Shi Hao also came, holding a wild sword, calm and aloof.

Afterwards, all the roads to heaven were reached, including Tongyou, Daoxuan, Menghai, Luo Tianxian, Guyi, and Meng Tianzheng.

Compared with the top ten weird roads behind the three ancestors, the number of roads here is a bit thin. However, in terms of combat power, the roads that rely on their own avenues to advance are obviously more weird than those that rely on the original material to advance. Be stronger at the end of the road.

The same is true for sacrificing creatures. However, these ancestors and Lu'an, after sacrificing again and again, continue to gain strength from inexplicable existences, which can no longer be measured by common sense.

The Heavenly Dao Ancestors also came, gathering after all the creatures on the road. A large number of immortal kings, true immortals, and a large number of human beings came from all directions. There were great roads to help them cross the long distance and rush to the battlefield.

"Thunder Emperor, Huangtian Emperor, and all the other great Heavenly Emperors are here. This battle will be won." Someone shouted.

All the creatures in the sky raised their voices together, and their voices were so majestic that they shook the whole world.

But the next moment, all the sounds disappeared and I couldn't shout.

An indescribable force covered the battlefield and silenced all sounds.

This is the power of the ancestors, causing chaos in the heavens and the earth.

Three terrifying eyes fell on Chi Cang and Shi Hao.

"Yes, you do have the talent to surpass the Immortal Emperor. If you are allowed to continue to grow, it will be a big disaster." The white ancestor said solemnly.

To be able to make ancestor-level creatures show such expressions is enough to show how terrifying Chi Cang and Shi Hao's combat prowess is.

"Huh? Blood relative of that woman back then?" The Black Ancestor looked at Luo Tianxian, as if he saw the leader of the Pollen Road who led people into the plateau.

But then, it shook its head.

"It's too far off. There's no hope for the sacrifice."

When Luo Tianxian heard this, she couldn't help but clenched her fists, her eyes filled with hatred. Her sister died in the hands of the strange ancestor and fell forever on the cold plateau.

"What a powerful talent. It would be a pity to kill him. If you can join us and lead you to the plateau, you can immediately transform into the ancestors and become the strongest people in the world alongside us." The ancestor of the red clan sighed and said to Chi Cang and Shi Hao started to recruit.

"I think too much. If you want to fight, fight." Chi Cang and Shi Hao said in unison, completely unmoved. Even if they failed to attack the sacrificial path many times, they would not fall into the weirdness and choose this so-called shortcut.

"It's been a long time since I've seen a creature with such huge potential. There have been sacrifices again and again, worlds have changed countless times, and countless times have passed. There are only a handful of existences that can make us pay attention. You two are definitely one of them. One." The white ancestor said, with memories in his eyes.

They are not in a hurry to take action, because for them, who have long years and endless lives, such variables or enemies are worth "treasuring".

The sea has changed, the years have changed, and the enemies they once killed will become a glorious chapter in their memories.

"We will also remember you. It was you who made this world plunge into terror, into something strange and unknown.

When we calm down the plateau and let everything return to peace, as endless years pass, we will remember this time and be alert. "Chi Cang responded tit for tat, not thinking that his side would fail.

He and Shi Hao successively attacked the realm of sacrifice. Although they failed, they also made progress. They were slowly surpassing the limit. Even though the realm was still invisible and seemed like a castle in the air, facing the strange ancestor who advanced through abnormal means, it was not without a fight. Power.

His methods of ancient, modern and future, and Shi Hao's "Essence of Transformation" are all invincible methods of the Immortal Emperor. It can be said that each of them can sweep away the Immortal Emperors in the world if they act alone.

In terms of combat power, they have indeed surpassed the Immortal Emperor.

"Haha, I seemed to have heard this kind of words many times in a daze, but it was so long ago that I can't remember it clearly." The Red Ancestor said with a smile.

"Forget it, let's take action and let this black festival come to a successful conclusion. Logically speaking, the black era should have ended long ago, because that woman and the end of this world have been delayed for too long. Now, it is It's time to say something." The Black Ancestor spoke out, cold and ruthless.

Its words made the creatures on God's side nervous. If the ancestors took action, the sky would collapse. From the way those weird ancestors bowed to the ancestors on the high and strange roads, you can see how terrifying the weird ancestors are.

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