The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 550 The whole world is sad

When everything fell silent, Ertu was already torn apart, and countless strange creatures were affected in this sacrificial battle, resulting in heavy casualties.

As many as seven of the strange ancestors have fallen.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao's fatal blows were almost all aimed at the ten ancestors. The eight rotten corpses were only exploded. Under the blessing of the power of the plateau, they were quickly reborn and stood on the broken earth. superior.

The three ancestors who survived by chance looked horrified and frightened for a while, and even the ancient coffins behind them trembled.

Even though the three people did not die, they still suffered heavy losses, their roots were damaged, and they were unable to recover.

"Chi Cang and Huang are too powerful. Fortunately, they have been eliminated. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous." An ancestor whispered.

They felt a lot more relaxed after eradicating their serious troubles. As for Empress Huafenlu who crossed the Sea of ​​Sacrifice and escaped from birth, they didn't really care about it, because compared to Chi Cang and Shi Hao, Empress Huafenlu was better. To deal with them, they have been killed once by the ancestors. Once they recover, they can be killed again without spending much energy.

"The seven ancestors were killed, and only the three new ones like me survived. Counting the three ancestors of our clan who died previously, if all ten ancestors were wiped out.

Chi Cang and Huang, the power of two people can do this, it is really terrifying. "

"Fortunately, everything is over. They will become an immortal and brilliant poem in our lives. Many years later, we may look back and be filled with emotion."

In the end, the three newly promoted ancestors chose to return to the plateau to cultivate and hibernate.

This time they were lucky enough to survive, but they suffered unbearable heavy damage. Even if they forcefully conquer the Huafen Road Empress at this moment, they probably won't be able to take it down.

The plateau consciousness was different. It directly ordered the eight rotting corpses to strangle the escaped Empress Huafenlu.

At this moment, the safest way is to kill all other sacrificial creatures except their camp.

The three ancestors were unable to take action, so the plateau consciousness came on its own. Although it was just a carrier and had no quality above the sacrificial path, it could create ancestor-level creatures and influence the world.


The power of the ancestor was earth-shattering, stirring up the vast sea of ​​sacrifices and affecting the past, present and future.

Eight terrifying figures walked side by side, heading towards the heavens and worlds, as if they wanted to destroy the entire world.

Above the sky, Liu Shen and Chi Xia, as Chi Cang's wife and daughter, had long sensed the news of Chi Cang's accident. At the beginning, the two of them only showed worries. They always thought in their hearts that he was the Thunder Emperor. Will die.

It wasn't until Chi Cang burned everything, struck the most brilliant blow in his life, and then fell into eternal silence that they were convinced that Chi Cang was really dead.

The two of them couldn't believe this was true. He was Chi Cang, the omnipotent Thunder Emperor, who had perfected the laws of the past, present and future, and was able to control the heavens and the earth. How could he die in a battle in a catastrophic land?

However, their tears couldn't stop flowing. Even if they didn't want to believe it, it still couldn't change the facts.


Chixia screamed sadly, Liu Shen's heart was in knots, there was sadness in her eyes, and there was boundless hatred. She wished she could kill to the plateau immediately to avenge her husband.

The same was true for Shi Hao's relatives and friends. Qingyi, Yunxi, Huo Ling'er, Xiao Shitou, etc. all shed tears, and Shi Hao's heroic figure appeared before their eyes.

The Immortal Emperors above the sky also received this news, and they were all grieved. The two leaders of the Sacrifice crossed the Sea of ​​Sacrifice and fought on the Ertu Plateau, but they fell on the cold land, which made people sigh with regret.

He died before leaving the army, which made the hero burst into tears.

"Lord Thunder Emperor, Huang!" The elder Meng Tianzheng's eyes were wet, his hair was rising one by one, and he was furious.

Gu Yi stared blankly at the sea, unable to believe that his master and senior brother would die on the other side of the sea. They were so powerful and had been the beacon on his evolutionary path from beginning to end.

Just when everyone was mourning and weeping, a road made of pollen stretched out, and spiritual particles scattered all over the sky, bringing a glimmer of life to this gloomy world.

Luo Tianxian looked at this scene in surprise. She felt a familiar energy, and the blood in her body echoed it.

"elder sister……"

Luo Tianxian's soft cry made all the immortal emperors stunned. Is the leader of Huafen Road resurrected?

The next moment, a beautiful woman walked back on this road, with tears in her eyes and sadness in her heart.

"After all these years, how are you?" Empress Huafenlu looked at her sister.

Even though Luo Tianxian is already the Immortal Emperor, he still can't help crying when he sees his deceased relatives returning.

Empress Huafenlu looked at the others again and informed them of the situation on Earth.

"Everyone, please go to a place outside the world immediately. Fellow Daoist Chi Cang and Shi Hao sacrificed their lives to buy us a peaceful time. We cannot let it go."

Liu Shen and others were heartbroken and wished they could kill the strange group and burn themselves like Blazing Cang Shi Hao.

However, Empress Huafenlu was right. The two of them sacrificed their lives to gain peace for them. How could they be held responsible?

Everyone had no choice but to go away, using the back-ups left by Chi Cang and Shi Hao, they left the sky one after another and headed for the outside world.

Empress Huafenlu also followed everyone and disappeared into the world.


Not long after everyone left, eight terrifying figures arrived. Just standing in the sky, they caused the avenues to collapse and turn into dust.

