The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 534 Burn my flesh and blood, burn my soul, sacrifice my avenue


Across the heavens and the world, in countless regions, countless creatures sighed, stared at the broken statues of gods, and murmured in sorrow.

On this day, strangeness enveloped all realms, and everything lost its brilliance.

How can you believe it? Will two invincible leaders die on the battlefield?

The whole world is grieving together, praying to the name of the Emperor of Heaven, trying to keep his true spirit from falling.

However, the three ancestors stood tall and struck coldly, destroying everything, and the power of faith lost its effect.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao are really going to perish and remain silent forever, just like the leaders of the Pollen Road back then.

In a place outside the world, Liu Shen, who was telling Chi Xia about the past, felt something in his heart, and his words could not help but stagnate.

"Mother, father, he..." Chixia also felt the throbbing coming from the depths of her blood.

That was the source, which was being obliterated and destroyed, which meant that his father, the Thunder Emperor, was about to die.

Liu Shen's white skirt trembled slightly, and a majestic figure appeared in Yuanshen. Thunder was entwined and lightning intertwined, just like an emperor in thunder.

But at this moment, this emperor-like figure is dimming little by little, becoming nothingness.

Back then, when they became immortals in the Dharma-ending world, both of them paid a huge price. In the end, through a brief intercourse, their souls overcame the difficulties and broke the shackles.

Each left their own mark.

Now that Chi Cang is about to die, Liu Shen can naturally sense that the mark of Chi Cang here is about to disappear.

A few tears fell. At this moment, Liu Shen was no longer the ancestral sacrifice spirit revered by countless ethnic groups, nor was she a majestic creature at the end of the road. She was just an ordinary woman who hoped that her husband would return safely.

Chixia felt the same way, because Liu Shen had just told her about the journey of two people from Taoist friends, to Taoist couples, to husband and wife, which was full of twists and turns and warmth.

Just separated like this, yin and yang separated, how sad must Liu Shen be?

He died at the hands of his ancestors, with no hope of resurrection. Just like the leader of the Pollen Road, he is still lying on the plateau, his bones still cold.

Seeing her mother cry, Chixia reached out to wipe her tears.

The weathered face, the eyes that had lost their vitality, the crystal clear tears... It was the first time to see her mother so heartbroken, Chixia couldn't help but feel her heart tremble slightly.

Then, she showed a look of determination.

"Mother, go ahead and save father."

Chixia spoke.

She thought of the story Liu Shen told about the Ancient Era of Immortality. In that life, God Liu went to the Immortal Realm to ask for reinforcements, but was deliberately made difficult and obstructed. In the end, she missed the last battle of the Era. When she returned, the original ancient world had already It was shattered into pieces, all the creatures in the world were buried, and the era ended.

In grief and anger, Liu Shen rushed into a foreign land, entering and exiting nine times, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

This time, Chi Cang will die on the battlefield. If he can't stand by his side, it will become Liu Shen's biggest regret.

Chixia knew that without her, Liu Shen would have gone to the battlefield long ago.

She is the crystallization of Liu Shen and Chi Cang, and she is the person Liu Shen wants to protect with all his life, so Liu Shen is reluctant to let her go.

Hearing Chixia's words, Liu Shen was slightly startled, and his eyes glowed.

She looked at her daughter, who was full of maternal glory, and mother and daughter were united. Liu Shen understood what Chi Xia was thinking.

"Take care of yourself and become a great leader like your father in the future." Liu Shen whispered, his voice trembling slightly.

She really couldn't let go of her daughter, but if she didn't save Chi Cang and saw her for the last time, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Once upon a time, she and Chi Cang talked about the future, and she said more than once that if one day, she died in battle...

At that time, Liu Shen thought that if Chi Cang died in the battle, she would not live alone.

Unexpectedly, this moment really came.

"Well, mother, you will come back safely, right?" Chixia burst into tears, very weak, and wanted to hear Liu Shen's personal guarantee, even if it would never come true.

"Yes, I will return with your father." Liu Shen nodded.

She kissed her daughter's forehead, glanced at her with nostalgia, and then disappeared.

Chixia was left standing there blankly, motionless, looking at her figure in the distance, even though she could no longer see her.

In the sky, Chi Cang and Shi Hao reunited, it was so illusory that they could hardly see clearly. A cluster of Immortal Emperor fire was burning quietly. This was the last ray of origin. After it was wiped out, it would completely fall and remain in darkness forever.

"Is that the end?"

"After all, the shackles have not been broken."

