In the scarlet ocean composed of countless universes, the Immortal Killing Platform floats on it, traveling at extremely fast speeds. The waves below are blooming, and the vast world is ups and downs, reborn and destroyed in just a blink of an eye.

This is the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, known as the place where the Immortal Emperor sacrifices. It is vast and vast, filled with destroyed matter, otherworldly abyss, ancient worlds sacrificed by blood, etc.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao closed their eyes slightly and sat cross-legged quietly. They would only open their eyes when they encountered some special places.

For example, the indescribable ruins are covered with colorful emperor blood, bones, flesh, claws, and nails of immortal emperor-level creatures...

For another example, a huge shadow blocked the brilliant evolutionary path in the past. It seemed that there was still life. After noticing the gazes cast by Chi Cang and Shi Hao, a shadow actually extended over and spread towards their evolutionary path.

Unfortunately, these weird monsters had the wrong idea. They might pose a threat to the Immortal Emperor, but to priest-level creatures, they were like ants.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao took action without hesitation to eliminate the strange black shadow.

After a scream, the brilliant evolutionary path of the past bloomed again, and the two seemed to see a powerful Immortal Emperor rising step by step and standing at the top.

Unfortunately, this is the old days.

The real history has been completely swallowed up by the shadow.

There are also some areas where the ancient and modern times flow backwards, and the process of burning and reappearing ancient history books is repeated one after another, and all kinds of strange things are happening. The performance is horrifying.

The Sea of ​​Sacrifice is an extremely strange place. Over the endless years, it has spawned too many indescribable monsters and rules. It is extremely dangerous. Even if the Immortal Emperor comes, you need to be cautious.

Fortunately, Chi Cang and Shi Hao were strong enough, and all the weird things could not threaten them in the slightest or stop them even half a step.

The two rode the Immortal Killing Platform, braved the wind and waves in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, and approached the legendary plateau step by step.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, at the deepest point of the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, at the place of great sacrifice, a simple Taoist platform floated slowly from the distant sea.

Finally, the platform docked.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao boarded the pitch-black altar in front of them.

Just by taking a step on the altar, they heard countless wailing and crying sounds, and the power of the sacrifice filled the air. Suddenly, the old scene reappeared, and they understood that this was the place where the legendary strange ethnic group held a grand ceremony. .

Suddenly, Chi Cang and Shi Hao felt something strange at the same time.

They actually felt an inexplicable creature blowing cold wind on the back of their necks, soaking into the bone marrow, making people feel chilled all over.

As a priest-level creature, it is naturally impossible for him to sit back and watch such strange things run rampant in front of him.

Chi Cang immediately looked back with cold eyes, and a sharp beam shot out, hitting a black shadow behind him.


The black shadow screamed and disappeared in the wailing.

Shi Hao also took action, killing the strange black shadow approaching him.

They could clearly see that this black shadow was the gathering of evil thoughts of the Immortal Emperors who had died on this altar in the past generations. It could pose a threat to the real Immortal Emperor and should not be underestimated.

Then, the two climbed onto the altar and gazed at the long river of time.

This place is special. There is a heavy fog hanging over the long river. No matter how many creatures come along, they cannot clear the fog.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao teamed up to dispel the haze and saw some historical scenes.

They saw the seven great ancestors coming to this altar with ten supreme Taoist ancestors to hold a grand ceremony.

"Sure enough, they were planning something. The newly promoted white, black and red ethnic groups did not appear in the subsequent wars, but were hidden in the snow. Needless to say, they must have been receiving some kind of baptism and paid homage to the ancestors. Direction of evolution." Chi Cang said coldly.

"The number of ten may have something special for the ancestors. They are holding back and trying to gather the ten ancestors, which makes people feel uneasy." Shi Hao also spoke.

The two of them explored further ancient history and saw many scenes of great epochal festivals.

Throughout the ages, the weird clan has held countless great sacrifices on this altar, extinguishing countless civilizations, which makes people angry.

Finally, they left the altar and continued their journey.

Ahead, a vast territory can be vaguely seen, with shadows and shadows.

It was the erratic land where the strange tribe took root, and it was the buffer zone between the plateau and the Sea of ​​Sacrifice.

Facing the strong wind and waves, the two stood on the Immortal Killing Platform, looking at the soil where strangeness and ominousness breed.

Finally, they landed, treading on bad soil.

The huge spiritual consciousness of the priest-level creatures spread all over the earth, and they instantly understood the situation here.

They saw the strange army retreating back, hiding in the twists and turns of the world like a mouse hole, as if they knew their arrival.

The two ignored them. No matter how many they killed, it was useless. The most important thing was to solve the ultimate source of the strangeness.

Right now, what they should do most is to resurrect the leader of the Pollen Road and destroy the plan of the Seven Ancestors. They don't need to worry about the rest for the time being.

Therefore, the two ignored the mouse hole and headed straight into the depths of the Eternal Land.

Although they were infinitely far apart, they could vaguely see the vague outline of a huge creature.

That's where the plateau is.

For some reason, the plateau gave people an inexplicable pressure. Even though Chi Cang and Shi Hao were sacrifice-level creatures, they felt heavy in their hearts.

As they moved forward, they discovered large areas of contaminated spiritual particles along the way.

After erasing the weirdness and ominousness, these spiritual particles emitted a brilliant light, which was extremely sacred. There were also various kinds of information hidden in them, and intermittent words came out.

"Cross the Sea of ​​Sacrifice and fight into the bad land..."

"Destroy the weird and restore the light to the world."

"For future generations, the plateau is invincible. Remember, retreat quickly."

Most of the previous words were filled with heroic ambitions, and they had the intention of annihilating the strange ethnic group in one fell swoop.

However, the following words exaggerated an atmosphere of despair, as if this group of people had encountered some catastrophe in the depths of Ertu, constantly reminding latecomers not to try to attack the plateau.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao looked serious and solemn. Through the information and historical fragments hidden in the spiritual particles, they saw a picture of a woman covered in blood and falling down under the siege of three terrifying figures.

If the guess is correct, this is Luo Tianxian's sister, the leader of Huafen Road.

"Let's go. Since those fierce ghosts on the plateau know that we are coming, if they had gathered the number of ten ancestors, they would have killed them long ago. Now that nothing happens, it means that they have not succeeded yet. Now is the best time to rescue Fellow Daoist Luo ." Chi Cang spoke.


Shi Hao nodded.

The two of them moved forward along the spiritual particles scattered on the earth. This was the route that the leader of the Pollen Road led his army to kill. They only needed to follow this road to the end to find Luo Tianxian's sister.

The closer they got to the plateau, the more obvious the inexplicable pressure became, making people feel depressed.

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