The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 548 Shocking change, despair

Suddenly, the plateau that was about to be shattered emitted a huge roar, as if a prehistoric beast had awakened, releasing an extremely terrifying aura that was breathtaking and made both Chi Cang and Shi Hao, who were invincible in the world, feel palpitations.

"This is……"

The two of them did not continue to take action, but looked at the series of shocking changes that happened in front of them with heavy hearts.

The great damage caused by the continuous slashing of sword after sword was actually recovering at a terrifying speed.

The large cracks healed quickly, and the broken plateau was reorganized, quickly becoming complete, and becoming even more majestic.

Not only the three major sacrificial creatures outside the plateau, but also the ancestors dormant deep in the plateau are also shocked and confused.

They only know that the plateau has the effect of resurrection, and, to the exclusion of other creatures except for the strange tribe, they never knew that the plateau has such amazing resilience.

Outside the plateau, Chi Cang and Shi Hao looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the matter.

They had just tried their best to attack the behemoth in front of them, but in the end, not only had they failed to conquer it, but their efforts had also been in vain.

This means that the two of them may not be able to attack this so-called plateau, even if they add the leader of the Pollen Road, they may not be able to attack it.

With the blessing of the plateau, the seven ancestors and three candidates for the ancestors dormant on the plateau can sit back and relax. No one can destroy the plan to return the number of ancestors to "ten".

At this moment, both Chi Cang and Shi Hao felt powerless.

I don’t know where this plateau came from, and even the strongest priests like them can’t break it.

Does it require a power beyond the sacrificial path to crack it?

However, the sacrificial path has come to an end, and with the two of them so stunned, they can't see the way forward.

"I don't believe this place can be restored infinitely. There must be some limit." Shi Hao said.

Then, he and Chi Cang took action again. This time, Empress Huafenlu also came, and the three major sacrificial creatures took action together. Even if the seven ancestors came out together, they would still be defeated.

At the beginning, the progress of the three people was very smooth. The overwhelming attack caused great destruction on the plateau. At one point, they entered the depths of the plateau, and even an ancient coffin with a mouth buried in a strange substance was faintly visible.

However, in the end, the power of plateau recovery appeared again, making all three people's efforts in vain.

"How could this be?"

Chi Cang's expression was extremely serious. If he could not conquer the plateau, he would be in big trouble.

The three people did not believe in evil and pressed the level one after another. However, the result was the same every time. No matter how fiercely they attacked, the plateau could recover as before, as if nothing had happened.

"Haha, Chicang, Huang, Luo, you three, please stop doing useless things. This is the ancestral land of our clan. You can't break it. I advise you to give up and return to the heavens. Wait until our clan has gathered ten I will fight to the death with you, number of ancestors." One of the ancestors said with a smile, and his previously worried heart was relieved.

Chi Cang and the others looked extremely ugly. If they could not conquer the plateau, they would never be able to completely eradicate the strangeness. This was simply unexplainable.

"Is it really necessary to be promoted to the priesthood?"

At this time, at the end of the plateau, wisps of mist rose, mysterious, strange and ominous.

"What are you still hesitating about? If you don't come out and wipe out the three people outside now, how long will it take? If you let them leave safely and use all the power of the world to make another sacrifice, even if you can gather the number of ten ancestors, you can't do it. Not its opponent.”

A loud voice sounded, echoing at the end of the plateau.

The seven ancestors couldn't help but tremble when they heard this. Gao Yuan actually has self-awareness? They have never been discovered before.

For a moment, the hearts of all the ancestors felt cold.

They thought they were the supreme controllers of the plateau, but unexpectedly, the plateau itself was always overlooking everything.

"Are you...the one we have been worshiping?" Ancestor asked tentatively.

"No, the original substance that made you possible was the ashes of a living being. He once lived on this plateau, and finally died on this plateau and was buried here.

One day, the copper coffin in which this man was buried rushed out and his ashes were poured out. His power spread here, creating a plateau that can continuously resurrect people related to him.

You and others have absorbed the so-called original matter and are recognized as part of the power of the plateau, so you can continue to be resurrected. "

Gao Yuan replied, it can be seen that its consciousness is not too complete and is a bit vague, but it can still fully express what it wants to say.