Chi Cang and Shi Hao talked to themselves, with endless regrets in their eyes, and pictures passed by, which were their glorious and glorious lives.

"It has been brilliant, it has been dazzling, and it has tasted all the splendor in the world. Nothing in this world has been in vain."

They sighed, and their eyes gradually darkened.

In future generations, who will raise the banner against weirdness? They left behind seeds of hope, perhaps those younger generations with extraordinary talents.

Infinite years ago, were there any leaders in the heavens who had reached this point? Feeling regretful and having no choice but to end things?

Endless questions appeared in their minds, but unfortunately, there was no time to prove them.

"Goodbye!" At the last moment, Chi Cang thought of his wife and daughter.

Shi Hao thought of Qingyi, Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi, and his children.

Just when Chi Cang's vision was completely plunged into darkness, a dazzling light broke the darkness.

It was a figure in white, with an extremely beautiful appearance and unparalleled weathering, dispelling all the darkness.

"Willow God!"

Chi Cang thought it was his own illusion, perhaps because he was too reluctant to give up, so he saw Liu Shen's figure.

However, the next moment, he woke up, his vision blurred, and the tragic sky reappeared.

The three ancestors are still there, and the eight strange roads are standing behind them.

A woman in white came from a distant place to kill, so determined.

"Liu Shen..."

When Chi Cang saw this scene, his mind was buzzing. He originally thought that his wife and daughter were hidden in the world, extremely safe, and that they would survive even if the era ended.

Who knew that when he was about to die, he would see his wife fighting on this dangerous battlefield.

He was extremely heartbroken and had already anticipated Liu Shen's ending.

An urgent emotion filled Chi Cang's heart. He wanted to stand up, regain his peak fighting strength, fight the three ancestors again, and fight for Liu Shen's hope of leaving and living.

However, he is too weak and is on the verge of extinction. It can even be said that he is already dead, but he still has obsession and is unwilling to leave.

"Is it because of this woman that I am lingering in the world and unwilling to leave?" Black Ancestor whispered, looking at Liu Shen with a cold look.

"True love in the world is rare. We have had it before, but unfortunately, it is just a passing cloud." The Red Ancestor shook his head and sighed.

"Since you have traveled thousands of miles to come here and want to live and die with the descendant of Chi, then I have no choice but to help you." The white ancestor said coldly.

Then, it took action, a big white hand covering the sky, covering the sky, and slapped the Liu Shen coming from the sky.


Seeing this scene, Chi Cang's obsession felt like the emotions in his heart were going to explode.

In Shi Hao's body, in the invisible firelight, there was also a roar.

For Shi Hao, Liu Shen was his master, teaching him a lot, helping him lay the foundation when he was young, planting a seed of greatness in his heart, and protecting the peace of Shi Village.

At that time, Shi Hao wanted to catch up and fight side by side with the Blazing Willow God. In the end, he caught up.

I still remember the other life trajectory I saw when I killed the Dark Guyi. Liu Shen crossed the sea alone. After the battle, only a charred wooden pile was left...

Liu Shen's eyes were determined, without any trace of fear. She saw the remains of Chi Cang and Shi Hao, almost turning into nothingness, and their destruction was imminent.

She ignored the big white hand and directly ignited the origin of the Immortal Emperor, turning it into a stream of light and rushing towards Chi Cang.


The big white hand slapped it down, cold, powerful and ruthless, erasing all miracles.

Even if Liu Shen tried his best, he couldn't resist.

The dazzling brilliance of the Immortal Emperor was scattered by the big white hand, and the Willow God disappeared.

However, there was also a glimmer of light that survived and rushed into Blazing Cang's void body.

That was the imprint left by Chi Cang on Liu Shen Yuan Shen. Although it was fading, it was real.

At this moment, Chi Cang's ethereal body became solid, and the power of the soul reappeared, no longer an immortal obsession, and the sound of blood gurgling came from the body.


A blazing thunder enveloped the entire sky, like the wrath of God.

Chi Cang, standing opposite the three ancestors, said nothing, his eyes were blood red, and there was a kind of silent anger. The moment the streamer mark flew into his body, he saw the Liu Shen mark in his soul, his white clothes were fluttering, There is a smile on the lips.

"Why come?"

He asked softly, heartbroken and angry, building up in his chest and about to overflow.

"Because we are Taoist couples." Liu Shen smiled, and the mark dissipated little by little.

In Chi Cang's mind, the words of that year could not help but echo.

"A Taoist companion is a companion on the road. The road is rugged and we walk together..."