On this day, the sky fell again, the dark wind howled, the waves of blood emptied, and all kinds of terrifying visions appeared in an endless stream.

These are eight sacrificial corpses who are spending a lot of effort to deduce the whereabouts of the Huafen Road Empress.

It's a pity that in this world, there is the vast ocean of cause and effect left by Chi Cang and Shi Hao, which blocks all induction.

Unless the ten ancestors unite and temporarily gain power that is almost beyond the sacrifice, and then break through the barrier of cause and effect, the location of the place outside the world can be deduced. Otherwise, the specific coordinates cannot be calculated at all.

In the end, the eight rotting corpses could only die without a cure. After destroying the heavens and many realms of the heavens, they returned to the plateau.

Soon, the strange tribe of people who were huddled in the earth reappeared in the world. This time, they no longer lay dormant and dormant, but expanded aggressively.

The Thunder Emperor and the Huangtian Emperor both died in battle, so naturally there was nothing to worry about.

At the end of the sacrificial sea, a group of creatures covered in strange white matter stood solemnly, looking respectfully at the three figures standing on the altar in the distance.

These are the three surviving ancestors who are going to hold a grand ceremony to repair their injuries.

After some sacrifices, they gained strength from unknown existences and recovered a lot from their severely damaged roots.

"The next era will be the Gray Festival. Go, and when the weeds regenerate, it will be the day of harvest again."

There is an atmosphere of sadness in this foreign land. The news of the death of the two leaders does not require any publicity, and everyone knows it.

The majestic statues of the gods were cracked and broken, and collapsed completely, directly turning into a pair of debris, which meant that the owner of the statues was completely dead, without any trace left.

The whole world grieved together and buried Chi Cang and Huang together. Since they died in the battle on the plateau, there were no remains of the two of them in the heavens. Not even a wisp of ashes was owned. Only some old battle robes they had worn were buried. Take it out and set up a tomb.

A pair of mottled armor, a straw mat stained with blood marks... fell into the eternal coffin amidst endless cries, and were slowly buried. This is the Thunder Emperor's Tomb.

The armor was worn by the Thunder Emperor, and it was once wandering in the world. Later, it returned to the hands of the Thunder Emperor, was shed by him, and was placed in the retreat place. The straw mat was made by the ancestors of the Ancient Immortal Era. When the Thunder Emperor was buried, the container used to hold his body was stained with the Thunder Emperor's blood.

After Chi Cang went to Shicun, this straw mat was placed in Shicun and was not taken out until today.

Shi Hao's place was the clothes he had worn. The three Taoist monks sadly took them out and set up a tomb for them.

The whole world is sad and all souls are mourning together.

On this day, all the creatures in the world shed tears, even the high-ranking Lu Jin and Dao Ancestor.

Ye Fan, Wu Ren, Wu Shi, Di Zun and others looked at the tombs of their predecessors and felt sad.

However, we still have to look forward. Afterwards, Empress Huafenlu gathered all Lujin and Daozu-level creatures together and told them about the battle on the plateau.


When they learned that eighteen ancestors were born at the same time and besieged the three of them, everyone understood why the two leaders were so bloody on the plateau.

Eighteen ancestors, eighteen sacrifices, what kind of terrifying power is this? Just thinking about it is despairing.

"After this battle, we can be sure that our biggest enemy is not the ten ancestors, but the plateau that has self-awareness. Who else can create so many ancestor-level creatures besides the plateau?" Empress Huafenlu said. , making everyone’s hearts sink.

“However, there are still differences between the ancestors it creates and the original ten ancestors.

Only the original ten ancestors can be fused to create a monster that almost surpasses the priesthood. It possesses extremely terrifying power. Even the vast ocean of cause and effect in other places cannot stop the opponent's deduction.

In other words, when the ten strange ethnic groups on the plateau and the ten ancestors appear again, it will be the day when the peace here is broken.

Before that can happen, we must develop the power to counter it. "Empress Huafenlu said worriedly.

"What the seniors said is absolutely true, but to contend with the ten great ancestors and those sacrificial corpses, the number of powerful sacrificial warriors required is staggering. I'm afraid that there won't be enough time and all the worlds will not be able to escape." Immortal Emperor Daoxuan sighed. said.

It is not easy to achieve the Sacrificial Way. From ancient times to the present, there have only been three people, Empress Huafenlu, Chicang and Huang. Of course, there may have been living beings in the ancient past who succeeded, but they have long since died and the Mother Realm has become a part of the Sacrificial Sea. .

"I think the talents of the geniuses in this world are far superior to other eras. It can be called the most splendid golden age. There may be a few priest-level creatures. In short, I hope you will not give up on yourselves and fight hard. To deal with the catastrophe." Empress Huafenlu looked at Meng Tianzheng and others, then at Ye Fan and others, and said with deep meaning.

She naturally saw the extraordinary talents and potential of these people, and there was still hope for the heavens to become stronger again.

Finally, she told some legendary roads and told everyone to take a walk among the geniuses. She hoped that someone would try and pass through. Once someone succeeds, the achievement will be immeasurable.

After the meeting, Ye Fan and others left, not intending to hibernate and recuperate in a place outside the world.

They believe that only the flames of war can baptize the strongest.

"The sages have passed away, and the calamity is high. This time, there is no savior. If you want to live and protect your relatives and the heavens, you can only become the savior." Ye Fan sighed, determined to use the Emperor's Fist to push through this vast world. Troubled times.

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