"So that's it." The ancestors suddenly understood everything.

"Okay, you guys take action quickly and wipe out the three people outside the plateau here. Letting them leave like this is tantamount to letting the tiger return to the mountain.

If there is another priest on their side, even if you gather the number of ten ancestors later, you will not be able to do anything to them. "Plateau consciousness urged.

"But seniors, the seven of us alone may not be able to defeat Chi Cang and the others." One of the ancestors said.

"Don't worry, I will use part of my foundation to help you. Now you and I are a community. We are both prosperous and devastated. We must eliminate the biggest variable in ancient and modern times in order to survive. It will be too late."

After saying that, the entire plateau rumbled and shook, terrifying large cracks appeared, mist filled the air, and ancient coffins rose into the air. It was unknown what era they were left behind. They were extremely ancient.

The coffin lid flew up, revealing the rotting corpses in the ancient coffin. Under the covering and infusion of the mighty power of the plateau, these rotting corpses sat up one after another, possessing terrifying power, not inferior to the strange ancestors.

At the same time, the three candidates for the ancestor were also covered by a supreme power. Their power suddenly increased sharply, and they established a connection with the three coffins of the ancestor.

The "ten" count of the ancestor was completed in an instant, and the figure that came out of the ancient coffin summoned by the plateau consciousness also reached the strength of the ancestor level.

In just an instant, the priest-level combat power of the strange side exceeded the number of "ten", which was terrifying.

Although the ten strange ancestors were horrified, the current focus was on killing Chi Cang and the other three, so they did not ask too many questions, but stood together with the rotting corpses.

At this moment, they were full of confidence and were no longer afraid of Chi Cang and the others.


A violent coercion spread from the plateau, covering the Eternal Land, affecting the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, and even affecting the entire world.

Eighteen terrifying figures stood at the end of the plateau, walking towards Chi Cang and the others. They were so powerful that they made people despair.

"Eighteen ancestors? How is it possible?" Chi Cang and the others were shocked. They never thought that the plateau would have such a rich foundation.

Even if they are strong, they cannot fight against so many ancestors.

Even the strange and trembling creatures of the ethnic group in the Ertu were shocked by this scene. The previous ten ancestors were already shocking enough, but now, there are eight more.

"Chi Cang, Huang, Luo, I take back what I just said. You don't have to return to the heavens. Go die now."

The ancestor who spoke before spoke again, but this time, it was full of confidence.

Eighteen priest-level beings attack together, who can resist?

In an instant, the place where the three of them were standing was surrounded, and terrifying figures stood up, exuding fluctuations at the level of a priest.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao looked at each other and knew that they might not be able to leave today.

I thought that the ten ancestors were the source of weirdness and the ultimate power of the weird tribe. Unexpectedly, there was a more terrifying mastermind behind the scenes. No wonder when they stepped into the bad land, the plateau would give people a feeling of depression. No wonder On the plateau, there is always a powerful force of repulsion.

It turns out that the plateau itself already has consciousness, has become a living body, and has a quality above that of a sacrifice.

Although it is just a carrier, lacking combat consciousness and unable to make good use of the power of the sacrifice, it can create ancestor-level combat power.

The eight new ancestor-level beings were created by the plateau using its supreme power.

"Uncle Chi Cang, you go first, I will stop the rear." Shi Hao suddenly spoke, with a sword in his hand, determined to stay and risk his life to cover the retreat of his companions.

"You alone won't be able to last much longer. Fellow Daoist Chicang, when the two of us create a gap, you will rush out and return to the heavens. As long as you are still there, there will be hope in the world." Empress Huafenlu said.

She already knew that Chi Cang had the means to ignore the backlash of cause and effect and could resurrect others, which was equivalent to another plateau. As long as he was still alive, she and Shi Hao had the possibility of resurrection.

"If I can really leave, then I will definitely leave without hesitation. Unfortunately, the other party knows that I am special and will not let me go easily." Chi Cang smiled bitterly.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the ancestor spoke.

"Chi Cang, you are the one who deserves to die the most. You have cultivated ancient, present and future methods that should not have appeared in the world. As long as you are killed, the hope of all heavens will be cut off."

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