The moment the beauty disappeared, the anger in Chi Cang's chest exploded, and he couldn't hold it back any longer.

His eyes burned with raging anger, and he looked directly at the three ancestors with murderous intent, causing everything in the world to wither.

Even though the surviving Badalu were hiding behind their ancestors, they were still frightened by the killing intent and their hearts trembled.

"Are you angry? This is a sign of immaturity. We have had true love and experienced loss. In the end, everything is empty." The white ancestor said ruthlessly.

Then, it sneered: "Now, with only a trace of mark left, what can you do? We can destroy it with a flip of our hands."

Chi Cang stopped talking. At this moment, he just wanted to destroy everything in front of him.

"Burn my flesh and blood, burn my soul!" He muttered to himself, and the remaining mark burned.

In the light of the fire, everything about him was being destroyed, his flesh, blood, and soul were all burned up in the flames.

"Suicide? Or sacrificing love?" The three ancestors looked down.

When the blazing sky was about to disappear completely, a whisper came, like extremely ancient syllables, and like the whispers of gods and demons in the sky.

"Sacrifice me the road!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the fragments of the Immortal-Slaying Guillotine scattered across the land began to spontaneously ignite inexplicably, including the Thunder Pond, the Immortal-Slaying Platform, etc. that were broken into several pieces, all shrouded in flames.

The great roads within were burned up little by little, sacrificed, taken from heaven and earth, and sacrificed to heaven and earth.

"This is……"

The three ancestors were extremely surprised, because they could no longer sense the presence of Chi Cang, and seemed completely dead. However, his weapons were changing, and all the Tao principles were being wiped out, and the whole body was transforming into a Taoist-level weapon. .

The world's great road can no longer approach the Thunder Pond, the Immortal-Destroying Platform, and the Immortal-Destroying Guillotine, because these weapons have become sacrificial weapons, with breathtaking auras and unrivaled terror.

Suddenly, on the long river of time, in the ocean of cause and effect, there was the sound of ancient and mysterious scriptures, whispering, telling the story of the past, present and future.


Flames rise.

These scriptures were actually being burned, generating the power of time and cause and effect.

"What's going on? His weapon became a sacrificial weapon, and the Immortal Emperor Scripture he created was also sacrificed. However, his true body and soul were clearly burned.

Could it be said that this is in line with the true meaning of sacrifice? "The three ancestors were puzzled and deduced.

However, it could not be deduced. Everything in Chi Cang was shrouded in fog and could no longer be seen clearly.

“Some things did happen to the young man named Chi that we didn’t expect.

That wasteland seemed to have undergone such a change. The broken Emperor Sword was ablaze, and all avenues were inaccessible. "

"I have an ominous premonition. Quickly kill the unburnt wasteland." The black ancestor said hastily with a cold look on his face.

Earlier, they were still aloof, overlooking these things happening, thinking that it was impossible to change. Unexpectedly, everything changed because of that woman.

The red ancestor and the white ancestor nodded, and together with the black ancestor, they stretched out their big hands and grabbed Shi Hao to stop the changes in him.

However, just when he was about to be caught, there was a flash of crimson light, three big hands were cut off at the wrist, and strange substances and blood continued to flow.

The three ancestors were horrified, who? Cut off the palms of three of them with one knife?

In this vast world, who can possess such supreme power?

"The descendant with the surname Chi, is it you?" The White Ancestor was shocked. How could this creature, whose soul and flesh and soul had been burned out and completely annihilated, still reappear? And, broke through to the sacrifice path?

The black ancestor and the red ancestor looked at each other, and both saw the horror in the other's eyes.

"it's me."

Chi Cang appeared, standing at the end of the world, wearing armor, with a majestic appearance. Just standing there, all the avenues were wiped out inch by inch.

He became a sacrificial creature, sacrificing his own way and his own law.

Ancient and modern sutras, at the last moment of the burning sacrifice, helped him reach the top. Once he entered the sacrificial path, he became the strongest sacrificial path, just like when the Immortal Emperor came to the end of his road.

However, the price was so heavy, losing his beloved and watching her die in front of him.

Chi Cang growled and roared, his murderous intent surging, and his blood-red eyes made the three ancestors feel terrified.

He did not take action immediately, but took a picture of the thunder pool, moved the years with his hands, reversed the past and present, and summoned the mark of Liu Shen's soul from the passing time.

"You want to resurrect that woman?" The three ancestors said, trying to stop her.

As a result, Chi Cang swung out a sword, and the vast sword light was silent and deep, full of anger, causing the three ancestors to explode on the spot.

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